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  1. #61
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1130
    Quote Originally Posted by Funlovin
    Good point. Rarely does a domestic violence charge have an independent eye witness to the violence supporting it. Usually it's based on the testimony of the victim and evidence of bruising or other physical marks. She would have been smarter to say that she would call the cops, tell them he was her boyfriend and that he smacked her around. That they would believe and they would HAVE TO ARREST HIM BY LAW and charge him with domestic violence or file a full written report with a statement of facts as to why they didn't arrest him.
    I don't see how any SW could get away with that one, if they are dealing with a smart monger that does not give the girl his real name, and when the police were to arrive, just tell the cops to ask the girl what your name is, and that should squash that accusation.

    Chris H

  2. #60
    Senior Member

    Posts: 4074


    Quote Originally Posted by Sullivant Guy
    Where is westgate and main? So many things wrong here. However the thing that sticks out to me is. She had black eyes. I would never ever pick up a SW that has outward signs of physical abuse. Why put yourself in the situation? Who knows what is going on there. Emotions, anger. All kinds of stuff. These girls are going through enough out there on the streets, and then some one has beat them? Not a situation I want to get into.
    Correction--Westgate & Broad Streets. MW

  3. #59
    Went out on West side just after lunch hour today, but there was no action. I did catch an old hag on her porch down in the bottoms on Sully who seemed to be reporting on license plate numbers on her cell phone. She ran out when I came back by and looked at my front plate, then my back, while talking in the phone. I thought about going back and taking her picture for the board on my cell phone, but didn't have the time.

  4. #58

    lousy weekend

    haven't reported in a while as i saw an escort, which i have reported on previously, for the second time instead over the holidays and haven't had the extra $$$.

    was out 'n about on friday starting just after 3PM though. don't normally get out this early on a weekday but it was my day off and i had to come into town anyway. no luck on the west side after a couple of hours circling...even after extending the circuit beyond hague to just past westgate after seeing reports by others regarding that area. saw a few on the hilltop end of sully, including one milf in sunglasses on the phone in front of a store, and one real chubby dark-haired milf dog near the apartments at westpark (i think it was...maybe closer to glenwood) in the bottoms, but none were worthy.

    went up to cleveland for a tour and returned to find it different as night and day. by then it was around 5 or so and i immediately saw a half dozen decent prospects in the bottoms on sully. one with sexy-lookin' kinky/wavy dirty blonde hair got in a pickup before i could stop and turn the corner, one disappeared by next pass, a couple not so good on second look, and one dark hair mid-to-late 20s with nice big (but firm enough looking - too big for my tastes if they droop to much) un-tethered except for t-shirt tits which she let fly as her coat flapped while she ran across the street behind me, sorta turning to face me and waving). shoulda stopped for her - best one of the day - but her face was not that pretty (with a big crooked nose) and at that point i was feeling there would be something better in store if i was patient.

    there wasn't.

    was too kind to a fellow mongerer who stopped up a side street as i pulled around a corner once where a young 20+ with short brown hair woulda got in my car instead but she had a pudgy belly and flabs that hung over her slacks and he was there first so i drove on. then quick as that they were all gone.

    gave it up just after dusk, even though it probably would have picked up then, because i was tired of driving and figured to try again next afternoon (prefer enough light to see 'em well enough before stopping if i can anyway).

    nothing worth reporting on saturday either. stopped for one red haired 19-21 y/o gal near mort's on sully. caught her crossing the intersection at a side street on my second pass and asked if she needed a ride. wasn't going to...there were too many others around she was talking across the street etc to as she walked. and especially since i'm not really into freckle-face redheads. but was getting antsy to get this over with by then. the freckles turned to pock marks as she came over to the car, and could see no titties at all, so was glad when she just looked in and asked to see my pecker. i said "sure if ya get in" and she declined.


  5. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by Sullivant Guy
    *** So many things wrong here. However the thing that sticks out to me is. She had black eyes. I would never ever pick up a SW that has outward signs of physical abuse. Why put yourself in the situation?
    Good point. Rarely does a domestic violence charge have an independent eye witness to the violence supporting it. Usually it's based on the testimony of the victim and evidence of bruising or other physical marks. She would have been smarter to say that she would call the cops, tell them he was her boyfriend and that he smacked her around. That they would believe and they would HAVE TO ARREST HIM BY LAW and charge him with domestic violence or file a full written report with a statement of facts as to why they didn't arrest him.

