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  1. #369

    Managing the Risk

    I think the most important factor by far is setting expectations with the girl before the pussy is accessed. I make sure they know I'm not free and also that I won't take care of all their needs. Be explicit in a polite way. Offer directly or indirectly to back off, walk away and give up access to her pussy if she did not previously understand or cannot accept what you say. This makes it much easier later when she asks for more. Just say, sorry no. You have to do all this with a smile and with tenderness though, not as some hard ass. At least thats what I do. So far its worked ok.

  2. #368

    The Risk is Real

    Quote Originally Posted by Literal2  [View Original Post]
    Harvesting sugarbaby pussy is like mongering, there is always a level of risk. All you can do is to reduce it as much as you can but unless you give up the pussy, some risk will always remain. How to reduce risk? Well, start by setting the girl's expectations correctly, always treat her right, and make it hard for her to find you when you don't want to be found.

    I've had several girls ask for extra help. One just told me I wasn't giving her enough sugar and dumped me. It wasn't a problem, I had accessed her vagina from her clit to her cervix as much as I desired and was chasing other girls anyway. A second sb always had her hand out for more. I like her and went along for a while but then just said, sorry can't do it and reset to the original deal. It didn't affect my ability to release semen inside her pussy at all. Another is really broke and trying to keep up a suburban housewife lifestyle with big car and tvs etc. I haven't seen her for months but she still occasionally asks for money. I just say no, but try to be sympathetic. In any case I've tried to keep her from knowing enough about me to cause trouble.

    You guys must have had similar experiences.
    Of course. It comes with the territory. When you see a escort you're not expecting to hear from her again unless you call. No texts, no emails (unless to let you know she's back in town) and for sure no requests for more sugar; but she is not fresh. If she hasn't been around the block a few times she's at least firmly headed in that direction.

    The SB on the other hand has the allure of freshness. The kind of girl we would go after if we were thirty years younger and had maintained our bodies. Regardless of their age we expect them not to be jaded. That when we look in their eyes, all the lights are still on. So we spend the time in the SB fields trying to harvest (love that term) the ones that catch our attention. The emails; the phone calls; the meet and great meeting; the false starts; the will-she-won't she. And that's before you've even got the pussy; which you may not get!

    After you get the pussy comes the real risk that others have talked about. Those risks are real. My CSB2, after giving up the pussy, started texting me the next day for money to go shopping. This went on for about three days. Needless to say I dropped her immediately. (Tiger rule violation) CSB6, after being happy with the sugar, wanted interim payments and sent me several emails with her requests. It comes with the territory.

    I wasn't quite sure what to expect when I started down the SB path but what I found is, when it works, I love the fresh!

  3. #367


    Quote Originally Posted by Magic Rat  [View Original Post]
    I've had exactly what you describe with one sb. The one I mentioned having some trouble getting rid of. The first 2-3 times were what we're looking for. Fun, good sex, no drama. This is also the only local sb I've seen. Then it started. Will you get me a pack of cigarettes and drop them by my house? I need to buy a book for school, I'm behind in my daycare payments but I promise I'll fuck you for free for 2 weeks all you want (which never happened of course). When I cut her off, she threatened me with blackmail basically. I took a deep breath and just told her we were done and she had to do whatever she had to do. Told her I wasn't responsible for her financial troubles and it had ceased to be fun for me. Fortunately I haven't heard from her in several months so I think I'm in the clear on that one.

    It goes without saying gents, be careful out there. While some of us do have conversations with our sbs, don't give up too much information where they can find you. Use a throwaway cell phone, pay for meals in cash. More than once I've paid with a credit card and the "friendly" server when he brings the check has said "thank you and have a good day Mr. Rat". Bingo! Now they know you're name assuming you use your real first name. Probably better not to even do that. As our friend Literal said, there's always risk unless you want to give up the (strange) pussy, and I'm not ready for that as I'm currently working on harvesting 2 new sbs, and have another one I've seen a couple times that is so hot to trot it's ridiculous. The good part about that is I don't really give a shit if the other 2 work out or not as I have options. Kind of like going to a strip club for a drink and to look at naked women, knowing you're going to get some pussy in an hour or so from a sb / escort.
    I learned from experience that you don't want to even start down the road of "extras." Keep it to a strict arrangment and don't slip no matter how tempted you get.

