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  1. #6232

    This is new

    I thought this experience so unusual that I would share with you guys. After breaking up with my last SB, I couldn't find anything for a couple months on SA and needed some relief, so I started looking at BP ads. Made a date with a cute spinner, and soon realized she was not an average working girl. Not on drugs, had her own house, dean's list certificate on the wall, etc. So I have a chat with her about the sugar bowl and she says she hasn't heard of the concept, but is interested. She wants to quit the business and likes the idea of an allowance. We settle on an amount, and so far its working. She pulled her BP ad and changed her phone no.

    So now there is only one problem, and I welcome your comments on this. The sex is meh. I thought it would improve, but it's still lame escort sex, quick BJ, lay down and open the legs. She doesn't seem to enjoy it. Kind of understandable given her background, still I was hoping for GFE, and she hasn't heard of that concept either. Have you ever been with girls who look super sexy, but just aren't when the get in the sack?

  2. #6231
    Awaiting Email Confirmation

    Posts: 1287
    Quote Originally Posted by FredMoore  [View Original Post]
    So how do you do it? We all hate it when girls flake on us. So prepare her for separation.
    My exit door is built into the blueprint early on. Since I'm only a seasonal traveling daddy, I tell them up front I am interested in interviewing SBs in the town they are in because of occasional travel to that area. So, for the most part if they are looking for someone to see every 4 times a month every month they already know I'm not going to be the one.

    A couple of times I've gotten mushy e-mails to the effect that they say things like "if I meet the right guy and fall in love I'm open to that etc." and if I get kind of a overly gushing reaction to my photos telling me how attracted they are to me, I usually respond back being very clear that I'm not looking for any sort of regular dating scenario and that I really want the separation of a SD / SB arrangement and I need someone who can handle that, know its not going to change, and not be clingy.

    So far it's worked out pretty well and while I've had a few turn crabby, as women sometimes do, I haven't had any stalkers, vengeful types, or walked away wishing I had done something really differently.

    One of my SB's was a 20 year old stripper, and she was a little different in the sense that she would text me incessantly to ask "when are you coming again!??" meaning when would I be in town again, but that was a little different because I met her where she worked and she did not have the benefit of hearing my set of rules up front.

  3. #6230

    Leaving your Sb

    If it was a shorter term thing and or I just want to move on I tell them that I have had a change in my work situation and pay and unfortunately I will not be able to afford our situation anymore. I basically work on commission so I'm not really lying.LOL. My pay is different every month. HA. They seem to get that the $ are not there so they move on with some understanding. Or a couple just said. Well. Just help me out with what you can, SCORE. Ok by me!

    Quote Originally Posted by FredMoore  [View Original Post]
    IMHO it is important to end things well with your SB. On one hand it is a classy thing to do and it is good to be a gentleman about it. This is what separates us from the dirt bags who are truly misogynistic and abusers, and give men a bad name. On the other hand it makes good business sense. Letting go easily leaves the girl with her self esteem somewhat intact, leaves the door open for a return visit, and prevents bad feelings which could prompt a psycho reaction. A woman scorned could lead to exposure by invading your private world if she knows who you really are.

    So how do you do it? We all hate it when girls flake on us. So prepare her for separation. I always use the discovery card or the finance excuse. "Baby, you are amazing and I love every minute with you but {my business is in a down cycle / lost my job, whatever} and I can not afford to pay anymore. I am so bummed out I can hardly stand it. Now, if she loves you she might say ""THat's OK honey, I don't need your money, I just enjoy being with you " ,then you have a dilemma. Free pussy vs "now what do I say " . If you think she is the latter type of girl (believe me, they are few and far between) then use the SO card. Fill in the blank above with " My SO discovered my activities and is threatening to make trouble for us. I need to take a break to let things cool down. When it does I will see if you are still available " . Then you have to figure out how to explain your profile being active still.

    The Truth? Well, I'm not sure how it will fly to say "You are just not my type of girl and I am not attracted to you anymore " . I told several PPots up front that I was only available for 1 month and it was surprising how many were OK with meeting weekly with an end in sight. One strategy would be to set a time limit and extend it if you want to keep her on the string.

