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  1. #2149

    Darknet is real

    Quote Originally Posted by PhatDaty  [View Original Post]
    I keep hearing this phrase used in television shows, movies and other media outlets. Apparently it is a database set aside from the "internet" we all use, with the primary focus being to provide a forum and marketplace for individuals that either engage or procure illicit and perhaps socially unacceptable services and products.

    It is no secret that I know just enough about computers to book a date with a lady on here and hopefully cover my tracks.

    My question to the electronic wizards on here is does such a thing actually exist, or is it purely fictional, and do you have to be cyber savvy to use it, or could an idiot like me use it safely and how do I get started?


    Yup. Real, and reportedly much larger than the internet. It's not only for illicit stuff. It's just the computers and servers that are connected to the internet, but not in the search engines or DNS servers, so you can't Google the sites.

    From what I understand, many of the illicit sites require that you install a piece of software called TOR (the onion router) which apparently anonymizes your IP address.

    What you have probably heard of is "the Silk Road" site which I understand is like Craig's list for anything you went- drugs, providers, weapons and even hit men, all paid for by bitcoin.

    All of this I have just read about. Never been.

  2. #2148

    Dark net?

    I keep hearing this phrase used in television shows, movies and other media outlets. Apparently it is a database set aside from the "internet" we all use, with the primary focus being to provide a forum and marketplace for individuals that either engage or procure illicit and perhaps socially unacceptable services and products.

    It is no secret that I know just enough about computers to book a date with a lady on here and hopefully cover my tracks.

    My question to the electronic wizards on here is does such a thing actually exist, or is it purely fictional, and do you have to be cyber savvy to use it, or could an idiot like me use it safely and how do I get started?



  3. #2147

    Just wanted to add

    That as I did give my opinion PT is a very good man. I wanted to wish the best for you PT and just say that there are many positive things in the world. Too many at that to be worried over the negative. And maybe some things are best to agree to disagree.

  4. #2146

    You read it wrong

    Quote Originally Posted by Admin2  [View Original Post]
    So in other words, to prove to you that they are free to conduct their business in whatever manner they see fit, they need to stop conducting their business how they want to, and start doing it how you want them to? Maybe I read that wrong.

    Did you read the part where I said that I talked to Sasha personally and she told me that this is how she wants to do business?

    Just wondering,

    I am merely saying if a woman wants to see men outside of the agency while working for the agency ie, do both it shold be her right to do so but it is her choice NOT MINE to do so. No woman has to prove anything to me to see me. All she has to do is meet my needs since I am paying for her time with me. That to be worked out before the date. If any lady doesn't want to see me her choice no harm no foul no hard feelings Too many ladies on this board available to worry about a few. I have issues with his statement I don't hire them for their brains which insinuates he has a low opinion or only hires them because they line his pockets. Just my opinion and doesn't make me right or wrong. His girls can see whomever they wish to because I believe I made it clear earlier that I don't use his people and wouldn't due to his statement. In fact I have spoken to a number of his ex ladies and there are those who have some rather ugly opinions of him but then that is only one side of the picture so because of the nature of this business you never know if you are getting the full story or just one side. As the old saying goes there is his side, my side and the real side. Any woman should be free to see who she wants the WAY she wants to and that is just my opinon. NO offense meant to you or Jackson and hope none taken. Have a good weekend PT.

  5. #2145


    I don't want to repeat any quotes here as they are too long but IMHO in the Utr girls, they are grown women and it is apparent by A2 himself that they do what they want when they want and how they want. For PT to suggest otherwise would suggest that Buddha is HT them. Right? As we know that is not the case. I know that I am a provider and an independent one, but them girls just don't want the hassle that us independent providers have to go thru. The hassles, calls / text when we are with family / kids, references, searching info, oh and don't let me forget the assholes that call us every name in the book because we choose not to see them. Many of Buddhas girls have went independent and not one of his past / current girls have ever complained. So am I missing the problem? Let me also say that not long ago A2 himself told us providers that if we were to say a thank you to make it short and sweet. He didn't say we needed to write five long paragraph so Rebecca is just doing what A2 said to do awhile back. Anyone can correct me if I am wrong here. When we are getting reviewed over and over, how many ways do you expect us to say thank you. We don't want to go into details. So there are only so many ways. Also I don't see why PT is always bashing Buddha as he obviously keeps great business for them girls and keeps them safe. So he may not use you or you may not use him. Ok no biggie but no one cares to read about it day after day, week after week and now going on month after month. I don't know you and I am not bashing anyone as I am much more of a lady to do so. So no disrespect. Also the Goodish, I completely agree with you. I just thought that as a provider that a different opinion should be noted.

