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Thread: 2005 Archived General Reports

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  1. #622
    Quote Originally Posted by np2112
    I should put my legs in cement blocks...
    There are some gentlemen in town who know how to perform that service.
    Quote Originally Posted by np2112
    ...chance of meeting this Wastrel.
    But then maybe you already have; you just never know.

  2. #621

    np2112 -->?

    Would this heifer you mentioned be the one that calls herself "BABYGIRL"?

  3. #620
    Quote Originally Posted by Wastrel
    Found it. The text that was somehow put in Sponge Worthy's post belongs in Cleveland. Lorain is apparently the place to find SWs there. And I'm sure that knowlege will be handy some day if I ever get on the wrong airplane.

    Damn, I swear I should put my legs in cement blocks and stay in this fair town. Just so's I'd have the chance of meeting this Wastrel.

    Anyway, what the hell, I'll post my last successful experience.

    Someone earlier mentioned all the..ahem...ample women on Craigslist. Well ya sometimes find decent ones too, if ya dig. Answered an ad for a black provider out past the bus lines around Trop and Grand Canyon. More like Russell and Grand Canyon. Waaayyyys out there and probably not too far from some as yet undiscovered burnt offering.
    Got to the place, thinking it was BS, because the area's abodes were still under construction and the ones completed seemed only half-filled. Ready to turn around when she came out and I recognized her as one of the aforementioned heifers. Nothin' against 'em, but I prefer more traditional standards of attractiveness. Thought it was a bait and switch, but asked if any black provider was around per the ad. She yelled upstairs and I saw this young girl, 18 who was kinda cute and a little plump. But overall about a 6 or a 7. I figured I'd at least get some kind of reward for my labor so I stayed, and we negotiated in her room. She was quite new at this, and I made her show me an ID, as I was suspicious of her age. Seemed legit, and so I negotiated Greek for all 100 per cent of a 100 bucks. Didn't work, she couldn't handle it, and surprised me by seeming to be willing to let me go WITHOUT having earned anything. Damn, she was new at this. Anyway, I said she could have 1/2 of the original price for BBBJ and CIM. Maybe a little more than a lotta ya would pay, but still quite reasonable. I made it last. And by that I mean at least 10 min, and she was pretty damn good at it. Choked a little at the Vesuvius moment, but held on like a champ and kept at it for a few seconds afterward.
    Not great-looking, but good enough, and I didn't need any muscle relaxant that night.

  4. #619

    but we do have Indians, and ours do a better job covering the spread

    Found it. The text that was somehow put in Sponge Worthy's post belongs in Cleveland. Lorain is apparently the place to find SWs there. And I'm sure that knowlege will be handy some day if I ever get on the wrong airplane.

  5. #618
    After getting a PM stating that isn't what Sponge Worthy wrote, I have a feeling the text of some reports may have gotten switched in the editing process for "regular members" posts. Just a guess.

    It does sound like a legit cruising report for some other city, so perhaps some horny guys in Upchuck, Pennsylvania are right now scratching their heads over a report on five-hundred dollar an hour casino hookers at some place on the south end of town called Ceasars or something.

  6. #617
    Quote Originally Posted by Sponge Worthy
    Drove the run. Saw a good looking young lady around 45th and lorain. by the time I got around she was gone. I went on the eastside run and that was dead as well. I did notice a camera in a new place with an atena spliting it up the middle. What the fuck are these. It was not and I repeat was not a the typical speed or red light camera one sees on Western Ave or Detroit. Are these cameras a live feed to the 50 station or what. Are the just filliming cars going to and fro? what could happen if they catch you?


    What the hell is this post doing under my name? I didn't post it. I posted something else completely.

  7. #616

    Sponge soaked?

    I'm with Wastrel - where are these streets? Are we missing out on some spots?

    As far as the cams - and not really understanding where you noticed them - they do have some traffic controlling cams that activate the lite changes in some parts of town now. Where is this "new place"?

    I'm sure they use emergency over-rides and also monitor the traffic flow as well as would be transmitted to traffic contollers which would explain the antenna.

  8. #615
    Quote Originally Posted by Sponge Worthy
    Drove the run. saw a good looking young lady around 45th and lorain. by the time I got around she was gone. I went on the eastside run and that was dead as well. I did notice a camera in a new place with an atena spliting it up the middle. What the fuck are these. It was not and I repeat was not a the typical speed or red light camera one sees on Western Ave or Detroit...
    I've never heard of these places, can't find them, and can't imagine where they are. To the best of my knowlege the numbered streets end at 30th, and I can't find any "Lorain" anywhere in the Las Vegas Valley by any of my usual methods. Can you clarify?

