A |
AAMP | Apartment Asian Massage Parlor. Based in a residential apartment instead of a commercial storefront. |
AAMP | Asian-American Massage Parlor. This is the politically correct acronym. |
AFF | Adult Friend Finder (a popular USA dating website) |
AFF | Asian Friend Finder (a popular Asian dating website) |
Agency | A company that manages calls, bookings, and advertising for a group of providers. |
Aircon | BBBJ + Hacks (the mints sweet). Scenario: When the maseuse ask,"want aircon?" n if yes, she pop one hacks sweet into her mouth and start blowing. |
Amazon | A tall, strong, often masculine woman. |
AMP | Asian Massage Parlor |
Analinus | Anal Rimming (Oral stimulation of anus) |
Anal Rimming | Oral stimulation of anus. |
Anti-Sex Pervert | These are the "real" perverts, the people who are against the concept of healthy men engaging in sex with willing female partners. |
AR | Anal Rimming (Oral stimulation of anus) |
Around the world | Anilingus and Fellatio. |
Asian | Refers to Anal Rimming |
Asian Cowgirl | Girl on top, squatting. |
AR | Ass Rim, Anal Rimming |
ASAP | As Soon As Possible (not sex related) |
ASP | Adult Service Provider |
ASP | alt.sex.prostitution newsgroup |
ATF | All Time Favorite |
ATM | Ass To Mouth |
Aunt Flo | Menstruation |
B |
Babyback | Petite, young, attractive Asian. |
Bait and Switch | Person who shows up is a different one than advertised. |
Baja Sur | Genitals. From the spanish "the low south". |
Balloons | Breast implants. |
Bareback | Without condom. |
Barracuda | A professional prostitute who's only purpose is to separate you from your money as quickly as possible, preferably without giving you anything in return. |
Batin | (Malaysia) Groin massage, but sometimes means Handjob. |
BBBJ | Bare Back Blow Job (oral sex without condom) |
BBBJTC | Bare Back Blow Job to Completion (oral sex to orgasm) |
BBBJTCWS | Bare Back Blow Job to Completion with Swallowing |
BBBJWF | Bare Back Blow Job With Facial |
BBFS | Bare Back Full Service (sex) |
BBS | Barber Shop |
BBW | Big Beautiful Woman |
BCD | Behind Closed Doors |
BDSM | Bondage, Discipline, Sado-Masochism. |
Beret | A condom. |
Beso Negro | Anal Rimming |
BF | Boy Friend |
BFA | Big Fat Ass |
BFE | Boy Friend Experience |
BGR | Boy-Girl-Relationship |
Birdwatching | BBBJTCWS |
BJ | Blow Job (oral sex on a man) |
BL | Body Lick |
Blackhole | Anus |
BLS | Ball Licking and Sucking |
Blue Pill | Viagra |
Blue Steel | Viagra |
BS | Body slide. Service where woman may slide her body on yours using oil. |
BS | Body Scrub |
BSD | Big Swinging Dick |
BSW | Black Street Walker |
BTW | By the Way |
Butterface | Everything looks good, but her face |
C |
Call Girl | Outcall provider, usually implies agency. |
Cash and Dash | ROB who takes the money and runs |
CBJ | Covered Blow Job (oral sex with a condom) |
CC | Roman Numeral for 200. Roman numerals sometimes used for fees. (Roman Numeral converter) |
CC | Credit Card |
CC Rider | Full service provider costing $200 or less. |
CCL | Concentration Camp Look. |
CD | Cross-dresser: transvestite, a person, and especially a male who adopts the dress and often the behavior typical of the opposite sex especially for purposes of emotional or sexual gratification |
CDS | Covered Doggy Style |
CFF | Chinese Friend Finder (a popular dating website) |
CFM | Come Fuck Me, usually refer to the look of a person. |
CFS | Covered Full Service (sex with condom) |
CG | Call Girls |
CG | Casino Girls |
CG | Club Girls |
CH | Crazy Horse, SF Strip Club |
Cheong | Hokkien word. Originally means Charge. Used as going out for some happening stuff. |
