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  1. #7902

    SD4Me alert!


    Every so often, I sign up for the 3 day trial on SD4 Me, carpet bomb the locals with a message that contains my email and cell, and sit back and rake in the babies. Very often after my trial period is up, my access to mail and messaging on the site continues, and I am able to follow up with those little fish too dim to read that I want them to email me, not message me, on the site, or any late-comers who create profiles after the barn door has been supposedly closed.

    Just a heads-up that the glitch in their shut-off function is allowing me to keep contacting newbies and dimbies, so if any of you out there want to give it a try, now may be your best chance. Just be sure to use a cc that has a limited balance available. As has been reported numberous times on here, SD4 Me is notorious for repeat billing despite your requests that they stop.

    Cheers, and happy holidays.


  2. #7901

    Senior citizen

    So I had a M&G / FC date with my 45 yr old. She is a 8/8/8/7 mixed beauty. She was actually as good looking as any 22 yr old and had a rocking body, and was a smart accomplished MILF. She agreed to $. 5 but on the clock, which is OK with me since my play time is limited anyway. The bad part is the requirement for cover which I cannot do. The first meet is one thing but not ongoing. So after the Holidays we are going to talk and see if this can go anywhere. She is tight and has a sporty interest in Sex, so I think she could work if she can loosen up on the demands.

    I really like the naivete of a newby youngster though, so I will continue to search for the elusive teenie. They are playing hard to get for me. So many have the no sex thing going on and are starting to pop up and disappear just as quickly. Disappearing could be either they got a Daddy or they realized no sex will not get them very far in this world. I'm not even going to list Pots anymore until they pass the M&G.

  3. #7900
    Quote Originally Posted by FotoGuy1970  [View Original Post]
    I'd been chatting with a SA POT who had been slow to respond to SA messages and then slow to respond to texts. When I sent her my pics, she didn't really comment one way or the other on if she found me attractive or not. We had a M&G last week, but she barely made any eye contact with me and she left 15 minutes after we got there. She had said she'd text me the next day, but she was silent all the rest of the week. I really thought she was not interested in me and I was only barely interested in her. But a couple of days ago, I figured I would text her to see where we stood. My regular SB is out of town and my out of town SB wouldn't be seeing me for well over a week, so I had some time to fill. The SA POT told me that yes she was interested, just busy. I told her I understood and to just let me know when she's free and we can set something up. I didn't think I'd be hearing from her for a while, if ever. But surprisingly, she texted me earlier and we have a FC date later today. Hopefully it goes well, but who knows.
    Well, I thought the date went well (better than I expected, honestly), but she didn't think so. She texted me earlier today and complained about the sugar I gave her. I gave her $$$ but she's claiming I only gave her $$. She's not interested in seeing me anymore she says, she claims I made her feel cheap. I think she was never really into me and just needed some fast and easy money. And now she's lying about the dollar amount as a reason to break it off with me.

  4. #7899

    Question for the pros.

    Been a monger for many years just started reading and sharing on this site. I have all my undercover gear ready to dive into the sb scene. Burn phone another cc etc. My question is when you have the fish caught how many of you ride bareback. I know you never know about these girls but after a few dates I can tell if they are pros or not. I had a sb I met at a bar around vcu typical student in need. I played safe for awhile then she told me you don't have to wear condoms if you choose not to. Anyway littlehead won. Just wondering how these girls on the sites compare to a bar pickup etc. Thanks for the help.

  5. #7898
    Quote Originally Posted by IluvSmellyFish  [View Original Post]
    So do any other fellow members in the bowl worry about sbs that seem a little too eager to meet without seeing any pics, and who are willing to go straight to the FC?

    I have a pot who reached out to me and indicated she was willing to meet up. I threw out the idea of getting together for coffee, and offered to text her my pics. She responds that she's prefers to meet up at a hotel first.

    While I intend to take some obvious precautions (e. G. Won't book the hotel until I actually see that she is the person in her profile, intend on using cash, will ask to see I'd to verify she is 18, etc.) it does leave me a bit perplexed. In the back of my head (the big one) I can't but help wonder if this is going to turn into some extortion scam, or if in the middle of our time together there might be a knock on the hotel room door with someone claiming to be her father or boyfriend?

    Have any of you ever been in a situation where things went terribly south like that? As a monger I have been in my fair share of awkward situations, but would prefer not making the local news.

    Any advice would be appreciated. Also, the POT is smoking hot in her pictures, and her profile leads me to beleive she might be quite a bit of fun, fits what I am looking for, and she seems to be into meeting a random older guy. My little head is telling me that this one might be the perfect sb for me and the beginning of a wonderful ... friendship.

