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  1. #28

    Since I love playing devil's advocate

    Quote Originally Posted by PaiMei  [View Original Post]
    Dude, could WHAT be the truth? The fact that 210,000 Americans are dead because of COVID? That the Trump administration and his sheep cuntservative followers brazenly oppose recommendations to help mitigate the problem. Trumps a sociopath. Just yesterday he got out of the hospital, got in front of a podium and took his mask off putting everyone around him at risk. What a piece of shit.

    Can't handle the truth LOL.
    Let's talk about mitigation.

    First the media and the Dems are going off on how wonderful the WHO is and we should follow their guidelines.

    And now we know from internal WHO emails via an AP story that prior to January they were aware CoVid was capable of human to human transmission and that the Chinese weren't telling the truth, but didn't say anything because they were afraid the Chinese would cut off all contact.

    And we have the not too long ago WHO directive that a mask wasn't needed unless you were caring for someone with CoVid or actively showing symptoms which they reversed after a few days.

    Then we have the ongoing statements from the WHO that CoVid isn't airborne, it's spread by fomite transmission which means when Trump talked to Woodward he was wrong again (or was he like most of us, if you can inhale it at a distance its airborne?

    I guess we shouldn't rely on the HVAC engineers that say buildings need better filtration since hey, they're not scientists or MDs even though we have seen it happen before with other viruses and bacterium.

    So there are sheep on both sides of the issue and most have already found their version of the narrative and only accept news that supports it.

    So to make it easy:

    CNN=anything anti-Trump good / anything pro Trump bad.

    FOX=anything pro-Trump good / anything anti-Trump bad.

    Whichever side you're on, take off the rose colored glasses that reinforce your belief and pay a visit to the other side.

    Then go outside of the US for your news using Brave (yes they do tailor stories for US consumption) for a browser and pay a visit to, and the other non-US media.

    And at the end of all of this, let's not forget that the model which predicted 2,000,000 US dead in the first year, which was also used by the UK, Germany, France and quite a few others turned out to be so flawed that when it was open sourced nobody could reproduce the results including the author.

  2. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by JoeMan64  [View Original Post]
    Could it be the TRUTH?

    Or maybe I remember someone say this named Jack?

    "Maybe you can't handle the truth"?
    Dude, could WHAT be the truth? The fact that 210,000 Americans are dead because of COVID? That the Trump administration and his sheep cuntservative followers brazenly oppose recommendations to help mitigate the problem. Trumps a sociopath. Just yesterday he got out of the hospital, got in front of a podium and took his mask off putting everyone around him at risk. What a piece of shit.

    Can't handle the truth LOL.

  3. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by JoeMan64  [View Original Post]
    Could it be the TRUTH?

    Or maybe I remember someone say this named Jack?

    "Maybe you can't handle the truth"?
    The media has made a lot of hay along the lines of "You get CoVid you're going to die".

    Which is why I don't listen to any of them and go do my own research.

    Want to compare the US to another country? You really can't since you have to have one of similar population which is also has unlimited travel between geographically contiguous regions and populations. If you put the entire EU together you're close but there's a problem with how each country counts a death. It was interesting reading the BBC and finding out that in Sweden if someone died from CoVid they were counted as a CoVid death, in Germany you were counted as a CoVid death only if you were not living in a nursing home at the time or death or prior to being admitted to a hospital. Basically if you were in a nursing home you were going to die sooner rather than later so it didn't count. So there is no fixed rule across the EU for calculating deaths.

    India truly has no idea of their case and death rate because most of their numbers come from the cities.

    Russia? Controlled state media and their leading hospital couldn't tell a guy had been dosed with a nerve agent?

    China? 2 million people transited Wuhan before the outbreak was "announced" with the first cases occurring in late October / early November. Strange that they originally tried to claim that it was caused by the World Military Games. I could go on but let's be real about this, but one would have to be a fool to accept their numbers.

    CoVid from a lab?

    The first thing everybody wants to jump on is the development of a bio-agent, you could steer it's evolution "naturally" with enough time and it's been 15+ years since SARS.

    My take having dated a research assistant in college working on a bacteria project is that the normal methodology is "what kills it, where does it thrive, how does it evolve". Take CoVid, let's see how it does in a pig, goat, cow. bird, etc. And one day it escapes because it could never infect humans before and now it can. If memory serves me right before the Chinese censored everything there were 6 cases with no ties to the wet market where did they come from?

    Multiple strains?

    The narrative here in the states was that there was only one strain, the original one even though research in Europe had already identified the D614 G strain which was more infectious, but less deadly in mid-March. It's now the primary strain.

    Death rate?

    Look at the rate per age bracket, low 20's and below the survival is almost 99.999 it drops as you get older with every 10 yr bracket.

    Trump's slow down the testing if you're getting too many positives.

    This took a bit of back end work and the logic really only showed up after Dewine's positive PCR test followed by two negatives.

    It seems that quite a few of the testing companies were still running the beta software from March and had not updated their machines to the production release. This caused false positives and interestingly enough this story didn't get played up by Fox, CNN or any of the media outlets.

    Fact of life here in the US, it's damned near impossible to get info without a political spin.

