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  1. #6217

    Busy traffic today

    Quote Originally Posted by DirtyDeeds38  [View Original Post]
    Thanks, this is most useful information.
    Just got home and had to spend some time catching up. Much activity here in such a short time.

    DirtyDeeds, I think everything said was golden advice and anything I add will just be repetitive. With that said, I'm just going to repeat.

    I learned to keep the cost of the M&G down as low as possible. The first one I went to, I got too excited about the possibility of an 18 yr old and spent too much for nothing. It wasn't until the 2nd date at a much later time that we fucked, but the cpo is still very high with her because of the M&G. Following some advice from this board, I keep it to just drinks now. I understand the value of wining and dining a POT, but around here it's a numbers game and I can't afford to wine and dine all the ones that end up flaking.

    I like Fred's advice of working backwards with your budget. If your financial situation allows for a total of 300/ date, subtract the cost of room and other expenses to get to the amount of sugar you can offer. Once you have a solid rotation going and you're more confident in your game, you can lower the sugar and see what you can reel in. Each one of us will differ in what it takes. Hollywoodguy's experience and location lets him maintain a waiting list with his $ offer. It's possible that where you're located, that offer will get you absolutely nothing but the desperate pros. Just keep fine tuning while you're enjoying the chase and keep thinking with the big head.

    Everyone should be aware that there are pros on the SD sites. In some cases, you can spot them early on. Some make it easy by using terminology that gives them away. Others you have to do some research on. I've passed on them since I use hx for the quick hits.

  2. #6216
    Awaiting Email Confirmation

    Posts: 1287
    Quote Originally Posted by DirtyDeeds38  [View Original Post]
    Thanks, this is most useful information. I am assuming a successful date ends with her in your room and having sex? So do you typically pay for M&G? I know we are supposed to pay for the dinner, drinks etc, but do you offer an allowance then, just for them having come out?
    To me a successful date is one that ends in a good time overall, which typically means not only good sex but a satisfying night across the board, including the whole thing ending with smiles on both our faces. I had one situation where the sex was good but conversation went sideways and she copped an attitude over something silly and stormed off in a tiff and of course she got no gift since that's the very last thing I do. We patched things up later in e-mail, so I could look at it as a good date in the sense I got free sex from a stunner, but in my mind it was not a good date since I don't enjoy arguing or any sort of negative vibes.

    I could say pay I for M&G in the sense that all my M&Gs ended up with sex except for one, and even then I bought her dinner, but I never offer anything up front. The one that didnt work out at the M&G took the conversation down the negotiating path and that's the main reason it didn't work. The times that they've indicated before meeting they wanted a certain amount just for showing up I say thanks but no thanks. I only ask that they meet me, then decide from there if they are attracted enough to me to proceed. I tell them if money is the only reason they are there they should move along because I need a certain amount of genuine chemistry.

  3. #6215
    Quote Originally Posted by JeezLizard  [View Original Post]
    A lot of what you'll pay depends on the girl. I tend to go for the stunners. They need to be at or above the level of looks of a typical dancer at a high-end club to be SB material, to me. I could get higher quantity if I made some sacrifices, but since my annual SB season is short, I tend to schedule as much quality poon into that window of opportunity as I can.

    I actually don't offer anything up front, I give them a gift based on overall performance / attitude etc. The few times I've discussed money up front, the types of girls I go for tend to blurt out prices in the 1 k-2 k range which is absurdity to me. The general target I have in my mind to give the girl is $200. My actual dates almost always cost me more than that because of the hotel, and the fact that I like making a date of it complete with dinner / drinks so my actual per session cost including travel is probably close to what you've mentioned, it's just hard to calculate because I sometimes consume more than half the cost of dinner or drinks, and a lot of times the travel is fixed overhead (I was already going to travel with or without the girl so I can't really put the cost of hotel on her in many cases, but expenditure is expenditure).

    The most I paid was $500 for a perfect 10 stunner, all-nighter no holds barred dream date. She never asked for a dime I just gave her that right before she went home the next day (she didn't open the envelope until after she left).
    Thanks, this is most useful information. I am assuming a successful date ends with her in your room and having sex? So do you typically pay for M&G? I know we are supposed to pay for the dinner, drinks etc, but do you offer an allowance then, just for them having come out? I recently started putting in my stock email (that I send out after I tell them I want to be upfront) that I do not pay for M&G as the first girl I met on SA, we met for drinks and I dropped $300 on her for an hour of drinks. Then never heard from her. To me, the arrangement is formed when she can and is willing to sleep with me. And I'm upfront about that now. I do not imply I am paying for sex. (which I am NOT) I just let them know, this is when things are taken to the "next level" and when payments begin, because she is showing me she accepts me and wants to play like I'm her boyfriend, etc. I refuse to see any girl who wants payment for meeting. Fuck that!