  6. #2144

    Posts: 4981

    Just want to see if I have this right

    Quote Originally Posted by PuntangMan  [View Original Post]
    So if your girls really are free to see who they want off here, post their phone numbers or have them post them and those of us who want to see them can do so on our terms, and give them ALL of the fee without them having to share it.
    So in other words, to prove to you that they are free to conduct their business in whatever manner they see fit, they need to stop conducting their business how they want to, and start doing it how you want them to? Maybe I read that wrong.

    Did you read the part where I said that I talked to Sasha personally and she told me that this is how she wants to do business?

    Just wondering,


  7. #2143

    Love the humor

    Quote Originally Posted by TheGoodSh  [View Original Post]
    Why is everything you write one blob of nearly incomprehensible text? Breathe, dude. Use Paragraphs. Organize your thoughts and edit. Your posts are painful to read, and undermine any point you might be trying to make.

    I guess what you are saying is that Rebecca's thank you messages to guys who went to the party, or for sessions, or whatever, seemed like form letters. Fair complaint, if it is true. However, you do suggest that it MIGHT be Buddah, rather than the more logical assumption that it might just be Rebecca who is being lazy (or efficient) with her thank you messages.

    However, in your blob of text you also seem to have an aversion to Buddah / UTR. So, I find it hard to believe that there was no contempt or malice behind the insinuation that you believe it is, in fact, Buddah who posts for all the girls. And since it sounds like you aren't a user of UTR, it would then follow that you're knowledge of these "canned responses" must come from a group of dudes who are rubbing dicks behind closed doors via PM. This is... Weird... To me. But it suggests that you and your brofriends have spent more time discussing this and spreading it around (hence the rumors, I am guessing, which at some point must have trickled back to UTR, probably via one of the girls).

    It's possible. He could post for the girls. But I think it seems needlessly complicated.

    Also, as far as SB and CC are concerned, they'd have to tell Buddah a hell of a lot about individual sessions in order for him to make references to specific things to each specific guy. This seems like more work than it's worth, when you consider that giving them access to this site would be far easier. It isn't like board access would give them some huge motivation to just go independent. They spend hours with clients. During those sessions, they could easily feel out the regulars they trust, and give them a personal phone number. And really, there's no way that Buddah could stop them from getting on here.

    I believe that the girls who use Buddah's services find it easier than managing their own business. Some folks are less entrepreneurial than others, and having someone on the team who is responsible for bringing in business and booking and scheduling, is a reasonable tactic. Have you actually MET Sasha or CC? If you had, you'd have a better understanding of the relationship. I don't get the feeling that either is afraid of him. Some people need a manager. Have you ever been your own boss? It's really fucking easy to just become very unproductive, when you can just jerk-off all day (or waste your time posting on internet sex sites, like this one... Ahem). Anyhow, the manner in which they conduct the business is secure and protects the girls from anything which would hold up in court, and even the locations are vetted by Buddah.

    I've been more interested in the business tactics, legal considerations, marketing strategies, and human components of this business, than I have been fucking women. I can imagine that a provider who knows she wants / needs to do this, would find the whole business to be a bit overwhelming. The girls in UTR aren't the type to just risk their lives carelessly. I would guess that UTR provides a layer of security for them. They can tell you that Buddah won't LET them see you, when really they don't want your dirty old dick in them after it's been barebacking any hooker you can convince to take your money, and you can blame HIM for it. See, it's just like normal business. "I'm sorry, my supervisor won't let me do that".

    See how easy and digestible my writing was? Do you not see how using things like paragraphs, and punctuation, makes language more palatable? I can insult you and you can actually READ the insult. So much better, no?
    And no I have nothing against Buddah or his girls. Just posting an impression of copy and paste journalism by someone in his group. Since it is about illusion we all like to think we are special in some way but we know that is not the case. It is about BFranklin and the hunt for most.

    Please notice the separation of the paragraphs made especially for you so that you will not be overwhelmed by endless run ons and lack of grammatical gymnastics to keep you intrigued and possibly bewildered. My equipment is quite clean thank you as I fuck only quality ladies not SW's, not BP ladies although there are some good ones there and am tested every 30 to 90 days which I doubt most ladies here are or the men who dip their wicks in them but that is pure speculation.