  4. #6229

    Letting go

    IMHO it is important to end things well with your SB. On one hand it is a classy thing to do and it is good to be a gentleman about it. This is what separates us from the dirt bags who are truly misogynistic and abusers, and give men a bad name. On the other hand it makes good business sense. Letting go easily leaves the girl with her self esteem somewhat intact, leaves the door open for a return visit, and prevents bad feelings which could prompt a psycho reaction. A woman scorned could lead to exposure by invading your private world if she knows who you really are.

    So how do you do it? We all hate it when girls flake on us. So prepare her for separation. I always use the discovery card or the finance excuse. "Baby, you are amazing and I love every minute with you but {my business is in a down cycle / lost my job, whatever} and I can not afford to pay anymore. I am so bummed out I can hardly stand it. Now, if she loves you she might say ""THat's OK honey, I don't need your money, I just enjoy being with you " ,then you have a dilemma. Free pussy vs "now what do I say " . If you think she is the latter type of girl (believe me, they are few and far between) then use the SO card. Fill in the blank above with " My SO discovered my activities and is threatening to make trouble for us. I need to take a break to let things cool down. When it does I will see if you are still available " . Then you have to figure out how to explain your profile being active still.

    The Truth? Well, I'm not sure how it will fly to say "You are just not my type of girl and I am not attracted to you anymore " . I told several PPots up front that I was only available for 1 month and it was surprising how many were OK with meeting weekly with an end in sight. One strategy would be to set a time limit and extend it if you want to keep her on the string.

  5. #6228

    Defining your Success

    With a lot of talk about prices lately, I thought it would be a good idea to discuss about defining your own success.

    I think we all do share one common goal of getting young hot sexually open girls while not breaking the bank in the process. It's safe to say we all pretty much share that goal. But beyond that, it's important to set your own goals and you shouldn't feel pressured by the clubhouse here to adhere to a certain price structure. And if you want to go to dinner and movie with your SB don't feel ashamed about it, it's your prerogative.

    It's pretty common for all new SDs to overpay in their first few months in the Sugar Bowl. The Sugar Bowl can be overwhelming at first with literally a conveyor belt of real college girls letting you have a real sex with them (not that mechanical fake shit you get from escorts) for just a few hundred dollars. But after you've been in the Bowl for a few months or so, you gradually sharpen your sword a bit and you learn you can often get more with less.

    Having said that, still keep your own goals in mind. Don't get caught-up in the Budget-Arms race. If you can get what you're looking for at 100, then fantastic. But if 100/ date don't mesh with the target girls and experience you want, then don't get caught up in the budget wars. I got caught-up last summer and I let a couple of really good SBs slip through my hands because I was over-extended to where I didn't have the resources to hold on to the quality SBs that landed in my lap. If I just gave those quality SBs 200-250, (they were worth twice the amount, IMO) I could have held on to them. So I took my eye off the ball and lost some good ones.

    If you have the means to comfortably afford 300-400/ date, then go for it. Obviously be smart about it and don't just drop that amount money on a no-sex M&G. Those type of actions do make it difficult for the rest of SDs if girls are expecting to get paid for M&Gs. Otherwise, what you want to pay your SB is entirely up to you. The advantages of having a higher budget is that you'll be able to attract more top-end white girls and asian girls. Or you can fly-in top-end black / latina girls from out of state and pretty much pay the same thing. Also with a higher budget, you're far less likely to get outbid by another SD, so you'll be able to hold on to the ones you like. So if you have the means, don't feel like you have to settle for the "100" range girls to get your SD card stamped around here. Go after what you want.

    Hollywood and I have two different approaches. He goes for volume and plays the numbers game, and I try to aim for quality over quantity. Our differing approach has a lot to do with our different situations. I'm married so there's no way I could juggle an endless stream of pussy. Hollywood isn't married so he has to fill more slots. My point is, it's important to understand your situation and adjust your approach appropriately. We've had quite a few married members come through here over the years and completely overdose on pussy the first 6 months and quickly flame-out, due to exposure from the SO or financial problems. It's important to remember if you're married, the higher volume of girls you're seeing directly increases your risk of exposure. So if you want to have a long career in the bowl or at least be able to retire with your nuts still in tact, then understand your situation, define your own success, and be smart. We will love to hear your stories and exploits regardless of how much you spend and how many girls you see. It's the different approaches that make things interesting and helps us all learn something new.