    I got started because she seemed to legitimately need a few things. She was so sweet and precious that I thought,"what the hell?" Then, it became more-demanding. When I finally ended it she started with the threats. It got to a point where she saw my car parked at a store and put a note under my windshield wiper. If I had a girlfriend or wife that would have been horrific.

    Luckily, she got bored or found a new fish. But for a few weeks I was pretty worried.

    So, the advice is to just keep it on the surface! Stay away from getting to know these broads. They are out to get paid and you are out to get laid. When you take it deeper than that you get screwed, but not in the bed.

  4. #366


    I've had exactly what you describe with one sb. The one I mentioned having some trouble getting rid of. The first 2-3 times were what we're looking for. Fun, good sex, no drama. This is also the only local sb I've seen. Then it started. Will you get me a pack of cigarettes and drop them by my house? I need to buy a book for school, I'm behind in my daycare payments but I promise I'll fuck you for free for 2 weeks all you want (which never happened of course). When I cut her off, she threatened me with blackmail basically. I took a deep breath and just told her we were done and she had to do whatever she had to do. Told her I wasn't responsible for her financial troubles and it had ceased to be fun for me. Fortunately I haven't heard from her in several months so I think I'm in the clear on that one.

    It goes without saying gents, be careful out there. While some of us do have conversations with our sbs, don't give up too much information where they can find you. Use a throwaway cell phone, pay for meals in cash. More than once I've paid with a credit card and the "friendly" server when he brings the check has said "thank you and have a good day Mr. Rat". Bingo! Now they know you're name assuming you use your real first name. Probably better not to even do that. As our friend Literal said, there's always risk unless you want to give up the (strange) pussy, and I'm not ready for that as I'm currently working on harvesting 2 new sbs, and have another one I've seen a couple times that is so hot to trot it's ridiculous. The good part about that is I don't really give a shit if the other 2 work out or not as I have options. Kind of like going to a strip club for a drink and to look at naked women, knowing you're going to get some pussy in an hour or so from a sb / escort.

  5. #365

    Risks / Entanglement

    Harvesting sugarbaby pussy is like mongering, there is always a level of risk. All you can do is to reduce it as much as you can but unless you give up the pussy, some risk will always remain. How to reduce risk? Well, start by setting the girl's expectations correctly, always treat her right, and make it hard for her to find you when you don't want to be found.

    I've had several girls ask for extra help. One just told me I wasn't giving her enough sugar and dumped me. It wasn't a problem, I had accessed her vagina from her clit to her cervix as much as I desired and was chasing other girls anyway. A second sb always had her hand out for more. I like her and went along for a while but then just said, sorry can't do it and reset to the original deal. It didn't affect my ability to release semen inside her pussy at all. Another is really broke and trying to keep up a suburban housewife lifestyle with big car and tvs etc. I haven't seen her for months but she still occasionally asks for money. I just say no, but try to be sympathetic. In any case I've tried to keep her from knowing enough about me to cause trouble.

    You guys must have had similar experiences.

  6. #364

    That is the biggerst risk

    Quote Originally Posted by Golfcart  [View Original Post]
    With all the reports coming out of the woodwork I'm surprised someone hasn't mentioned a SB hitting one of us up for a loan / advance / whatever as in, "Honey, I'm a little short this week."
    That is the biggest risk of a sb / sd entanglement that once they get some leverage, they decide to attempt to use that leverage wisely. I know some of you play several hours away from home, but lets face. That distance is a phone call away. Not far enough, in other words.

