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  1. #121

    More on voting

    Take the time to read this article by Gary North, an economist of note of the Austrian School.

    Those of us who love freedom and prosperity should be learning.

    Also read here;

    if you want to gain a better understanding of what is really happening in the world.

    Also, read this:

    (Theodore J. Lowi, Incomplete Conquest: Governing America, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1981, p.25.):

    “Political participation is an instrument of conquest because it encourages people to give their consent to being governed. And even when voting does not itself produce a clear sense of public willingness, the purpose of participation is nevertheless fulfilled because deeply embedded in the people’s sense of fair play is the principle that those who play the game must accept the outcome even if they are consistently on the losing side. Why do politicians plead with everyone to get out and vote? It is because voting is the simplest and easiest form of participation by masses of people. Even though it is minimal participation, it is sufficient to commit all voters to being governed, regardless of who wins.”

    To A2, please forgive me my soapbox, thanks.

    Respectfully submitted.

    Last edited by Cheech1; 11-10-14 at 16:14. Reason: addition, further addition

  2. #120


    Once again, I beg to differ. Your vote does not make a damn bit of difference. The government propagandizes that it does, however to draw a veil of legitimacy over the process by which the American citizen is being hoodwinked. All your vote does is make it appear that the people have some control over the outcome of things, when in fact the people who really are in control are the people who pull the strings behind the scenes, and if you don't believe that you should spend more time reading outside the government approved and controlled newspapers, and the talking heads on the TV.

    Best regards,


  3. #119

    Vote or don't vote

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheech1  [View Original Post]
    I beg to differ on voting. When you have to choose between the lessor of multiple evils, when true libertarians (people who endorse and stand for true freedom) can't get on the ballot, when it costs so much to run for election that a politician has to sell his soul to the corporations and special interests, you are not voting. What you are doing is putting your imprinture of approval on the corrupted process. Then, the system uses that approval to screw us, the people.

    Respectfully submitted,

    All I have to say is vote, if you do not vote you are part of the problem and not part of the solution. If you voted and it did not go your way at least you tried, and have every right to talk about the outcome. If you did not vote well then shut up you do not have the right to say it did not come out the way you wanted because you are too lazy or too stupid to at least try and make a change. I would like to know why of all the nations that have elections is it that USA has the lowest percentage of votes that at least try to vote??

  4. #118


    I beg to differ on voting. When you have to choose between the lessor of multiple evils, when true libertarians (people who endorse and stand for true freedom) can't get on the ballot, when it costs so much to run for election that a politician has to sell his soul to the corporations and special interests, you are not voting. What you are doing is putting your imprinture of approval on the corrupted process. Then, the system uses that approval to screw us, the people.

    Respectfully submitted,


  5. #117

    VOTE Everyone VOTE

    VOTE Everyone VOTE.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 1016467_865731040153693_4046769861436491381_n.jpg‎  

  6. #116

    For the first time in my adult life

    I think I'm going to stay away from the polls next week. I'm just too disgusted anymore for it to be worth the trouble. Costa Rica sounds better all the time.

  7. #115

    Au contrare

    We do elect them, we do put them there. Why? Propaganda. Look at the crap we are fed in schools as kids, then extrapolate that into adulthood. Look at the crap you see on TV. Look at all the shows that glorify the armed services, the police, the prosecutors. The young people and the blacks, for the most part, elected Obama. Black people voted for him because he's black, or appears to be. This is not a racist statement, it is truth. I have personally been told by black people that they voted for Obama because he's black. Young people voted for him because he's black. The people who looked at experience and background did not vote for him. This is because they want someone who has some small chance of knowing what he is doing running the country. But its not just about Obama. With the exception of Ron Paul, virtually every member of congress is there to line their own pockets. They all lie, they are all corrupt. Then look at what the people do with their spare time. They watch football, baseball, basketball. Talk about Nero fiddling while Rome burned. This country is doomed.


  8. #114

    We don't put them there

    Quote Originally Posted by UOnlyLiveOnce  [View Original Post]
    The rest of the problem? In a word, us.

    Don't get me wrong, I think Obama is a POS, as are most of the things in DC passing laws even they themselves don't understand. But who puts these people there? Um, us, the voters.

