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Thread: 2005 Archived Streetwalker Reports

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  1. #256
    Quote Originally Posted by Wastrel
    The part about getting in the car is an absolute affirmative. A law enforcement officer positively will not be getting into an unknown private vehicle with an unknown driver to conduct a sting. The officer's safety is the paramount concern, and there would be a lot of dead officers if they did this. They don't. Never. Decoys want to talk through the window, while remaining relatively stationary for her backup officers' surviellance angles, and direct you to a prearranged location to complete the bust. A large fraction of guys getting themselves busted for picking up SWs end up being charged with other offenses becuase they are lifelong criminal numskulls who are sometimes armed and may be moronic and dope addled enough to be violent with a police officer. For all they know you may very well be stopping to pick up some company after sticking up a liquor store the day after you were let out on parole. Ever notice how they approach a vehicle on a routine traffic stop? They want to keep their officers alive and healthy more than they want a misdemeanor bust. I'm almost reluctant to post this becuase I know in some other sections of the forum this subject has provoked some rancorous back and forth with some folks who have some difficulty comprehending basics of police procedure, but trust me or not depending on what you think this is worth, I really do KNOW for sure on this point, in ways that I wouldn't choose to discuss here: they will not ever get in your car. Never. Period.
    More on this Subject , originally posted on the Cincinnati Board =

  2. #255
    Quote Originally Posted by ClitCommander
    For instance, the cop hiding across the street observing a known SW enter your vehicle. Decides to stop you on suspicion of solicitation (probable cause)....
    This is why it's never a Good Idea to pick up a SW who's standing in one location or strolling back and forth on the same block

    Be·sides the fact that a girl standing or sitting in one place is easy to observe by LE , this is also the modus operandi of UC·LEO John Stings

    I realize that Bus Stops are a fave place for you Vegans to meet chicks , but it's also a very risky practice =
    even if I know the girl , I won't solicit a Street·Walker unless she's actually *walking*

  3. #254
    Quote Originally Posted by Wastrel
    I never see Asian SWs anywhere. Does anyone? I'm particularly fond of Filipinas, and Vegas has one of the most substantial Philipino populations on this side of the globe, but I've never found one available, and don't remember an ethnic Asian provider of any kind doing outdoor work. I'll speculate, just a guess: the Filipinas either stay very married to the guy who brung 'em or legitimately employed in the casinos, and other Asian women are able to command a premium price working indoors.
    I was really just meaning SW in general in these areas, not necessarily asain. It just seems to be an area where they would be, but maybe the LO has kept the lid tight there on SW's.

    A quick true story; a guy I know personally falls for a Philipino lady online, goes and meets her, spends a ton buy the time he gets her to the US (like 30 grand!) and married her. He notices after a couple of months that she seems to always have money and wonders where it's coming from. Turns out she was a SW in the Philipines and just stayed in business when she came here. He's still with her and I think she quit working.


  4. #253
    Quote Originally Posted by Robert387
    Picked up a thin-waisted 30-ish hsw, about a 6-7, in the late afternoon. Before getting in she said she needed $47 to get back in her room at Extended Stay America. I countered with $30; she wanted $40. Since it would only be a BJ in the car, she went for $30. (The next guy would get a real deal at $17, since she was only doing this to get back in her room!) She suggested a place which I declined and instead pulled in behind one of the local bars. Parking in an open area takes some of the "romance" out of it!

    I was thinking that for us out-of-towners it would be worthwhile to stay at places like Boulder Station, Sam's Town, or Arizona Charlie's just to have a secure place to do the deed. Their rates are low, and with any reasonable amount of gambling would be comped. In fact, if one didn't like actually staying there, a room could be reserved just for the mongering with an actual stay place somewhere else on the Strip.

    BTW, I assume that one is safe from LEO if no specifics are discussed (i.e., only a "ride" is offered) until after the sw is in the car, assuming that no decoy would do that. Agree?
    I agree that Boulder, Sam's and Arizona Charlie's are safe(er) places to stay, but if you like to live on the wild side try the Budget Suites of America, Extended Stay or Town and Country Manor I II or III motels. You just have to dodge the out of town drug dealers, gang bangers and ex-felons that just got out of prison.

