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  1. #1452

    Posting Videos PSA

    Hey guys,

    Since a lot of us mongers are deciding to record our dreams, I figured I give my advice on it.

    First and foremost, you guys need to be very, VERY careful uploading vids to sites such as PornHub, XVideos etc. We do have what we called Revenge Porn laws in some states, meaning any individual who uploads pictures and / or vids without any proof of consent, can be charged with a first-degree misdemeanor which can result in up to a year in jail and a $5,000 fine. On top of that even if a girl said you can upload it that doesn't mean anything unless she actually said it on video that you can upload onto any site or have a legal document such as a photo release form, which obviously none of you are going to be carrying around.

    Also they can use this as blackmail especially if they know where you work, live, and especially if you have a wife w / kids. Believe me you don't want her brother / cousins / uncle's or homeboys coming to where you live or work cause trust me that will happen and I've heard of guys getting their house shot at, car, even themselves getting their ass kicked.

    Now for those who want to upload here a few tips.

    NEVER EVER have your videos set to public. Keep them private and set your own criteria on who you can trust and allow to view your vids.

    If you see any girls you recognize, do not be a bitchass and go tell that chick that her videos are online. You can possibly be setting yourself up for failure on that one and Ruin it for every one else.

    Try not to use real names on the vids, even aliases or what city she resides, also if your on a car date make sure in your vids that there is nothing that any one (friends, her friends, or herself) can Identify you by.

    Always turn off the location on your phone before you record, when you upload the video there is a geo stamp which identifies where the video was recorded. This information can be used against LEO for the purpose of building a case against you.

    Now I know I don't post a lot, but I have been mongering for over 10 years and pretty much know what these girls are capable of. Some don't care that you video and upload on your site, but be very careful because, if you piss them off or screw them over, all they got to do is tell the cops they were forced to do it against her will and didn't give her consent and boom you're going to jail.

    I am not trying to scare anybody into not doing it but at the same time you all have to be smart about the shit, because the moment you start doing it Reckless is the moment your ass gets screwed and trust me any * out there on the trail would love to get free money out of your ass.

    Be careful who you show your vids to, keep your fucking mouth shut, and always think with the big head, because if you have to question if it's worth it then it probably isn't and you shouldn't do it. Fortunately for the guy I had mentioned earlier all he got was a cease-and-desist letter, she didn't pursue charges against him or anything. I rather get a letter than a police officer knocking on my door with an arrest warrant, I don't see any satisfaction of publicly posting vids of your encounters because you want to get views. It's not worth you going to jail or paying a fine and possibly ruining your family and your life for 2 minutes of some * sucking your dick.

    Stay Safe, Be smart.

  2. #1451


    Quote Originally Posted by SteveStone123  [View Original Post]
    In general, caucasian women look old for their age. When I was younger, it was difficult going clubbing because lots of the hotties were underage. I was in my 20's and there were a bunch of under 18 girls in the clubs, but it was hard to tell. So I just went after the ones that looked 30+, to be safe. In my 30's and 40's, they still looked mighty good, but stayed away. Just in case.

    Asian women in general, look young for their age. The adage of add 5-10 years to your estimate is good advice, unless you are really good at guessing their age. Korean women in particular, take exceptional care of their skin, so they look younger for a longer period. However, when Asian women hit their late 40's, their hormones change and they begin to age at an accelerated rate. Without cosmetic and surgical intervention, they will look aged. In particular, the local Asians that spend a lot of time in the sun will look like hell in their mid 50's, if they don't do dermal fillers or cosmetic surgery.
    I guess it varies by individual, but I have seen some Asian ladies I would unconditionally swear, under oath and fully aware of the penalties for perjury, are in their 30's but turns out they are in their 50's--and even their late 50's at that! I saw one of them a couple of weeks ago, and she still has a body that looks like a teenager--small tits help as they will probably never sag. But skin, muscle tone, everything looks fresh and so tight. If you closely at her face, you can see some smile lines around her eyes and mouth, but nothing that would be unusual in a woman in her 30's. And she's like the energizer bunny when it comes to service. She avoids the sun like the plague and the only meat she consumes is fish. She does tint her hair, so I have wondered if there might be some gray creeping in--or maybe she just likes the look of a bit of reddish tint.

    Well, as to her diet, she does enjoy a certain kind of "sausages. " Though she doesn't actually chew them--thank goodness.

  3. #1450

    Caucasian vs Asian women age

    In general, caucasian women look old for their age. When I was younger, it was difficult going clubbing because lots of the hotties were underage. I was in my 20's and there were a bunch of under 18 girls in the clubs, but it was hard to tell. So I just went after the ones that looked 30+, to be safe. In my 30's and 40's, they still looked mighty good, but stayed away. Just in case.

