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  1. #1434

    Alternative Advice

    A wise friend once told me that good advice is worth about what you pay for it, so both what Cepalopod Love had to say and what I have to say should probably be evaluated with that wise admonition in mind. We just obviously have somewhat different points of view.

    I disclose that I am NOT an attorney nor have I attended law school nor even studied law, nor law enforcement practices, so I would defer to professional expertise in these areas. I know that my "opinions" about the economy and appropriate investment strategies, while admittedly never perfect, are going to come from a much more educated and experienced viewpoint than some guy who read an article in the Wall Street Journal this morning and now thinks he is an economic and investment genius. My opinions about the matters ahead are similarly seat of the pants, but they are also based upon almost a lifetime of practical experience with absolutely no LE problems in my mongering activity, which may be caution, wisdom, luck of the draw, who knows? So here's my 2 cents worth:

    Quote Originally Posted by Cephlapod Love
    1. What are some good strategies to plan in advance with a SW to be prepared for this type of situation?

    Have your story straight - forget about what the SW will say. It's your word against a SW'ers? Trying to work up a story with a SW in advance, "just in case," seems like a recipe for her bolting on you and a low probability operation.
    Having YOUR story straight goes without question, but I think that having that same story straight between you and the SW might prove invaluable. It is always your word against hers, but why not try to be on the same page, at least to start? If she departs from the story you are no worse off than having none at all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cephlapod Love
    2. Does one have complicit criminal responsibility if the SW has outstanding warrants or has drugs on her person? Suppose she stashes them in your vehicle quickly (and stupidly)?

    This is the prime risk of mongering and why one wants to avoid allowing a lady to cop. Any street smart SW that is holding is going to dump the minute they see LE come up. If LE finds drugs in your car - the rap is on you. It's your car, LE found the drugs in your car. Case closed. {watch COPS on TV - you'll see this a hundred times}
    Never allowing a SW to cop before you date is wise advice. But also, never voluntarily consent to a search of your vehicle. I know that much about your important rights. If they threaten to impound it, whatever, make them do it. You may or may not know if the SW stashed some drugs in your vehicle. If they find drugs on her, there may be probable cause to search you or your vehicle, but never volunteer such a search. There is always a probability the search can be overturned as illegal, but not if you allow it. If it becomes a drug possession issue then LE is either going to arrest you or not, but they are likely going to check for priors and, if you are clean, they may or may not cut you some slack. They likely suspect in such circumstances that you are not the guilty party, but sometimes that isn't the issue. Drugs are a whole different kettle of fish, so, yes. that is a huge risk you take picking up any SW. You just don't want to get stopped or discovered parking and in the act for any reason whatsoever.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cephlapod Love
    I can't imagine anyone has any responsibility to know if a lady entering your car has warrants - unless one wants to deputize every monger out there.
    Perhaps not, but if she has outstanding warrants the hassle on your ass may just become that much heavier. They can always arrest you for something if they feel like it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cephlapod Love
    3. When a SW blabs her head off like that and virtually admits you were having sex for money, what should one do if questioned: disagree? lie? tell the truth and hope for leniency? invoke your right to silence and perhaps piss them off enough to arrest you?

    See the videos I posted about how to deal with LE. Once LE approaches a fast thinking monger could perhaps advise the lady to keep quiet and let him do the talking. But regardless of what she says - NEVER incriminate yourself. Don't fall into that game of the LE is your friend or wants to help you out. IF LE hasn't seen and heard an offer of money for sex, then it seems like the proof of mongering activity is in a "he said she said." Most of these charges are minor infractions [other than the scarlet letter society imposes] so LE wants you to pay the fine and not get caught up in court with the expense of time & resources. LE knows the rules and what may appear as leniency may be just a case of not having enough evidence of a crime. So don't hand them a freebie. If you make it hard to prosecute [i.e. don't incriminate yourself or give up your rights], then an attorney should be able to make any mess created by an over zealous LE go away.
    On these points I somewhat agree. However, you can tell her to let you do the talking all you want, but LE, as sure as the sun rises in the East, will pull her aside to get her story, and hear your story separately and try to use one version against the other. I fully agree with one point: don't incriminate yourself. What you say can and WILL be used against you in a court of law.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cephlapod Love
    4. IF you both have a story in advance that you are 2 people who met and hit it off and were just having fun, and you stick to the story (which the police probably won't believe anyway), do you risk pissing them off and having them arrest you on some other charge? What charges might those be? (public lewdness or indecency?)