    OMG another paragraph so that you can grasp the details. What Buddah and his ladies choose to think is their business. What I do and chose not to do is mine. Afford me that luxury and all will be well in fantasy land. Thanks for the paragraph suggestion and damn it really does work. Have a good day and week / weekend. Signing off and moving on.


  8. #2142


    Rumors have been spread that I actually post as Sasha Rebecca and cupcake and that they do not post for themselves.

    I have used Buddah since joining USA & have been with Sasha & Cccupcake numerous times. The comment of I don't hire them for their brains might have been a fair representation of his former providers but do not apply to either of the previously mentioned ladies. Either can carry on riveting conversation on various subjects & spending time with them is as enjoyable as allowing them to unleash the pleasure they can bring to your sessions with them. I have been with both so many times that I recognize their individual personalities in their thank you responses to the men who have enjoyed them.

  9. #2141

    Indeed all 3 could go independent

    Sasha did...and came right back.

    Cupcake will tell anyone she wouldn't do this without me.

    And Rebecca might someday. Who knows?

    Nadia, Jasmine (Carmen Perez), Tori Dixon, Cinnamon and many others started out with me.

    Once they knew enough all went independent.

    Why don't they post their numbers you ask?

    Personal time and families to care for.

    This may surprise you but all 3 girls who currently work with me have children and are regular loving caring parents who don't want to spend their every moment in a hotel room or answering calls and text from guys wanting to fuck all day and night.

    Some reports I've read stated that girls sometimes have their children in the same house while they are doing business.

    You might think that's okay but, its not.

    Anyone who knows the girls know your full of shit and that Sasha Cupcake and Becca are only using my services because they wish to.

    Now...I notice you never do reviews. Why is that?

  10. #2140
    Quote Originally Posted by UtrInOhio  [View Original Post]

    Puntang Man.

    Senior Member.



    Puntang Man.

    Buddah when you post Rebeccas thanks to the boys.

    For the football parties switch up the cut and paste responses LOL Also most people don't believe your girls contact anyone personally not even me so if Becca has free fun privileges have her contact me. Like the fact she is forty one and I do love my mature MILF fun when I can find it. Have a great new year and best wishes PT Man.
    And I still believe it was either you or Rebecca If it was her then she needs to switch up her responses. I also don't believe your girls work independently of you or they would post their phones and see people either through you or on their own. If a lady wants to know who is safe and who is not she can come on here and do it just like the majority of women on here who are providers of quality and not SW's and do their own screening going through their sisters for vouches and vetting. They don't need handlers or agency screeners to get it done. Fact is neither handlers or being independent providers is without dangers so neither one is more secure than the other. As you told me on the phone I don't hire them for their brains which is true. You hire them for your cut of their or your fee. Nothing is free! So you may answer phones but you really don't provide an advantage they couldn't get from working with and through other women and they would get to keep their money all their money instead of cutting you in. Again "I don't hire them for their brains speaks volumes to me about you and it makes me think even more except for Cupcake and Sasha you may be doing some of your own thanks since Rebecca is the low dollar lady of the three. But it is their choice and Ce la Vie. Why I don't use you myself personally. I can speak to a woman as easily as anyone else can and go from there. So if your girls really are free to see who they want off here, post their phone numbers or have them post them and those of us who want to see them can do so on our terms, and give them ALL of the fee without them having to share it. Just my opinion. I have had my last say on this now you jump in and have your rant That is all I am going to say on you or your ladies and why I don't use them no matter how good they are. If they can't see who they want on their own or working with you and do both then there are plenty who will work independently of you and the other agency guys

  11. #2139

    UTR & Buddah

    I want to say that, from my experiences, Buddah is a top notch handler with a great sense of customer service. His girls are the highest quallity in every way, and I know for a fact that the PMs I've received from Sasha and CCCupcake are from them personally. Only they could have possibly known the content of their messages to me. UTR has been the easiest to deal with and I feel confident that as a customer, I'm receiving great service for a great value from a team that cares about my satisfaction. Just my 2 cents.

  12. #2138

    No sir! Puntangmans exact words


    Puntang Man.

    Senior Member.



    Puntang Man.

    Buddah when you post Rebeccas thanks to the boys.

    For the football parties switch up the cut and paste responses LOL Also most people don't believe your girls contact anyone personally not even me so if Becca has free fun privileges have her contact me. Like the fact she is forty one and I do love my mature MILF fun when I can find it. Have a great new year and best wishes PT Man.

