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  1. #125
    Thanks for the kind words and advice...

  2. #124

    One last tip!

    Indeed, the best way to get a ho out of the car is to offer to buy her something at a fast food joint, throw her $5 and say you'll wait for her. Let her go inside, then GET GONE QUICK! And lay low in that area a few days (i.e., don't go back there).

    As for the guy getting rolled by establishments, go to the bathroom, then make a dash for the door- worst case you pay, best case, you get to your car and head on down the road!

    Sex, money, and drugs are the LE Trinity- good thing you got away clean. Stay safe putting the gag on.

    [QUOTE=Gag on It]This story is totaly true and i am very glad to have not been harmed or robbed...

  3. #123

    Checking Out Former Strolls

    Hey Paul,

    Bravo on your report regarding Metro (Stewart Av). I have many fond memories of the area myself. I will be in the ATL tonight for the first time in (I think) a year. I will hit the old strolls, Bankhead Hwy, Ponce, Peachtree and 14th, Metro, Ashby Street, Jonesboro Rd, Cleveland and FIB.

    I've RTFF but you guys can help me with some recent intel on these and other SW spots. You may PM me if you desire. In return I will provide you with a report on my findings. Thanks in advance.

    Be safe and happy hunting

    NC Hunter

    Quote Originally Posted by Paul D Pounder
    had a triumphant trip to the ATL!!! There was some talent off of stewart ave (metro). You can drive up and down the whole thing. Sad to say, in the old Gary's Motel spot some new condos are going up. I could never live there knowing what I used to do up in there. I got a nice thick lightskin chicken, lite brown hair, fine blond hairs on the arms and legs, met her off of Jonesboro Rd. Went up into some country road in a stand of trees and waxed it well with me standing outside of the truck. The snatch looked clean and good enough to eat. I didn't know her so we just did the deed, covered of course. Found another one, petite, dark, and very pretty, we went to her house, a nice house, better than the one I live in; imagine that. This was also off of Jonesboro near lakewood. Does anyone know of any action over on Campbelton Rd. That used to be a good spot for me.

  4. #122
    Quote Originally Posted by Gag on It
    My monger nightmare...!

    Feel free to comment...LOL
    We have all did stupid things in our lives. Luckily I got away every time without getting hurt. I may have lost some dole but I am happy that I got off OK. I am sure Gag's experience is not unique or worst. I am glad he shared it with us.

    1. In Boston, I was given a double header and they stole all my cash.
    2. In Pink Pony awhile back, somebody stole my credit card and bought 7000$ of goods.
    3. In Hong Kong, an escort demands HK$2000 instead of the negotiated 500, threatening to call the mafia to take care of me.
    4. In Hong Kong, the bar demanded HK$1500 for 30 min of drinking and talk to the hostesses. The drink was supposed to be 200 and I did not commit to buy the girls any drinks.
    5. In soho London, when I left a strip show, I was surrounded by touts and demanded US$200 instead of 20.
    6. The most honest hobbyist place is Montreal. They are very honest in quality, service and description.

    Good luck, guys, I am sure those will not be my last episode.

  5. #121
    Quote Originally Posted by Gag on It
    I just posted this story so we all can learn a hard lesson about what happens when you break safety ryles.
    Well thanks for posting it. I make bad decisions with my little head sometimes too and I appreciate when someone is real enough to post what happened even if it doesn't make them look super smart. Most all of us get carried away and screw up at some point and it's good to post things like this to remind us all to be careful.

  6. #120
    Quote Originally Posted by Pwhipped
    Gag has been around a long time, I do not think he made it up, he may and I think so , made some bad decisions, we all do that sometimes, but there may more to the story that caused him to do what he did, but I do believe he did what was posted. But who knows?, Gag may be just yanking our chain to see the reaction(Grin).

    This story is totaly true and i am very glad to have not been harmed or robbed... Many of you are asking questions that are answered in the post already. PW hit it on the head when he said I made some bade choices. (We all do it sometimes). I broke several of my own basic safety rules and got in trouble. There is nothing else to the story. It seems odd and off the wall cause that is the way that the damn dope ho made things play out seh knew she already had her rock when she got in the car so the whole situation was botched for me already as she knew she did not need to provide any service.

