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Thread: 2005 Archived Reports

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This blog is moderated by Giani
  1. #257

    Re : They are available--

    Quote Originally Posted by D Nut
    You would think that they would take at least one day off, but I guess not. If nothing else, this proves that this is a buyer's market. If the girls can't/won't even take one day away from the streets, then they NEED the $$ that mongers provide.

    On most nights, there are more girls out there than there are mongers. With that kind of ratio, one can afford to be picky. Just think about it.

    Be aware of the going rates, read the boards for whatever advice senior mongers give, don't get crazy with spreading too much cash (that will drive the prices up for everyone
    Here in Rhode Island , I've actually had girls *complain* that Competition is driving down Prices !! =

    " The *funniest* thing about her was she quoted her prices [ .2 for BBBJ and another .2 for CFS ] ; then started to complain that it *really* should be .3 and .5 , but how all the 'Crack Hos' in the city were driving down the Prices !!! "

  2. #256
    Senior Member

    Posts: 2625

    They are available--

    I was going back to my hotel from a friend's house on Christmas and there are still ladies out there making themselves available. You would think that they would take at least one day off, but I guess not. If nothing else, this proves that this is a buyer's market. If the girls can't/won't even take one day away from the streets, then they NEED the $$ that mongers provide.

    On most nights, there are more girls out there than there are mongers. With that kind of ratio, one can afford to be picky. Just think about it.

    Be aware of the going rates, read the boards for whatever advice senior mongers give, don't get crazy with spreading too much cash (that will drive the prices up for everyone), and learn how to play safe.


  3. #255
    N E MP's in Da NATI?

  4. #254
    Quote Originally Posted by WordUp
    Has anyone noticed that:

    You never see any SW's other that Black and White women on the streets.
    I only know of (4) latino women who use to work the streets and two of them were cousins, another from S.America raised in Cincy, and another was the chick named Mexico who is said to rob folks. I have not seen any of them in over 1-2 years. Nor have I ever seen any Asian chicks working the streets. You will in D.C., but NOT C.O.. You would think with the heavy presence of Mexican, you would see a few working the street, or out of a house or two. So far I have seen nothing. They MUST be keeping an extremely LOW profile.

    I have not even seen any, not one, Arab SW, or any Foreigner working the street. I guess they work the AMP's.

    I guess you will have to go to the BIGGER cities to find them. If I am wrong PLEASE, correct ME. I once heard of an Asian girl working the Clifton area near U.C., but I never saw her, or knew how to reach her. I even got a few of the Freaky lookin chick that hang out near Bogarts, because they need some quick cash, for whatever. The wild thing is they approached me coming from the Krogers, and told me straight up what I could do, and how much they wanted. It was never over 30+5 tip. Most was just a 20. Pick a spot they are numerous places to do it in Clifton, without LE concerns. People do it for FREE, all over Clifton, so who can tell the difference.


    Jus wondering, are you one of those old white people, or are you young playa like me

  5. #253

    Always .... Welcome !!!! Revised ....

    WELCOME BACK DNUT, and the rest of the Holiday Shoppers. Words of Wisdom and Warning, are falling on deaf ears. "U R Right" people will do as.... as they will do, regardless. Extra cold temps makes for a "Deseperate Housewives", situations. Because, of the COLD weather I found to 20y/o diamonds waiting to be shaped, I gave a ride and we did a lot of quick talking. She made the offer to me, asking if what she said would offend me .... ME of all People .... It was almost went TOO easy. "I JUST PRESSED the EASY BUTTON."

    The Younger girls seem to be the easier PickUps, and they are more about quality and skills. Seems like that should be the opposite. They figure they will and want to have SEX anyway, so why NOT get fulfilled, have some fun, and get PAID for what they have been doing for "FREE" anyway. Seems that she has been working a few bars, dealing with OLDER men, because they cum quicker, and play/pay regular, and are far more dependable.Amazing what you can get with alittle Concern and Conversation.

    It is the addition of the RAP Videos, and HipHop Culture, that brings these younger girls into trickin,"Undercover" as a quick Money sideline. I would bet a few girls do it for kicks more than money. They all will ask for 50-75, but stick to your price range. Start at 20-25, w/5-10 bonus for good skills and service, or pictures. This way they will get close to their asking price, but with incentives.


    WORD !

    Last edited by WordUp; 12-27-05 at 18:56. Reason: Additional Information and spelling/sentence correction.