  6. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by Mw Jrp
    Rolled thru the rain for 2 hours just before and after dark. Finally at 6:30p at Westgate & Main spotted a youthful figure. "V" hoped in, passed checks, drove to my room. Had bad feeling since not much fondling along the way. Offered a dinner at Wendy's, and H&H. 40+tip, to "stimulate" her. In the room she showered. Had a gorgeous little puss, very tight, but objected to fingering. The muff was the only good thing about the session. BBBJ was for 90 seconds. She started whinning about me not getting it up, on something, etc. Finally worked it up myself, covered up & drove in. It was nice, but more whinning about when I'd come and I finally finished with a 5-knuckle rub and came on her ass. She did move into me like a lap dancers with me between her cheeks while I came; guess that was ok. More whinning and I gave her a. 20 tip. Real sucker, I am.

    Now I picked her up on the west side and the drop is Sully bottoms near 315. But as I near there she says pull into this alley. Then she says. 10 more or she'll call the cops, she has my DNA (the condom), and she knows where I'm staying. I said let's go get a cop, or get the F***Out! She finally gets out, leaves door open, and I peal out with door nicely closing and head back to write this report.

    So, Avoid this C**T--Veronika. Black hair, corn-rolls or permed, BIG pointy nose. She had 2 black eyes too. Claimed her cousin thru something and hit her bridge. Probably pulled the shit on me, on the wrong monger and got an elbow in the snoot. This week I had 6 hotties in Dayton. Decided to try my good fortune in Columbus. Should have stayed in Dayton. Oh, well, I'll learn to trust the gut and not listen to the small guy. Be safe. MW

    PS: She never had any condom. I tossed it in the basket. What a B/S's C**T.
    Where is westgate and main? So many things wrong here. However the thing that sticks out to me is. She had black eyes. I would never ever pick up a SW that has outward signs of physical abuse. Why put yourself in the situation? Who knows what is going on there. Emotions, anger. All kinds of stuff. These girls are going through enough out there on the streets, and then some one has beat them? Not a situation I want to get into.

  7. #55


    Quote Originally Posted by Mw Jrp
    Rolled thru the rain for 2 hours just before and after dark. Finally at 6:30p at Westgate & Main spotted a youthful figure. "V" hoped in, passed checks, drove to my room. Had bad feeling since not much fondling along the way. Offered a dinner at Wendy's, and H&H. 40+tip, to "stimulate" her. In the room she showered. Had a gorgeous little puss, very tight, but objected to fingering. The muff was the only good thing about the session. BBBJ was for 90 seconds. She started whinning about me not getting it up, on something, etc. Finally worked it up myself, covered up & drove in. It was nice, but more whinning about when I'd come and I finally finished with a 5-knuckle rub and came on her ass. She did move into me like a lap dancers with me between her cheeks while I came; guess that was ok. More whinning and I gave her a. 20 tip. Real sucker, I am.

    Now I picked her up on the west side and the drop is Sully bottoms near 315. But as I near there she says pull into this alley. Then she says. 10 more or she'll call the cops, she has my DNA (the condom), and she knows where I'm staying. I said let's go get a cop, or get the F***Out! She finally gets out, leaves door open, and I peal out with door nicely closing and head back to write this report.

    So, Avoid this C**T--Veronika. Black hair, corn-rolls or permed, BIG pointy nose. She had 2 black eyes too. Claimed her cousin thru something and hit her bridge. Probably pulled the shit on me, on the wrong monger and got an elbow in the snoot. This week I had 6 hotties in Dayton. Decided to try my good fortune in Columbus. Should have stayed in Dayton. Oh, well, I'll learn to trust the gut and not listen to the small guy. Be safe. MW

    PS: She never had any condom. I tossed it in the basket. What a B/S's C**T.

    Worth reading again if you only skimmed it.

    I've experienced a SW who threatened to call the cops. This one was Kimberly. Read report #486 in the general section and other comments that followed that report.