    I know many of you are looking back it the situation with 20/20 sight but sometimes the actual situation is more sticky, ie. That ho would not get out of my car without her rock wich she dropped when I spead away from her pimp suddenly. I just posted this story so we all can learn a hard lesson about what happens when you break safety ryles.

  7. #119

    Fishy? No

    Gag has been around a long time, I do not think he made it up, he may and I think so , made some bad decisions, we all do that sometimes, but there may more to the story that caused him to do what he did, but I do believe he did what was posted. But who knows?, Gag may be just yanking our chain to see the reaction(Grin).


    Quote Originally Posted by Captain94
    This story smells totally fishy. And given my posts on chatty women upon entering your vehicle, you should have kicked her out immediate. Or you could have taken her to a fast food joint and ditched her.

    In any case, next time, kick her out and forget the $15, that's what? 3 gallons of gas man? And you're STILL out $15!

  8. #118
    had a triumphant trip to the ATL!!! There was some talent off of stewart ave (metro). You can drive up and down the whole thing. Sad to say, in the old Gary's Motel spot some new condos are going up. I could never live there knowing what I used to do up in there. I got a nice thick lightskin chicken, lite brown hair, fine blond hairs on the arms and legs, met her off of Jonesboro Rd. Went up into some country road in a stand of trees and waxed it well with me standing outside of the truck. The snatch looked clean and good enough to eat. I didn't know her so we just did the deed, covered of course. Found another one, petite, dark, and very pretty, we went to her house, a nice house, better than the one I live in; imagine that. This was also off of Jonesboro near lakewood. Does anyone know of any action over on Campbelton Rd. That used to be a good spot for me.

  9. #117

    Some Shat Gag?

    This story smells totally fishy. And given my posts on chatty women upon entering your vehicle, you should have kicked her out immediate. Or you could have taken her to a fast food joint and ditched her.

    In any case, next time, kick her out and forget the $15, that's what? 3 gallons of gas man? And you're STILL out $15!

  10. #116
    You must have a death wish... if you avoid girls with pimps, why did you pick her up in the first place? Why the hell did you take her back to get his OK for a freakin' $7.50 refund? If saving $7.50 is worth risking your life, you need to find a new hobby!

    And helping her find her crack rock in your car - and allowing her to SMOKE it??? I guess you don't mind if your European car get's impounded, huh?

    And why the hell didn't you pull over as soon as you were clear of the pimp and tell the b i t c h to get out of the car?

    Death wish... or just plain stupid...

  11. #115

    Re: Gag on it

    [QUOTE=Gag on It]My monger nightmare...!

    Damn Dude! You aren't packing? In this business I beleieve thats about as essential as wrapping your willie.... you were lucky to say he least.

  12. #114


    And this is why I will never get into SW's.

  13. #113

    Bankhead Hwy nightmare!

    My monger nightmare...!

    So tonight on my way home from a club i decided to go cruise my usual stroll on Bankhead Hwy. On my way down I saw an 8 BSW walking with her pimp and I passed her as I normally do if they are with any males. So I cruised all the way to the truck stop and found nothing. On my way back down Bankhead Hwy. I spotted the same BSW and her pimp in front of a shop where I have had very good luck before so I figured, what the hell!!!

    I picked up the ho and she talked constantly until we found a dark secluded spot. Once there i produced and gave her my $15 which is what I pay and all I had. She immediately started staling and rambling, complaining and muttering. I knew immediately that she was going to try and rip me off. I argued with her for about 3 mins. then gave up and asked her for a 50% refund since nothing happened... She eventually agreed but said she had to confirm that with her pimp or bouncer as she called him.

    So we drove back to where he was at the same shop. I pulled infront of the shop and he walked up to the car. She started to explain to him that I did not have enough money. He walked up to my window then walked behind my car. I am extremely perceptive and could tell that he was trying to plan his attack...LOL So all of a sudden he runs from behind my car up to my window and reaches in while opening my door and cussing...LOL (I had pulled in such that my car was facing the exit of the parking lot incase I need to escape...LOL ) As soon as he did that silly action I floored my car which is europen and quite fast...LOL He tried to run along side as his arm was still in the window but he had no chance and I saw him tumbling to the ground in my rear view as I spead away!! So this silly ho is still in my car as i am doing 80MPh in a 45 to escape her pimp, (thank god no cop was comming up the street,) and she is so damn crazy I cant tell if she was in on the set up or not.

