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Escort Review: Streetwalker Reports

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  1. #137

    Yet Another Spin with Denali

    I was out for about two hours tonight, some kind of record for me. Went through Denny, Hostess and AAA a few times and didn't see much. Way too many guys out cruising and way too few girls working.

    Some kind of altercation broke out in AAA, security from the club walked all the way down by the McDonalds to talk to a group of young kids. I didn't know the difference and thought they were cops. Meanwhile, two BSWs started smiling at me and waving me over, one shouted something but I couldn't hear. I thought, "man, that's really stupid to be yelling over at me with cops right there". I moved on and finally after a few turns, I spotted a gal with nice curves and pulled over. I didn't realize that it was Denali and that she was the one yelling at me over on the previous block.

    I'm always amazed at what a nice-looking and mellow gal Denali is. Tonight she was very quiet and mellow, normally she talks to me a bit. I hadn't seen her around and she told me she just got out of jail after doing 30 days.

    We got to the spot and I got a nice CBJ and doggy finish. Denali has nice curves, so the view is good and she always seems to enjoy herself once the sex starts. Afterward, she was in no hurry to go back out so we drove around looking for her friend Diamond. Evidently she was worried because there were some pimps hanging around and she said they've been intense lately.

    Saw some of the usual gals, the good ones seem to come out right around 2am. I watched Kahlua circle the block a few times - i'd really recommend her and she's funny as hell to boot. The downside is that I saw her walking with China. Seems like a lot of the gals - including Ms. Monica, are aligning themselves with her.

  2. #136

    Bad Night with Risa

    So Saturday overnight was the worst evening i've seen thus far on the strolls. Lots of cruisers, almost no ladies and lots of rain. I find it hard to cruise when it's raining, I can't see anything and all of the lights reflect off of the water.

    I hung around for a few hours and saw nothing but the very occassional BSW in AAA. I did see one youngish white gal who looked pretty good but I could not for the life of me get her attention. At one point I was parallel with her and staring at her hard but she just would not look over. When I circled the block, she was gone. It even looked as though the local clubs had low turnout.

    I finally decided to take one turn through Denny on my way home and I spotted a short WSW walking up Thomas. I pulled over and when she got into my car I realized it was Risa. She mentioned that vice was very heavy and they were doing jump-outs in the area so all of the girls were skiddish. We went to a spot and got down to BBJ with doggy finish.

    I know it's been said before, but just in case anyone missed it i'll say again that Risa is one weird chick. I liked her but I wasn't exacly thrilled to have picked her up because I think her skills are just so-so. Also, she talks and talks and talks and drifts quickly from one completely unrelated topic to the next and there is simply no way to keep up with her. She also likes to talk while smoking the pole, something I find a bit annoying.

    As we are getting down to business, a white van with tinted windows turned down the street and started heading toward us very very slowly. Risa saw this and flipped out, I started the car and got us out of there. She asked me what time it was and when I told her she flipped out again - seems she had to "get her stuff" from someone she was supposed to meet in Denny Park. She asked me if we could stop by the Denny area before we resumed.

    Against my better judgement, I agreed to go bring her over. Once there, her connection was missed and she then she really started flipping out. She asked me to bring her to Belltown, I would wait one block away in the car while she walked to an apartment. Then, she said, we could resume business. Again, against my better judgement I drove her to Belltown.

    Once there, she told me to wait five minutes. I fully expected her to take off, but surprisingly she came walking back. She was really not in a good mood when she got back - her connection was missed again. A van pulled out ahead of us and she started screaming at me to catch up with the van. While i'm driving, she' hanging out the window practically standing on the seat trying to get this guy's attention. She started yelling at me to pull alongside the van and as there was a truck in front of me I was unable to do so. "Drive up on the sidewalk!!" was her very serious reply.

    By the time we caught up with the van at a stoplight near Denny, she suddenly realized that her connection was not driving and that he did not appear to be in the van. She was really cursing and freaking out and i'm wasn't really sure what to do. I told her to put her seatbelt back on and that i'd drop her off in Belltown. She didn't want me to drop her off, the buses had quit running and she needed to go to a motel on Aurora. She was trembling and really difficult to deal with. I'm thinking that i'm done with this whole thing and i'll just forget the money and get her out of the car.

    I did not want another Suzie incident, so I decided the best thing for me to do would be to stay calm and while I find a way to ditch her as calmly as I can. She asked to use my phone, I handed it over thinking that if she got ahold of someone that would be my ticket out. When the guy answered the phone, he hung up on her and she started yelling - "that fucker took a hit and now he's paranoid!! This always happens to him - he gets paranoid when he takes a hit!!!". So, we are going through Belltown and she's looking out the window trying to find him on the street. She's yelling at me because i'm driving too fast and she can't see everybody, even though i'm only going 20mph. She thought she spotted the guy so I pulled over so she could walk around the block. Risa said, "i'm sorry....i'm really really sorry", then bolted out like an Olympian runner.