    If she threatens to call the cops, don't worry too much about it. What are the cops going to do? At best likely really preach to her about her SWing if she's lucky. What you gonna say to the cops? "Oh, that ratty little chick who flipped me off as I drove by?" (Funluvin's quote in one of his reports) Hell, deny it; don't admit anything. Take the 5th if you need to if you know they know about your mongering but that's unlikely to happen. They won't know what to believe anyway even if a known SW calls the cop because she's pissed at a mongerer. It's unlikely they'll look for a mongerer for pissing her off.

    I've never picked up Veronica (or anyone going by that name) but I've seen a woman with the description that Mw Jrp gave of Veronica not on the East side but on the West side a few times but never picked this one up following the advice of my guts. Some SWs move around different areas.

    My report in report #800 in the general section ended with "Excuse me, I'm gonna go out and look for sex"

    It was a very cold morning about 12 degrees (-11 C), and only a couple of SWs on the West Side; but Cleveland Ave was loaded with plenty of BSWs plus a couple of white ones, even though it was cold.

    With the freshly fallen powdery snow all over the place really made everything easy to see as the snow reflected the city lights. One of my "Safe Location" was really lit up like a Christmas Tree with all the snow reflecting light, therefore be careful about where you do the deeds in this type of weather. Also, SWs have to heavily bundle up in this freezing cold, so it would be easy for a man faking as a SW (fairly common with blacks, other races not nearly as common) so look for the adam's apple and be careful.

    That morning, I picked up a BSW off Cleveland not far south of Hudson. She looked petite and cute even at close distance but when she got in I noticed that she was decent sized and looks like she could bench press a couple of hundred pounds (though still very beautiful anyway). She asked me to take her to some house (so perhaps she can by crack) and I said no. She said that she needed 10 bucks first so she can take it for whatever and again I said no. Despite my "no" insistances, she kept relenting on of what she wanted so I told her to get out of the car. She refused, so I was able to peacefully get her out by putting her through a preaching wringer about is it no wonder why I rarely pick up black SWs since the white ones aren't as bad, and girls like her makes it much harder for the few BSWs out there that are good, and her drug habits and she ought to let it wait until when she's done with her john and so on. After a few minutes, she got out after tiring of hearing my preachings. Unfortunately I never did get her name as I wish to tell you her name. Her small appearance despite her being decent sized was caused by an optical illusion of her wearing a black coat (dark colors makes people appear smaller) against all the white background created by the snow.(and pinkish caused by snow's reflection of the city lights). I gave up after dealing with this unethical BSW and went home.

    Stay Safe

  8. #54

    Update from SW Man

    Had my car fixed, weather was warm earlier this week. Went for a walk in the west side, met Toni(BSG reported on her before) and 18 year old Shelly, who Ive been with before. Talked to both but since I was on foot didnt seal the deal. Shelly was quite loud and conspicuous, so I didnt pursue her. Some old dude picked her up at Sully and Catherine.

    Met 31 year old Candy(sp?) at Sullivant and Glenwood. She has a bunch of self-inflicted cuts on her arm. Other than that looked good. $40 for FS.

    Tessa is still in the campus area, we did it in a somewhat safe location for 20.

    Also I saw a pudgy white dude in a Michael Vick jersey who asked me "you straight" and "you smoke" and "you lookin for hoes?"
    I got the impression this guy was a crackhead looking to cash and dash rather than a real pimp or dealer. He was out all damn day staring at traffic in the Sully/Clarendon ave area.

  9. #53

    New Orleans

    Oh yeah, unfortunately the game turned out bad, but I was able to have some luck scoring some ladie friends on my own. I only had one responder email me & no one else responded. Once I began asking around discretely it wasn't to difficult to find what I was looking for. Harrahs provided me with some beads & $ (paid for my tixs). Little luck on the craps table.

  10. #52
    Cruised Sully and Broad two evenings ago during 9:00 p.m. hour. Not much to comment on until I saw two local boys (built like brick sh*t houses) stroll out of a house in the bottoms with about six girls who started walking the streets. It looked like an N.A. meeting was breaking up. I cruised and the two best were picked up immediately by two of those guys who don't give a crap who is watching, slam on their breaks, do U-turns, etc .... i.e. the guys who end up on the evening news video feeds. Regardless, I only wanted a BBBJCIM, so I picked up Pricilla in the bottoms and she did the deed.