    To me, if your some small town girl, where every job is $7.25 an hour if you can even get one and some decent looking guy, mid 40's offers you $200 to spend a day or a night together and you enjoy sex anyhow, that's fair. But you are right, many of these girls think they will be swept off their feet with fairly tale sums of cash. It does happen, but not to many of them. So for this reason, I have found some of the girls who have been at it a while, tend to have lower expectations. The newbies, still have the "dreamer" mentality and think rich daddy will come along and offer them $15,000 to look at their pussy. LOL. I've ran into a few of those and politely set them straight and wish them luck with their endeavors.

    I'm taking back my offers of $500 for overnighters and keeping it at $300 whether she spends the night, or has 3-5 hours of FC time. If she is unwilling, or unsure on sex, well, then she got drinks and maybe dinner. I am a little leery of some of the girls who are willing to go straight to a hotel for sex. I think many of these are just working girls trying this game and I'm not into that. Sure, I P4 P, but I do this as it's different and feels like I'm young and chasing pretty women. It's the thrill of the chase and nothing I've done before has compared. I do always treat these girls nicely, even if they turn out to be greedy and nasty. And I have encountered one of those thus far. I think she was doing drugs. She was texting me demanding $1200 after a BJ and an hour meeting. She was terrible and when I told her off and explained she was going at all this the wrong way, she threatened me. I told her I was calling the police if I heard from her again and she went away. The girl was bad, bad news and scary as hell. I met her in Jersey.

  4. #6214

    SD4M SPAM//Scams

    I have been trying SD4 M and one thing I've noticed is a lot more scams than on SA. I just had a woman who lives in Ghana want to IM on yahoo, in an obvious phishing scheme. I also have a "Ukrainian girl" whose photos put Megan Fox to shame emailing me. If I thought there was a 50% chance she was for real I would be on the next flight.

  5. #6213
    Awaiting Email Confirmation

    Posts: 1287
    Quote Originally Posted by DirtyDeeds38  [View Original Post]
    I need advise on what to offer. I'm spending about $500-$700 per session right now when you include $300 for the girl, travel, hotel and dinner and drinks. Are there really an abundance of girls on SA that will meet dinner and $200?
    A lot of what you'll pay depends on the girl. I tend to go for the stunners. They need to be at or above the level of looks of a typical dancer at a high-end club to be SB material, to me. I could get higher quantity if I made some sacrifices, but since my annual SB season is short, I tend to schedule as much quality poon into that window of opportunity as I can.

    I actually don't offer anything up front, I give them a gift based on overall performance / attitude etc. The few times I've discussed money up front, the types of girls I go for tend to blurt out prices in the 1 k-2 k range which is absurdity to me. The general target I have in my mind to give the girl is $200. My actual dates almost always cost me more than that because of the hotel, and the fact that I like making a date of it complete with dinner / drinks so my actual per session cost including travel is probably close to what you've mentioned, it's just hard to calculate because I sometimes consume more than half the cost of dinner or drinks, and a lot of times the travel is fixed overhead (I was already going to travel with or without the girl so I can't really put the cost of hotel on her in many cases, but expenditure is expenditure).

    The most I paid was $500 for a perfect 10 stunner, all-nighter no holds barred dream date. She never asked for a dime I just gave her that right before she went home the next day (she didn't open the envelope until after she left).

  6. #6212
    Quote Originally Posted by DirtyDeeds38  [View Original Post]
    I need advise on what to offer. I'm spending about $500-$700 per session right now when you include $300 for the girl, travel, hotel and dinner and drinks. Are there really an abundance of girls on SA that will meet dinner and $200?
    Everything Fred said was true. I live in a large urban area where there are a LOT of girls from a lower socioeconomic status who are looking for a little help. I have generally tried to stick to HG's rule of thumb of offering $ per meet and waling away if they are not interested. I have pretty good success (though not as good as his) and generally the girls are 7 or 8. I have had a lot of turn-downs or non-responses, too. I tend to go for white girls, so that probably hurts some as in general they either can or think they can command a little more. When I go after girls who are students at the local party school my success ratio drops, because those girls tend to be a little smarter and also are generally from a better situation in life. My response rate from that crowd is lower even when I don't specify an offer right off the bat. I believe that if I went to $$ as a standard offer I would have more girls than I could possibly meet up with. This summer I have some free time on my hands, a little extra sugar budget, and a project coming up later in the year that will probably sideline me for four months, so I am thinking about going with a $$ offer, but only hunting a ten (or close to it). Of course I will keep my 500 a month regular and continue to fish in the $ waters, too.