  6. #252

    this is what happens

    In case you hadn't heard, a homicide in Dayton was related to a working girl who tried to rip off a customer she met on the chat lines. It just goes to show how even if the girl is non-violent, if she's stupid enough to try and rob a customer then she's probably also got stupid friends. Her and her boyfriend will spend quite a bit of time rotting in the slammer for this one.

    Here's the article:

    Woman: Sex customer slain in error
    FAA worker shot in Dayton apartment in 2004
    By Rob Modic

    Dayton Daily News

    DAYTON | A 21-year-old mother of two told a Montgomery County Common Pleas jury Tuesday that she and James A. Russell were only planning to rob a customer looking for sex on Sept. 1, 2004, when Russell shot the customer in the head.

    Phillip D. Troutwine's decomposed remains were discovered nearly four weeks later in the trunk of his car, which had been parked in West Carrollton.

    After hearing the sound of the gunshot coming from their kitchen in Apt. 3 at 2080 Auburn Ave., Candace Hargrove said Russell came running into the living room holding a revolver as he said, "I shot him. Oh my God! I didn't mean to shoot him."

    Troutwine, 57, of Arcanum was an inspector for the Federal Aviation Administration and had arrived at the couple's Dayton apartment that morning expecting to pay at least $100 for sex with Hargrove, assistant county prosecutor Tracey Tangeman said.

    Hargrove said she was six months pregnant, but had begun working as a prostitute a month earlier after Russell quit his job as a barber.

    Hargrove said Troutwine contacted her the previous week using a telephone dating service. They arranged to meet for the first time Sept. 1. But after Troutwine confirmed the appointment that morning, Hargrove said she complained to Russell that she was tired after being out all night with another paying customer.

    They then decided to rob Troutwine, who they knew only as "Dave," she said. A couple of weeks earlier, Hargrove said, Russell used a handgun to rob another customer at the apartment.

    Hargrove faces as many as 10 years in prison under a plea agreement in which she admitted before the trial to charges of aggravated robbery, tampering with evidence and gross abuse of a corpse.

    Russell is being tried on charges of murder, aggravated robbery, gross abuse of a corpse, grand theft of a car and being a felon in possession of a weapon.

    Defense attorney Richard Nystrom said Russell was in Columbus when Troutwine was killed.

    Hargrove said Russell drove her and the body in Troutwine's car to the parking lot, where they locked it and took a bus. They moved in with relatives in Dayton, relocated to Detroit and finally got to California where they were captured Oct. 25, 2004.

    Troutwine, with the FAA for eight years, worked mostly at Dayton International Airport. He owned the Phillisburg Airport for 19 years before that.

  7. #251
    Senior Member

    Posts: 2625

    Nice to be back for a visit

    Hi folks... DNut here. A few of you might remember from a while back, some may not. I've been away but I'll be back in town for a few weeks. Just taking a break.

    Anyway, I see Giani, WordUp and the other senior members have as usual been giving valuable advice, while the newbies who think they know it all don't take the advice and shoot themselves in the foot (and the wallet). LISTEN TO THE SENIOR MEMBERS!!! They have been around the block quite a few times and have mongered more and harder than most of us ever will.

    However, I'm sure that idiots will do as idiots will do.

    Well, I just wanted to say, "Hi" to all you folks out there.

    Merry Christmas!!


  8. #250
    Looks like things are starting to pick up during the afternoon hours. Although not much to choose from during the early morning. Met Jenna yesterday near the firehouse. Had never seen her before this past week, but everyday since last Wednesday she has been out. She was happy to get into a warm car and out of the wind. After cbjwcim asked if we could drive around a while longer and if I was ready she would go again, no extra. Jenna is about 5'6", skiny with long light brown hair. If you see her she will treat you right.

  9. #249

    Watch out for this girl- blonde from Cheviot

    I posted on this one before about a month ago, but I was on a chat line today and ended up talking live with this girl again. It took a minute before I realized who it was, but as soon as I did she must have too, because she hung up on me faster than lightening

    This is the blonde from Cheviot. She's about 5'7, 130-140, had really long hair last time I saw her. She says she has her own place, but makes you meet her somewhere public, first time it was the Wendys on Harrison, this time it was a laundromat right near there. She says she has no phone, uses her neighbors instead. Her neighbor is in on it- lives on Lovell!!! I bet they even live in the same house too.

    This girl will rip you off!

    I learned a big lesson from this one too. Never give anyone money up front, ever. I know some of you more experienced in this game have pointed this out many times, but I got to repeat it once more. I thought back over all of my experiences, and there was one thing that was consistent. If a girl asked for money up front, and then put it away somewhere, I was about to get ripped off. If the girl didn't ask for it up front, things went well. There are girls who will ask you to place the money somewhere, like on a table, and if they let it sit there while they get undressed then you're in good shape.

