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  1. #10742
    Hey mongers,

    I hope you all are doing well and have found a great regular. For me, I've been super busy and I've wanted to post some info and try to keep in touch. But it's been a crazy summer for sure.

    Keeping regular are is so damn hard. Every regular I get for some reason will treat you great at first then as time passes they will do fuck shit. Why would you want to see 1000-plus men when you can have a few good clients without stress? I really don't get these girls sometimes.

    Anywho, Here are a few quick reviews on girls I have seen lately.

    Amanda, I think is her name.

    Looks, like her pics but older. She may be 32 but she looks like she is in her late 30's maybe early 40.

    She takes forever to text back.

    End up doing an outcall, but had to pay her room first.

    We got to my place, and the whole time her BF was Blowing up her phone.

    She gave me head and was quick with it. As soon as I got hard she was like you ready.

    I paid her for an hour. Since she needed her room paid for she gave me a discount. The normal rate was 250 h but it was half off for paying the room.

    Anyway, we did doggy nothing special there and mish to finish, but I didn't finish she was very mechanical for sure.

    Plus she smelled like a smokestack.

    Won't repeat.

    Name Red.

    She is young and thin with big tits.

    A little dingy at 19 and 20 and escorting I guess that almost all of them.

    She is willing to please. No anal but will do about anything else.

    Gave a great BBJ I was surprised but she did a good job in that area.

    Also fucked pretty good. Doggy, Mish, and I think she will get on top but I didn't ask.

    I'm vanilla baby.

    At the moment she is my go-to for some pussy because there isn't much out here.

    Now FYI she has issues so be careful when hanging out. She will not rob or hurt you. But She can be really strange at times.


    There are a lot of reviews on her here. Even one from me.

    And TBH I didn't think I would ever fuck with her again.

    But she needed help and gave me a deal. And little brain was in charge that day.

    She did an outcall.

    She talks a lot and can be pleasant, But sometimes borderline annoying.

    This is the first time we fucked so, I just want to give you all my take.

    She sucks good dick for sure. She was talking while she did it but she was doing a good job.

    I was super horny and I really didn't want to bullshit so we cut straight to mish.

    Now here is the weird part, she said some things that were weird before we fucked.

    First, she said she had been used and she had a baby and her stuff may not be tight.

    Second, she said she don't really have orgasms and just wants me to get mine as fast as possible.

    She basically said.

    I'm not rushing you but please get yours as fast as you can because I gave you such a good deal.

    So we fucked Mish and she was pretty tight to me. I told her and she said thanks. Then after we fucked for a bit she said she is cumming.

    I felt her pussy get super tight then I busted too.

    After we were done she said, damn I rarely cum. Boy, you got some good dick.

    I have a thick one so I guess I hit that spot for her.

    Anyway, after that, I told her we could be regulars if she kept things kosher.

    Well, that didn't last long. She kept asking for money but wouldn't come to see me. So that is about how that went another one bites the dust.

    Anyway, I'm still looking for a fun regular if you all have any suggestions would be appreciated.

    Hit my inbox.

    BTW be safe monger and enjoy the summer.

  2. #10741
    Quote Originally Posted by Roxonvox  [View Original Post]
    I know she has been mentioned several times on this board but as far as I know, nobody has seen her. I figure she is likely legit- I've actually seen her around town a couple times. I reached out to her once but she wants to video before answering any questions and I'm not sure how I feel about that. I may do it. But I have questions and I'm hoping someone can help a brother out.

    Has anyone seen her? What was it like? What will she do / not do? Motel or apartment?

    I've heard she's at 2. 0 and someone else said he heard she's at 6. 0. Which is it?

    I like her videos but I'm reluctant for a few reasons. It sounds like a lot of money to risk being ripped off. She has a thuggish air about her. I also want to know I'm going to have a good time for that money. I've never been with a porn star and I'd really like to try her out but Hope is hard to beat.