    Bottom line is that in your area there should be a deep enough pool that you could reduce your cost by quite a bit. The tradeoff will be more turn-downs and more work for you. It all comes down to what is most important to you, how much time you have, and what your sugar budget is.

  7. #6211
    Awaiting Email Confirmation

    Posts: 1287
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnGSmith  [View Original Post]
    I've used this tactic quite a few times. But the offer isn't total BS, so I feel I don't lose any integrity points, LOL. I basically say we could occasionally go up on shopping trips out of town and other fun when schedules line-up nicely and etc. While the offer is sincere, the truth is 90% of the girls I talk to never last long enough to go on those type of trips or we simply don't have the personality chemistry to withstand a long car ride and hang out for hours. But for 70% of them it's a very nice carrot early on and makes them feel there's more to gain than just the cash allowance. With some of the short-term SBs / Booty calls, it helps to reduce them trying to squeeze every penny out of you in the initial negotiations.
    Yes, I should probably clarify that it's not a good idea to go around making big promises with early intentions of breaking them. It's just good to be able to dial in to whatever really motivates a girl (and for a lot of them it's to have a shopping daddy, for some of them its a travel daddy, etc) and use that to your advantage. I'm actually very straightforward about what I'm looking for and what's possible in my profile on SD sites. The times that I dangled the shopping carrot, it was usually to mitigate a situation where I had already spent some money wining and dining a civvy, yet saw things headed toward a no-payback situation. I've never told an SB I would take her shopping or traveling and then let her down.

    If you're the type that actually does like going shopping with women, it's really an extra card you can play to your advantage. Yes sometimes lingerie peekaboo shows or sexy clothes with a *new* girl can be fun (key word being new), but the shopping should always be a reward *for something she's already done*, it should never be the dangling carrot to motivate her toward good sexual performance, because it is essentially giving her a bag of carrots and letting her eat half of them all at once -- she won't be as hungry for a while. What's more, her other boyfriends will also be enjoying her in the lingerie you paid for whether you realize it or not.

    For me, actually going shopping with them is something I might do if I didn't already have a GF (thus didn't care about being spotted in places like malls), did it as a reward for past performance, and knew the girl was someone I really wanted to keep around. Just remember the act of going shopping with them alone is a gift. My current girlfriend loves it if I go to the mall with her (which I avoid like the plague), even though its her own credit card that comes out when its time to pay. She is just thrilled to have me present at all. It's almost like a status symbol for them to have a man willing to go in these stores with them and wait around.

    The one thing I would say, if you are the type that likes to take them shopping, know your girl quite well before you do, because there is always the chance that she will try to go nuts with the spree (remember shopping is kind of like a gambling addiction for some of them, and they may not be able to control themselves). What you don't want is for her to come away from the shopping event feeling disappointed about her net bounty from the expedition, because if she does, the shopping has done more harm than good.

  8. #6210


    Quote Originally Posted by DirtyDeeds38  [View Original Post]
    From reading the past 12 pages here on this thread, it seems many of you are hooking up for $100-$200 per pop, or am I reading into this wrong? I really had thought I was pushing things by offering $300, plus dinner, drinks and then a few hours at the hotel. But given the few responses here, some implied I'm actually overpaying?

    I need advise on what to offer. I'm spending about $500-$700 per session right now when you include $300 for the girl, travel, hotel and dinner and drinks. Are there really an abundance of girls on SA that will meet dinner and $200?

    Also, to the member who responded to me, what does "FC" mean?


    To each YMMV. Costs depend on what part of the country you are in. I think it is reasonable to get basic cost information from escort rates in that area. These rates are hourly but most offer a price that covers time from a 15 min FS to all niters. You are at the top of the market brother -at least with the total tab which you have to consider. If you can afford it and are having success then don't change. Your options will become more limited the lower your offer is. And make no mistake, the girls want money in their pocket. All the other stuff is nice, but your sex skills, dinner, and fancy Hotel really don't matter in the end. Of course there are exceptions.