  6. #6227
    Awaiting Email Confirmation

    Posts: 1287
    Quote Originally Posted by HollywoodGuy  [View Original Post]
    Yeah, I edited that part. because my definition of that word is just that men rule. The true dictionary definition is woman hater. But in our politically correct world its any guy that doesn't toe the extreme feminist line. SB's do have the power to walk away. And then woe is us, as we will then be stuck interviewing a bunch hot young girls to replace the one that left. Things could be worse.
    Oh, I think must have meant chauvinistic, in which case I am definitely guilty as charged. I'm so far at the opposite end of the spectrum from being feminist supporter that I make Andrew Dice Clay look like Phil Donahue. LOL. I have no problems objectifying women sometimes -- a lot of them enjoy being objectified and seek it out. Hell, I like to be objectified myself sometimes, I've had civy dates in the past tell they didn't even really like me much aside from enjoying sex with me and I found their comment to be both a huge complement and turn on. To them I say welcome to an alpha male's world, sweetheart.

  7. #6226
    Quote Originally Posted by HollywoodGuy  [View Original Post]
    Hit up every hot 18 to 22 year old black, mixed or latina with regular pics, no professional model pics. Just offer $$ to come straight to your room. be firm, no upsell bs, take it or leave it with a genuine smile. If you send 50 messages before you get to sleep you will have at least 5 girls ready to rock by 6 pm or sooner tomorrow. Skip the dinner and just do room service. I am really excited. Please do this so you can all tell us the day after tomorrow what bomb sex you had with a local hottie. Not a CG or BP girl.

    There are girls that live there that have never even stayed on the strip. That alone can almost seal the deal.
    Thank you for the sound advice HollywoodGuy, I had gone downstairs to the bar area earlier after my first post and saw, for a few minutes, the CG's working. I knew then I am not made for the instant sex type of fun. So, I returned to my FC and saw your note.

    I had 5 potential SB's from my acct on SA that live here. As you suggested I started emailing them for tomorrow and before I got to the 4th SB on the list, the 2nd on the list returned my email. I'll believe it when I see it but she is supposed to meet me here at the MC in about 45 minutes. I kid you not she said she was hungry and I told her great room service is 24/7. She actually liked that idea.

    I'm sort of nervous as this SB is only 20 and looks even younger in her photos. Slim, mixed race japanese / white but looks more white than asian. She is 5'8" which is nice as I'm a bit tall. Not to sound strange but I'm actually physically nervous as this would be the first woman I've actually had sex with, other than my Ex, in the last 20 years.

    Wow, she just called and asked if she can arrive early! Will check in tomorrow, hopefully with a successful night to share rather than "learning experiences".

  8. #6225
    Quote Originally Posted by Rouleur  [View Original Post]
    I'm sitting here in my suite at the MC Hotel in Vegas, alone at the moment, waiting to see who blinks first with a 23 year old SB I just had a M&G dinner with. I thought things went well until towards the end of the meal when she told me that I would need to pay Her some money to help with her tuition, car payment, car insurance, Rent, and a trip to see her Mother in New York over the 4th of July. All before she would join me in my suite for a rendezvous. I told her that I wasn't planning on paying anything like what she requested until we had a chance to see if we were physically compatible. That doesn't work for her. Pay first Fck later doesn't work for me. Two positives though. First, this IS Vegas so I am sure I will be able to find some company tonight if this does go south. Second, this SB is really cute. About 5'3" very thin but fit. The opposite of my first M&G with the "linebacker", who went in the 2nd round in the NFL draft a few days ago.
    Hit up every hot 18 to 22 year old black, mixed or latina with regular pics, no professional model pics. Just offer $$ to come straight to your room. be firm, no upsell bs, take it or leave it with a genuine smile. If you send 50 messages before you get to sleep you will have at least 5 girls ready to rock by 6 pm or sooner tomorrow. Skip the dinner and just do room service. I am really excited. Please do this so you can all tell us the day after tomorrow what bomb sex you had with a local hottie. Not a CG or BP girl.

    There are girls that live there that have never even stayed on the strip. That alone can almost seal the deal.

  9. #6224

    Holed up in my FC in a stand off with a potential SB

    I'm sitting here in my suite at the MC Hotel in Vegas, alone at the moment, waiting to see who blinks first with a 23 year old SB I just had a M&G dinner with. I thought things went well until towards the end of the meal when she told me that I would need to pay Her some money to help with her tuition, car payment, car insurance, Rent, and a trip to see her Mother in New York over the 4th of July. All before she would join me in my suite for a rendezvous. I told her that I wasn't planning on paying anything like what she requested until we had a chance to see if we were physically compatible. That doesn't work for her. Pay first Fck later doesn't work for me. Two positives though. First, this IS Vegas so I am sure I will be able to find some company tonight if this does go south. Second, this SB is really cute. About 5'3" very thin but fit. The opposite of my first M&G with the "linebacker", who went in the 2nd round in the NFL draft a few days ago.