Chump | A man who gives his money and/or his attention to women without getting any pussy in return. Largely a phenomenon experienced by American men when dating American women. Don't be a chump! |
CIM | Cum in Mouth |
Civilian | A woman who makes herself available for sexual encounters but not for financial gain. May be less discreet than a provider and more interested in a relationship. |
CIS | Confederation of Independent States (former Soviet Republics) |
CKT | Char Koay Teow (Local Chinese) |
CL | Craigslist, a popular classified ad website where escorts have been known to advertise and otherwise promote their availability. |
Clockwatcher | A term for a provider who counts the minutes until the session is over. |
CMD | Carpet Matches Drapes (typically a natural blonde) |
CMP | Chinese Massage Parlor |
CMT | Certified Massage Therapist. A professional masseuse. |
COB | Cum on Breast |
COF | Cum on Face |
COH | Cum On Hard |
Collar and Cuffs match | Pubic hair matches natural hair-color (redheads, blondes) |
Commercial Company | Prostitution |
Completion | Orgasm. e.g. She gave a bareback blowjob to completion. |
Completo | Spanish for "complete", usually meaning with or including anal sex. |
COT | Cum On Tits |
Cover | Condom |
Covered | Various measures, such as the use of condoms or dental dams, are taken to avoid diseases (as AIDS) transmitted by sexual contact. (e.g. Covered Blow Job means a condom was used.) |
CHHFS | Covered Half Hour Full Service. |
Cowgirl | CG, girl on top facing you. |
Craigslist | A popular classified ad website where escorts have been known to advertise and otherwise promote their availability. |
Crime scene action | Sexual activity during her period. |
Cruising | Looking for prostitutes while driving. |
Cups of Coffee | Releases |
D |
Dance and Dash | A rip-off. She shows up, takes your money, doesn't provide, might offer to "dance", and leaves. |
Date | A session with a prostitute. |
Date | A man who patronizes prostitutes. |
DATO | Dining at the O, Anilingus, oral stimulation of the anus |
DATY | Dining at the Y (Performing oral sex on a woman) |
DDE | Doesn't Do Extras (PS only) |
DDF | Drug and Disease Free |
DDG | Drop Dead Gorgeous |
DDP | Double Digit Penetration (pussy and anus) |
Deep Throat | Fellatio where the whole length of the penis is "swallowed". |
Defender | A poster who defends or "comes to the rescue" of a provider who has been reviewed poorly, regardless of whether the review is accurate. |
Delta Omega Gamma | DOG. |
Deposit | A provider requires an upfront payment in advance of a session. |
DFE | Dead Fish Experience |
DFF | Dead Fish Fuck |
DFK | Deep French Kissing |
DIA | Date In Asia (a dating website) |
DIY | Do It Yourself (masturbation) |
Doggie | Man behind girl, girl on hands and knees. |
Doggie Style | Man behind girl, girl on hands and knees. |
Donation | Payment to a provider |
Doubles | A threesome with two girls and you |
DP | Double Penetration |
DP | Digital penetration |
DR | The Dominican Rebublic |
DS | Doggy Style |
DSL | Dick Sucking Lips |
DT | Dining at the Toes |
DT | Deep Throat |
E |
ECR | El Camino Real |
Ed Zachary disease | A woman with an unattractive face. |
Ellie | LE, Law Enforcement |
EMA | Extra-Marital-Affairs. Affairs after marriage. |
EMP | European Massage Parlor (white girls) |
English | Spanking, etc. |
Enhancements | Breast implants. |
Envelope | Often cash payments for a provider are placed in an envelope. Rather than handing her cash directly, or discussing money, the envelope is left in a conspicuous location for the provider to pick up as she leaves (outcall), or after the hobbyist leaves (incall). |
EOM | End Of Message |
Escort | A woman who is paid for her companionship. |
