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online-image-resize.kategorie.cz This one is easy to use because the site will automatically create several sizes of your photo along with dimensions for each resized photo. Just save the one that's labeled "width 640" for the Forum. |
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shrinkpictures.com This one is easy to use because all you need to do is select option #2 which will automatically resize your photos to the correct size for the Forum. |
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resizr.com This one is easy to use because it displays your photo with a slider bar you can use to adjust the photo size, always in the original proportion. You can also simply enter "640" for the width (or the height) and you'll have a correct size photo for the Forum. You can also rotate and/or crop your photos. |
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resize2mail.com This one is easy to use because one option they give you is "I don't care, just make it 50% smaller", which will generally give you the correct size for the Forum. You can also rotate and/or crop your photos. |
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resizeimage.4u2ges.com This one is easy to use because it displays the size of your current photo and when you enter a new dimension it keeps the proportions correct. You can also rotate your photos. |
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picresize.com This one is easy to use because it has a "Quick Resize" function for individual photos and a seperate function to resize multiple photos. The site also includes a 5 minute instructional video that takes you through the process click by click, but it's pretty easy anyway. You can also rotate and/or crop your photos. |
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pxn8.com This one has an easy-to-use menu on the left side of the screen. #1-Select the photo, #2-Select "Resize", #3-Save the resized photo. It displays your photo's current size and keeps the proportions correct as you enter a new size. You can also rotate and/or crop your photos. |
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snipshot.com This one is easy to use because it allows you to visually resize your photo with your mouse all while displaying the photo size as you move. I prefer just to enter the new size, but some members may prefer the graphic interface. You can also rotate and/or crop your photos. |
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bluefive.pair.com/pixresizer.htm PIXresizer is one of the best and easiest photo resizers I've ever used, and it FREE! Works with one or multiple photos. The program makes it easy to resize all your photos with just one click for easy uploading to the Forum. |
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imageresizer.com I've been using ImageResizer myself for several years, and the recent new verison is much faster that the original. |
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irfanview.com A very comprehensive program that appears to work with every file type and to do just about anything you would need to a photo. |
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xemico.com/photogadget This is a Windows Explorer extension that make it very easy to work with your image files directly from within Windows Explorer. |
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Windows XP Image Resizing Power Tool This is Microsoft's FREE program for editing photo files. |
• | Pixel Resizing Instructions |
• | watermarker.com |
• | picture-shark.com |
• | pixelrig.com |
1. | Log In. |
2. | Go to the section and thread where you want to post your photos. |
3. | Select the "Post Reply" link at the top and bottom of the page of reports. |
4. | The program will open a "Submit Report" window. |
5. | Enter a title for your report (optional). |
6. | Enter a title for >Enter your report, or just a few words to describe your photos. |
7. | Scroll down the screen to the "Additional Options" section. |
8. | Select the button labeled "Attach Photos or Files". |
9. | In the popup window, select the "browse" button and then select the image file on your hard drive that you want to upload. |
10. | Continue using the Browse button to select additional image files. |
11. | When you are finished selecting the image file you want to upload, select the button labeled "upload". |
12. | Wait a minute as the image files are uploaded to the Forum's server. The program will advise you when the upload is complete. |
13. | Select the button labeled "Close this window" to close the popup window. |
14. | Review your report and the image files you have selected to post. You can make any changes you wish. |
15. | If everything is okay, select the button labeled "Submit Report". |