    I dunno, if one is that afraid of pissing off LE then it seems likely one is going to fall into one of LE's "gotcha' traps when they appear to be your friend. Are you really this afraid of LE or just being rhetorical?
    I think like Mad Monger said, the issue isn't just getting arrested for solicitation but getting arrested at all for anything. As I said before, having your stories straight beforehand can't hurt (and I usually do; smart SWs don't want to get arrested either and they see the value in having a story straight other than she is trying to make some money).

    If LE literally catches you with your pants down and the SW undressed, as described, I am sure there are any number of ordinances being broken if they care to arrest you. But you don't want the arrest to be a solicitation or drug charge if you can help it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cephlapod Love
    5. I suppose invoking your rights to be silent and not allowing voluntary search are good starts but does one risk pushing the police not to be lenient and just let you go if your record is clean?

    Again - STICK TO PROTECTING YOUR RIGHTS! Never give them away. Once you do you can't get them back! After the third time in this post of statements that sound like one is afraid of not cooperating with LE, I'm concerned about you. If one is this afraid of contacts with LE then [not to be a smartazz] it might make sense to avoid mongering all together - stick with AMPs or escorts.
    All agreed there. Be cordial and polite because LE may exercise discretion to let you go with a slap on the wrist, but never voluntarily allow search and never admit to a damn thing.

    As for AMPs or escorts, I don't know that provides any more protection. It is a lot easier for LE to set up a sting that way than on the K. A smart monger can avoid a street sting in so many ways, which we have discussed before, without having to use his phone, go to a place which may have cameras and be staked out, etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cephlapod Love
    6. How much leeway does LE generally exercise in this type of circumstance when your paperwork is in order and you have a squeaky clean record. Is my friend's experience typical or does it really depend on the officers involved and/or where it takes place?

    Who can answer this question definitively? You are dealing with another human being and as such there are many variables out there so YMMV.
    I have heard many stories from SWs that they were caught parking with a monger, and both were let go as long as they were trying to be discreet about it (parked in a secluded area and not near residences, etc.). A few have told me they were let go and the monger got a fine (For what I don't know). However, these are stories and second hand, so take them for what they are. I have no first hand accounts to relate.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cephlapod Love
    7. Do the police keep a record of the incident and can they use it against my friend on a future occasion to be much less lenient?

    Who knows? Maybe individual cops, districts or cities keep records of "stops." Any decision to be "lenient", again, is going to be made by a human being with all of his prejudices, emotions, etc. at the time of the encounter.

    It sure sounds like you are looking for a set of hard fast rules you can apply to be safe. Doubt there are any that would fit all circumstances.

    Use common sense, be polite, do not incriminate yourself.
    Totally agreed. I don't even know what the law enforcement practice is in Philly for a routine stop where there is no arrest, and the paperwork was checked. Human nature always applies, as does the discretion of the officer(s) involved, their experience and what they feel is on their front burner. I am sure some would be a prick and arrest or at least fine you and others would slap you on the wrist and let you go, figuring they had bigger fish to fry. In a city like Philly, a guy getting his tool waxed in a car is relatively small potatoes compared to the other important and life threatening shit with which they likely have to deal day in and day out.

    Common sense, politeness, not incriminating yourself (and not voluntarily allowing a search): these are wise words by which to live.

    Be careful out there.

  2. #1433

    RE: Andrea

    Nice pics and post Cooky. I adore gals from or descended from the European Eastern Block countries, and what is and formerly was Russia. Part of that is their generally fun and carefree attitude, and part is that I grew up with girls like that and they make me feel like I am having a pleasantly nostalgic experience from my youth.