    Of course we stopped expecting the media to actually do research a long time ago.

    My fav was a story from early in Gulf II where they were talking about an RPG taking out a Bradley as if is was a shocking thing.

    An RPG is just a more modern version of a bazooka or panzerfaust, its an anti-armor weapon so where's the story?

  4. #25

    Another Biden LOSER

    Quote Originally Posted by PaiMei  [View Original Post]
    Get ready world. Trumps going to show us that COVID's no big deal just like he's been telling us this whole time. All you need is a private helicopter, 12 world class doctors (Medical science what a sham, right! And every single drug available at a moment's notice. Easy!

    Could it be the TRUTH?

    Or maybe I remember someone say this named Jack?

    "Maybe you can't handle the truth"?

  5. #24

    COVID, no big deal!

    Get ready world. Trumps going to show us that COVID's no big deal just like he's been telling us this whole time. All you need is a private helicopter, 12 world class doctors (Medical science what a sham, right! And every single drug available at a moment's notice. Easy!


  6. #23


    Don't forget to vote boys. And if you really want to be proactive make a list of ten friends who you think might forget and help them by identifying their voting place, making sure they're registered and even offering to get them there. Then after maybe hook them up with a lady friend for a congratulatory BBJCIMWS! Now that's a friend.

  7. #22
    Senior Member

    Posts: 2627
    Quote Originally Posted by Phlasher  [View Original Post]
    A trap door over an alligator pit would be marvelous.
    If there was an Indiegogo project for this that required funding, I would donate. I am D'Nut and I support this message.

  8. #21

    Re: New technology

    Quote Originally Posted by DNut  [View Original Post]
    It's 2020. Isn't there some technology that would have helped that trash heap dumpster fire on a runaway train of a debate, like a microphone kill switch? I had friends overseas who were watching and they were surprised how far the once "civilized" America has fallen. The world is watching, and the world is disappointed.
    A trap door over an alligator pit would be marvelous.

  9. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by VinnieKramer  [View Original Post]
    I thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster I'm not traveling internationally like I used to. I hate trying to explain how we've sunk this low.
    Last time I was in Europe I just started telling people I was Canadian. I got sick of trying to explain the dipshit trump phenomena to them. Which I can't, beyond the fact we clearly have more idiots than was previously known.

  10. #19
    Senior Member

    Posts: 2627

    New technology

    It's 2020. Isn't there some technology that would have helped that trash heap dumpster fire on a runaway train of a debate, like a microphone kill switch? I had friends overseas who were watching and they were surprised how far the once "civilized" America has fallen. The world is watching, and the world is disappointed.

  11. #18

    That was a Goat rodeo

    I thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster I'm not traveling internationally like I used to. I hate trying to explain how we've sunk this low.

    Quote Originally Posted by DNut  [View Original Post]
    The debates are tonight. Who's going to watch?

  12. #17
    Senior Member

    Posts: 2627


    The debates are tonight. Who's going to watch?

  13. #16

    It Was a joke!! I shouldn't have used all caps!

    Quote Originally Posted by Admin2  [View Original Post]
    Not officially but if you keep it like the knucklehead below this then yes. You may have the never ending political argument here.

    You are literally shouting your hate for liberals accusing them of not debating and hating.

    You are literally doing exactly what you accuse them of doing.

    Not getting in the middle of this on a basis of substance, I think all you guys who continue to insist that one side is somehow better than the other when both sides ONLY represent a group you will never ever be a part of are funny as shit.
    IF YOU CAN'T DEBATE!! YOU MUST HATE!! That sounds like a poem Al Sharpton may say!! LOL! It Was a joke!! I shouldn't have used all caps!

    I am not the one who said Quote!

    Is this a legit fight thread? Like can I kick stupid ass around here? ".

  14. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Admin2  [View Original Post]
    Not officially but if you keep it like the knucklehead below this then yes. You may have the never ending political argument here.

    You are literally shouting your hate for liberals accusing them of not debating and hating.

    You are literally doing exactly what you accuse them of doing.

    Not getting in the middle of this on a basis of substance, I think all you guys who continue to insist that one side is somehow better than the other when both sides ONLY represent a group you will never ever be a part of are funny as shit.
    You just made me realize this guy doesn't want to debate anything, just wants to pick a fight. Fuck it. This is on the ignore list.

  15. #14

    Posts: 4981


    Quote Originally Posted by RogerOver  [View Original Post]
    Is this a legit fight thread? Like can I kick stupid ass around here? Don't know the rules.
    Not officially but if you keep it like the knucklehead below this then yes. You may have the never ending political argument here.

    Quote Originally Posted by UPullAndPay3  [View Original Post]
    And why is it the Liberals come back with so much hate! IF YOU CAN'T DEBATE!! YOU MUST HATE!! That sounds like a poem Al Sharpton may say!! LOL!
    You are literally shouting your hate for liberals accusing them of not debating and hating.

    You are literally doing exactly what you accuse them of doing.

    Not getting in the middle of this on a basis of substance, I think all you guys who continue to insist that one side is somehow better than the other when both sides ONLY represent a group you will never ever be a part of are funny as shit.

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