    True, Obama knew good and well he was totally effin incompetent to be elected dog catcher, let alone prez. But he wouldn't be president if enough voters would have looked past all the hope and change talk and looked at his actual track record, which was pretty much nothing. And you would think the whole Jeremiah Wright debacle would have ended his political career, but no dice. Too many people were focused on how Obama made them feel, as opposed to thinking about what he would actually do if elected to office. Well, how's that hope and change stuff working for us now?

    And folks, the only reason anyone could even fathom Hillary for prez in 2016 is because of how stupid voters were in 1996 when they reelected Bill. His only accomplishment, if you could call it that, by 1996 was his failed attempt to nationalize health care. Yet we reelected him anyway.
    To get on a national ballot, you have to be a sociopath. You must live your entire adult life under a microscope, preparing for the day when the deep pockets certify you and put you on the ballot. And if you get elected, you will toe the line or be blocked every step of the way. I think Obama found out the hard way, and now he is as good a crook as any of them.

    Ultimately, the best man doesn't win. The best liar does. There are exceptions. Bernie Sanders is a "democratic socialist", and the wild and crazy state of Vermont keeps electing him. He refuses to accept the corrupt cronyism that is Congress, and is of course smeared as a crackpot. He will run for president in 2016, but the political machine will chew him up and spit him out. Because you CAN'T be president if you aren't endorsed by corporate America.

    I have to stop before I get too worked up.

  9. #113

    They all do it

    Quote Originally Posted by UPullAndPay2  [View Original Post]
    I hate Obama because he is a lying POS! Not because he is Black, Remember Obama is only Half black raised by white grandparents!!

    List of Obama Lies and law breaking! You won't see this list on MSNBC!!

    I am not well informed about the details of recent modern politics, since being so would require more zoloft and xanax than I could find. But I do know that I have seen similar lists for every president since I have paid attention. Hell, GW made up over 50 words in his speeches and said some of the stupidest things I have ever heard, yet we re-elected him. And if the Patriot Act isn't illegal, then I'm half black and was raised by Obama's white grandparents. Every word that comes out of ANY modern president's mouth is a calculated lie designed to win support at any cost.

    The system is the problem. Whoever has the most money gets elected. And since the supreme court (even the highest court is corrupt) ruled that corporations can contribute to campaigns as if they were just ordinary citizens, the ones with the most money are certified patsies who do what they are told.

    I don't think it can be fixed.

    Zoloft, anyone?

  10. #112

    Politicians only part of the problem

    The rest of the problem? In a word, us.

    Don't get me wrong, I think Obama is a POS, as are most of the things in DC passing laws even they themselves don't understand. But who puts these people there? Um, us, the voters.

    True, Obama knew good and well he was totally effin incompetent to be elected dog catcher, let alone prez. But he wouldn't be president if enough voters would have looked past all the hope and change talk and looked at his actual track record, which was pretty much nothing. And you would think the whole Jeremiah Wright debacle would have ended his political career, but no dice. Too many people were focused on how Obama made them feel, as opposed to thinking about what he would actually do if elected to office. Well, how's that hope and change stuff working for us now?

    And folks, the only reason anyone could even fathom Hillary for prez in 2016 is because of how stupid voters were in 1996 when they reelected Bill. His only accomplishment, if you could call it that, by 1996 was his failed attempt to nationalize health care. Yet we reelected him anyway.

  11. #111

    The Race Card has been played so much under Obama it has lost it's teeth!

    Quote Originally Posted by Swami222  [View Original Post]
    But only because you single out Obama. Our political system has become a piece of shit, due to all the POS politicians who have created it in their image. Corporations and special interests control everything political in this country. I can't vote anymore because the system will only allow (other) sociopaths to attain any significant federal office. DC is a world of bribery, payoffs, and back room deals. Remember when little Bush (a particularly fragrant POS) and his bankers bullied congress at a "special session" into voting FOR the bailout of banks "too big to fail"? After congress had already voted with a resounding "NO"? Not many do.

    Career politicians, no term limits, unfettered campaign contributions, lobbyists, lack of accountability. These things prohibit fixing the system. It is just too corrupt.

    If they find stolen money in my freezer, I go to jail. When they find it in a politician's freezer, they have a "hearing". Followed by a reception featuring sweet and sour shrimp.

