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Thread: Corona virus

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  1. #1272
    Quote Originally Posted by Shipshape  [View Original Post]
    For your consideration, China really screwed this up with their coverups and denials. That is where your venting should begin.
    Cover ups and denials? You sheep still think it was run by Chinese? Bahhhhhhhhhh!

  2. #1271

    Funny, I was thinking the same thing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Admin2  [View Original Post]
    You called me a denier even though I said I was vaccinated.

    "You don't believe the Covid pandemic was real. ".

    You're just making shit up to buttress your position.

    Like I said the first time, fan the hysteria and kill another couple million brown people. Nobody counts them anyway, you just skipped over them to tell the story of your one friend that died. You literally proved my point.

    I'm done with this and you.
    I do agree that I'm done with this.

    I'm tired of your name calling and accusations. If I were to do the same I would have been banned long ago. You obviously have the advantage in that department.

    You told the story of your father. I told the story of my cousin. I addressed the cdc reports on poverty and COVID contributing to world hunger and food insecurity (a fancy way they like to call starvation) and you say I glossed over it because they're brown people. In essence calling me the most despicable name "racist". Yes, I take offense to all of this name calling and accusations as anyone would.

    Just a note. I have been on this site longer than there was an "A2" posting these denigrations. As an administrator it is time to put your black type (representing personal opinion) to rest. Again: read the yellow banner and act accordingly.

  3. #1270

    Posts: 4981

    This is where I stopped reading

    Quote Originally Posted by Shipshape  [View Original Post]
    Please show me where I said that we should shut down due to the pandemic.
    You called me a denier even though I said I was vaccinated.

    "You don't believe the Covid pandemic was real. ".

    You're just making shit up to buttress your position.

    Like I said the first time, fan the hysteria and kill another couple million brown people. Nobody counts them anyway, you just skipped over them to tell the story of your one friend that died. You literally proved my point.

    I'm done with this and you.

  4. #1269

    Read the yellow banner please.

    Quote Originally Posted by Admin2  [View Original Post]
    Don't fucking talk down to me like I'm some kind of idiot, I fucking watched this happen. I was in the third world as everybody lost their jobs and had no fucking idea how to buy food and ALL of that fear was driven by press and social media. You can massage this data how you want. I said that it was insane to close down economies for a virus that literally 60% of the people who got it didn't even have symptoms, that the recovery rate for people that didn't have at least two underlying factors (asthma, obesity, heart disease ect) was like 99.8% because the cure would kill more than the disease and I was right. Seriously I don't even know why I fucking bother. Idiots like you didn't listen in 2020 and now that you helped kill a few 100 million brown people in shithole countries you still want to talk to people who understood basic economics then like they are morons. Fuck off, go kill 100 million more, who cares, they aren't white and European.
    Please show me where I said that we should shut down due to the pandemic. Please show me where I screamed that the sky is falling. I wrote that Covid was booming. It was. It reached levels not seen since January 2022. Did I scream we all need to quarantine? No. I simply was stating a fact leaving readers to decide for themselves. I chose to get the vax. I chose to take paxlovid when I did catch a strain of Covid in 2024. During the height of the pandemic I chose to self quarantine. I did not demand anyone else do the same. To be specific I was fighting cancer. My normal red blood cell count had fallen to 6 from a normal of 15. That's stroke territory and that strain of Covid attacked red blood cells. I had none to spare. I did not expect others to make the medical choice I made period, full stop so why do you continue to accuse me of being a murderer. Why? Look I get that for you it's personal. I get it your claim that todays current world starvation numbers assign 50% are all due to countries reaction to Covid. Some of it is, but some of it is not. Now you're adding in claims of racism to someone you have never met nor have one clue as to my opinion. We all have stories of someone lost. Some died of Covid some died of mitigating health issue. My 1st cousin, a non-smoker, not overweight, healthy individual died because he caught covid prior to the vaccination being available. His wife survived but barely. Speculation on your part only can lead to a retort of "Read What I Wrote" not what you want to perceive and use as an attack platform. Jeez! As mentioned before, I live on an island, we were banned from even using our beaches, my business was completely attached to tourism and that business never came back to me. You are so bitter about Covid's effects on your friends you assume anyone else didn't feel the same way. It's just don't leave out facts of the full story to fit your stance. Yes, the covid overreaction certainly has long term effects but so does climate change and the resulting draught, war, and international petrochemical price greed. How much should each be assigned as a functional percentage I have no idea but if I find an article about it I'll certainly pass it on to you. By your own words the the UN council said 25 million were starving BEFORE the covid pandemic. Now, the number according to you is 50 million due to Covid lasting for who knows how long. How is it that I'm at fault for this? Because I happen to be living in the USA Or because I happen to be a Caucasian? That makes no sense. Your paint brush is too broad. You are so desperate to point a finger at someone, anyone. For your consideration, China really screwed this up with their coverups and denials. That is where your venting should begin. Stop calling me unjustified names that go against your very own rules. Your hypocrisy is overwhelming. Does admin see your ranting?