Expats | Persons living in countries other than their own citizenship. Generally refers to Americans or Europeans living in other countries. |
F |
Face painting | Man ejaculates on woman's face. |
Facial | Cumming on partner's face |
FBSM | Full Body Sensual Massage |
FFF | Refers to the strategy of "Find them, Fuck them, Forget them" |
FIV | Finger In Vagina |
Five-O | A police officer (uniformed or undercover). |
FJ | Foot job. Stimulation of the penis using feet and toes. |
FJ | Fuck Job |
FK | French Kiss, French Kissing |
FKK | Frei Körper Kultur (German brothel / nudist club) |
FL | Free Lance |
Flake, Flaky | Errant behavior, often used for providers who no-show and/or have scheduling issues. |
FOB | Fresh Off the Boat (Asian immigrant recently arrived in the US) |
FOBU | Fat-Old-Bald-Ugly |
FOTC | Fuck Of The Century |
FOV | Finger Outside Vagina |
FR | Field Report, Fuck Review |
French | Oral sex on either party. |
French Kissing | Kissing on mouth with tongue contact |
French Without | Oral sex without condom |
FS | Full Service (complete sex) |
Full meal deal | Full Service, Vaginal intercourse to completion. |
Full Service | Intercourse |
FUTB | Finger Up The Butt |
H |
Half and Half | Oral sex followed by intercourse. |
Hardwood Floors | Clean shaven pussy. |
Hat | Condom |
HC | Health Center |
HC | High Class |
HE | Happy Ending |
Herb Friendly | Is amenable to marijuana use. |
HHHJ | Half Hearted Hand Job. |
Hidden Charges | A provider takes the advertised fee upfront, but midway through the session she asks for more money for more services. (e.g. She might undress and give a massage for the advertised $$, but then ask for an additional $ for French, or $$ for FS, etc.) |
Hindu Massage (Argentina) | The woman contracts her vaginal muscles during sex to squeeze you to completion. |
HJ | Hand Job |
HM | High Mileage |
HME | Honeymoon Experience (lapdog heaven) |
Hobby, The | The patronizing of prostitutes. |
Hobbyist | A man who patronizes prostitutes. |
Hooker | Prostitute. |
Hostess Club | A lower end strip club where bargaining for sex acts with the dancers is acceptable, and some activities may occur on premises. |
HR | Hand Release (a hand job) |
HSW | Hispanic Street Walker |
HTUMA | Her Tongue Up My Ass = The famed rim job |
HWP | Height and Weight Proportionate |
L |
Lapdog | Person who worships providers to excess. |
L/A/S | Looks/Attitude/Service: A subjective ranking system. Each criteria separately ranked, from lowest (1) to highest (10). Examples: 2/9/8 = Unnattractive, but very friendly and good sex. 10/5/4 = Model material, but a poor attitude, and mediocre sex. |
Landing Strip | Description of pubic hair |
LBFM | Little Brown Fucking Machine |
LC | Local Chinese |
LCN | Latin Chica Network (The chica's mental telepathy network system, which is faster than any electronic network could ever be, although the data does experience major corruption issues during transmissions) |
LE | Law Enforcement |
LEO | Law Enforcement Officer |
LFK | Light Face Kissing |
Little Blue Helper | Viagra |
Little Blue Pill | Viagra |
Little Man in a Boat | Clitoris |
LK | Light Kissing (closed mouth) |
LMP | Licensed Massage Practitioner |
LOL | Laugh Out Loud |
LOS | Land of Smiles (refers to Thailand) |
Lot Lizards | Prostitutes who operate out of truck stops or other trucker hangouts. |
LSB | Lap Sup Bar (low class bar) |
LT | Long Time (usually overnight) |
LTR | Long Term Relationship |
M |
Madame | Proprietress of an agency. |
Mall, Escort Mall | A website that advertises many different providers. The providers may be independent or agency, and may or may not be associated with each other, or with the mall. |