    I have no idea if she planned on coming back, if she expected me to wait so we could do our business then bring her to Aurora. Whatever the case, as soon as she rounded the block I cut bait and bailed out of there. I just didn't want to risk getting into trouble and i'd gone far enough with her already. She was extremely moody, difficult and I felt even somewhat dangerous - I absolutely did not want to get into any kind of altercation with her for any reason. Besides, she got my money - let her take a cab to Aurora, then.

    I probably will not pick Risa up again.

  3. #135

    Thursday Cruise - Aurora/Hurricane

    I took a lot of time off and didn't think about going out much, now I know why.

    The weather wasn't so great so Denny was pretty quite last night around midnight. Went up Aurora - something I never do because I hate the high police presence on Aurora - and picked up a thin, hooded gal walking near the 7-11 in what I believe is Winona area, her name was Merrie (she spelled it for me).

    She was much older than her body told me she was, but friendly so I moved forward. I just opted for BBJCIM and it she did a so-so job. She came up for air and said, "I need you to help me out here", then went back down. I guess that meant that after only four minutes or so that I was taking too long. Down she goes, I start moving the hips, and she stops moving at all, literally letting me fuck her mouth. I felt the pressure build and then popped - with her immediately flying off of me and as far away from my exploding pecker as possible. It was if she was absolutely repulsed by men. Maybe just men like myself.

    So after cleaning up my seeds that got all over my pants, seat and hands, she said to me, "take your time, it's cold out there and i'm certainly in no hurry".

    Not satisfied and with enough time in my budget remaining, I swept through Denny and spotted one ugly blonde strolling. I then headed up to the Hurricane and spotted what I thought was a rather nice-looking working gal standing on a corner, so I pulled off on the next street and she came walking over.

    Her name was Leslie and she, too, was much older than her body told me she was. I could tell, though, that she was at one time very pretty. Again, I opted for BBJCIM and a handfull of nice round C's. I thought Leslie was nice enough, but when it came time to get down to it she just wasn't into it. After about two minutes and a quickening rhythm, she flew off of my pecker and proclaimed, "YOU CAME!!".

    ", I didn't."

    "You DIDN'T? I can taste something"

    "That's probably just the fluid from the seminal vessicle prepping all the pathways for my seeds".

    "Oh. I could have sworn".

    Back down she went, with an occassional break to ask, "do I get a tip?". Oh man, unable to come under such circumstances I finally just told her that I don't give tips and that i'm pretty much done. Immediately, she went right back to being the pleasant person she was when I picked her up. Funny how that happens.

    On my way to bringing Leslie back, I spotted Carmen standing on the corner of Denny and Stewart, with the same blonde i'd seen ealier strolling across the street from her. Looks like i'm going to have to check this area once in a while, too. I really wanted to see Carmen with her great skills, so I quickly dumped Leslie - who wanted to just sit in my car and chat. I went back to the spot were I saw Carmen and all that remained were a bunch of police patrolling on foot.

    Not a great welcome back.

  4. #134
    I DO have too much crap in my truck to leave any SW in there alone.

    I NEVER do that.

    Add to the list, they can look at the registration? I never thought of that.

    I send them in with small aount of cash or I go in with them or they stand outside (period)

    No exceptions.

  5. #133
    Quote Originally Posted by Leo Max
    I saw a WSW with black hair (bob cut) tweaking @ DP late morning drove past her.

    1St off, Hello, everyone. I'm kinda new/lurker here. I used to read and post a little, years ago (1997-2000) on the BD escort review boards. Not exactly new to the scene, just lurk more than post. With that out of the way.

    Was she about 5' 8-9", around 115lbs, small top, thin-side, definite IV user + more probably, somewhere in her 30's? If so, seen her a few times. Once a little under a year ago around the AAA in the daytime. Details are vague due to time since then, but I seem to recall that time was okay, cbj. 4, didn't ask for more. Got a voice mail number, ironically starting with 666, which is no longer working. Can't remember her name, but it was unusual, started with an "L" I think. Talked a little, she seemed smart, claimed she has a Masters Degree. Said she was staying on a boat with some dude that owns a bar, much the same as Brenda has said and perhaps another girl I've known. Is there some SW Party Boat that I am missing out on? Sail out to International Waters and do as you please?