    So no tales of whoa in that regard from the group, and I am surprised by this. Of course also pleased that no one has had to go there at the same time. This may speak well of how you gents play your hands with the sb's.

  7. #363

    This board is really good.

    With all the reports coming out of the woodwork I'm surprised someone hasn't mentioned a SB hitting one of us up for a loan / advance / whatever as in, "Honey, I'm a little short this week."

  8. #362

    Advance Sugar Discussions

    This thread keeps getting better and better. It seems we have similiar experiences with the sb's and advance sugar discussions.

    I've had longer term "relationships" with 2 sbs so far, not counting my couple of stripper / sbs. I'll steal Literal's idea of a list, although mine will be in order of favorites:

    SB1-this wasn't her first rodeo. We chatted a lot on the computer before meeting and absolutely knew where the process was heading. She's the only sb I've met in the hotel room first. Our chat was one of those deals where who is going to make the first move and throw out a number. I relented but gave a range for a regular meet and a higher sugar amount for an overnighter. She told me her minimum was the overnight rate I quoted. That ended up one of several overnights with her resulting in her being my atf sb. Multiorgasmic, squirter, sex freak. Most meetings took place at her house so no hotel $. Too bad she found a regular guy and got married.

    SB2-we met for lunch, drinks, get to know you time. She casually made mention of a Days Inn up the street, then turned the topic to sugar. Her sugar contribution ended up being my standard amount as it turns out, although she was only the second sb I had seen at the time. After one time at the hotel, all future meetings were at her place. I saw her off and on for about a year and a half until she moved 500 miles away.

    SB3-and current favorite. We met for the get acquainted meeting, where she said she had never actually done the deed with a sd. No discussion at all of sugar and we end up in a hotel room. At the end she asked if I was going to give her anything. Of course I said and gave her my standard amount for a multipop, multi hour date. I guess it worked because she texted me a few days later asking when we could meet again. This one is still in process. Could be awesome, could be over after 2 trips to the F Chamber.

    SB4-met for lunch, walked out to car and she asks how I thought it went. Next thing I know her big tits are crushed up against my chest and her tongue is down my throat. End up at nearby hotel, no advance discussion of sugar. All events were quicker than my favs above so she got less sugar. Ended up she wanted an ATM more than a fuck buddy so she was dropped rather quickly, although it wasn't that easy getting rid of her.

    SB5-the youngest I've met so far. Mid 20s and very pretty. Met for lunch and drinks, no discussion of sugar. Met a couple weeks later in hotel and I gave her my quickie sugar rate in her jeans pocket. We met one more time and she was expecting way more sugar than I was willing to pay or she deserved based on her service level. GPS.

    All the others-4 total. Met for lunch / drinks, proceeded to hotel for fairly uneventful time, gave them all my quickie rate and never saw or contacted them again. No advance sugar discussions and put the sugar in pants pocket or open purse at the end.

    I guess the point is, there is no one way this Sugarbaby deal works. My favorite mentioned sugar upfront, most of them haven't. I've only had the one disappointed in the amount of sugar and I'm not a high roller by any means. I enjoy this way more than escorts as in general I find the sbs appreciate the $ and sex more, and some are actually much wilder than escorts. Plus once you've arrived at the proper amount of sugar, the monetary aspect is quite minor to the experience.

  9. #361

    This is really good. There are a lot of lessons here.

    Quote Originally Posted by Literal2  [View Original Post]
    Sb3. Mailed her a little sugar, met her in public a month after initial email, she came to fucking chamber three months later after discussing sugar.
    Sugar in advance told Sb3 that Literal2 was not a tire kicker. Not coming to the chamber for three months after their public meeting told him she wasn't ready and needed time to take the step, but he didn't know that when they met in public. It was probably her first time. Literal2 was patient and letting her move to him was the key. He didn't push on a string. I'm betting she had many opportunities and chose him because he let her control what she chose and when she chose it. This is the only way that works.