    Asian women in general, look young for their age. The adage of add 5-10 years to your estimate is good advice, unless you are really good at guessing their age. Korean women in particular, take exceptional care of their skin, so they look younger for a longer period. However, when Asian women hit their late 40's, their hormones change and they begin to age at an accelerated rate. Without cosmetic and surgical intervention, they will look aged. In particular, the local Asians that spend a lot of time in the sun will look like hell in their mid 50's, if they don't do dermal fillers or cosmetic surgery.

  4. #1449

    Important news

    Quote Originally Posted by Lewdsun  [View Original Post]
    Has anybody else ever noticed how a tan on a civilian usually looks nice but on an Ave girl it doesn't? It always looks like a sunburn gone wrong and seems to accentuate the dirty hands, feet and clothing.
    Thanks for your opinion. I found it to be very helpful.

  5. #1448

    The Kensington tan

    Has anybody else ever noticed how a tan on a civilian usually looks nice but on an Ave girl it doesn't? It always looks like a sunburn gone wrong and seems to accentuate the dirty hands, feet and clothing.

  6. #1447
    Thanks for the info Gator reasons like this is why every time I plan to be home I ask you guys if you know any south Philly girls every stay safe.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gator145  [View Original Post]
    Just a heads up for those that need to know. Last night there was a shooting at Emerald City. At least one person was dead and aother wounded. Word on the street is a kid rode by on a bike and did the deed. Remember when a drive by was done with a car? My my how times have changed. That kid not only changed his life forever. He changed two other lives and three families lives. The report claims the police have a suspect. If they didn't they would have one shortly. There's no secrets in Kensington. None. Not all the rats there have four legs. Some only have two. I'm a curious guy. I wonder if the act was committed because he had a beef with the victims. Or if he was following somebody else's orders. Makes you wonder doesn't it?

    Now anybody thinking of going in there without knowing what you are doing, you are taking your life in your hands. That is the drawer where the loose nuts, the dull knives, screws with no matching threads, single mittens and socks are kept. You know, the odd ball shit that should have been tossed out years ago. Yet for some stupid reason it was placed in that drawer and remains there. All the things that need fixing but nobody ever got around to doing it. That has been an unstable zone for as long as the goofballs have been there. They have claimed the territory as their own. Let them have it.

    It's not the first time somebody has been shot there, beaten, stabbed, clubbed, chased, raped, robbed and more there. Even the cops tread lightly there and won't go in there unless they are sent with back up. Then before going they ask dispatch if someone else can go so they can finish their donuts. That should tell us all something. Would anybody blame them?

    The junkies and dealers took over the shopping district, the bad lands and now the plague is ever spreading. Putting the whole thing in perspective. The residents at Emerald City are homeless. Majority without money. So the drugs are financed by someone. They're certainly not being manufactured there..

  7. #1446

    Conundrums, loose screws and late night activity

    Just a heads up for those that need to know. Last night there was a shooting at Emerald City. At least one person was dead and aother wounded. Word on the street is a kid rode by on a bike and did the deed. Remember when a drive by was done with a car? My my how times have changed. That kid not only changed his life forever. He changed two other lives and three families lives. The report claims the police have a suspect. If they didn't they would have one shortly. There's no secrets in Kensington. None. Not all the rats there have four legs. Some only have two. I'm a curious guy. I wonder if the act was committed because he had a beef with the victims. Or if he was following somebody else's orders. Makes you wonder doesn't it?

    Now anybody thinking of going in there without knowing what you are doing, you are taking your life in your hands. That is the drawer where the loose nuts, the dull knives, screws with no matching threads, single mittens and socks are kept. You know, the odd ball shit that should have been tossed out years ago. Yet for some stupid reason it was placed in that drawer and remains there. All the things that need fixing but nobody ever got around to doing it. That has been an unstable zone for as long as the goofballs have been there. They have claimed the territory as their own. Let them have it.

    It's not the first time somebody has been shot there, beaten, stabbed, clubbed, chased, raped, robbed and more there. Even the cops tread lightly there and won't go in there unless they are sent with back up. Then before going they ask dispatch if someone else can go so they can finish their donuts. That should tell us all something. Would anybody blame them?

    The junkies and dealers took over the shopping district, the bad lands and now the plague is ever spreading. Putting the whole thing in perspective. The residents at Emerald City are homeless. Majority without money. So the drugs are financed by someone. They're certainly not being manufactured there.

    The city has the whole program Bass ackwards. They are so afraid of the dealers you can see their knees shaking whenever they enter the drug areas. Many times I watch as the squad cars go through with flashing lights and shut them off half block away so they don't have to deal with what's going on there. They will claim it was a cancelled call. Right. All the time?

    Instead of attacking the problem at its roots where the scourge is really affecting the quality of life, they try and eliminate the junkies and the girls. Keeping the drugs right there. Once the drugs are gone so will the girls and junkies be gone. Duhhhhh.