    Anyone? Thanks.
    As others have mentioned she is legit. She's also in a group called Lexington baddies. I may have the name wrong. I follow her on Facebook. I think she wants to hit some big time porn but I don't think she has what it takes. Her only fans is ok at best. The dude in all the videos is her man. He's ok with what she does and helps promote her but occasionally they get into it and he causes some issues but then they kiss and make up and all is well again. Her only fans will show her getting fucked all over town, almost in public, like a legit theater, public restroom, Home Depot, all with her guy. It shows BBBJ, facials, cip, all the pse type of things but that won't happen if you meet her. All will be covered. I wouldn't say rushed but mechanical. I've gotten to know her over the past year plus and some of those things might possibly be allowed if she's very comfortable with you and if you are a regular, but don't bet on it. Then, one day when she's at outs with her guy it may be no limits, and I mean no limits, but there's no guarantee of anything and like all these girls, YMMV, they're all on something, and at least slightly crazy at best.

  3. #10740
    Thank you! Based on what I hear on pricing and the rough pictures on Only Fans I'm going to pass. Just not my thing, I guess. I can see Hope twice for what this girl allegedly charges.

    Quote Originally Posted by JDizzleSizzle  [View Original Post]
    Post #9693 I left a short review. She's in an apartment on Breckenridge ln that's fixed up nice. I had a good time, but I can get girls I prefer for less so I only visited once.

  4. #10739

    I b

    Saw her today she is nice and fun, not GFE everything is covered but her mom bod is hot her tots hang perfectly and her ass is nice. During head forgot I had cover on and she goes deep like nose scrunched to my pelvic bone. Pussy is tight ass is nice and she throws it back in all positions she likes getting pounded or railed or whatever the kids call it these days and she gives as good as she gets. First time I have seen her won't be my last.

    Only downside she smelled of smoke, room was clean and tidy and didn't smell, must smoke in car.

    Cheers and as always happy hunting.

  5. #10738


    Post #9693 I left a short review. She's in an apartment on Breckenridge ln that's fixed up nice. I had a good time, but I can get girls I prefer for less so I only visited once.

    Quote Originally Posted by Roxonvox  [View Original Post]
    I know she has been mentioned several times on this board but as far as I know, nobody has seen her. I figure she is likely legit- I've actually seen her around town a couple times. I reached out to her once but she wants to video before answering any questions and I'm not sure how I feel about that. I may do it. But I have questions and I'm hoping someone can help a brother out.

    Has anyone seen her? What was it like? What will she do / not do? Motel or apartment?

    I've heard she's at 2. 0 and someone else said he heard she's at 6. 0. Which is it?

    I like her videos but I'm reluctant for a few reasons. It sounds like a lot of money to risk being ripped off. She has a thuggish air about her. I also want to know I'm going to have a good time for that money. I've never been with a porn star and I'd really like to try her out but Hope is hard to beat..

  6. #10737
    Senior Member

    Posts: 102
    Quote Originally Posted by SwanKing  [View Original Post]
    The link is dead? What is her name or new link?
    No name unfortunately. Here is current ad and #:


  7. #10736

    Updated Link or Name?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ee123  [View Original Post]
    She caught my eye. She has responded, though extremely poor communication. Hit or miss at very best. 99% of her answers are either "Yes" or just a word or two, hours or days in between. Never commits. Any info?
    The link is dead? What is her name or new link?

  8. #10735
    Quote Originally Posted by Chakra75  [View Original Post]
    Interesting. Last time I saw Sophie was a couple years ago. She was really heavy (I think from a pregnancy). Has she lost all the weight? I was not impressed by the weight.
    I saw her recently. Yes she's lost the weight. As a matter of fact she's lost too much weight. Lots of skin to show for it. She told me she went on a 60 day fast. Only water and some sort of shake. I don't know, odd. But the session was even more weird. Room was a wreck. Massage was decent but before the flip she said she felt a vibe from me that I didn't want to be there. I said yes I want to be there but if she didn't quit rambling about crazy BS then I was going to leave. So the session continued and she tried to get me off but still kept rambling about random shit. I couldn't focus and finally I told her thanks but no thanks.