    Incidently, you mentioned picking a SW up at the Extended Stay off of Boulder? Well, I've noticed thats where most of the SW's stay when they are in town. Just think of the room service that establishment would offer to it's guest.

    "I assume that one is safe from LEO if no specifics are discussed"? Never good to assume one is safe when engaging in this type of endeavor. Even if the SW enters vehicle without mention of service, does the check and everything else, so many other things can go wrong.

    For instance, the cop hiding across the street observing a known SW enter your vehicle. Decides to stop you on suspicion of solicitation (probable cause), which I 'think' is legal if that cop has arrested that SW on several occasions in the past for prostitution or drug possession.
    After stopping you and asking several questions in hopes you incriminate yourself, he then asks if there are any weapons or illicit drugs in the vehicle.

    You say "Oh, absolutely not Officer!".

    He then ask for consent to search vehicle. You have nothing to hide, so you give your consent. Meanwhile, the SW ditches her meth,crack, and paraphenalia in between your seats unbeknownst to you.

    Police discovers drugs and you say, "Thats not mine Officer!!" SW says the same. Oooooops!! Officer then says, "You have the right to remain silent......"

    "When keeping it real goes wrong".

  5. #252
    Quote Originally Posted by Wastrel
    I never see Asian SWs anywhere. Does anyone? I'm particularly fond of Filipinas, and Vegas has one of the most substantial Philipino populations on this side of the globe, but I've never found one available, and don't remember an ethnic Asian provider of any kind doing outdoor work. I'll speculate, just a guess: the Filipinas either stay very married to the guy who brung 'em or legitimately employed in the casinos, and other Asian women are able to command a premium price working indoors.
    Maybe most Asian providers are more discrete and more cautious of getting busted on the streets rather than in an AMP or escort scene here in this country.

    Or, maybe if they came from the Phillipines and had worked in the sex industry back home, it was a matter of necessity or survival. If they then come to the US, hence more legitimate employment opportunity, they prefer to work that way without the risk (street raped/murdered or pimped).

    Or maybe it's because of their strong Christian morals that keep them on a straight and righteous!!

  6. #251
    Quote Originally Posted by Ricksone
    Does anyone ever wonder why you don't see SW along Spring Mountain? With all the AMP you'd sure think they would be there.

    I go down there regularly at all times of the day and never have seen a confirmed sighting. The last trip I saw two beautiful asain gals with a guy on the sidewalk and could not get any kind of eye contact. I suspected they were from the AMP across the street, but I would have sure liked to pick one or both of them up.

    I've even wondered why you don't see them on Decatur, probably not enough hotels in the area.

    I never see Asian SWs anywhere. Does anyone? I'm particularly fond of Filipinas, and Vegas has one of the most substantial Philipino populations on this side of the globe, but I've never found one available, and don't remember an ethnic Asian provider of any kind doing outdoor work. I'll speculate, just a guess: the Filipinas either stay very married to the guy who brung 'em or legitimately employed in the casinos, and other Asian women are able to command a premium price working indoors.

  7. #250


    I have seen on "Cops", where they will arrest a suspect even though no offer of sex for money was made. If I remember they arrested the guy for loitering. So do not use the term 'date'. This has been used to arrest someone for "intent to solicit". I recommend you only ask the girl if she needs a ride..