  5. #1268

    Posts: 4981

    A few facts

    Quote Originally Posted by Shipshape  [View Original Post]
    Just a few facts. According to the CDC the #1 cause of food insecurity is poverty. Many things effect poverty too include covid and war. The Ukraine was delivering 10% of the world's output of wheat and then Russia stepped in and totally disrupted that market. Famine is also caused by Global Climate Changes. Most of Africa is in a draught. This causes crop failure. Look at Lake Mead and tell me that a long term draught hasn't happened in the West. Another aspect of poverty is Economic pressures too include the demands for petrochemicals from International Companies that are making outrageous profits. Just a few of the pressures on the increase of poverty hopefully show you it's not as simplistic as blaming the covid pandemic. By the way, the USA Contributes 50% of the all countries total food donations.

    You don't believe the Covid pandemic was real. Well the CDC in 2020 (a source often quoted by another) reported 350,000 deaths due to Covid in 2020 in the USA Look, I really don't care what you do or how you process this information but there may be a few out there that will consider it. The summer "bump" is showing signs of leveling off in many states. Hawaii is seeing a bit of a late bump in Covid cases. Kaiser is again giving out free masks and recommending wearing them while in their facilities. Do what your going to do. I really don't care.
    The UN's council on hunger released the projection that the number of people who would die of starvation worldwide would double in April or May of 2020. Russia invaded the Ukraine in February of 2022 so either they had an eye into Putin's Cabinet or they have some motherfuckers working there that are so smart they can see the future.

    Note the date on the article and they aren't talking about a few hundred thousand people they were talking about 100's of MILLIONS of people. 300,000 people a day, a fucking day.

    If we cant reach these people with the life-saving assistance they need, our analysis shows that 300,000 people could starve to death every single day over a three-month period, he upheld. This does not include the increase of starvation due to COVID-19. He said due to Covid 19 but what he meant was "due to the destruction of their economy as a result of covid mitigation."

    I never said said that Covid wasn't real, I'm even vaccinated, I'm saying that the fire that drove the demands for mitigation was largely caused by fearmongering on social media and press, specifically liberal press and I am a lifelong lefty, I've voted for Dems in every election since I was 20. I didn't come up with that idea on my own, I read it in a book called The Year the World Went Mad written by a professor of infectious disease epidemiology at the Usher Institute in the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland who I'm thinking probably knows more about the subject than you do. But I guess we can take your word on it.

    I know first hand about the fallout from the disastrous effects from the over reaction to Covid 19 because I'm a citizen of a country that was closed for travel for 18 months, stranding 100's of thousands of it's citizens outside of it's borders. We were literally forced into our homes from April of 2020 to July of 2020 and during that time the government gave people a grand total of 200 dollars to feed their children.

    Your 350,000 number includes all deaths where covid was reportedly the "underlying condition" my own father was a perfect example of that. An 85 year old man who smoked for 60 years, who had high BP was obese, and probably hadn't walked further than to his car or the mailbox in 30 years. Contracted covid, got pneumonia, then died. Did covid kill him or did his lifestyle kill him? The death rates among children was nearly zero yet we had to close play grounds? Death rate for healthy people between the ages of 0 to 65? You look it up. How many people who died of heart disease in 2020 got labeled a covid death even though their arteries were 85% occluded? I was in Texas for awhile and the Governor didn't want to close down businesses but then suddenly the news was full of "ICU's ARE AT NEAR CAPACITY! THERE WON'T BE ANYWHERE TO SEND PEOPLE! Nobody cared to mention that ICU's are nearly always at capacity because ICU beds are really fucking expensive and hospitals are expected to turn a profit and build for what they project to have, typically heart attacks. All ICU's in the US typically run at 80% capacity so yeah, covid was taking the 20% that was left over after the heart attack patients from the epidemic of obesity in the US.