    FC =Fuck Chamber (hotel, apartment, etc).

    You need to figure your budget and work backwards. Use a budget notel at $50,dinner and drinks at a chain restaurant or local place, don't drink too much, forget fancy wines, bring a $12 bundle of flowers. You get the drift. And be willing to walk away from a 10 you have a burning desire to have. She will have GPS and you will run the tab up trying to impress her.

  9. #6209

    Am I reading this correct?

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnGSmith  [View Original Post]
    I've used this tactic quite a few times. But the offer isn't total BS, so I feel I don't lose any integrity points, LOL. I basically say we could occasionally go up on shopping trips out of town and other fun when schedules line-up nicely and etc. While the offer is sincere, the truth is 90% of the girls I talk to never last long enough to go on those type of trips or we simply don't have the personality chemistry to withstand a long car ride and hang out for hours. But for 70% of them it's a very nice carrot early on and makes them feel there's more to gain than just the cash allowance. With some of the short-term SBs / Booty calls, it helps to reduce them trying to squeeze every penny out of you in the initial negotiations.

    And I have actually taken a few girls on shopping trips. If our personalities click and she's paid her dues, then I'm fine with the occasional shopping trip. It's fun buying girls sexy clothes and it just makes most girls very horny to have a man go shopping with them for the reasons already described in this thread. It's also a good way to hold on to a good SB and ward off other sharks. Even most SDs rarely take girls on shopping trips, so it's a rare event no matter how you slice it. I usually make a whole day of it, so it's fun for all involved. Yes the shopping part sucks, but she'll want to fuck your brains so hard afterwards, it's worth it.

    I would never take a girl on a shopping trip during the M&G phase or in the early stages of a SB relationship. I've made that mistake before too. I only do shopping trips with tried and true SBs. Girls who I'm comfortable with and girls I know 100% know how to properly show their appreciation. Also if you've been with a SB for several months giving her an allowance of 100-200 every visit, she will already by then have an idea of your budget and won't try to go on a 500-1000 shopping spree. But a girl you just met will quickly try to test your limits which will cause problems.

    Another PRO-TIP: Go shopping when there is a 40% off sale at one of her favorite stores or mall-wide. Don't tell her that you know about the sale. Just act surprised. But this means you'll get more bang for your buck, either she'll be able to get a higher volume or she can get a relatively expensive item for cheap, which she'll love because she can brag to her friends about (and won't mention it was on sale).

    So these are some of the things you can do with a long-term SB.
    First thanks to those fellow mongers who offered advise. This part of the hobby is a lot more complex, but at this point I'm addicted to it. Maybe it will phase out, but the idea of meeting young, pretty women for sexual adventures, that are not prostitutes is amazing to me. It fills a gap in a part of my life I never really had. I am divorced now for the past 6 years, but I married at 20 and never really had the freedom to date and try many girls. So I'm making up for it now. One thing that is evident to me is the generational changes on sex and how it is viewed. I tend to tread lightly with the girls on the subject of sex and ease into it. But these girls are different these days and do not care if you're just right to the point. They are used to it and many, in fact, want you to be that way. If you want sex, want it a certain way, just say so and they are fine with it. Utterly eye opening!

    From reading the past 12 pages here on this thread, it seems many of you are hooking up for $100-$200 per pop, or am I reading into this wrong? I really had thought I was pushing things by offering $300, plus dinner, drinks and then a few hours at the hotel. But given the few responses here, some implied I'm actually overpaying?

    I need advise on what to offer. I'm spending about $500-$700 per session right now when you include $300 for the girl, travel, hotel and dinner and drinks. Are there really an abundance of girls on SA that will meet dinner and $200?

    Also, to the member who responded to me, what does "FC" mean?



  10. #6208

    need help

    Quote Originally Posted by KingGreg  [View Original Post]
    I need help and guidance ...

    Met SB and found her info which doesn't match what she was saying. She tried to come she was in military, someone used her pics and put it on BP like site...etc. I started believing as this SB felt caring. I asked her to coeme clear on everything she is saying...! But yesterday...I found some fraud and arrest report when I found the name based on her email name. Funny, email can give real name sometimes. So should I ask this SB to explain..or just not followup. I am afraid if asking to explain might trigger backfire and don't want to call trouble for myself. Note: This SB looks nice, tall and caring what I look for. But now I need to make a decision..