    Otherwise, I would probably be too wary too meet her. The forum's thoughts on the matter would be appreciated.
    Just a typical UTR girl. Try to research her phone #, email address, FB, instagram, twitter, etc. before hand.

  6. #7897
    Quote Originally Posted by IluvSmellyFish  [View Original Post]
    So do any other fellow members in the bowl worry about sbs that seem a little too eager to meet without seeing any pics, and who are willing to go straight to the FC?
    When I encounter POTs who exhibit this sort of behavior, I almost always see that as a huge red flag that there are things going on that I won't care for and I will not pursue them. The sole exception being the flaky girl I've mentioned in my past few reports: She has mentioned meeting at her place and going straight to her bedroom or skipping a M&G and going to a hotel. I would normally avoid a girl who thought along those lines, but if her pics are accurate and really her, then she is totally my type and I really would love to hook up with her at least once. But she keeps flaking on me so who knows if I'll ever find out if the pics are accurate.

    Totally unrelated: I'd been chatting with a SA POT who had been slow to respond to SA messages and then slow to respond to texts. When I sent her my pics, she didn't really comment one way or the other on if she found me attractive or not. We had a M&G last week, but she barely made any eye contact with me and she left 15 minutes after we got there. She had said she'd text me the next day, but she was silent all the rest of the week. I really thought she was not interested in me and I was only barely interested in her. But a couple of days ago, I figured I would text her to see where we stood. My regular SB is out of town and my out of town SB wouldn't be seeing me for well over a week, so I had some time to fill. The SA POT told me that yes she was interested, just busy. I told her I understood and to just let me know when she's free and we can set something up. I didn't think I'd be hearing from her for a while, if ever. But surprisingly, she texted me earlier and we have a FC date later today. Hopefully it goes well, but who knows.

  7. #7896
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1788

    Proceed with caution

    Quote Originally Posted by IluvSmellyFish  [View Original Post]
    So do any other fellow members in the bowl worry about sbs that seem a little too eager to meet without seeing any pics, and who are willing to go straight to the FC?

    I have a pot who reached out to me and indicated she was willing to meet up. I threw out the idea of getting together for coffee, and offered to text her my pics. She responds that she's prefers to meet up at a hotel first.

    Otherwise, I would probably be too wary too meet her. The forum's thoughts on the matter would be appreciated.
    I have had some POT's like this. I have never had one of them become part of the regular rotation. By asking you to go straight to the hotel, she has signaled that she is worried you will back out after getting coffee. There are two reasons she might do this: 1) she does not match her pictures or 2) she is desperate for money and does not want to take avoidable risks. In case (1), you might still get lucky. I met a woman who was even hotter than her pictures. She was great in the FC. However, she was getting money to support two drug habits: her's and her BF. When drugs are involved, you are guaranteed the situation will go bad eventually. In case (2), you should search this thread for Nando1 and read the oldest entries. You might still see her occasionally but you need to keep a very safe distance. Drama is a constant feature in a Nando1's life. I have a few women like that; I never give them more than $ and I rarely see them more than once a month.


  8. #7895
    Quote Originally Posted by IluvSmellyFish  [View Original Post]
    So do any other fellow members in the bowl worry about sbs that seem a little too eager to meet without seeing any pics, and who are willing to go straight to the FC?
    Most likely just and UTR girl. There are quite a few on SA / SD4 M. That can be fun, but not as good as a true non-pro SB. If her pictures are TOO hot, they may be fake.

  9. #7894


    So do any other fellow members in the bowl worry about sbs that seem a little too eager to meet without seeing any pics, and who are willing to go straight to the FC?

    I have a pot who reached out to me and indicated she was willing to meet up. I threw out the idea of getting together for coffee, and offered to text her my pics. She responds that she's prefers to meet up at a hotel first.

    While I intend to take some obvious precautions (e. G. Won't book the hotel until I actually see that she is the person in her profile, intend on using cash, will ask to see I'd to verify she is 18, etc.) it does leave me a bit perplexed. In the back of my head (the big one) I can't but help wonder if this is going to turn into some extortion scam, or if in the middle of our time together there might be a knock on the hotel room door with someone claiming to be her father or boyfriend?

    Have any of you ever been in a situation where things went terribly south like that? As a monger I have been in my fair share of awkward situations, but would prefer not making the local news.