  8. #249
    Quote Originally Posted by Robert387
    I was thinking that for us out-of-towners it would be worthwhile to stay at places like Boulder Station, Sam's Town, or Arizona Charlie's just to have a secure place to do the deed. Their rates are low, and with any reasonable amount of gambling would be comped. In fact, if one didn't like actually staying there, a room could be reserved just for the mongering with an actual stay place somewhere else on the Strip.
    I've done this, and it's worked out well for me. Especially good when places like Arizona Charlie's get down to a nightly rate of under twenty bucks, as they sometimes do on very slow weeks through some of the wholesalers like and Especially nice at Charlie's becuase it has individual doors opening out directly onto a large surface lot, usually allowing you to drive up right to your door, as it used to be an apartment complex before it was redeveloped.
    Quote Originally Posted by Robert387
    BTW, I assume that one is safe from LEO if no specifics are discussed (i.e., only a "ride" is offered) until after the sw is in the car, assuming that no decoy would do that. Agree?
    The part about getting in the car is an absolute affirmative. A law enforcement officer positively will not be getting into an unknown private vehicle with an unknown driver to conduct a sting. The officer's safety is the paramount concern, and there would be a lot of dead officers if they did this. They don't. Never. Decoys want to talk through the window, while remaining relatively stationary for her backup officers' surviellance angles, and direct you to a prearranged location to complete the bust. A large fraction of guys getting themselves busted for picking up SWs end up being charged with other offenses becuase they are lifelong criminal numskulls who are sometimes armed and may be moronic and dope addled enough to be violent with a police officer. For all they know you may very well be stopping to pick up some company after sticking up a liquor store the day after you were let out on parole. Ever notice how they approach a vehicle on a routine traffic stop? They want to keep their officers alive and healthy more than they want a misdemeanor bust. I'm almost reluctant to post this becuase I know in some other sections of the forum this subject has provoked some rancorous back and forth with some folks who have some difficulty comprehending basics of police procedure, but trust me or not depending on what you think this is worth, I really do KNOW for sure on this point, in ways that I wouldn't choose to discuss here: they will not ever get in your car. Never. Period.

    Now, based on a vague conversation without mentioning sex or money they might still choose to give you a bad day by using their discretion to find some other pretext (do a search on "obstructing traffic" in the general reports thread) but the intent of a sting is to get you to initiate the completion a checklist of predicates for a prostitution arrest on tape in the pre-designated location. But you also need to be concerned about an officer you don't see who is shadowing a real SW and is prepared to swoop down upon whoever picks her up. Even if you haven't committed any overt act and aren't stupid enough to admit to any unlawful intent, you can't always count on the SW having enough sense to avoid incriminating both of you by making dumb statements in the presence of someone who is trained to get them to do so, and if they are feeling pissed there is always some kind of violation that can be used when they know perfectly well what was really going on. Don't bother trying to bullsheet them with a story that a trained interrogator can shred in about ten seconds without even working at it, but POLITELY don't admit to anything. Very politely becuase Vegas Metro P.D. is world famous for retaining some emotionally unstable rotten apples in the ranks who just never get fired. [As reported just yesterday, for example: ]

    Personally I will often choose not to have anything to do with a SW who won't move to my vehicle when I make eye contact then pull to a less visible spot a little distance away, and then immediately get in the car as soon as I decide I'm ready to release the latch. Sensible SWs usually want to be walking a bit anyway, so they aren't loitering, and they know when a car has made a pass and has pulled in somewhere to provide an opportunity for a discrete approach. I choose to pass on some legit SWs this way, but if she is too dumb to understand the basics of police procedure and basic legal issues related to her occupation and therefore my refusal to discuss business at her corner through the window, then she's just too dumb to s&ck Wastrel's d?ck, and I don't regret passing her up. Others are welcome to make another choice, and many do; but this is what fits my own priorities, not just for safety but also becuase I don't believe in pissing everybody off by making an annoying spectacle out of it in front of someone's home or business.

    P.S. Never thought I'd lust after one of those mullethead vans, but I would kick in two Benjamin's towards a street legal primer grey and bondo putty model registered and insured as a company vehicle by "Evadocop Timeshare Enterprises, Inc." And, we could park in loading zones if we put a company logo on the sucker.
    Last edited by Wastrel; 12-21-05 at 01:50. Reason: 'cause good street manners are good for the business, so discretely dispose of your Trojans too

  9. #248
    Quote Originally Posted by Robert387
    Picked up a thin-waisted 30-ish hsw, about a 6-7, in the late afternoon. Before getting in she said she needed $47 to get back in her room at Extended Stay America. I countered with $30; she wanted $40. Since it would only be a BJ in the car, she went for $30. (The next guy would get a real deal at $17, since she was only doing this to get back in her room!) She suggested a place which I declined and instead pulled in behind one of the local bars. Parking in an open area takes some of the "romance" out of it!

    I was thinking that for us out-of-towners it would be worthwhile to stay at places like Boulder Station, Sam's Town, or Arizona Charlie's just to have a secure place to do the deed. Their rates are low, and with any reasonable amount of gambling would be comped. In fact, if one didn't like actually staying there, a room could be reserved just for the mongering with an actual stay place somewhere else on the Strip.

