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Thread: Corona virus

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  1. #1257


    Quote Originally Posted by Shipshape  [View Original Post]
    Doesn't much matter if you carry a cell phone. They DO track you and listen to you and I think can even read your mind. Probably they have a deal with Facebook to share all that info. We are doomed.
    Ho, da scary. Pretty soon us all going join the AI zombies that stay already hea.

  2. #1256
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike4346  [View Original Post]
    You ever had chicken pox? Whatever you do don't get the shingrex vaccine. On the second shot they inject a tracker under your skin. Its magnetic and they know where you go..
    Doesn't much matter if you carry a cell phone. They DO track you and listen to you and I think can even read your mind. Probably they have a deal with Facebook to share all that info. We are doomed.

  3. #1255

    Don't forget your shingles shot

    Quote Originally Posted by Handsome111  [View Original Post]
    Don't forgot to get your booster shot unvacinated and proud of it.
    You ever had chicken pox? Whatever you do don't get the shingrex vaccine. On the second shot they inject a tracker under your skin. Its magnetic and they know where you go.


  4. #1254
    Interesting how people read into a comment that there is more than what is there. Even A2 the almighty and all knowing does on occasion (me too for that matter). Did I write anywhere that I agreed with the world wide strategy of a complete economic shutdown? I posted specially that a repetitive, non scientific article did nothing to support its contention that the pandemic was created to justify the vaccine creation. A truly upside down article. May I suggest that you consider that some of us didn't want to shut the world down but did support mask wearing, and distancing, until a vaccine could be developed. At the risk of even a deeper double secret monitoring I would suggest you reread my post. Fact, Corona virus was a worldwide pandemic. Fact, people died because of it. Fact, when it 1st began showing up in other countrise than China there was no vaccine. Yes I know there was a certain amount of fraud (there always is). Do I think we should have shut down the world? Where did I write that? Yes, I was a cancer patient at the time and would have probably died due to an extremely low red blood cell count had I caught covid (it attacks red blood cells and I had none to spate). But took it upon myself to take care of me. I didn't expect my neighbor to quarantine like me. As soon as you assume something you are on a path of foolishness. You would be shocked at how much I agreed with a less radical strategy. You forget that I live on an island A2. You think we wanted this total shutdown too include even our beaches? You assume too much and are beginning to remind me of the great and powerful oz. Your use of "you" should have been reserved for the fight thread IMHO.

  5. #1253

    Posts: 4981

    Science, you want science?

    Quote Originally Posted by Shipshape  [View Original Post]
    An amazingly garbage article that offers only opinion with repetative statements unsupported by any scientific reality. Completely ignores the thosands that died. Completely ignores overwhelmed hospitals and staff worldwide and claims there was no pandemic, just all an act to justify the creation of vaccines. A pathetic article.
    I'm thinking a Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology at the University of Edinburgh should suffice.

    Corona wasn't a scam to create a vaccine, any reasonable person knows that it was a real disease and killed a lot of people, most who would have died within a few years corono or no. The issue that all of you "we were right to close the world down for a disease with a 99.76% recovery rate that was so devastating that 60% of the people who got it never knew they had it" idiots have completely refused to admit to is how you devastated the world economy and completely destroyed economies in developing countries and the UNBELIEVABLE amount for suffering that has caused. There are now 122 million more people living in starvation since 2021, there was a report awhile ago from the UN Council on hunger that 50 million more people are dying every year from starvation as a direct result of covid mitigation.

    There is no doubt at all that there was worldwide hysteria that led to policies that killed WAY more people than they saved.

    I passed Covid in Mexico City and they got it right, they closed big arenas, movie theaters ect, if you went into a public building you had to wear a mask, they had these stupid bleach traps for your feet but other than that nothing, no restriction on travel, no restrictions on dining, normal like except no movies, no lucha libre and a mask at the grocery store. They took tons of shit from your ilk during those times but Mexico cared for ALL it's people, not just the. 0 whatever percent that had risk factors.

    You were wrong then, you are wrong now, you grossly over reacted, you forced politicians to over react through constant social media pressure and you killed a few hundred million of the poorest people on the planet and nobody is counting them because they don't count so well done you.

    It still pisses me off.


  6. #1252

    Keep wearing that mask

    Quote Originally Posted by Shipshape  [View Original Post]
    An amazingly garbage article that offers only opinion with repetative statements unsupported by any scientific reality. Completely ignores the thosands that died. Completely ignores overwhelmed hospitals and staff worldwide and claims there was no pandemic, just all an act to justify the creation of vaccines. A pathetic article.
    Don't forgot to get your booster shot unvacinated and proud of it.