  10. #6223
    Quote Originally Posted by DirtyDeeds38  [View Original Post]
    Ok, is that $700 a month, or $170 for two visits during the week? I have trouble making out the numbers when presented like that. LOL.

    Either way, man I've been way overpaying. I got one on the hook right now, but she wants a traditional agreement of $2000 a month. College girl. I won't got for that, but going see if she will accept a cash infusion per visit after we meet.

    Another question. Do you ever just end it with these girls by just fading off and not communicating? And do you worry that some disgruntled girl you saw, had a dinner out with, then sex at a hotel, is going to come looking for you, ever, cause you told her you were going to be a sugar daddy?

    I worry about this shit. LOL Although I cover my tracks fairly well, but these days, it's easy to track people down. I know the real names, etc of all the girls I dated. And they did not necessarily intend to let me know this, I just find shit out.
    That'd be 170. $2000/ month isn't bad. I'm assuming she'll be showing up 20 x a month though. But seriously, it's all relative. There's been recommendations to give sugar for each date and avoid the monthly lump sum. I've made agreements on a monthly but gave a fraction of that after each date. You don't want to be too ahead on the sugar. Someone compared it to hiring a contractor. You don't give all the money up front.

    I've never just faded away. If things need to end, I let them know first. I've been cut off of communication though, but just moved on. If you're concerned about your privacy / safety, be cautious about the name you use, the phone number / email you give out and how close to your home base you play. I've only had one crazy but she didn't know my real name, only had a hobby related number and email. It's possible I may run into her one day, but it's a big big world.

  11. #6222
    Quote Originally Posted by JeezLizard  [View Original Post]
    I agree it's much like civy dating but with less hassle due to boundaries created by money (that's what I like about it, what makes it so addictive). But I really don't see it as misogynistic at all. I see it as helping these girls on a number of levels: some of them are going to school or paying off student loans, so I'm helping educate society, sort of. Some of them are single moms, so I'm helping provide for their kid. A surprising number of girls I meet have simply found themselves with 2 or 3 dogs and a constant flood of vet bills (nobody told them the average dog will cost around 40 grand in care if during their lifetime), which works also because I like animals so helping with vet bills sounds good to me too.

    They say the number of girls walking the streets for money has diminished tremendously across the nation as a result of the Internet and what it's done for providers (given them a much safer way to operate, both from legal risk, pimps / drugs etc), so in the case of some of these girls that are borderline escorts or would-be pros, turning them into SBs actually helps keep them away from more dangerous options and activities.

    I genuinely love women. It doesn't mean I will put up with crap from one who tries to give it to me, and it doesn't stop me from trying to maximize what I get out of my dates and pay them as little as possible, but my actions don't mean I dislike them or look down on them because they are women. Sometimes I do look down on them because they've got an attitude issue or they attempt to match wits with me when they aren't even close to being experienced enough in life to do so, but certainly not because they're female.
    Yeah, I edited that part. because my definition of that word is just that men rule. The true dictionary definition is woman hater. But in our politically correct world its any guy that doesn't toe the extreme feminist line. SB's do have the power to walk away. And then woe is us, as we will then be stuck interviewing a bunch hot young girls to replace the one that left. Things could be worse.

  12. #6221
    Awaiting Email Confirmation

    Posts: 1287
    Quote Originally Posted by HollywoodGuy  [View Original Post]
    If you date enough girls you will meet some wackos. And when you pull the security away many times they will try to dig in. No different than civi dating. Actually easier because the sugar sets the boundaries. Civi dating is way too wishy washy for me. Sugar dating is inherently misogynist.
    I agree it's much like civy dating but with less hassle due to boundaries created by money (that's what I like about it, what makes it so addictive). But I really don't see it as misogynistic at all. I see it as helping these girls on a number of levels: some of them are going to school or paying off student loans, so I'm helping educate society, sort of. Some of them are single moms, so I'm helping provide for their kid. A surprising number of girls I meet have simply found themselves with 2 or 3 dogs and a constant flood of vet bills (nobody told them the average dog will cost around 40 grand in care if during their lifetime), which works also because I like animals so helping with vet bills sounds good to me too.