  11. #51

    Young One

    Was out & about yesterday before the rain hit, ran across a 18 wsw, red hair, cute around Sully & Georgesville by the bowling alley. Seemed inexperienced, after some coaching she performed a bbbj very well overall for .20 Has anyone else had any luck in this area? First time for me in this area for finding a lady friend. I was so nervous of having her convince me on her age that I forget what she said her name was & she said no digits at this time.

  12. #50
    Senior Member

    Posts: 4074

    Veronika-WSW, 34yo, 5'3", 105, tight bod--TERRIBLE

    Rolled thru the rain for 2 hours just before and after dark. Finally at 6:30p at Westgate & Main spotted a youthful figure. "V" hoped in, passed checks, drove to my room. Had bad feeling since not much fondling along the way. Offered a dinner at Wendy's, and H&H. 40+tip, to "stimulate" her. In the room she showered. Had a gorgeous little puss, very tight, but objected to fingering. The muff was the only good thing about the session. BBBJ was for 90 seconds. She started whinning about me not getting it up, on something, etc. Finally worked it up myself, covered up & drove in. It was nice, but more whinning about when I'd come and I finally finished with a 5-knuckle rub and came on her ass. She did move into me like a lap dancers with me between her cheeks while I came; guess that was ok. More whinning and I gave her a. 20 tip. Real sucker, I am.

    Now I picked her up on the west side and the drop is Sully bottoms near 315. But as I near there she says pull into this alley. Then she says. 10 more or she'll call the cops, she has my DNA (the condom), and she knows where I'm staying. I said let's go get a cop, or get the F***Out! She finally gets out, leaves door open, and I peal out with door nicely closing and head back to write this report.

    So, Avoid this C**T--Veronika. Black hair, corn-rolls or permed, BIG pointy nose. She had 2 black eyes too. Claimed her cousin thru something and hit her bridge. Probably pulled the shit on me, on the wrong monger and got an elbow in the snoot. This week I had 6 hotties in Dayton. Decided to try my good fortune in Columbus. Should have stayed in Dayton. Oh, well, I'll learn to trust the gut and not listen to the small guy. Be safe. MW

    PS: She never had any condom. I tossed it in the basket. What a B/S's C**T.

  13. #49


    An acquaintance of mine found Carmen on Sully east of Hague. 25ish, tall, thin, dark hair, big chest with pierced nipples, clean, landing strip with pierced lips. She said she was from the north side. Said he got all he wanted including a phone number, which he hasn't tried yet.

    Good hunting

  14. #48


    I went out for a bit today around 5pm to 7pm. I didn't see much at all. I drove back down Sullivant in between the Danotos and Wendys and met Tonya. She's about 5'6 maybe 110lbs. She says she's 29,but looks younger. She has dark hair and kinda had it up. She got in and said she just needs a ride down to wedgewood. I'm not an asshole or anything so I said ok thats fine. We started driving and she said are you a LE. I said no I'm not. She then just came right out and said "How would you like that cock sucked". I said that sounds god to me. She did a rolling BBBJCIMS. She has great skills. She said if I wanted FS to meet her around the same spot later. She did not have any digits. Not much out there right now above a 7 on the scale. Be safe guys.

    Oh yea I called Lollipops phone and it's not hers. I just wanted to let you guys know before I get any PM's. Sorry about that.

  15. #47


    I went out tonight looking and it was pretty pathetic. I guess it's the cold. I didn't see much and then on my way home I saw Lollipop on Sullivant. She's about a 7on the SW scale. She's about 5'6 maybe 5'7 120lbs and has a huge rack. She says their 34D and I believe it. I picked her up and she looked spooked for some reason. We both did the LE thing and she was cool after that.

    We stoped at a safe place and went at it. She gives a great BBBJ. She asked me if I wanted FS. I asked her how she was shaved. She said she wasnt so I passed. Then she says she will do the 3rd input. I thought what the hell so I slapped on a Trojan and went to town. She seemed to be into it. I even went in the second input for a little while. She was right she does not shave. I can't take that. Anyway I finished like we started with a great BBBJ. She took every last drop and even let me get between those Dcups with my tool.

    I got her digits and they seem to work. I would definatley see her again. I told her she needs to shave that forest a little bit. She gives a great BJ and takes her time and if you get to the 3rd input it's really tight and nice. She said it was ok to share digits. I will glady trade. Sr members and people with legit reports only. Stay safe guys lots of LE out.

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