    When Obama leaves office he will be replaced by some POS with different special interests. These creeps will never give up what they have lied, misled, and cheated to obtain. As the great Frank Zappa (who would have made a great president) said in his song "the meek shall inherit nothing":

    You say your life's a bum deal, and you're up against the wall.

    People, you ain't even got no kinda deal at all.

    'because what they do, in Washington.

    They just takes care of number one.

    And number one ain't you.

    You ain't even number two!
    I hate Obama because he is a lying POS! Not because he is Black, Remember Obama is only Half black raised by white grandparents!!

    List of Obama Lies and law breaking! You won't see this list on MSNBC!!


  12. #110

    Where do I get my tin foil hat?

    I am so happy that I live in that small apparently small portion of the USA that has actually improved in the last six years.

    My business is thriving such that I can now pay my lowest paid worker $16/ hr (up $5/ hr from 6 years ago).

    My investments have done very well (except for the current correction going on).

    Friends have been able to retire early because their pre-existing conditions don't prevent them from getting health insurance and they no longer have to work until eligible for medicare.

    I attended a very nice wedding between two gay friends last year (the decorations and food were fabulous, but I admit the female impersonaters as entertainment was a little strange).

    I am going to take some of my bounty and monger later today and create a true trickle down effect. Ronald Reagan would be proud.

  13. #109

    Carter wasn't a POS

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheech1  [View Original Post]
    So these are my thoughts regarding what's potentially coming. This is going to be long, and for that I apologize to A2 in advance. Some people will agree, some will think I am nuts. I throw my thoughts out there hoping that people will do their own research and decide for themselves what they should do and prepare for.

    The main problem is the government creation of money. That is the single overriding cause of all the problems the country has had for the last 100 years. Every government for the last 2,500 years that has debased their currency has fallen. Every single one. The problem is that our government seems to think they can continue to debase the currency by creating more money and a different result will follow. The end result will be a default by the USA Government on its obligations. Following from that will be the end of welfare and government pensions including social security. This will come soon. It is not possible to continually create money without this end result. This crash will be triggered by the refusal of other countries to buy American debt, the demand for debt to be paid rather than rolled over, and the demand for gold reserves held in America to be returned, said demand being refused, (Germany has already experienced this). Ask any woman who goes food shopping on a regular basis, what's going on with food prices.

    The government will most likely attempt to forestall this result by starting WWIII. This is where people will start to say that I am nuts. It has already started, though. Look at Europe. The USA, through NATO, and with its own bases, has been working on surrounding Russia and China for many years. Russia and China have been working on backing their currencies with gold, and China has been buying gold by the ton and not reporting it accurately to the financial media. They are also beginning to set up systems to settle their international trading with their own currencies, rather than with the petrodollar. If they are successful in generating widespread trade settlement in currencies other than the dollar, that will trigger the collapse. (One trigger.) The USA Has been poking Russia with a stick, but Putin hasn't been dumb enough to take the bait. This is where potentially the shit will hit the fan, as there is a significant contingent of hawks in the USA Government who believe the USA Could survive a nuclear war, and think that a first strike from us is the solution.

    But that is not what will happen first, I don't think. I think the currency will collapse prior to a war being started, and the result of that collapse is what we have to be prepared for by thinking about what it will bring.

    Inflation will be first, I mean really bad inflation, think Argentina, think Socialist Germany prior to WWII. If that happens, the urban poor will be the first to feel the effect. Especially if it happens in winter. Up north. Think no heat. Think no fireplaces in most homes. Think about no rent assistance. Think no electricity. So there will be riots. And they will be bad, because they will be driven by people who are hungry and cold, and there will be no one really to stop them. There will be no safe place within one day's walk of any urban area. What about the police? Well, the police don't repress people for free. When there is no rent assistance, the landlords will stop paying property taxes, because they won't have the money. The people who live in homes they own won't be paying taxes because they will be using every dime they can find to buy food and heat. So the cities won't have the money to make payroll, and those cops will be looking for food and heat too. So the only way will be martial law, with government troops and then we'll see how things go. The Constitution will be thrown out the window, look at how things were going in Boston after the marathon bombing. House to house searches by troops or the next best thing with no warrants, and did you see any complaints in the media? Nobody said a thing.