    She said, “damn he is stupid, he should have gone straight for your keys!” Then she said, “damn you are stupid to let him creep up on you like that!” So anyway during the drama she dropped her crack rock (which i didn’t know she had) in my car. I pulled up a side street and helped her find it and she proceeded to try and smoke it on the spot. So then I am like where can I drop you off? She said that i should take her back to her pimp and he would apologize... WWWTTTFFF!!!! Hell No!!!

    So I drove her to one block away from where I found her and from where I had just escaped, but her pimp had already called his thug friends and they were heading the opposite way, I am guessing to find me and kill me...LOL. As we drove past the car he was in I could hear him cussing !!!LOL The ho goes, “See there he is!” I said ok get out here, she took damn near 1 minute to get out of my car and I knew her pimp would do a U turn... I thank god that she got out cause she was rambling out about me driving her home and stuff, and I thank god there was no damage to me or my car.... I dont carry weapons so I could have been killed or ropped...LOL So it looks like I will have to take a break from that stroll fro a while..LOL

    Feel free to comment...LOL

  14. #112
    Quote Originally Posted by Stormrider
    Just go a little ways in both directions from the interstate. One way all the way past the titty bars to the Mapsco. The other way past the hotels and turn around just before the airfield.

    Appreciate the information, thanks for taking the time to respond. I will poke around more in both directions.

    Being really tired after posting my original message, I went to sleep and visited FIB in my dreams.

    In my dream I went down and drove past Wendell, and spotted about five girls immediately. I turned around and pulled past one more time and saw two that would fit the bill. One 7/10 WSW, one 7/10 BSW. The rest went from ok to "damn get back please."

    If I had any control of my dream, I would have quickly snatched up the WSW. Unfortunately, I dream of chocolate so went for the darker one. I say unfortunately because her sister ( so she says) wanted to play in my dream as well. Sister was a 5, and I'm being generous. Not wanting to bargain too much right on the corner, I agreed to both. 40 hugs a piece for fs It was slightly rushed, and I didn't want to wake up so fast. I also didnt want to push my luck, as this was the first time in the area for me.

    The next night, I had another dream about the same place. When I first drove by in this dream, not a soul could be found. A turnaround of my sedan explained why. Five patrol cars were right across the street in the IHOP looking restaurant. I say IHOP looking because I didn't look long enough in that direction to register much else. I was enjoying my dream, and didn't want a nightmare. I drove back up a few exits, and grabbed a late dinner.

    Coming back to the area, the patrol cars were just leaving, and made a big show of flashing their blues and caravanning around for a minute...then they were off. So darn bright I nearly woke up actually.

    Few minutes later the place got busy enough for me to hook up with someone. Although in my dream I admit to being ready to go and yanking a 4-5/10 quickly, I received unrushed attention, bj/fs for 45. Probably 45 minutes. Definately 30 minutes longer than my first dreah heh.

    then of course I woke up, and had to go to work. Figures.

    Anyway, back to reality. I have a couple more questions if anyone has time to answer. I haven't been around the area in the daytime. If I pass by due to work etc, it's very late evening or early morning. (10:00pm-1:00am) Any difference in the types of ladies present, volume, etc? Choices are always good.

    Also, anything going on around that comfort inn? The place at Wendell has more thugs than a riot hanging around.

  15. #111
    Quote Originally Posted by Xanathos
    Is it that FIB bust that keeps everyone from posting or is it something else? I have noticed the absence of SW posts since then, and I must admit, that my mongering took a huge hit when it occurred. Should I look for somewhere else in the ATL? Where else is there to go where I can find such a vast variety as before (FIB)? Any ideas? Where did the FIB hoes go? Are they at another hotel in the area? I am now stuck with one old reliable whose # I have. So now I have to subscribe to the saying that "variety is NOT the spice of life" This sucks!

    You need to diversify your SW mongering strols.... get a map of atlanta and look for the ghettos or industrial areas... that is where you will find SWs... cruise around and see.

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