    BTW, I assume that one is safe from LEO if no specifics are discussed (i.e., only a "ride" is offered) until after the sw is in the car, assuming that no decoy would do that. Agree?

    I think getting a room at one of those places would be pretty smart. I stayed at the Fiesta Henderson once and it was handy for bringing back a little, oops, thinking back, not so little lady for some fun. Sure, gonna troll boulder, get a boulder, for downtown, get a room downtown. Beats the risks, imho, of a car. LEO safety...I'm no expert, but i wouldn't make the assumption a 'decoy' wouldn't get in your car. I agree, don't talk about services/$ thru the window, but even so there's no guarantee....

    Actually, to take your room idea one step further, how about goin in on a conversion van with, say, cienega, wastrel, etc...If this van's a rockin...

  10. #247

    SW on Spring Mountain?

    Does anyone ever wonder why you don't see SW along Spring Mountain? With all the AMP you'd sure think they would be there.

    I go down there regularly at all times of the day and never have seen a confirmed sighting. The last trip I saw two beautiful asain gals with a guy on the sidewalk and could not get any kind of eye contact. I suspected they were from the AMP across the street, but I would have sure liked to pick one or both of them up.

    I've even wondered why you don't see them on Decatur, probably not enough hotels in the area.


  11. #246

    Lodging/Mongering on Boulder Strip

    Picked up a thin-waisted 30-ish hsw, about a 6-7, in the late afternoon. Before getting in she said she needed $47 to get back in her room at Extended Stay America. I countered with $30; she wanted $40. Since it would only be a BJ in the car, she went for $30. (The next guy would get a real deal at $17, since she was only doing this to get back in her room!) She suggested a place which I declined and instead pulled in behind one of the local bars. Parking in an open area takes some of the "romance" out of it!

    I was thinking that for us out-of-towners it would be worthwhile to stay at places like Boulder Station, Sam's Town, or Arizona Charlie's just to have a secure place to do the deed. Their rates are low, and with any reasonable amount of gambling would be comped. In fact, if one didn't like actually staying there, a room could be reserved just for the mongering with an actual stay place somewhere else on the Strip.

    BTW, I assume that one is safe from LEO if no specifics are discussed (i.e., only a "ride" is offered) until after the sw is in the car, assuming that no decoy would do that. Agree?

  12. #245
    Ran into Star, young bsw at western kind of bar. Had a bunch of red highlights in her hair, tiny bit heavy, nice big C's, no kids. Told her .20/.30, she offered a dance. Ahem, girl, you gotta EARN that cash from the dude. But true [bs kickin in] that is way too low for someone as cute as you, never mind...Oh, she says, how about .4? .35 i said. Ok. Good cbj, lots of vocality...Pretty dead out there as cold as it is!

  13. #244

    Cold out there

    It's really pretty cold out there but LE is hot and heavy this PM. Lots of speeders and the like and it looked like a procession out there with all the flashing light from about 8 - 12midnite. One was cute but skinny but nearly frozen when she got in the car and she couldn't stop shivering and generally all she could do is talk about the rent and how cold she was. Not bad lookin but no smile and generally I just couldn't get interested so I let her off with cigarette money. There was some down by the Stadium but they were gone by the time I made a ueeeee. Saw some real dumb moves like going thru a red light to make a U-turn, take a huge chance by turning around on one of the medians to get to one on the other side. Just draws attention and not real smart.
    Hit or miss down by AZ Charlies with no smiles and I just don't waste the time anymore, since for me anyway, a reasonable smile sets the tone. Not much in the way of good lookin either so I called it a night around 12PM and figure there are other days ahead. Watch yourself out there.


  14. #243

    You're forgiven ;)

    Quote Originally Posted by ewclark77
    Yeah, sorry. I meant the Oasis. Del Mar was there in the area for so long that it was just the name that stuck in mind.
    Very easy to do in that area, isn't it?

    I didn't think you meant Oasis - I figured you were LEO trying to stir the pond and set us all up with requests for...

    Nah - only kidding - I figured it was a geography error.

  15. #242
    Quote Originally Posted by ewclark77
    I meant the Oasis.
    Thought maybe you did. These hot sheet places always live in interesting times, in a Chinese curse sort of way, but I'll continue my morbid eccentric notes on them over on the "off-topic" thread.

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