  9. #10734
    Thanks. I joined her OP page, she's a little too ghetto for my taste so I'll prob pass.

    Quote Originally Posted by UfoKentucky  [View Original Post]
    I've contacted her and did the video call. Then she stops communicating further. Didn't even reply toany of my text to get the addres or she didn't even bother to say "No". To me she looks more aggressive type girl. There has been couple of reviews here she is good thogh.

    Let us know how it went if you happened to see her.

    Stay safe, good luck.

  10. #10733


    Quote Originally Posted by Troller2008  [View Original Post]

    This chick is nuts. Rambling on about everything that didn't have to do with us. Rushed me through our time. Do not repeat LOL.
    Interesting. Last time I saw Sophie was a couple years ago. She was really heavy (I think from a pregnancy). Has she lost all the weight? I was not impressed by the weight.

  11. #10732

    Re: Trisha

    Quote Originally Posted by Roxonvox  [View Original Post]
    I know she has been mentioned several times on this board but as far as I know, nobody has seen her. I figure she is likely legit- I've actually seen her around town a couple times. I reached out to her once but she wants to video before answering any questions and I'm not sure how I feel about that. I may do it. But I have questions and I'm hoping someone can help a brother out.
    I've contacted her and did the video call. Then she stops communicating further. Didn't even reply toany of my text to get the addres or she didn't even bother to say "No". To me she looks more aggressive type girl. There has been couple of reviews here she is good thogh.

    Let us know how it went if you happened to see her.

    Stay safe, good luck.

  12. #10731

    Brittany / Trish- the saga continues.

    I know she has been mentioned several times on this board but as far as I know, nobody has seen her. I figure she is likely legit- I've actually seen her around town a couple times. I reached out to her once but she wants to video before answering any questions and I'm not sure how I feel about that. I may do it. But I have questions and I'm hoping someone can help a brother out.

    Has anyone seen her? What was it like? What will she do / not do? Motel or apartment?

    I've heard she's at 2. 0 and someone else said he heard she's at 6. 0. Which is it?

    I like her videos but I'm reluctant for a few reasons. It sounds like a lot of money to risk being ripped off. She has a thuggish air about her. I also want to know I'm going to have a good time for that money. I've never been with a porn star and I'd really like to try her out but Hope is hard to beat.

    Anyone? Thanks.

  13. #10730
    Quote Originally Posted by WC2000  [View Original Post]
    Going to have a fun little day later today. Just looking for a couple suggestions. First looking for a spinner with perky naturals at an AMP. Secondly I'm looking to make a second stop at an American MP. Been to Churchill before but some know their rules now for walk ins. Thanks y'all. I'll report back how the day went.
    Sorry, meant to post in the MP section.

  14. #10729
    Quote Originally Posted by Ee123  [View Original Post]
    She caught my eye. She has responded, though extremely poor communication. Hit or miss at very best. 99% of her answers are either "Yes" or just a word or two, hours or days in between. Never commits. Any info?
    She's good looking and a damn nice body but she's weird af and has a giant smile that reminds me of some snl skit or an early 2000's movie I can't place. Head consisted of her moving at the pace of an old ass turtle and basically just letting it soak in her mouth. She spread wide open after and acted confused when I asked for a cover, even though her ad states everything covered she wasn't even sure if she had one. I busted in the cover and got out of there. Had to be drugs but was one of the weirdest providers I have encountered only to be out done by Schizophrenia Elise.

  15. #10728
    Quote Originally Posted by MaxLuvin  [View Original Post]
    This is a police matter. It makes no difference that she was an escort it was a felony and she is a victim.
    Report to the police for seve tr a.

    I agree, she should have reported it to the police. It's unfortunate that this happens to many escorts. Many don't report it to the police for various reasons. The police, courts, judges and jury's see it differently. They tend to see it as an acceptable (job hazard) and not the same as (normal) rape.

    All I know is it happend off of Southside dr. Young black male approximately 23 yo. Made arangements for an outcall car visit. He could be anywhere is the city though.

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