    Any advice would be appreciated. Also, the POT is smoking hot in her pictures, and her profile leads me to beleive she might be quite a bit of fun, fits what I am looking for, and she seems to be into meeting a random older guy. My little head is telling me that this one might be the perfect sb for me and the beginning of a wonderful ... friendship.

    Otherwise, I would probably be too wary too meet her. The forum's thoughts on the matter would be appreciated.

  10. #7893

    Weekly digest

    Relatively quiet week in the bowl but instructive nonetheless.

    First, had a M&G with a young, weird art student who had been uber flaky via email, but somehow pulled it together long enough to meet. Except for dressing with a funky hat, wearing ginormous glasses and being perched on platform boots thus attracting a bit too much attention for my taste, she turned out to be much better looking than her picture. Fairly striking actually. Once again I allowed the M&G to last a bit too long (75 min) with two rounds of cocktails. We finally got to business as I walked her to the subway line. She wants $500 per meet and can offer her dorm room. I said I'd think about it and have since counter-offered via messages, but haven't heard back. Sadly, she may actually be able to get $500 per meet from other SDs, so I'm not holding my breath.

    Second, I've been experimenting with being way more direct with both my expectation for sex and my level of financial support in the early message exchange. That has had the expected dual effect of quickly filtering out those where there's a mismatch, and getting the uncomfortable bit out of the way for those that stick around. Now working on a POT who recently moved to Boston. But with the holiday period staring, I doubt I'll have time before one of you hook her up.

    Third, the hot MILF I did in my car never got back to me, so it appears to be once and done. Go figure.

    Fourth, the tall model and fitness girls have gone silent. And the domme has deleted her profile. And a little asian girl I'd been talking to has changed her profile from Boston to NY then to LA. Traveling pro?

    Finally, I was set for finally visiting the FC with that nursing student I've gone out with three times. Early in the week she did warn me that our date was going to fall when she'd expect her period and she let me decide whether to hold or cancel. Sure enough, the day before she told me the FC was out of the question but wanted to meet anyway. Not being able to come up with plan be on that short notice, I took her out for dessert which she enjoyed. That girl has obviously never been near money and hardly knows how to order in a restaurant, but she enjoys learning about how to order wine. I don't dislike the mentoring aspect at all to be honest. In any case, that remains on simmer until next time.


  11. #7892
    Quote Originally Posted by HollywoodGuy  [View Original Post]
    The $$ girl will never see you for less than $$ again. The $$$$$ girls. Never reply or negotiate. Total waste of time. You got a freebee so that's cool. Helps lower the average for the month. Pics pics pics.
    Pics? Of the ones with GPS?

    Here's one in my area. (I haven't texted, but just read her profile).

    Her number is e4 b387 b6.

  12. #7891

    Pros and cons of younger sbs.

    I am sure it has been covered before, but I am finding that one of the main pros of dating sbs who are under 21 is that they can't drink on dinner dates (there are so many other advantages, but I am speaking from a financial perspective).

    The downside of course is that the wine does help loosen inhibitions, but then again, so does the sugar.

    Hope you fellahs are enjoying your weekend. Moved from the m&g to a dinner date with both sbs. So I am 2/2. Not sure where things will go after dinner, but pot 2 appears is older and we have been exchanging about an email a day. I suspect that pot 1 may be a little hard to get into the FC, but we shall see. I almost didn't meet pot 2, and she turned out to be an AMAZING blonde with a killer body.

    Pot 3 is a little crazy and very desperate for cash. Both good and bad. Have not done the m&g with her, but we shall see.

    Life in the bowl is more stressful in certain ways because of the emotional requirements are so much more than mongering. But I guess that's why we do it, no?

  13. #7890

    Never had this happen before

    Was at a M&G with a pretty 20 why Latina at a local Starbucks last evening. Met her there and after about 15 minutes she says, "do you think you could give me a ride home after this? My mom is waiting in the car outside and I want to tell her she can go home. " I almost didn't know what to say because I totally was not expecting that comment, LOL. Was a little conflicted as well because some alarms were going off in my head telling me this wasn't normal. But, the little head won out and we visited the FC and then I dropped her off at home later. Kind of a crazy evening but in the end it worked out well. I'm still laughing this morning about it.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails IMG_2677.jpg‎  

  14. #7889
    Quote Originally Posted by Almighty  [View Original Post]
    But, she stayed about 4 hours and I fucked her 5 times. She was very enthusiastic. Not sure if that's enough to make up for the "big. " Best part is, it was free.