Mamasan | Female manager of a massage parlor. |
Man in a boat | Clitoris |
MBR | Multiple Bell Ringing (MSOG) |
Mediterranean | Anal sex e.g. "She took me on a trip to the mediterranean." |
Merkin | Pubic hair wig. |
MG | Massage Girl |
MIB | Man in blue, law enforcement officer. |
Mileage | A subjective term that describes value for money and/or how accomodating she is. Good mileage usually means she either charges less than average, provides better L/A/S than average, or both. |
MILF | Mother I'd Like to Fuck. |
Mish | Missionary position, Man on top during intercourse |
Missionary | Man on top, girl on back. |
MJ | Massage Job |
ML | Make Love |
ML | Massage Lady |
MMF, MFM, MFF | Threesome designations. e.g. MMF = male, male, female MFF = male, female, female. |
Mohawk | A thin rectangular strip of pubic hair. |
Monger | Short for W h o r e monger. One who frequents prostitutes. See [url=http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=monger]urbandictionary.com[/url] |
MP | Massage Parlor |
MP | Multiple Pops (multiple releases) |
MPA | Massage Parlor Attendant |
MSOG | Multiple Shots on Goal (multiple releases) |
Multiple Pops | She allows you to have more than 1 orgasm during the session (e.g. more than one or multiple pops allowed) |
N |
Nasi Lemak | A Local Malaysian (for Malaysia only) |
Newbie | A novice hobbyist or novice provider. |
NGO | Non-Government Organization |
NGP | Non Genuine Photos |
NL | Nasi Lemak / a Local Malaysian (for Malaysia only) |
NMG | No-Money Guys. Mongers who travel on a strict budget. |
Nooner | A lunch-time or afternoon session, popular with married hobbyists. |
No-Show | Escort or Client never shows up for an appointment, does not contact in advance to cancel or warn. |
No-Touch | No touching allowed. (e.g. No-touch Jack shack, no-touch strip club) |
NQBC | Non-quitter, but covered. CBJ to completion. |
NQBS | Non-quitter, but spitter. BBBJTC and spits your ejaculate. |
NQNS | Non-quitter, non-spitter. BBBJTC and swallows your ejaculate. |
NSA | No Strings Attached. |
O |
O, Os | Orgasm, orgasms. |
Off-the-clock | Activities that occur with a provider that she chooses not to charge for. (e.g. "We had lunch off-the-clock") |
OKP | Or-Kui-Poh - It means a [u]Female[/u] pimp in Hokkien, a Chinese dialect, but sometimes people use OKP/OKT to describe a supervisory person who will guide you in your selection of girls in a spa. |
OKT | Or-Kui-Tao - It means a [u]Male[/u] pimp in Hokkien, a Chinese dialect, but sometimes people use OKP/OKT to describe a supervisory person who will guide you in your selection of girls in a spa. |
OMFIAMP | One Man's Food Is Another Man's Posion, (pronounced "Ohm-Fam") |
ONS | One NightStand |
OTOH | On the Other Hand |
Outcall | The girl comes to your place. |
Out, Outed | Private, personal information on a hobbyist or provider is made public. e.g. Someone's real name and address is posted to a public forum. |
OV | Oralverkehr = Oral Sex (in German) |
OVN | Overnight |
OWO | Oral WithOut a condom |
OWOTC | Oral Without Condom To Completion |
P |
P4P | Pay for Play. Refers to the concept of paying for sex. |
Papasan | Male manager of a massage parlor. |
Papaya Farm | Mook Kua Yuen (Cantonese) means ***** House |
Party Hat | Condom |
PCC | Pak Chiu Cheng, directly translated it means "Fire hand gun", a hokkien term for masturbation |
PDMM | Pei Du Ma Ma, PRC study mama. Mothers from Commie China that are in Singapore to supposedly look after their Children who are studying in the country. However, many of them provide sexual services to earn some money on the side. |
Pearl Necklace | Man ejaculates on woman's neck and/or chest |