    I have been down a similar road before, and I would continue to check up on this SB and see if there are any other issues. Usually in this sort of situation I cut my losses and move on. Most of us older guys have clean records and good reputations. Not worth risking that IMO. If you are in Virginia court records are easy to search online. One recent POT that contacted me and used her real name as her email address, had a string of serious legal issues. I don't care to put up with stupid people who can't keep out of trouble, so I move on.

  11. #6207

    Need Guidance

    I need help and guidance ...

    Met SB and found her info which doesn't match what she was saying. She tried to come she was in military, someone used her pics and put it on BP like site...etc. I started believing as this SB felt caring. I asked her to coeme clear on everything she is saying...! But yesterday...I found some fraud and arrest report when I found the name based on her email name. Funny, email can give real name sometimes. So should I ask this SB to explain..or just not followup. I am afraid if asking to explain might trigger backfire and don't want to call trouble for myself. Note: This SB looks nice, tall and caring what I look for. But now I need to make a decision..


  12. #6206
    Quote Originally Posted by JeezLizard  [View Original Post]

    The trick is to always make sure any proposed shopping trip or idea of one is always far enough in the future so that you're not taking her shopping first and expecting payoff later; really you don't want to take her shopping at all and won't have to if you play your cards right, you just have to convince her later on that using the cash you gave her and going alone is better anyway because she can take her time without feeling pressure from you to hurry up or hearing about how your head or back or feet hurt or whatever from standing / sitting / walking etc.

    So, did the Mister Lizard dangle the carrot a little bit in favor of some happy fun time at the expense of a few personal integrity points? Hmmm... I'll never tell. LOL
    I've used this tactic quite a few times. But the offer isn't total BS, so I feel I don't lose any integrity points, LOL. I basically say we could occasionally go up on shopping trips out of town and other fun when schedules line-up nicely and etc. While the offer is sincere, the truth is 90% of the girls I talk to never last long enough to go on those type of trips or we simply don't have the personality chemistry to withstand a long car ride and hang out for hours. But for 70% of them it's a very nice carrot early on and makes them feel there's more to gain than just the cash allowance. With some of the short-term SBs / Booty calls, it helps to reduce them trying to squeeze every penny out of you in the initial negotiations.

    And I have actually taken a few girls on shopping trips. If our personalities click and she's paid her dues, then I'm fine with the occasional shopping trip. It's fun buying girls sexy clothes and it just makes most girls very horny to have a man go shopping with them for the reasons already described in this thread. It's also a good way to hold on to a good SB and ward off other sharks. Even most SDs rarely take girls on shopping trips, so it's a rare event no matter how you slice it. I usually make a whole day of it, so it's fun for all involved. Yes the shopping part sucks, but she'll want to fuck your brains so hard afterwards, it's worth it.

    I would never take a girl on a shopping trip during the M&G phase or in the early stages of a SB relationship. I've made that mistake before too. I only do shopping trips with tried and true SBs. Girls who I'm comfortable with and girls I know 100% know how to properly show their appreciation. Also if you've been with a SB for several months giving her an allowance of 100-200 every visit, she will already by then have an idea of your budget and won't try to go on a 500-1000 shopping spree. But a girl you just met will quickly try to test your limits which will cause problems.

    Another PRO-TIP: Go shopping when there is a 40% off sale at one of her favorite stores or mall-wide. Don't tell her that you know about the sale. Just act surprised. But this means you'll get more bang for your buck, either she'll be able to get a higher volume or she can get a relatively expensive item for cheap, which she'll love because she can brag to her friends about (and won't mention it was on sale).

    So these are some of the things you can do with a long-term SB.

  13. #6205
    Quote Originally Posted by DirtyDeeds38  [View Original Post]
    Here is my way of handling the SA site. With no real research, it's all raw and real and my own devised plan. More seasoned veterans at this SD / SB thing, feel free to chime in and offer this monger some advice. .

    I wrote up a real and nice profile. Stuff about what I like, art, fine dinning, travel, etc. All true. Profile photo is real and I'm not too half bad looking. Girls email me daily on there. About 3-5 per day.

    I small talk a few emails and then get down to business. I tell them it's best to be upfront to avoid confusion and hurt feelings. I tell them while I want to wine and dine and have fun (I really do) I also want and expect intimacy. (the word intimacy seems to go over better then SEX) I tell them I am willing to pay for all dating expenses and such, but will not offer cash infusions or allowances until they feel comfortable enough to take it to the next level. I tell them if we spend a half day at a hotel, etc, I'm willing to part ways with $2-$4 and if they spend a night $5.