  7. #1251
    Quote Originally Posted by ParamAhmad  [View Original Post]
    If you still believe there was a COVID-19 pandemic or that COVID-19 "vaccination" is or was a good idea (as the CDC still claims), this statement by a group in the Union of South Africa will open your eyes:

    PANDA statement on COVID-19 "vaccines":
    An amazingly garbage article that offers only opinion with repetative statements unsupported by any scientific reality. Completely ignores the thosands that died. Completely ignores overwhelmed hospitals and staff worldwide and claims there was no pandemic, just all an act to justify the creation of vaccines. A pathetic article.

  8. #1250

    COVID-19 was and is a scam

    If you still believe there was a COVID-19 pandemic or that COVID-19 "vaccination" is or was a good idea (as the CDC still claims), this statement by a group in the Union of South Africa will open your eyes:

    PANDA statement on COVID-19 "vaccines":

  9. #1249
    Quote Originally Posted by MrToftt  [View Original Post]
    I had it, some of my symptoms was slight fever and a little fatigue, was like a cold but it was more like a dry cough, no mucus came out. But I worked out when I had it just didn't go as hard. So if you feel like working out I would. Take care Mr Chow.
    Chow try barbarianbody work out for legs on YT. Ho, Chow dying after 5 minutes! Chow maybe try next week. Thanks Mr. Toftt.

  10. #1248

    If can, can

    I had it, some of my symptoms was slight fever and a little fatigue, was like a cold but it was more like a dry cough, no mucus came out. But I worked out when I had it just didn't go as hard. So if you feel like working out I would. Take care Mr Chow.

    Quote Originally Posted by MisterChow  [View Original Post]
    Mr. Chow catch covid, so Chow wonder if okay to exercise? Chow look at himself and like lean look. Chow notice more ab definition. But Chow upset at his legs! Chow have hard time with his legs. Skinny chicken legs! Also normal time for recovery and when can go back to normal activities. Chows symptoms started on Sunday. Appreciate advice and help. Thanks.

  11. #1247
    Senior Member

    Posts: 206


    Quote Originally Posted by MisterChow  [View Original Post]
    Mr. Chow catch covid, so Chow wonder if okay to exercise? Chow look at himself and like lean look. Chow notice more ab definition. But Chow upset at his legs! Chow have hard time with his legs. Skinny chicken legs! Also normal time for recovery and when can go back to normal activities. Chows symptoms started on Sunday. Appreciate advice and help. Thanks.
    Mr. Chow.

    Johnny 14 and hi pickle pretty must much says it all, with creditability IMHO.

  12. #1246
    Mr. Chow catch covid, so Chow wonder if okay to exercise? Chow look at himself and like lean look. Chow notice more ab definition. But Chow upset at his legs! Chow have hard time with his legs. Skinny chicken legs! Also normal time for recovery and when can go back to normal activities. Chows symptoms started on Sunday. Appreciate advice and help. Thanks.

  13. #1245
    Quote Originally Posted by Blake123  [View Original Post]
    Thanks for your response. My bout with Covid lasted about two weeks--not really that bad, just an annoyance. I'd like to believe that the vaccine treatments kept me out of the hospital.

    I managed to dodge Covid prior to this, and I never just stayed at home. So, I'm guessing I caught it because this latest variant is particularly nasty or it's because I was mingling with people not wearing masks--myself included. I do believe it is the latter.
    2 weeks Whoa! I know of at least 12 friends, family members, co workers that got the recent Covid. All of them were vaccinated. All said they had slight fever and felt kind of weak but ONLY lasted for 2 days max.

  14. #1244
    Quote Originally Posted by MakaKiller  [View Original Post]
    Sorry to hear that you caught Covid despite completing the CDC recommended vaccination protocol. Yes it is well know that one can still become sick even after completing the series. TBS it is also recognized that the severity and length of your COVID-19 illness and the need for a hospital stay is greatly reduced if vaccinated. There will always be individual variation in protection provided by vaccination. However there are additional technics well known to all of us that one can utilize to mitigate getting sick. I truly understand your frustration. Just continue to Stay Safe.
    Thanks for your response. My bout with Covid lasted about two weeks--not really that bad, just an annoyance. I'd like to believe that the vaccine treatments kept me out of the hospital.

    I managed to dodge Covid prior to this, and I never just stayed at home. So, I'm guessing I caught it because this latest variant is particularly nasty or it's because I was mingling with people not wearing masks--myself included. I do believe it is the latter.

  15. #1243


    Quote Originally Posted by ClaraForever  [View Original Post]
    Which means she is older than 50?
    Isn't she? She's good looking for her age but I always thought she looked late 40's at the the youngest but always assumed at least early 50's looking.

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