    By the way, Obama is a particularly odious pos, because blacks will suffer most in the coming problems. But really, they have all been pieces of shit since Roosevelt, with the exception of Kennedy, who was assassinated by LBJ precisely because he wasn't a pos.

    Respectfully submitted, with my apologies to A2 in advance.

    He just wasn't an effective president.

  14. #108

    What's coming

    So these are my thoughts regarding what's potentially coming. This is going to be long, and for that I apologize to A2 in advance. Some people will agree, some will think I am nuts. I throw my thoughts out there hoping that people will do their own research and decide for themselves what they should do and prepare for.

    The main problem is the government creation of money. That is the single overriding cause of all the problems the country has had for the last 100 years. Every government for the last 2,500 years that has debased their currency has fallen. Every single one. The problem is that our government seems to think they can continue to debase the currency by creating more money and a different result will follow. The end result will be a default by the USA Government on its obligations. Following from that will be the end of welfare and government pensions including social security. This will come soon. It is not possible to continually create money without this end result. This crash will be triggered by the refusal of other countries to buy American debt, the demand for debt to be paid rather than rolled over, and the demand for gold reserves held in America to be returned, said demand being refused, (Germany has already experienced this). Ask any woman who goes food shopping on a regular basis, what's going on with food prices.

    The government will most likely attempt to forestall this result by starting WWIII. This is where people will start to say that I am nuts. It has already started, though. Look at Europe. The USA, through NATO, and with its own bases, has been working on surrounding Russia and China for many years. Russia and China have been working on backing their currencies with gold, and China has been buying gold by the ton and not reporting it accurately to the financial media. They are also beginning to set up systems to settle their international trading with their own currencies, rather than with the petrodollar. If they are successful in generating widespread trade settlement in currencies other than the dollar, that will trigger the collapse. (One trigger.) The USA Has been poking Russia with a stick, but Putin hasn't been dumb enough to take the bait. This is where potentially the shit will hit the fan, as there is a significant contingent of hawks in the USA Government who believe the USA Could survive a nuclear war, and think that a first strike from us is the solution.

    But that is not what will happen first, I don't think. I think the currency will collapse prior to a war being started, and the result of that collapse is what we have to be prepared for by thinking about what it will bring.

    Inflation will be first, I mean really bad inflation, think Argentina, think Socialist Germany prior to WWII. If that happens, the urban poor will be the first to feel the effect. Especially if it happens in winter. Up north. Think no heat. Think no fireplaces in most homes. Think about no rent assistance. Think no electricity. So there will be riots. And they will be bad, because they will be driven by people who are hungry and cold, and there will be no one really to stop them. There will be no safe place within one day's walk of any urban area. What about the police? Well, the police don't repress people for free. When there is no rent assistance, the landlords will stop paying property taxes, because they won't have the money. The people who live in homes they own won't be paying taxes because they will be using every dime they can find to buy food and heat. So the cities won't have the money to make payroll, and those cops will be looking for food and heat too. So the only way will be martial law, with government troops and then we'll see how things go. The Constitution will be thrown out the window, look at how things were going in Boston after the marathon bombing. House to house searches by troops or the next best thing with no warrants, and did you see any complaints in the media? Nobody said a thing.

    By the way, Obama is a particularly odious pos, because blacks will suffer most in the coming problems. But really, they have all been pieces of shit since Roosevelt, with the exception of Kennedy, who was assassinated by LBJ precisely because he wasn't a pos.

    Respectfully submitted, with my apologies to A2 in advance.


  15. #107

    Do a little research! Don't dwell on this or it will drive you nuts! But be prepared

    Do a little research!! Don't dwell on this or it will drive you nuts! But be prepared.

    Disarming Americans is just one of many things that could happen, EMP BLAST. Loss of Electricity VIRUS, RACIAL UNREST, Ferguson Mo. Expanding TERRORIST ATTACK. AND A FEW MORE.

    QUOTE So what do you think? Should I keep stocking or are all these active soldiers just nuts? Not Nuts!! What is the worst thing that could happen if your prepared? & What is the worst thing that could happen if your not prepared?

    I don't have PTSD, But I am prepared. Having PTSD will make you Paranoid! But you know what they say! Your not Paranoid if they are out to get you! Better Safe than Sorry!

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