    Because I could, I left Argentina in 2020 to escape the lockdown and I was sitting in a friends kitchen in the US listening to NPR interview the mayor of Medellin and congratulating him on how successfully he was combating the spread of this dreaded disease WHILE I was sending money to a friend of mine who lives in Medellin so she could by food for her children and neighbors because they were only allowed to leave the house one day a week so the place where she worked shut down and she lost her job and (this seriously still kills me) she was sharing the couple hundred bucks I sent her with an old lady on her floor who was blind and her son had also lost his job because the place he worked closed as well.

    Don't fucking talk down to me like I'm some kind of idiot, I fucking watched this happen. I was in the third world as everybody lost their jobs and had no fucking idea how to buy food and ALL of that fear was driven by press and social media. You can massage this data how you want. I said that it was insane to close down economies for a virus that literally 60% of the people who got it didn't even have symptoms, that the recovery rate for people that didn't have at least two underlying factors (asthma, obesity, heart disease ect) was like 99.8% because the cure would kill more than the disease and I was right. Seriously I don't even know why I fucking bother. Idiots like you didn't listen in 2020 and now that you helped kill a few 100 million brown people in shithole countries you still want to talk to people who understood basic economics then like they are morons.

    Fuck off, go kill 100 million more, who cares, they aren't white and European.

  6. #1267
    Quote Originally Posted by Admin2  [View Original Post]
    This comes directly from the CDC.

    It clearly shows covid cases declining in the US.
    Look at the chart, its DECLINING not booming. There were no spikes, there is no fucking issue. STFU about this before you help kill another 20 million a year.
    You're conflating number of cases with rate of infection. Rt can only show you the rate of infection, and as the graph you posted shows, it's still growing (Rt greater than 1). Rt can't show you the current infection load. To understand what Rt means, just read further down that CDC page for "Interpreting Rt" and "What Rt can and cannot tell us".

  7. #1266
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike4346  [View Original Post]
    How can covid decline when it all was a hoax? I don't understand.
    Good one, LOL. Address this matter in one's own way, IMO, and the consequences of those choices, if any.

  8. #1265


    Quote Originally Posted by Admin2  [View Original Post]
    This comes directly from the CDC.

    It clearly shows covid cases declining in the US.

    Idiots like you screaming that the sky is falling are responsible for unbelievable ONGOING suffering in the third world as their economies were devastated by the over reaction in 2021. The UN's council on hunger says that over 50 million people a year are starving to death now as compared to 25 million pre pandemic and all of that increase is a result of the economic destruction from covid mitigation. That's 25 million extra people a year which will continue for who the fuck knows how long.

    Look at the chart, its DECLINING not booming. There were no spikes, there is no fucking issue. STFU about this before you help kill another 20 million a year.

    FYI, like every year there will be an increase in November.

    How can covid decline when it all was a hoax? I don't understand.

  9. #1264

    Believe what you want.

    Quote Originally Posted by DogStar7  [View Original Post]
    I concur. Covid & vaccines plandemic / scamdemic were all BS from the get-go. If you still believe this shit there's no hope for you.
    Just a few facts. According to the CDC the #1 cause of food insecurity is poverty. Many things effect poverty too include covid and war. The Ukraine was delivering 10% of the world's output of wheat and then Russia stepped in and totally disrupted that market. Famine is also caused by Global Climate Changes. Most of Africa is in a draught. This causes crop failure. Look at Lake Mead and tell me that a long term draught hasn't happened in the West. Another aspect of poverty is Economic pressures too include the demands for petrochemicals from International Companies that are making outrageous profits. Just a few of the pressures on the increase of poverty hopefully show you it's not as simplistic as blaming the covid pandemic. By the way, the USA Contributes 50% of the all countries total food donations.

    You don't believe the Covid pandemic was real. Well the CDC in 2020 (a source often quoted by another) reported 350,000 deaths due to Covid in 2020 in the USA Look, I really don't care what you do or how you process this information but there may be a few out there that will consider it. The summer "bump" is showing signs of leveling off in many states. Hawaii is seeing a bit of a late bump in Covid cases. Kaiser is again giving out free masks and recommending wearing them while in their facilities. Do what your going to do. I really don't care.

  10. #1263

    Oh the great Oz has spoken.

    Quote Originally Posted by Admin2  [View Original Post]
    This comes directly from the CDC.

    It clearly shows covid cases declining in the US.