    You reported that she advertises on line but I have seen this chick on the Ave on occasion in the vicinity of the Woodshed and/or Cambria and/or Venango. I seemed to have been headed somewhere in a hurry, fresh from a previous date (not that such always stops me) or just window shopping and scoping out the Ave when I saw her. If I had known she was Polish I may have sampled her, and I just may do that in the future.

  3. #1432
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1779


    Quote Originally Posted by Proxysss
    Jess looks like a dude.
    I believe you might need glasses.(LOL) Jess is cute, and I, for one, would like to see more of her.

  4. #1431
    Jess looks like a dude.

  5. #1430


    Quote Originally Posted by Fbtom
    I guess I'm an oddball then, I like reading your hearsay SuperE! Very well written as usual.
    I hope you either didn't mean what you wrote, or you didn't understand the meaning of "hearsay," and perhaps meant "detail" instead?

    Hearsay is information gathered by one person from another concerning some event, condition, or thing of which the first person had no direct experience.

    That is why hearsay testimony is inadmissible in court. Only what a person experiences or hears first hand is admissible.

  6. #1429
    Senior Member

    Posts: 626

    I'm an oddball

    I guess I'm an oddball then, I like reading your hearsay SuperE! Very well written as usual.

  7. #1428

    RE: Dawn

    Street Steve:Thanks for the intel on Dawn.

    Information on ripoffs, bad dates and dangerous SWs is even more valuable than positive reviews. We need to be aware of these SWs to avoid them, and having pics is especially useful.

  8. #1427


    I gave everyone the “Joe Friday” version of this report already, so this is just for you oddballs who actually want to read details and see pics.

    Last Thursday I had made an appointment with a SW, and was headed to meet her, when I spotted Jess on the northern end of the stroll. She appeared to be young (22, so she says), thin, pretty and very fetching. She flashed me a big smile, and I was already hooked. Jess got in and I called the SW with whom I had the appointment, and we rescheduled for later. Jess covered her mouth, and tried not to laugh out loud.

    Jess was multiple-hour, multiple-cup, in-a-nice-motel material, and that is what I suggested. She was reluctant to do that. She wouldn’t even consider the Carlyle. Jess said she doesn’t do this much (if I only had a dollar for every time I have heard THAT one! LOL), and she didn’t know me, and the last guy who had taken her to a motel just left her stranded there. I chagrined over the boneheaded insensitivity of some of my monger brethren, but I told her I understood, and that a car date was better than no date at all, and maybe if she got to know me that next time could be an indoor date.

    We found a place that was somewhat secluded, but still in plain view of customers entering a retail establishment. That didn’t seem to bother her, but it surely concerned me. This is one of the reasons I don’t like to do parking dates. I am too old and wise for this shit (except when the little head wants some lovin’). I re-parked so that it was much more difficult to see us, not that it would have made any difference to her one way or the other. She was quite ready and willing to fuck me right there, but I find fucking in my car uncomfortable and dangerous in the best of circumstances, let alone in plain view of a retail store entrance in the middle of the day. So we settled on 2 cups of BBBJCIMSP.

    Jess is a very good cock sucker. She gives you long slow sucks until she gets you nice and hard, and then provides a sloppy wet suck all the way to your balls and back, varied in rhythm and with great use of her fingers, mouth, throat and tongue. I was really horny, and the first cup couldn’t have taken more than a few minutes. She laughed after she spit and said, “Damn, you were really ready!” She was concerned that the second cup would take a really long time. However, I told her that it wouldn’t take long given her superb technique, and her cute face and soft titties, with which I was playing as she sucked. I made it very clear that I didn’t want her placing me on a stop watch, or hurrying me, or saying “Are you ready to cum yet?,” but that I was certain it wouldn’t take me any longer than many guys on their first pop.

    The second round I was able to sit back and relax and enjoy it more, talking filthy dirty the whole time, which seemed to amuse her. She was moaning as she sucked, and she sighed in response to my dirty phrases. She would half giggle when I called her "Daddy’s little cum piggie,” and afterward she said she had never heard that one before, and it “sounded cute.” That seems to be a common response, unless the SW is all hung up about dirty talking for whatever reason.