    They say the number of girls walking the streets for money has diminished tremendously across the nation as a result of the Internet and what it's done for providers (given them a much safer way to operate, both from legal risk, pimps / drugs etc), so in the case of some of these girls that are borderline escorts or would-be pros, turning them into SBs actually helps keep them away from more dangerous options and activities.

    I genuinely love women. It doesn't mean I will put up with crap from one who tries to give it to me, and it doesn't stop me from trying to maximize what I get out of my dates and pay them as little as possible, but my actions don't mean I dislike them or look down on them because they are women. Sometimes I do look down on them because they've got an attitude issue or they attempt to match wits with me when they aren't even close to being experienced enough in life to do so, but certainly not because they're female.

  13. #6220
    Quote Originally Posted by DirtyDeeds38  [View Original Post]
    Ok, is that $700 a month, or $170 for two visits during the week? I have trouble making out the numbers when presented like that. LOL.

    Either way, man I've been way overpaying. I got one on the hook right now, but she wants a traditional agreement of $2000 a month. College girl. I won't got for that, but going see if she will accept a cash infusion per visit after we meet.

    Another question. Do you ever just end it with these girls by just fading off and not communicating? And do you worry that some disgruntled girl you saw, had a dinner out with, then sex at a hotel, is going to come looking for you, ever, cause you told her you were going to be a sugar daddy?

    I worry about this shit. LOL Although I cover my tracks fairly well, but these days, it's easy to track people down. I know the real names, etc of all the girls I dated. And they did not necessarily intend to let me know this, I just find shit out.
    Basically 85 dollars a visit and she has to make a 50 mile RT from her place. She will make time for 2 visits a week if I can squeeze her in. She is in love with my dick. And any girl that isn't wouldn't be worth a nickel. What her live in boy friend (emphasis on the boy) doesn't know will never hurt him.

    If you date enough girls you will meet some wackos. And when you pull the security away many times they will try to dig in. No different than civi dating. Actually easier because the sugar sets the boundaries. Civi dating is way too wishy washy for me. Sugar dating is inherently tilted towards the mans needs. As the number of available SB's far outweighs the number of Real SD's. In civi dating there are far more available young good looking guys for a very limited number of hot girls. I am always shocked when I see some good looking young guy with an average girl that I wouldn't date for free. But in civi dating the hot girls rule. My neighbor is a good looking in shape, drives an audi, educated guy. I want to ring his neck when I see the girls he dates. I doubt I have ever seen him with an 8 or better. Lots of 5's and 6's. We wouldnt touch those girls, and even if we did we wouldnt be seen in public with them. When I am out I get so many looks, comments and haters it's ridiculous.

    And I doubt that most sugar daddies are hotter looking than thier dates. I'm certainly not.

  14. #6219
    Quote Originally Posted by HollywoodGuy  [View Original Post]
    Here is a sporty college girl I met a few years ago, like a month after her 18th bday. She is now a 21 year old about 5'8' 125 llb. Maybe 6.5/9/9/9. Bangin body, super friendly, excellent skills. Just reconnected. She agreed to $.7 for 2 visits a week. If I can fit them in. And she drives to me.
    Ok, is that $700 a month, or $170 for two visits during the week? I have trouble making out the numbers when presented like that. LOL.

    Either way, man I've been way overpaying. I got one on the hook right now, but she wants a traditional agreement of $2000 a month. College girl. I won't got for that, but going see if she will accept a cash infusion per visit after we meet.

    Another question. Do you ever just end it with these girls by just fading off and not communicating? And do you worry that some disgruntled girl you saw, had a dinner out with, then sex at a hotel, is going to come looking for you, ever, cause you told her you were going to be a sugar daddy?

    I worry about this shit. LOL Although I cover my tracks fairly well, but these days, it's easy to track people down. I know the real names, etc of all the girls I dated. And they did not necessarily intend to let me know this, I just find shit out.

  15. #6218

    When The Price is Right

    Here is a sporty college girl I met a few years ago, like a month after her 18th bday. She is now a 21 year old about 5'8' 125 llb. Maybe 6.5/9/9/9. Bangin body, super friendly, excellent skills. Just reconnected. She agreed to $.7 for 2 visits a week. If I can fit them in. And she drives to me.
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