    But sugar in advance can backfire with a girl who has not yet faced the reality of what is going on. It is a visual reference at a time of internal conflict. She has to be the one to bring it home in her own time and in her own way. I think it is better to have no hobby talk at anytime under any circumstance, no preview of coming attractions. Talk about what we would talk about if we found ourselves sitting next to each other on an airline flight. Treat her like a guy.

    I've had only one situation where a public meeting worked into the situation. It was reasonably early. I asked if she had breakfast. She didn't want anything but coffee. I ordered breakfast myself. She did the talking. I did the listening. About half way through she was eating off my plate. Leaving I said I needed to find a gas station. She said she did also. This was her area so I followed her. At the pump I entered my credit card for her and didn't say a word. I think not saying a word is important. That was the circumstance of sugar in advance and describes the type of safe way I have in mind.

    Quote Originally Posted by Literal2  [View Original Post]
    Sb12. Heavy negotiations over sugar by multiple emails broken off by me, a month later met at fucking chamber.
    Sb12 clearly took the step from friends with benefits to fucking for money before Literal2 arrived on the scene. But she unfortunately appears to be afflicted with the golden pussy syndrome. Literal2 won the only way, by breaking things off to let her try her other prospects. There's no future with a girl so afflicted. The price of gold just keeps rising. Second, we never win when we win in negotiating with a woman. Both must be happy or nobody is happy. I bet he's not seeing her any more for this reason. Note: The syndrome doesn't mean her pussy really is better. It means she thinks it is. Note: I think I know her. Is she is a realtor. 35, beautiful and tight? Nice time. No future.

    Quote Originally Posted by Literal2  [View Original Post]
    Of course they could always walk away if they wanted to. (edit delete) But they don't walk away. They have orgasms.
    They don't walk away when they are given the choice to stay, when they don't feel trapped. She had a good time because she felt safe with Literal2. She was on her own terms. She could have left without fear of exposure. If it were otherwise none of this would have happened.

  10. #360

    Sugaring Babies

    Do you have to offer sugar in advance to fuck a sugarbabe? My experience is not usually.

    Of the 12 sb's I've fucked from the website during the current program, here's how the data break down:

    Sb1. Picked her up at her home the day after initial email, drove to fucking chamber, no discussion of sugar in advance.

    Sb2. Met for coffee 3 days after initial email, gave her little sugar, fucked at her home a week later, no discussion of sugar in advance.

    Sb3. Mailed her a little sugar, met her in public a month after initial email, she came to fucking chamber three months later after discussing sugar.

    Sb4. Met for pre-fuck lunch a week after initial email, discussed sugar in advance, fucked at her home.

    Sb5. She asked about sugar in initial email, gave her full sugar in advance at her home, she declined FS but offered BJ, I walked out, fucked her later for more sugar (worst deal yet).

    Sb6. Met at fucking chamber two days after initial email, no advance discussion of sugar.

    Sb9. Met momentarily at a bar six weeks after initial email, met at fucking chamber one week later, no advance discussion of sugar.

    Sb11. Met at fucking chamber three months after initial email, no advance discussion of sugar.

    Sb12. Heavy negotiations over sugar by multiple emails broken off by me, a month later met at fucking chamber.

    Sb14. Met at fucking chamber two days after initial emai, no advance discussions of sugar.

    Sb16. Met briefly at bar near fucking chamber before entering fucking chamber and fucking within a week of initial email, no advance discussion of sugar.

    Sb18. Met at fucking chamber a few days after inital email, no advance discussion of sugar.

    I declined to fuck two girls. SB8 met me at her home within a few days of inital email, I had her spread her pussy and took pix of it and gave her sugar anyway. SB17 insisted on meeting in public and when we did she agreed to come to the fucking chamber without discussion of sugar. I wasn't interested but gave her a little sugar anyway because she was broke.

    On eight occasions of the 12 there was no discussion of sugar in advance. This doesn't mean the girls didn't expect sugar. It just means it wasn't necessary to talk about it specifically. When I give them sugar, like Golf, I sort of slip it to them without making a big deal of it. I think this supports the theory of Golf and Magic that the girls don't really acknowledge to themselves what they are doing. If I had been explicit about sugar in advance I think several of the girls would have declined.