PFF | Pussy For Free (A non-existant fantasy) |
Pimp | A man who solicits clients for a prostitute. |
Pinay | a Philippine Girl. |
PIV | Penis in Vagina |
PL | Pathetic Loser |
PM | Private Message sent via the Forum's Private Message service. |
PO | Phone Operator |
POF | Plenty of Fish |
Pooner | A hobbyist who is immersed in the hobby culture. e.g. He may be very involved with the review boards and/or private exchange of information on providers and the hobby. |
Pops, multiple | She allows you to have more than 1 orgasm during the session (e.g. more than one or multiple pops allowed) |
POS | Pussy on the Side |
PRC | Women from the [u]P[/u]eople's [u]R[/u]epublic of [u]C[/u]hina |
Provider | Prostitute |
PS | Private Show (Dance) |
PSE | Porn Star Experience |
Punter | British slang for a man who engages in sex with prostitutes. |
PV | Private Viewing (Dance) |
PW | Pussy Wipped (A guy controlled by a girl because she gives him sex) |
R |
R & T | Rub and Tug (a massage followed by a hand job) |
RA | Relaxation Assistant |
Raincoat | Condom |
RAW | Sex without condom |
RCA | Reverse Cowgirl Anal |
REQ | Request - Used in the subject line of a post to indicate the body contains a request for information. |
REV | Review - Used in the subject line of a post to indicate the body contains review of a provider. |
Reverse Cowgirl | Girl on top facing away. |
Reverse Half and Half | Intercourse followed by oral sex to completion. |
Reverse Massage | You massage her. |
Review | A critical evaluation of a provider. May include information on her looks, attitude and service. |
Reverse Oral | The client performs oral sex on the provider. |
Rimming | Analingus |
RLD | Red Light District |
RMP | Russian Massage Parlor |
ROB | Rip Off B i t c h |
ROFLMAO | Rolling On (the) Floor Laughing My Ass Off! |
Roman | An orgy situation. |
RTF | Return To Fuck |
RTFF | Read the Fucking Forum |
Russian | Penis between breasts |
Russian | In Australia: Short sex session, aka a "Quickie" |
S |
Safe | Sexual activity in which various measures, such as the use of condoms or dental dams, are taken to avoid disease (as AIDS) transmitted by sexual contact. e.g. All activities were safe. |
San Juan Capistrano | BBBJTC and she swallows. |
Sandbag, Sandbagger | A subjective term for a review (or reviewer) that misleads the reader by giving unwarranted praise to a provider. |
Sans | Without. e.g. She provided french sans beret = BBBJ |
SC | Strip Club |
Screening | A provider or agency does a pre-session background check on a new client. |
Self-post | A provider or agency poses as a hobbyist, and posts a highly positive review of herself or agency to increase business. |
Self-Service | Masturbation. e.g. "It was a self-service jack shack" = no contact with the dancer, but the man can masturbate. |
Sensual Massage | Not usually full service; expect only massage (usually nude or topless) and handjob, but more services might be available. |
Session | Paid time spent with a provider. |
Sex Worker | Catch all phrase sometimes used to describe prostitutes. May also be used in the context of strippers, peep show workers, topless waitresses. |
SFH | Sex for hire. |
SG | Street Girls |
Shemale | Transexual, particularly one who is living as a woman, but hasn't had SRS. Penis may or may not get erect. |
Shill | An insider posing as a satisfied customer. |
Shill | A hobbyist who writes unwarranted positive reviews in exchange for discounts or special favors from an agency or provider. |
Shots on goal | Shot On Goal (one release) |
Sixty Nine, 69 | Partners perform oral sex on each other simultaeneously. |