    Sit back sometime and just watch the carousel go around at the circus of life there. The girl gets the drugs. Goes and gets high. Comes back to the corner to get a date to get more drugs to go and get high. After the date they head straight for Kip and Cambria, Custer and Clearfield, Weymouth, or any one hundreds of other sales points. And the ride begins all over.

    None of us are invincible. Any one of us could have been a victim last night. Keep your eyes open, your mouths shut, your wits clear. You have no friends there. You can depend on nobody. You and any information about you can be bought and sold for a five dollar rock or less. Know your boundaries.

    So all in all if the cops are shaky about the area so should you be. Don't be a victim. Safety first always. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.

  8. #1445
    Quote Originally Posted by Davey1965  [View Original Post]
    The Patio has been closed for close to 8 years I believe. I may be wrong on the 8 yrs so maybe someone can correct me, but its darn close to that. Yes the Patio was a good place to take girls and never any issues. Although towards the end management really stopped caring about the place and it was going downhill real fast. Nice was that if you knew the door guy he would give you tips on girls that were staying there and looking for business. Guess we won't be seeing anything like that around again.
    Yeah and there was a nice pusher in the top drawer. LOL.

  9. #1444
    Quote Originally Posted by Confused2004  [View Original Post]
    There was a place on the Blvd (named The Patio? Is it still around? Oh the fond memories I had at that place.
    The Patio has been closed for close to 8 years I believe. I may be wrong on the 8 yrs so maybe someone can correct me, but its darn close to that. Yes the Patio was a good place to take girls and never any issues. Although towards the end management really stopped caring about the place and it was going downhill real fast. Nice was that if you knew the door guy he would give you tips on girls that were staying there and looking for business. Guess we won't be seeing anything like that around again.

  10. #1443
    Quote Originally Posted by JimmeJames  [View Original Post]
    Going to be in town for a week starting Sunday. Before finding a provider, I was thinking about trying my luck with a civi. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    I apologize if this was the wrong place to post this.
    There was a place on the Blvd (named The Patio? Is it still around? Oh the fond memories I had at that place.

  11. #1442
    Say hello to MaryBeth.

    Some of you may have worked with her, or know her from CookyJars post he did a while back.

    I've Known MaryBeth for a number of years. In all that time I have never had any problems large or small with her. Never known her to steal or cause any issues that might draw unwanted attention.

    She's a very professional provider. She knows what to do and how to do it. Does not rush or watch the clock. She can pamper and show the wanted attention to all that wish.

    One thing I've noticed over the years is there's a lot of providers on the strip that truly think in their own mind they know what they are doing. You may have run into a few of them. Truth be told few have the real true talent that MaryBeth has. Sure some do the job but she actually puts the extra effort into the meeting.

    She is very versatile. She can be anything or anyone you might desire. In short she has earned her stripes doing what some only think they are capable of doing.

    Satisfaction is her number one priority. She gets it right.

    MaryBeth will be right up front. She will ask what it takes to get the job done then provide it with all the plesaure one expects from a top notch provider.

    MaryBeth also has no problem working with friends she has to offer the best experience one expects.

    Anoyne that wishes to arrange a meeting with MaryBeth or her playmates can do so either by texting me or send her a message at two one five three zero three six three six eight. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.
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  12. #1441

    The Carlyle is perfect

    Quote Originally Posted by AgentChan  [View Original Post]
    Jesus christ! That sounds like those cheap motels you see in movies.
    Never look a gift horse in the mouth. The carlyle is legendary. Its perfect for the task at hand. 20 $ for an hour with a clean sheet and a place to wash your dick iff. No fiends waiting to jump you once your pants are off. With the real estate explosion around the hotel its days are #ed. I'd give it 2-3 yrs max before its 3/4 million dollar condos being built on that lot.

  13. #1440
    Quote Originally Posted by Gator145  [View Original Post]
    To the best of my knowledge the Carlyle Whoretel still offers an hourly rate. I believe room service has been discontinued due to food borne illnesses and muggings in the rooms. Maid service is available by asking any of the women milling around outside. Although it is scheduled in between getting well and getting laid.

    Security is all that you could expect from an upscale low end establishment and taken very seriously. Not yours but theirs. Bullet proof glass and two retired thugs that will beat you to death with their walker should you try any funny business. You will notice a heavy metal grate over most accessible openings. Windows haven't been cleaned since the second world war. It saves on room darkening curtains. One needs to be buzzed in to enter the property. That's not to keep out the riff raft. Its to manage the escape of the bed bugs, rats and roaches to the surrounding neighborhood. The doors on the rooms do not lock. There's a reason for that. It's in case you need to escape in a hurry. Fire, gun shots etc.