    I've met girls for massage that have asked for money up front, and I refused. They resisted, but I told them why, and showed them the money so they didn't think I was BS'ing them. They usually will work on your terms at that point, or at least let it sit somewhere you both can get to it in case the shit hits the fan. I've played by these rules now on many occasions and haven't been disapointed since.

    But getting back to my original point- unless you don't like that wad of cash in your pocket, avoid the girl from Cheviot!!!

  10. #248
    Senior Member

    Posts: 869

    Is this the Sharon I have heard about?

    Cruised thru OTR twice this AM (COLD! temp around 20 F). Absolutely nothing on my circuit around 10:30. When I checked it an hour later (temp still around 23 F), only a single SW, bundled up in a Bengals jacket on Walnut S of Shell. Medium length brown fluffed hair with red highlights, looked interesting even though I did not have time. Circled around to touch base with her: Says her name is Sharon. Probably early-mid twenties, wound on her chin (looks like abuse) but looks maybe 7-8, slim build, medium height. When I said I didn't have time, she had all kinds of offers, "Just drive around to 12th St, I'll take care of you as you drive... I'm hungry--buy me some lunch--please, we can do it real quick. Give me some money for food."

    However, she had a sweetness about her which I liked. But her jumpy desperateness made me nervous--like it may not have been only food that she was desperate for. "Give me some money for a fish sandwich..." I said I would give her $2, and maybe we could get together some other time. "What time this afternoon?" she asks. No, I didn't mean THAT soon.

    I am just as glad that I didn't connect this time, and I believe that if we DO connect in the future, it is more likely to be a satisfactory encounter.

  11. #247

    Giani .... No One Is Listening To Us ????


    GIANI, .... Man, I wish people reading this board would take some of our advice or at least pay a little closer attention, but MOST will NOT.
    This is America, and folks will do things their way regardless. And you wonder why the PartTimers sometimes act the way they do. Too many men will yreat the women as ******, and for the most part they are. BUT physically treating them that way just gets you nowhere, and makes it hard for everyone else. Even in a BAD economy, a little respect to the women, keep inflation out, and prices low. . I have heard some crazy stories, and some of you guys request some truly weird crap to be done to them, as well as the women
    Few PartTimers are willing to do anything unusual. Mainly the regulars, the Pros (that is about Money), and crackheads are willing to do the really weird stuff. I just heard about one of the guy, probably not someone who reads this board being getting a shake down, from a SW he dropped off, and decided to short her on the price. He was dump enough to short her, then drop her off on the McM & Vine HOT corner. The light caught him behind traffic, and a few of the guys on the corner convinced him the give up a lot more. I don't think he will be back, but I am certain he will try this again, he just got smarter about it.

    Smallfry ..... REALLY DOES have the right idea, but the risk are far too high.
    Even the fellas can NOT be trusted. WE had to close a Party early, because, we had to throw out a few guys, with bad attitudes. Thinking they would call the Police, we cut out and move the event to two seperate private locations.
    We broke our own regular rules and trouble happened. Did anyone see the news about 6-9 month ago, when they did the Big Bust of the undercover Strip Spot, off of I-75, behind National Distillery. Vice in a combined effort, BUSTED the Club, and stripping were running out half naked, and hiding behind dumpters, and caught on tape/news. This was a place you could see the door from I-75, and had guys coming to the place, late at night, of course blasting music, standing around their cars, talking loud, and bring FAR TOO MUCH ATTENTION to THEMSELVES. Especially around that teo bit Arlington Heights Police department. I still can't see how they are allowed to run radar on I-75. around the Cross County Highway.



    WORD .... !


  12. #246
    Senior Member

    Posts: 869

    Our long time friend WORD: brusk with words, tender of heart...

    But... Word's bruskness comes from experience which we can all learn from. The thought of a "party" seduced me into hot fantasies of what that might be. But he brought me up short with his wet (and careful) blanket. If we ever figure out how to do it safely, of course. But...

    And I am especially impressed with (he would probably deny this) his tenderness towards SWs. I am with him 100% on this. These women are people with lives and stresses. I am always so grateful that they are willing to be in this "service industry." I shudder when I hear a monger dissing them and treating them like scum. It is worth requoting Word:

    "...any decent SW's out there are (probably) the true Parttimers, and are looking to make that Holiday money. Be a little more generous, if she has decent looks and a nice personality. If the performance is not up to standard, be aware she really donesn't want to do this, especially with a stranger, she needs the money, and she is terrified of being BUSTED. That alone changes the whole situation. In Essence ... be a little more Patient, Generious, and Understanding, and it will pay off, down the road, as you see her again, or in an inhouse basis."