Slam, Slammed | An unwarranted harsh review or abusive criticism of a provider. |
SO | Significant Other |
SOG | Shot On Goal (one release) |
SOP | Stantard Operating Procedure |
Soixante neuf | 69: Partners perform oral sex on each other simultaeneously. |
SOMF | Sat On My Face |
SOP | Standard Operating Procedure |
South of the Border | Gential Region |
Southern France | BBBJ |
SP | Service Provider |
Spanish | ATM Ass to Mouth |
Spanish | In Australia: Penis between breasts |
Spinner | Very petite, thin girl. |
Squirting, Squirter | Female ejaculation, a provider who ejaculates |
SR | Sky River (for Malaysia only) |
SRS | Sexual reassignment surgery |
ST | Short Time |
STD | Sexually Transmitted Disease |
Sting | A female police officer poses as a prostitute to apprehend unsuspecting johns, or a male police officer poses as a john to apprehend unsuspecting prostitutes. |
STR | Short Term Relationship |
Street action | Prostitution that is solicited on public streets. Prostitutes (usually on foot) are picked up by Johns in motor vehicles. Sexual acts may occur in the vehicle, or at another agreed upon location. |
Stroll | Path frequented by street walkers. |
Summer Teeth | Her teeth, some are there, some are not. |
Sunshine, Sunny | Without a condom (i.e. No raincoat) |
SW | Street Walker |
SW | Sex Worker |
Sybian | A mechanical sex device that is in the shape of half-barrel with a dildo attachment mounted in the middle. |
SYT | Sweet Young Thing |
T |
Take care of business | Payment is made to provider. e.g. "She wanted to take care of business first" |
TAMP | Therapeutic Asian Massage Parlor |
TCSS | Talk Cock Sing Song |
Teabag | Man squats and dips balls in partner's mouth. |
TG | Transgender |
TGTBT | Too Good To Be True |
THJ | Topless Hand Job |
Throne Job | Self-service hand job. Refers to an establishment that doesn't offer FS. The premises will only have a large chair or "throne" for you to sit on and masturbate while the woman dances for you. |
Tipping required | Hidden charges, provider demands more than the advertised price in order to perform, or bargains hard for various services. |
TJ | Tijuana |
TLL | Thai Love Links (a dating website) |
TLN | Toda La Noche ("All the Night" in Spanish) |
TOB | Tug on Balls |
TOFTT | Take one for the team. In reference to a new, non-reviewed provider. |
Took one for the team | A hobbyist reviews a provider who has no (or scattered) reviews. He was ripped off, or his experience was very poor. Ostensibly, he has helped save other members of the community (the team) from making the same mistake. |
TOS | Take Out Service |
Tossing Salad | analingus |
TP | Tanning Parlor or Tanning Place |
Translation, translator | Condom i.e. "She spoke fluent french without a translator" = BBBJ |
Tri-F | A devotee to the "Find them, Fuck them, Forget them" strategy |
Trick | A sex act for money. |
Trick | A man who patronizes prostitutes. |
Troll | Rude and hideous person |
Trolling | Posting thinly disguised ads in a discussion forum. |
Trolling | The act of driving around looking for a prostitute. |
TS | Table Shower |
TS | Transexual |
TTA | Tight Tan Ass |
Tuft | Description of pubic hair. |
TUMA | Tongue Up My Ass |
Turn tricks | Prostitution |
TV | Transvestite |
TVSW | Transvestite Street Walker |
Two Call System | For incall locations. Your first call is to set up the time and get the general directions on where to park. Your second call is made when you arrive to get the specific address / room number. |
W |
WAH | From Wahei: peaceful, harmonious and calm (Japanese) |
WAH | Wild Ass Humping |
