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  1. #20925

    Nighttime cruising help

    Many nights now I've been cruising between the hours of 9 pm -12 am from 112 up to 79 and I don't see SW like before. I've been from 12 Ave to 17 to 27 to 32 aves especially between 46 to 54 and 62, I remember usually having to pick, choose and refuse. Are my hours just off, or my locations or are the streets just getting dry too?

  2. #20924


    She has a site https: irina360 . Com / enjoy.

  3. #20923
    Quote Originally Posted by HDMurdock  [View Original Post]
    Is this the Irina you are talking about?
    Def not this Irina lmao my heart kinda sinked and I had to go search for my self. Here is the link.

    florida .arrests .org/ Arrests/ Irina_Chukisova_58005292/

    Funny thing: Bond was $1.

  4. #20922
    Quote Originally Posted by QbertJAdams  [View Original Post]
    Hey gents! I just noticed this WSW in the funny pages on 12/6/23, and it turns out that she was the Belarus women's national soccer team in 2015. Has anyone had her services? I found out this information, because she looked almost identical to one of the women I see in my neighborhood and I wanted to verify if it was her. I'm a Broward monger mainly, but I wouldn't mind trying out a new stroll. Be safe.

    Is this the Irina you are talking about?

  5. #20921

    Irina C

    Yes. Her glamour shot is at Florida. Arrest. Org, under Irina C, on 12/6/23. I wasn't sure if I could actually post the link from the funny page itself. Also, here's a link to her soccer team photo. I hope that helps. I wouldn't mind trying her out.

  6. #20920


    Quote Originally Posted by QbertJAdams  [View Original Post]
    Hey gents! I just noticed this WSW in the funny pages on 12/6/23, and it turns out that she was the Belarus women's national soccer team in 2015. Has anyone had her services? I found out this information, because she looked almost identical to one of the women I see in my neighborhood and I wanted to verify if it was her. I'm a Broward monger mainly, but I wouldn't mind trying out a new stroll. Be safe.

    Can you post a picture of her or a link to the funny page so we see how she looks like.

  7. #20919


    Hey gents! I just noticed this WSW in the funny pages on 12/6/23, and it turns out that she was the Belarus women's national soccer team in 2015. Has anyone had her services? I found out this information, because she looked almost identical to one of the women I see in my neighborhood and I wanted to verify if it was her. I'm a Broward monger mainly, but I wouldn't mind trying out a new stroll. Be safe.


  8. #20918
    Does anyone have any info on the areas by homestead? Like where they hang out.

  9. #20917


    Hey fellow Mongers, Is Barbie still walking on Unity? I know and have read that you will be able to find her on some nights and during the day but it all depends. I've read that it's 50/50 with her due to her behaviour and it being tied to the candy (at times she's good and other times she isn't! I'm talking about the Famous Barbie that used to be in the Trailers (that got demolished) with the nice big juggs that plenty of you BBFSCIP. Is she still around and if she is, where can I find her? Any info will help!

  10. #20916
    Quote Originally Posted by LuvAJunk  [View Original Post]
    I was hunting this past morning before the sunrise after a party, cruising University I saw some dead walkers it seems. When by the 112 house and saw some mongers with there prize walking out and I'm getting ready to call it quit on my scavenge hunt. Decide to gas up the Chervon and see fresh girl. Fresh I mean she looked clean, clean clothes, clean skin and coherent walk. She smile at me and I smile back and walks up to me. We started sweet talking and tells me she needs a ride as of to feel me up some more on my plans. As I'm driving she said she horny, shows me her pineapples as I'm pulling in the lot of a dollar store. I start pulling me pants down and she grabs for it and didn't mention any dead president deals. Good skills and tell he to go deep and slow as I'm getting a good amount of pre baby batter in her mouth. As I was getting a good nut, she kept going and spitting galore that kept me going. What a drain, gave her a dead Jackson and some Washington's as an appreciation. She told me she just out here for a few and has no phone, bummer.

    Would repeat, Happy Holidays.
    Nice report. I tried to DM you but your inbox is full, had a quick question. Hit me up however you can.

  11. #20915

    Scored gasing up at the Chevron

    I was hunting this past morning before the sunrise after a party, cruising University I saw some dead walkers it seems. When by the 112 house and saw some mongers with there prize walking out and I'm getting ready to call it quit on my scavenge hunt. Decide to gas up the Chervon and see fresh girl. Fresh I mean she looked clean, clean clothes, clean skin and coherent walk. She smile at me and I smile back and walks up to me. We started sweet talking and tells me she needs a ride as of to feel me up some more on my plans. As I'm driving she said she horny, shows me her pineapples as I'm pulling in the lot of a dollar store. I start pulling me pants down and she grabs for it and didn't mention any dead president deals. Good skills and tell he to go deep and slow as I'm getting a good amount of pre baby batter in her mouth. As I was getting a good nut, she kept going and spitting galore that kept me going. What a drain, gave her a dead Jackson and some Washington's as an appreciation. She told me she just out here for a few and has no phone, bummer.

    Would repeat, Happy Holidays.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 20231224 27 AVE SW ADRIANA.JPG‎  

  12. #20914
    Quote Originally Posted by TheOriginal  [View Original Post]
    She is very slim and cracked out. Not a great date for me. She can be found behind that complex that's next to the gas station chevron..
    That "complex" behind the Chevron is the 112 House. Take your next gem there, around back, park, go to the back door. One hour, the rate was just 17 last time I was there, so bring a 20 and they'll show you to a room. Lock the door and have fun.

  13. #20913


    She is very slim and cracked out. Not a great date for me. She can be found behind that complex that's next to the gas station chevron.


    Quote Originally Posted by HaitianDaddy  [View Original Post]
    I've heard a lot of mongers write their experiences with Honduras. Question: Is she still in the game and also how does she look if any mongers have a picture of her. Only thing I've read was that she was always on Unity.

  14. #20912


    Is Barbie still walking on Unity? I know and have read that you will be able to find her on some nights and during the day but it all depends. I've read that it's 50/50 with her due to her behavior and it being tied to the candy (at times she's good and other times she isn't! I'm talking about the Famous Barbie that used in the Trailers with the nice big juggs that plenty of you BBFSCIP. Is she still around and if she is, where can I find her?

  15. #20911


    I've heard a lot of mongers write their experiences with Honduras. Question: Is she still in the game and also how does she look if any mongers have a picture of her. Only thing I've read was that she was always on Unity.

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