    All the women aged 24 or over have went for it. All those under age 24, don't write back. LOL. The women around 30, or the one over 30 I saw, really appreciated that I was honest and upfront.

    So far I've met three women and has sex with all three. Two were outstanding and the third was a wham bam, quickie.

    Of course there is MUCH more detail and sentimental stuff outlined in my emails, but I getting about a 75% acceptance rate of girls willing to meet with me.

    Once I have them texting and communicating directly, I reel them in and ask right up front, I say something like, "I only expect intimacy with you, if you are comfortable and after you meet me and decide you like me, but if you do are you ok with going to a hotel to be intimate".

    And again, so far, I've had sex with all three of the girls I've met. One age 33, the other 31 and one 22 year old. All were into the sex and had multiple orgasms and such.

    I met one girl who gave me a BBBJ in my motorhome for $ LOL, but later she pissed me off asking for $1200 to spend the night with me. And threatening me etc. Crazy, so I dumped that one.

    My goal is find regular hookups for a total sum of $300 per night. Can it be done regularly? I like variety and am really enjoying this so far, but with travel, rental cars, hotels and dinning out, it's not cheap.
    It's working. Don't fix it.

    I think the key is you allow the girl to control the pace and until then all she gets is dinner.

  14. #6204

    2 cents

    Quote Originally Posted by DirtyDeeds38  [View Original Post]
    More seasoned veterans at this SD / SB thing, feel free to chime in and offer this monger some advice. .
    Hope you don't mind a less-seasoned not-really-a-veteran chiming in.

    I'm thinking you're from the NC area from your other posts, but please correct me if I'm wrong.

    I understand that the honey is not as plentiful in other parts of the country as it is in Southern California, but the sugar you're offering seems high enough to get you a higher success rate in more trips to the FC.

    I think everyone's entitled to offer whatever rate they can afford to finance the hobby. One thing I wouldn't do is limit the sugar you offer to just a half day and offer more for an overnight. Try to leave it open and keep the sugar the same whether it's a 2 hour long quickie (anything shorter isn't acceptable to me) or an overnight. I'm sure some SBs will try to rush through, but you can cut them loose or tell them that it's not acceptable.

    I think your $date is very doable and that should include sugar / room / misc.

    Once you have some regulars going, you can lower the offers in new messages and start replacing the $date SBs with the $/ date.

  15. #6203

    Been on SA three weeks, three girls so far.

    Here is my way of handling the SA site. With no real research, it's all raw and real and my own devised plan. More seasoned veterans at this SD / SB thing, feel free to chime in and offer this monger some advice. .

    I wrote up a real and nice profile. Stuff about what I like, art, fine dinning, travel, etc. All true. Profile photo is real and I'm not too half bad looking. Girls email me daily on there. About 3-5 per day.

    I small talk a few emails and then get down to business. I tell them it's best to be upfront to avoid confusion and hurt feelings. I tell them while I want to wine and dine and have fun (I really do) I also want and expect intimacy. (the word intimacy seems to go over better then SEX) I tell them I am willing to pay for all dating expenses and such, but will not offer cash infusions or allowances until they feel comfortable enough to take it to the next level. I tell them if we spend a half day at a hotel, etc, I'm willing to part ways with $2-$4 and if they spend a night $5.

    All the women aged 24 or over have went for it. All those under age 24, don't write back. LOL. The women around 30, or the one over 30 I saw, really appreciated that I was honest and upfront.

    So far I've met three women and has sex with all three. Two were outstanding and the third was a wham bam, quickie.

    Of course there is MUCH more detail and sentimental stuff outlined in my emails, but I getting about a 75% acceptance rate of girls willing to meet with me.

    Once I have them texting and communicating directly, I reel them in and ask right up front, I say something like, "I only expect intimacy with you, if you are comfortable and after you meet me and decide you like me, but if you do are you ok with going to a hotel to be intimate".

    And again, so far, I've had sex with all three of the girls I've met. One age 33, the other 31 and one 22 year old. All were into the sex and had multiple orgasms and such.

    I met one girl who gave me a BBBJ in my motorhome for $ LOL, but later she pissed me off asking for $1200 to spend the night with me. And threatening me etc. Crazy, so I dumped that one.

    My goal is find regular hookups for a total sum of $300 per night. Can it be done regularly? I like variety and am really enjoying this so far, but with travel, rental cars, hotels and dinning out, it's not cheap.

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