Weeklies | Alternative weekly newspapers. These often contain various adult service listings, including massage and escort advertisements. e.g. The Village Voice, San Francisco Bay Guardian, The Stranger. |
WF | Wild Fuck |
WG | Working girl. A prostitute. |
White Knight | A poster who defends or "comes to the rescue" of a provider who has been reviewed poorly, regardless of whether the review is accurate. |
Whor*monger | One who habitually patronizes prostitutes. See [url=http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=*****monger]urbandictionary.com[/url] |
With | With condom (e.g. French with = CBJ) |
Without | Without condom. (e.g. French without = BBBJ) |
WIR | Would I Repeat, Would I Return, Would I Recommend |
WL | Working Lady |
WOA | Word of Advice |
Working girl | A prostitute. |
WSW | White Street Walker |
WTF | What the Fuck? |
WYSIWYG | Pronounced "Wizzy Wig". What You See Is What You Get. Computer Geek Speek. |
Regional Abbreviations |
B | Baltimore, MD - Brooklyn |
BCB | Baltimore, MD - Brooklyn, Curtis Bay |
BKK | Bangkok, Thailand |
CB | Baltimore, MD - Curtis Bay |
CR | Brooklyn IL - Collinsville Road, a stroll area between Washington Park, East St. Louis and Brooklyn, Illinois. It is also listed as 9th street on some signs, but all the locals know it as Collinsville Road. |
DP | Nashville, TN - Dickerson Pike |
FH | Baltimore, MD - Fairhaven |
FIB | Atlanta, GA - Fulton Industrial Blvd |
FP | Madrid, Spain - Flowers Park at Rosa de Lima 2, Las Rozas |
JKT | Jakarta, Indonesia |
MBR | Nashville, TN - Murfreesboro Rd |
OB | San Diego, CA - Ocean Beach |
OBT | Orlando, FL - Orange Blossom Trail |
PB | San Diego, CA - Pacific Beach |
PCH | San Diego, CA - Pacific Coast Highway |
PP | Baltimore, MD - Patterson Park |
PT | Waikiki, HI - "Pine Tree", a relaxation business located at 835 Keeaumoku Street. |
German Abbreviations |
AO | alles ohne (Kondom, auch GV) |
ASA | Analspiele aktiv |
A | Adultbabies |
ASP | Analspiele passiv |
AST | After-Sex-Talk (Nachgespräch) |
AV | Analverkehr |
Bade | Badespiele |
BC | Bordellcommunity |
Begl | Begleitung |
Bi | Bisexuell |
BiFi | BilligFicker |
Bond | Bondage |
BSS | Bonner Straßenstrich |
Dom | Dominant |
DS | Dildospiele |
DT | Deep Throat |
DV | Dolce Vita, Düsseldorf |
EC | Eroscenter |
EL | Eierlecken |
Erz | Erziehung |
F | Französisch |
FA | Fingeranal |
FAA | Faustanal Aktiv |
FAP | Fautanal Passiv |
FE | Fußerotik |
FEE | Für Einsteiger Empfehlenswert |
FF | Faustfick oder Fußfetisch |
FO | französisch ohne Gummi |
Foto | Fotofreundlich |
FP | Lecken |
FRZ | französisch |
FS | Fesselspiele |
FT | französisch total (Mundaufnahme mit/ohne Schlucken) |
GB | Gesichtsbesamung oder Gang Bang |
GF6 | Girlfriendsex (Sex wie mit der eigenen Freundin) |
GV | Geschlechtsverkehr |
HE | Handentspannung |
HG | HeavensGate, Dorsten |
HH | Hausbesuche |
HM | Hodenmassage |
HP | Homepage |
IR | IllusionsRealisation |
KB | Körperbesamung |
KFI | Keine finanziellen Interessen (wer´s glaubt... ) |
KSS | Kölner Straßenstrich |
KV | Kaviar |
LuL | Lack & Leder |
Miller | Tittenfick |
MuF | Muschifingern |
NS | Natursekt |
NSA | NS aktiv |
NSmA | NS mit Aufnahme |
NSP | NS Passiv |
ÖM | Ölmassage |
OV | Oralverkehr |
OW | Oberweite |
PHG | Planet Happy Garden |
PST | Pre-Sex-Talk (Vorgespräch) |
PT | Partytreff, manchmal auch Partnertausch |
Reise | Urlaubsbegleitung |
RO | ReadOnly (=Nurleser) |
RS | Rollenspiele |
RTC | Rote-Teppich-Clubs, Ruhrgebiet |
SM | Sado/Maso |
Spa | Spanisch |
SpZK | Spezial oder Sperma ZK |
SS | Spucke |
SS | Straßenstrich |
Strip | Striptease |
SÜD | Samenüberdruck |
TA | TopAct |
Telesex | Telefonsex |
TF | Tittenfick |
TS | Transsexuelle |
VB | Verkehrsberichte |
Verbal | Verbalerotik |
ZA | Zungenanal |
ZK | Zungenküsse |