    Ratings? Face: 4 1/2 stars (very cute); Body: 4 stars (it might be 5 stars for all I know but I didn’t exactly get her naked to find out; she seems to have 5 star potential from what I saw and felt); BJ: 5 stars; Fucking: N/A (maybe on a future indoor date); Attitude: 4 stars (she was pleasant enough, but I wanted an indoor date and she refused; I understand why but hasn’t she ever been taught that the customer is always right?); Overall: 4 stars (for what it was; a good parking 2 cup BBBJCIMSP); Repeatable? Sure, if she can get over the jitters and do an indoor date; I would give it a shot. YMMV
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Jess01.JPG‎   Jess02.JPG‎   Jess03.JPG‎  

  9. #1426

    The Norfolk Jacket

    LOL, No Cooky I didn't remember that one until I saw your pics of it, it did have more style than the Nehru, I can see trying to pick up a SW in either one, you would probably get laughed of the "K'

  10. #1425
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Sweeney felt laike you had a burlap sack on, but we thought they were cool!!!
    Yeah! But! Do you remember, "The Norfolk Jacket." I still have mine. That was style, when style meant something.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails The Norfolk 2.jpg‎   The Norfolk 1.jpg‎  

  11. #1424
    Quote Originally Posted by Supereloquent
    Point accepted. I should save up for the idiot rock throwers. You must allow that I feel a little testy, war weary and battle scarred, so when I see a small opening to spray some machine gun fire, that I get an itchy trigger finger.
    Nice response, well-phrased as usual. Point resolved. No need for further comment from me or others. We move on to the next topic...

  12. #1423

    Pass the 50 Caliber Bandolier

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike 80
    C'mon Super. You know I'm a huge advocate of your reporting and pics but lighten up a little.
    Point accepted. I should save up for the idiot rock throwers. You must allow that I feel a little testy, war weary and battle scarred, so when I see a small opening to spray some machine gun fire, that I get an itchy trigger finger.

  13. #1422

    Topic not really worth such time and effort but...

    Quote Originally Posted by Supereloquent
    I was merely amusing myself over the flurry of "reporting" all based on a MISTAKEN address. You do not find it similarly amusing, because it is at your expense. So you are forced either to invest your ego and defend an entrenched position at all hazards, or give it up laughingly and gracefully.
    C'mon Super. You know I'm a huge advocate of your reporting and pics but lighten up a little. In these last couple of posts it's hard not to detect a tone of you talking down to me and others like you’re the professor or pope of mongering and all else. We’re not all brain-dead inarticulate cretins.

    In my last post I merely made a casual, lightly-considered comment responding to your point about what turned out to be an erroneous reference to a pick up at an Aramingo Wawa. I knew the parallel I was drawing wasn't the best fit for what you were describing but thought it did highlight how people can sometimes be quickly led afield by misinformation. Of course I don’t think that’s actually the case here. I have visited that Aramingo Wawa many times and it sounds like other mongers do too. There are plenty of reasons to believe there might be action there or in the vicinity, whether it is demographics, the proximity to K and to where some K SWs live, and the look or behavior of some of the girls we see there. I would still be very cautious popping the question to one of these Wawa possibilities and would never go out of my way to monger there. But given that I already DO go there on a fairly regular basis the takeway for me is to be more trusting of my radar and more open to picking up and acting on signals the Wawa wannabees may send. It's always a treat to pick up a gem off the beaten path.

  14. #1421


    Quote Originally Posted by Supereloquent
    Did I embellish the truth a bit in my post to make it seem like the pics were recent? Yes.
    Correct me if I am wrong. And if I am wrong, please forgive me. I apologize. Are you admitting that Justice’s pictures were all taken on the date shown in the details section of the pictures properties folder? Have you checked that date yourself?


  15. #1420

    LOL, Nehru Jacket

    I played in a local band and that was part of the get up, after 17 minutes of In-A-GaddaDa-Vida, you felt laike you had a burlap sack on, but we thought they were cool!!!

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