    Second time was late last summer, ran into her somewhere between Eastlake Ave E & Fairview, South of Mercer St. She seemed a little more jaded then, obviously getting the hang of things and like Prudential, building her future on the rock. I don't think she remembered me from before, if she did, she didn't say so or act like it. She asked me to buy her a beer, which was fine, as I needed to buy some smokes anyhow. When I was in the store, I am pretty certain she rifled through everything in the glove box and elsewhere, finding nada, of course! We drove to her spot, near a hotel on Westlake/South Lake Union area (you figure it out). Payment was negotiated and made, was told to drop my drawers, at which time she made a fast and quick exit, saying something along the lines of "Don't bother trying to follow me or fuck with me, I saw your name and address on the registration and will come by for a visit with friends. " The only problem with that is she couldn't have seen it, as it was stashed in a hidden compartment in the car. Nice try though. Not wanting to get into a verbal altercation with a WSW late at night, I just blew it off.

    I've heard someone else I know once tell me a very similar story about a girl that matched that description. This was pretty recent, like a month ago. This time she was found somewhere around the area between 1-5, Eastlake Ave, Denny and Boren. She was talking about all sorts of off the wall things, sounding very paranoid and delusional. She told my friend that she was raped recently and thinks the person gave her something bad (disease), that she may be pregnant and that "her husband has people on the Internet calling her a chicken-head hoe" as well as a plethora of other really weird things I can't remember. That was enough for my friend, he gave her $5 to get some food and dropped her off at the next available corner. She wanted more, but he just locked the doors and drove off.

    So, long story longer, use caution with this one. YMMV, but I would not want to be the one to find out.

  6. #132
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Peepers
    This kinda is lame they pick on my Favorite club! I wonder what time they went and busted the club and did the customers get busted too?? Is the crime a felony?
    No, Mr Peepers. I know a frequenter of that particular speakers forum --Remember the former city council member, Margaret Paegler, who used to hold press conferences in front of the club, denouncing the evils of the flesh? I was kind of surprised how badly we were able to beat her.

    Two things:

    1) There were six girls charged, all with misdemeanors;

    2) No customers were arrested.

    *SIGH* I'm old enough to remember before Seattle cops were so professional, when a girl could help herself with a trip to the back seat of the patrol car.

  7. #131

    Nothing... nada... a vacuum

    I tried about 9 PM... Nothing all the way to Denny way from 175th. Saw one possible, but not in position to check. Lots of civilians in the area. LE was out busting drivers for I know not what.

    Where the hell are all the SW's?

    On the bright side I have a date with an incall on Sunday night; will report on her here.

    Keep safe out there.

  8. #130

    Hot tubs in the room


    I rented a room for N W years 06.. In Seattle.

    I was totally stoked , Come to find it was nothing more than a jetted bathtub.

    Had fun in it anyway.

  9. #129
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1142
    Quote Originally Posted by Gorilla69
    There is another one?
    Nope, Tubs is closed and we don't have another one. The closest one is in Federal Way. In addition, no Seattle motels charge an hourly rate. The next best thing would be to simply get a room at a motel for about 10-15 more than the tubs rate. Of course a lot of the motels on Aurora will ask to see both ID's so if she is a known SW they won't let you in.

  10. #128

    Another Tubs?

    There is another one?

  11. #127
    Quote Originally Posted by Gorilla69
    I read where Tubs was closed. I am relocating (returning) to Seattle from the frozen north and it was always a good place to take a nice provider. Is there anywhere in Seattle to get a private room with no questions asked??

    I passed by today and yes it appears to be closed at the U district location.

  12. #126

    Hot Tubs...

    Hi Another chapter in this fantasy life. Only fantasy.

    Yes Iam told Seattle tubs closed plans for something else going in, Hearsay so could be it could be B S, did search did not find any thing right away In my chapter 3 I will talk about how I met a provider in a place called:

    I have info saved.

    Had a great hr for 2 for. 4 (just h t rental) it was clean and hot.

    It was late so not many questions asked.

    Recently I was talking to a Clist provider. Claims she was busted there.

    So questions are being asked, Being Discrete is all so important!

    Been told some providers wear extremely revealing clothing there causing attention un wanted attention.

    F Y I all fantasy of course.


  13. #125

    Is Tubs Closed?

    I read where Tubs was closed. I am relocating (returning) to Seattle from the frozen north and it was always a good place to take a nice provider. Is there anywhere in Seattle to get a private room with no questions asked??


  14. #124
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1142
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Peepers
    This kinda is lame they pick on my Favorite club! I wonder what time they went and busted the club and did the customers get busted too?? Is the crime a felony?
    I'm pretty sure the charges ares misdeameanors.

  15. #123

    Sugars what time did they do the raid?

    Quote Originally Posted by Civ2000
    It looks like the cops revisited Sugars last night, they must have really enjoyed their lap dances last week. About a dozen ladies charged with "standards of conduct".
    This kinda is lame they pick on my Favorite club! I wonder what time they went and busted the club and did the customers get busted too?? Is the crime a felony?

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