    Also note in five cases the first time I met the girl it was actually inside the fucking chamber itself. They are adults, they know what they are doing. When they walk in that room, they are prepared to open their pussies for somebody they have never seen before. The oldest of the 12 sbs said she was 39, most are between 25 and 30, the youngest are 22 and 23.

    Of course they could always walk away if they wanted to. I would never try to force myself on a girl even after she has entered the fucking chamber. But they don't walk away. They have orgasms.

  11. #359

    Female Expectations

    I avoid discussing sugar in advance. My recent females have not asked about it. When the female enters a fucking chamber, she understands the male will mount her. I just invite them to the fucking chamber. Once they enter, they expose their vaginas. They expect me to mount them and give them some sugar.

  12. #358

    Golf's Theory

    Very interesting post Golf and I certainly agree with you. I tend to play every meeting by ear until the lady commits to her style or how she wants to approach it. I just had a conversation with a new potential sb who said she had a couple of bad experiences where basically the guys treated her upfront like a hooker, she was offended and they never got close to getting what they wanted.

    Maybe us and everybody else thinks these girls are prostitutes, but the sbs certainly don't see themselves that way, so don't treat them as such. Personally, I always meet in a public place first and approach it as a get to know you meeting with no expectations, only with a better chance of getting laid at the end. I've had reactions from a nice handshake at the end to "you want to get a room?" Just treat them with respect until you get them in the fucking chamber and then fuck the shit out of them, then you've got a fuck buddy for awhile. Having them feel secure can not be overstated.

    Generally I try to discreetly give them the sugar, but sometimes they either ask at the end or want to discuss it upfront. Again, there is no one right way to go about this as all women are different in how they look at this little activity we love so much.

  13. #357

    Golf's Theory

    Quote Originally Posted by Literal2  [View Original Post]
    I think Golf is assembling pieces of the puzzle as to how and why some of these girls let us do what we do. Very interesting. Lots of good ideas here, inmo.

    It doesn't work the same way for every girl, but the skilled utr monger needs more than one technique if he is going to harvest as much amateur quality pussy as he can.
    There are girls who know they are doing it for the money. They may be trying to kid others, the guys included, but there's no kidding themselves. They have taken the step in their mind. They won't let it be thrown in their face, however.

    That is a huge step. My post below relates to those who have not taken that step and are in denial. They may be very particular, but they are in denial what is going on.

  14. #356
    Quote Originally Posted by Golfcart  [View Original Post]
    I have this theory. Every woman will turn a trick under the right circumstances. She will do it for the excitement of being desired by a strange man willing to pay her. But she has a disconnect of not seeing herself as being paid. She'll see it as showing appreciation to a friend who helps her out. She may see it as 'found money' there for the taking he would be giving someone anyway. Either way she is not in there being paid. This is not what is happening.

    The guy's treatment of her and how the money is handled must conform to her sense of reality, not his, or he'll blow what he found. Few girls ever take the next step. It is a big one to a woman and few ever get over it. She'll be gone once she senses he has a different sense of reality, the instant he treats the money as payment which usually happens when he attempts to control her (or say the wrong thing). No joking. Seriously, no joking around.
    Golfcart's view of the situation is how Europeans view it. A friend is helping out and gratitude is shown. The problem with CSB3 was that she wanted a dating situation (with sugar provided on dates) where she eventually gives up the pussy. I just don't have the time to go there.

    I just finished a long phone conversation with the 38 yr old nurse who seems to have the right view. She is prepared to go to the fucking chamber. The problem is going to be coordinating her work schedule with my availibility. May the Gods smile on me.

  15. #355

    Cool is Harvesting Quality Pussy These Days

    Cool, these are encouraging reports for all of us. Thanks for posting them. Rock on, brother.

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