    Idiots like you screaming that the sky is falling are responsible for unbelievable ONGOING suffering in the third world as their economies were devastated by the over reaction in 2021. The UN's council on hunger says that over 50 million people a year are starving to death now as compared to 25 million pre pandemic and all of that increase is a result of the economic destruction from covid mitigation. That's 25 million extra people a year which will continue for who the fuck knows how long.

    Look at the chart, its DECLINING not booming. There were no spikes, there is no fucking issue. STFU about this before you help kill another 20 million a year.

    FYI, like every year there will be an increase in November.

    I'm going to have to demand that you put yourself on permanent probation for openly criticizing, complaining, and name calling a forum member in the wrong thread. This sort of denigration is not to be tolerated here A2. Respect your own damn rules.

    To quote the cdc "as of August 13,we estimate that COVID-19 infections are growing or likely growing in 25 states. , decline or likely declining in 5 states and are stable or uncertain in 17 states. ".

    There was an 18.1% positivity test rate for the week ending August 10. The highest it's been since January 2022. ACCORDING To the CDC. I don't make this shit up and I certainly don't advocate any kind of quarantine. I am just passing on what I have read and suggesting that being aware of the situation can give you a bit of protection. YOU and your anti vax, anti science, kind like to attack those who just are trying to protect THEMSELVES based upon personal decisions. I don't give a shit what others do or don't do. It's their choice. I made mine and self isolated initially as I am a cancer survivor. When the vax became available I got it. I could careless if you did. When I caught COVID and paxlovid was available I took it. Again I could care less if you do or not. Every time I pass on simple information about COVID you jump all over screaming I'm a murderer or am an idiot. Work on your reading comprehension, your hypocrisy (read the yellow banner), and do a bit of research.

  11. #1262
    Quote Originally Posted by Admin2  [View Original Post]
    This comes directly from the CDC.

    It clearly shows covid cases declining in the US.

    Idiots like you screaming that the sky is falling are responsible for unbelievable ONGOING suffering in the third world as their economies were devastated by the over reaction in 2021. The UN's council on hunger says that over 50 million people a year are starving to death now as compared to 25 million pre pandemic and all of that increase is a result of the economic destruction from covid mitigation. That's 25 million extra people a year which will continue for who the fuck knows how long.

    Look at the chart, its DECLINING not booming. There were no spikes, there is no fucking issue. STFU about this before you help kill another 20 million a year.

    FYI, like every year there will be an increase in November.

    I concur. Covid & vaccines plandemic / scamdemic were all BS from the get-go. If you still believe this shit there's no hope for you.

  12. #1261

    Posts: 4981

    Is this a joke?

    Quote Originally Posted by Shipshape  [View Original Post]
    COVID booming on the mainland. Totally survivable if you have been vaccinated or have had It in the past. Paxlovid will be your friend if you catch it early.
    This comes directly from the CDC.

    It clearly shows covid cases declining in the US.

    Idiots like you screaming that the sky is falling are responsible for unbelievable ONGOING suffering in the third world as their economies were devastated by the over reaction in 2021. The UN's council on hunger says that over 50 million people a year are starving to death now as compared to 25 million pre pandemic and all of that increase is a result of the economic destruction from covid mitigation. That's 25 million extra people a year which will continue for who the fuck knows how long.

    Look at the chart, its DECLINING not booming. There were no spikes, there is no fucking issue. STFU about this before you help kill another 20 million a year.

    FYI, like every year there will be an increase in November.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails covid CDC.jpg‎  

  13. #1260
    COVID booming on the mainland. Totally survivable if you have been vaccinated or have had It in the past. Paxlovid will be your friend if you catch it early.

  14. #1259
    Quote Originally Posted by Shipshape  [View Original Post]
    Want to test it? Next time you are talking via phone say something about oh maybe home Depot or some national chain. Then start seeing the ads on Facebook pop up. Nephew works for an obscure private airline company. Was talking to my sister about it. Next thing I know I'm being flooded with Net jet ads for corporations.
    Yups, they stay all soft marked for key words and phrases for solicit your devices (e.g., on the dark / deep web using one third-party vendor for access to databases). Hope our cyber defenses stay at work protecting us from the malware.

  15. #1258
    Quote Originally Posted by MitsFunai  [View Original Post]
    Ho, da scary. Pretty soon us all going join the AI zombies that stay already hea.
    Want to test it? Next time you are talking via phone say something about oh maybe home Depot or some national chain. Then start seeing the ads on Facebook pop up. Nephew works for an obscure private airline company. Was talking to my sister about it. Next thing I know I'm being flooded with Net jet ads for corporations.

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