    SB2, actually met for breakfast and then back to the FC for about 1. 5 hours. Only got her one time. And she just flat out brought up $$ and I said I was looking for 100 each time we meet. She said "Can't go any higher?" I countered with 120 and she said "it's Christmas. " I said I'd do 120 from now on, but today, I'd go 200 as an Christmas bonus. She was 28, pretty good body, but a bit skinny and not sure she was really into it. Felt more business like. Repeat turn may not happen.

    Another was also asking 500 a pop and I said nope. I have been using a line of "well, if you can get someone to pay 500 a meeting, you should be getting that from that dude, you don't need to be trying to see me. " I used it on both this one and the one above I mentioned. I'm respectful and polite but make it clear I'm not paying that kind of jack, and maybe we just need to explore other options. And both cases, the next day or so, they open back up a line of comm with "well, what can you pay. " I'm going to be wary of dealing with them.
    The $$ girl will never see you for less than $$ again. The $$$$$ girls. Never reply or negotiate. Total waste of time. You got a freebee so that's cool. Helps lower the average for the month. Pics pics pics.

  15. #7888
    Ok, another week to report.

    First, Saw and brought two SB's back to the FC. SB1 just flat out met me at the FC. We'd talked on the phone and texted for about a week. She's 44 and kind of big. But, she stayed about 4 hours and I fucked her 5 times. She was very enthusiastic. Not sure if that's enough to make up for the "big. " Best part is, it was free. She's just looking to get some on the side, no charge. She's in a live in relationship but supposedly is without physical contact. So, she's basically begging for it. Dunno if will repeat. Maybe if bored and no other prospects.

    POT1, I've been texting and talking to on the phone for 2 weeks, 28, much better looking (according to her pics, and I FB stalked her and found her profile. Most of these chicks are way easy to track down who they really are). Same situation as above, live in relationship going nowhere, looking to "spice it up," (her words in a text). We text during the day, and she usually calls me on her way home from work and we talk the hour or so it takes her to drive home. Problem is, she lives about 1. 25 hours away. She was supposed to come down last Sunday and then Sunday, went phone / text silent. Monday, she texts her kid dropped her phone in the bathtub (why have the phone near the bathtub in the first place? And it fried it. She supposedly got a new one Monday and texted she was sorry. Ok, I'll give her a mulligan. She said she was free to come down to the FC tomorrow (Saturday) and we texted and talked and stuff this week like before. And then tonight at our 5 pm phone call she says she may have to work tomorrow. I began making other plans. Sure enough, I texted her and she said she found out about 8 pm she's got some conference call (I call bullshit) tomorrow from 8-10. Said "She might be able to come down after it ends. " Ehhhh, I'm not into "might be able's. " This is number two flake out on her, imo. So, I'm dialing it back. Be kind of standoffish. Pretend I'm not really waiting around on her. What's odd, is that the day after I started talking to her, she deactivated her profile on SA and hasn't been back on. That was two weeks ago. Dunno. She sounds like she'd be fun when we talk, but I'm getting the "strung along" vibe from her, so focus is shifting.

    SB2, actually met for breakfast and then back to the FC for about 1. 5 hours. Only got her one time. And she just flat out brought up $$ and I said I was looking for 100 each time we meet. She said "Can't go any higher?" I countered with 120 and she said "it's Christmas. " I said I'd do 120 from now on, but today, I'd go 200 as an Christmas bonus. She was 28, pretty good body, but a bit skinny and not sure she was really into it. Felt more business like. Repeat turn may not happen.

    POT2, flaked out earlier this week on a M&G, and so I gave her a mulligan, and we have a M&G tomorrow night. She seems eager on text, we'll see.

    POT3 I had as a backup in case POT1 above flaked on tomorrow afternoon. So, when she flaked tonight, I bumped POT3 up into that slot. She's older, but supposedly wants to have some fun. We'll see.

    Then, I had a couple discussions this week with about 3/4 ladies with terminal cases of GPS. These ladies may starve asking what they are asking. One was about an hour away, in BFE, and said to come to my place, was 500, plus 100 for gas. It's probably 120 miles roundtrip. She must be driving a model T or something. I said, Way out of my price range. We haggled a a bit and just left it at what it won't happen.

    Another was also asking 500 a pop and I said nope. I have been using a line of "well, if you can get someone to pay 500 a meeting, you should be getting that from that dude, you don't need to be trying to see me. " I used it on both this one and the one above I mentioned. I'm respectful and polite but make it clear I'm not paying that kind of jack, and maybe we just need to explore other options. And both cases, the next day or so, they open back up a line of comm with "well, what can you pay. " I'm going to be wary of dealing with them.

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