    Bravo, Word

    Quote Originally Posted by WordUp

    If you had a party who would come. That is far too risky for folks like us who have something to loose. Also you can "NEVER EVER TRUST " the SW's of the street, because they might turn you in to get them OFF.



    IN OTHER WORDS .... as I PM'ed you, it is far too risky to chance it. I have met a few posters simply by chance, and we talked about this. It could very well work, but it is just "FAR TOO RISKY" YOU CAN TRUST NO ONE.

    Keep it very, very private among you close friends (if any), and keep a Circle of Trust.


    WORD !!!!

    PS .... If you have seen any decent SW's out they are the true Parttimers, and are looking to make that Holiday money. Be a little more generous, if she has decent looks and a nice personality. If the performance is not up to standard, be aware she really donesn't want to do this, especially with a stranger, she needs the money, and she is terrified of being BUSTED. That alone changes the whole situation. In Essence ... be a little more Patient, Generious, and Understanding, and it will pay off, down the road, as you see her again, or in an inhouse basis.

    Just some WORDs from WORD !!!!



  13. #245

    A Party .... What !!!!


    If you had a party who would come. That is far too risky for folks like us who have something to loose. Also you can "NEVER EVER TRUST " the SW's of the street, because they might turn you in to get them OFF.



    IN OTHER WORDS .... as I PM'ed you, it is far too risky to chance it. I have met a few posters simply by chance, and we talked about this. It could very well work, but it is just "FAR TOO RISKY" YOU CAN TRUST NO ONE.

    Keep it very, very private among you close friends (if any), and keep a Circle of Trust.


    WORD !!!!

    PS .... If you have seen any decent SW's out they are the true Parttimers, and are looking to make that Holiday money. Be a little more generous, if she has decent looks and a nice personality. If the performance is not up to standard, be aware she really donesn't want to do this, especially with a stranger, she needs the money, and she is terrified of being BUSTED. That alone changes the whole situation. In Essence ... be a little more Patient, Generious, and Understanding, and it will pay off, down the road, as you see her again, or in an inhouse basis.

    Just some WORDs from WORD !!!!



  14. #244

    Talking Cameras in Cincinnati

    Hey did you guys see the channel 5 report on the new talking cameras? They can say: "Stop you will be Prosecuted!! " Here's the report from channel 5's website: CINCINNATI -- Some pricey cameras installed on utility poles could be paying for themselves several times over, News 5's Courtis Fuller reported.

    The talking cameras can catch vandals in the act, and they've been set up at 13 hot spots around town.

    "What we really wanted to see happen was a deterrent or prevention, and that's what we have seen," said Linda Holterhoff, of Keep Cincinnati Beautiful.

    The cameras cost about $5,000 each, and they've been paid for with a grant from the city and a donation from the Fifth Third Bank Foundation. Pictures that the cameras take could be used as evidence in court; however, nobody's been prosecuted so far.

    "Prior to this, the city, I'm told, was spending well over a half-million dollars a year scrubbing off graffiti and cleaning up illegal dump sites," Holterhoff said.

    Business owners along Main Street even requested a camera near Goetz Alley.

    "It's really cut down on the foot traffic, drug dealing and trash behind our building," said Michael Sweeny, of Comey and Shepard Realtors. "Our agents feel safer, our neighbors feel safer -- it's just awesome."

    I included a picture of the camera. Cincinnati loves cameras for some reason. I wonder if they will have a special message for mongers. Stop! Pull your pants up! LOL I never liked fifth third now I have another reason to hate them.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails camera.jpg‎  

  15. #243

    RE: Amelia

    I was one of the people who posted about Amelia. The MP I visited was on 132, south of town, in the back of a building that also housed a tattoo parlor. The women who greeted me at the door wasn't my type, and the only other girl there was busy, so i turned around and walked out. This was probably like 8 or 9 months ago, so it might not still be there, but I'd bet money it is.

    There are plenty of providers on that side of town (Beechmont and Amelia), and they aren't hard to find, just pick up a copy of the weekly alt rag. If you can't pick up a phone and ask for directions, then you are going to have trouble finding fun. What I wouldn't do is start pulling over and asking just anyone- that's how the heat starts.

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