    Upon paying the twenty dollar fee you will be given a wash cloth and a small bar of soap. Remember you can't get either until you pay the fee. So that's some thing to think about. You will be asked to return the unused portion of the soap so the next guest can also have some. The wash cloth can be kept as a souvenir of your stay. I think the soap is to sanitize anything before touching it.

    The rooms are attended to monthly. The peephole in the door is not to look out but for others to look in. In the higher end rooms you may find a lamp without a shade and a bare bulb or maybe a torn curtain to help block the flashing neon lights outside. Any debris, used condoms and, toys left by other 'guests' is moved out of the way so as not to interfere with the next occupants. Anything you feel you might wish to use feel free as there is no additional charge. Any tissue that is wet I suggest not using that. If the condoms are left in a brown bag doubling as a trashcan feel free to rinse them and go ahead and use them. Bed sheets get flipped over weekly. Floors get swept when debris blocks the path to the bed or prevents the door from opening wide enough to squeeze through. Snacks are in the form of half eaten bag of BBQ chips, sometimes sour cream and onion, a half tastykake, Cheetos, and maybe a half bottle of grape drink. Of course not all at once depending on the day and time. For those that collect panties, you may get lucky and find a thong left behind. Complete with blood stains, cum stains and holes. The rats in the rooms don't bother anyone unless you try to take the BBQ chips from them. Then you will have a fight on your hands. Most are considered pets. I think they said one is named Ben. Valet parking is available to those that wish to risk it. All in all the Hotel Carlyle can be an interesting look into hood life for those that find that entertaining. Enjoy your stay there because I'm sure it will be an adventure. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.
    Jesus christ! That sounds like those cheap motels you see in movies.

  14. #1439

    Amenities of The Hotel Carlyle

    Quote Originally Posted by ItsJustMe2016  [View Original Post]
    Looking to get a room this time round instead of just car play. However when I called to double check prices I was quoted for half day and whole day. Do they still rent by the hour? Just don't want to play myself by showing up with not enough cash or worst way too much.
    To the best of my knowledge the Carlyle Whoretel still offers an hourly rate. I believe room service has been discontinued due to food borne illnesses and muggings in the rooms. Maid service is available by asking any of the women milling around outside. Although it is scheduled in between getting well and getting laid.

    Security is all that you could expect from an upscale low end establishment and taken very seriously. Not yours but theirs. Bullet proof glass and two retired thugs that will beat you to death with their walker should you try any funny business. You will notice a heavy metal grate over most accessible openings. Windows haven't been cleaned since the second world war. It saves on room darkening curtains. One needs to be buzzed in to enter the property. That's not to keep out the riff raft. Its to manage the escape of the bed bugs, rats and roaches to the surrounding neighborhood. The doors on the rooms do not lock. There's a reason for that. It's in case you need to escape in a hurry. Fire, gun shots etc.

    Upon paying the twenty dollar fee you will be given a wash cloth and a small bar of soap. Remember you can't get either until you pay the fee. So that's some thing to think about. You will be asked to return the unused portion of the soap so the next guest can also have some. The wash cloth can be kept as a souvenir of your stay. I think the soap is to sanitize anything before touching it.

    The rooms are attended to monthly. The peephole in the door is not to look out but for others to look in. In the higher end rooms you may find a lamp without a shade and a bare bulb or maybe a torn curtain to help block the flashing neon lights outside. Any debris, used condoms and, toys left by other 'guests' is moved out of the way so as not to interfere with the next occupants. Anything you feel you might wish to use feel free as there is no additional charge. Any tissue that is wet I suggest not using that. If the condoms are left in a brown bag doubling as a trashcan feel free to rinse them and go ahead and use them. Bed sheets get flipped over weekly. Floors get swept when debris blocks the path to the bed or prevents the door from opening wide enough to squeeze through. Snacks are in the form of half eaten bag of BBQ chips, sometimes sour cream and onion, a half tastykake, Cheetos, and maybe a half bottle of grape drink. Of course not all at once depending on the day and time. For those that collect panties, you may get lucky and find a thong left behind. Complete with blood stains, cum stains and holes. The rats in the rooms don't bother anyone unless you try to take the BBQ chips from them. Then you will have a fight on your hands. Most are considered pets. I think they said one is named Ben. Valet parking is available to those that wish to risk it. All in all the Hotel Carlyle can be an interesting look into hood life for those that find that entertaining. Enjoy your stay there because I'm sure it will be an adventure. Me, I'm just an 'OL Gator.

  15. #1438
    Quote Originally Posted by Gator145  [View Original Post]
    In the extreme world of heroin abuse nothing surprises me any more. Confuses me? Sure. Surprises me? Never. I found this clip in the crazy world of crazy. What is the satisfaction drive here?

    Me' I'm just an 'OL Gator.
    That was really strange!

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