  9. #614
    Quote Originally Posted by Big Ryan
    She put her hand in my front pocket and I got a little leery, she found nothing and continued to the pocket that I had my hand in, at this time concealing me wallet. She then proceeded to grab my package and ask, "how much money you got?" Just for fun I said 75 bucks. She says ok that is enough you give that to me right now and we go to my room. Now I am not nearly stupid enough to give a girl money on a dance floor even if I was looking for fun and she was relatively attractive. I told her that if she was working that she would be wise to work somewhere else.
    That pretty much proves my recent thinking. Most of these girls think all guys are chump enough to fall for them. The hit and run routine. The same mentality that has these fat ugly pigs looking for $200+ on CraigsList. Why? Because someone will give it to them, or in the case of your little pocket checker, will actually say "Duuuh - OK." As said elswhere - the transient nature of both sides of the transaction hurts the overall art of mongerism in this town.

    Glad to see that you knew better and didn't fall for the crap. You would be surprised at just how many guys in this town don't know better. The same guys that would pay $1,000 for a run of the mill looking girl and a bad lapdance so they can go home and brag about the wild time they had.

    Vegas does strange things to the mind of a tourist looking to break the bonds of "Churchville, USA" and somewhere in the Neon filled night, sense seems to diminish when challanged by poon and you're sitting with a pocket full of casino money. These fly-by-nite broads who can't pay their own way prey on that.

    The old adage of "It's their (casino) money anyway" is wrong. Once it hits your pocket it's your money.

  10. #613

    Another Vegas Visitor

    Drove the run. saw a good looking young lady around 45th and lorain. by the time I got around she was gone. I went on the eastside run and that was dead as well. I did notice a camera in a new place with an atena spliting it up the middle. What the fuck are these. It was not and I repeat was not a the typical speed or red light camera one sees on Western Ave or Detroit. Are these cameras a live feed to the 50 station or what. Are the just filliming cars going to and fro? what could happen if they catch you?



  11. #612
    Hello all , had my 3 days at c palace , the new security booth directly across from the barge makes for a tricky time, but did finally get a seat next to a honey, Mybe thye are trying to discourage as much as it used to be. They even took the machines away from the immediate area, where they use to sit and play or act like play, so , something up. the girl I went with we went to a trashy motel near strat , I should have known better. I got a dance wow, then she asked if we were done. I told her to never go back to CP, cause i Know some people that would get her . so then I proceeded to Spheramint Rhino for about 12 hours my god, then on to Pleasures, now will wait a while before next vegas trip , here in south carolina i got an amp that treats me like king, for about 120.00 so im stayin away for awhile good luck,, happy new year

  12. #611
    Quote Originally Posted by James D 2004
    Sorry Wastrel. I thought I done better before by saying that Vegas simply sucks. You don't go to Vegas for sex. If you have to go somewhere, count the number of local online escorts. Vegas is negligible compared to say LA.

    Transient girls do not need to provide good service, or decent service. Vegas has the highest numbers of these, e.g., clueless girls, ripoff artists. The odds are very much against you.
    Yep, Vegas sucks, so stay the hell out. This dude did fine. Ass....

  13. #610

    Vegas Trip

    Just returned from my first trip to Las Vegas. I was was not hobbying on this trip as I recently got involved with a girl that I like very much and while it may be Sin City for some reason I have principles that won't allow me to screw up a good thing. Anyway I did have a few observations that I would like to share. On Sat night 12/18 I was in the Studio 54 club in the MGM with some buddies dancing, carrying on, wasting money, etc. My friends had gone to get a beer and A very aggressive hispanic cg came up to me. She put her hand in my front pocket and I got a little leery, she found nothing and continued to the pocket that I had my hand in, at this time concealing me wallet. She then proceeded to grab my package and ask, "how much money you got?" Just for fun I said 75 bucks. She says ok that is enough you give that to me right now and we go to my room. Now I am not nearly stupid enough to give a girl money on a dance floor even if I was looking for fun and she was relatively attractive. I told her that if she was working that she would be wise to work somewhere else.

    Tuesday night was at the Radio Music Awards in the Alladin. Stuck around afterwards to do some gambling, and was alone again at some point walking by that bar in the middle of the casino floor. A very attractive girl dressed pretty conservatively called me over to her. From reading previous reports I knew that this bar was an area where action was to be had so I had an inkling of what to expect. Anyhow, she called me over and I did buy her a drink. Told her up front that I knew what was up and wasn't interested and did end up having a nice little conversation over a beer. So as I guess it always goes, if you are not seeking you shall find.

  14. #609
    Quote Originally Posted by Wastrel
    Thanks. I thought you did pretty well, and the post might be a decent primer for other visitors on the Strip.
    Sorry Wastrel. I thought I done better before by saying that Vegas simply sucks. You don't go to Vegas for sex. If you have to go somewhere, count the number of local online escorts. Vegas is negligible compared to say LA.

    Transient girls do not need to provide good service, or decent service. Vegas has the highest numbers of these, e.g., clueless girls, ripoff artists. The odds are very much against you.

  15. #608
    Quote Originally Posted by Cienega32
    Whatever happened to the good old days when they were all just aspiring models/actresses?
    I thought they were pre-Med/pre-law UNLV students.

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