  13. #2137

    What was said was if you had taken the time to listen instead of getting your pants

    In a wad was, Whoever is posting the same response to her different clients should switch up the same worded responses and use a different appreciatation notice It looks too manufactured and not sincere If it was be then switch up the responses if it was one of the girls have them switch it up. I have no probems with whomever is writing the responses since I don't see your women due to your aversion to my likes. I do have issues with it being worded the same because it looks phoney as hell and reflects back on the man helping them to get more business. I believe it was Rebecca who was responding the same to her clients or at least 4 of them as I recall the same way. That is her choice it just looked manufactured. If it was you it looked phoney. Regardless of who it was it looked insincere. I have seen Sasha and Cupcake's responses and they vary in wording. I tried to tell you that and you got shitty so be it. Since I don't use you or your service it doesn't bother me but when someone gets shitty with me I hang up on their ass as I did you. My prerogative to do so. Thanks for the clarification A2 and though it doesn't solve anything I am sure whoever is posting the same or similar worded responses now can decide what she wants to do and not do. Have a good day and enjoy the week / weekend. PT.

  14. #2136
    I for one stand behind Buddah, Sasha, CC and Rebecca! He posts the ads and takes care of the other admin stuff, they post their replys to the boys! Simple as a pimple! Great group of gals who are associated with him bar none! Unfortunately knee surgery has kept me from having an open line to his "red" phone for scheduling any time soon!


    Quote Originally Posted by UtrInOhio  [View Original Post]

    Rumors have been spread that I actually post as Sasha Rebecca and cupcake and that they do not post for themselves. Could you please investigate my handle if there is anything I've done posting as one of the girls or anything else like that could you please publicly let the board know that I've done it?

    These rumors are ridiculous I don't work with drug addicts therefore I let the girls post on the boards and I let them know what boards we are on their free to work for me or go independent.

    I would really appreciate your help in resolving these rumors.

    Thank You.


    I can confirm this one thing, six months or so ago I called Sasha and asked about her return to UTR. She told me, that's me, not somebody else who later told me, that she decided to go back and work with UTR because she found value in the services he offered. (Scheduling, screening, answering phone calls) To the best of my understanding it's a mutually beneficial relationship. I can't speak to the fact that you never put up posts for them, however I know it's pretty common for schedulers to also manage online presences. I'm not saying you do that, just saying if that was part of the deal you have with them I don't see an issue. There is a difference between having your scheduler put up a post FOR you and somebody else posting about you.

    The difference between an escort service and pimping is always about control. Do the girls chose who they see, when they see them, and what they do? In this Sasha told me she does, and Sasha at least, chooses to have somebody else handle the admin crap so she can focus on the work. I know lots of freelance software developers that do this exact thing.

    I can't speak for the other girls because I've never talked to them. I will however renew my invitation to Sasha and Cupcake to use my shower at the Monger Mansion any fucking time they want to.

    Just saying,


  15. #2135

    Let's put some rumors to rest once and for all


    Rumors have been spread that I actually post as Sasha Rebecca and cupcake and that they do not post for themselves. Could you please investigate my handle if there is anything I've done posting as one of the girls or anything else like that could you please publicly let the board know that I've done it?

    These rumors are ridiculous I don't work with drug addicts therefore I let the girls post on the boards and I let them know what boards we are on their free to work for me or go independent.

    I would really appreciate your help in resolving these rumors.

    Thank You.


    I can confirm this one thing, six months or so ago I called Sasha and asked about her return to UTR. She told me, that's me, not somebody else who later told me, that she decided to go back and work with UTR because she found value in the services he offered. (Scheduling, screening, answering phone calls) To the best of my understanding it's a mutually beneficial relationship. I can't speak to the fact that you never put up posts for them, however I know it's pretty common for schedulers to also manage online presences. I'm not saying you do that, just saying if that was part of the deal you have with them I don't see an issue. There is a difference between having your scheduler put up a post FOR you and somebody else posting about you.

    The difference between an escort service and pimping is always about control. Do the girls chose who they see, when they see them, and what they do? In this Sasha told me she does, and Sasha at least, chooses to have somebody else handle the admin crap so she can focus on the work. I know lots of freelance software developers that do this exact thing.

    I can't speak for the other girls because I've never talked to them. I will however renew my invitation to Sasha and Cupcake to use my shower at the Monger Mansion any fucking time they want to.

    Just saying,


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