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  1. #5343

    My Area

    Quote Originally Posted by Wnde8  [View Original Post]
    As we head into 2014 I want to check up with everyone! Has the quality and quantity of sugar babies in your area gone up or down this year?
    I have only been in the bowl since the beginning of the yr. So I can't compare to prior yrs. I would say things are hopping. I have mentioned SD / SB activity on the broads in my area and it's crickets. So I think tings are quite good. There are many more girls than men. Thank goodness for hot young babes needing money for Christmas. I was able to enjoy my version of a Whitman's Holiday Sampler in the last 3 weeks.

    Brunette 1: A 20 yr old college student on break. 7/8/8/8. She is young hot and willing. Met for a cup of coffee. Took her one time at local hotel. I gave her 125. Hotel was 75.

    Brunette 2: A 24 yr old works at the mall. 8/9.5/9.5/9. This one was really good looking. Incredible body. I'm not sure about scoring I'm reluctant to give anyone a 10. So a 9 is very high in my book. She was a real rack athlete too. I'm trying to make her a full time SB. It has been difficult because of her work schedule at the holidays but she is still communicating. Met her for lunch. I was able to schedule at her apartment. 125.

    Blond 1: A 23 why old works at BWW and goes to college. 8/6/9/7 I have seen her 2 x now. Funny cause I saw that she had my letter on SA but she didn't reply. I saw she was online and msg her again saying Hello, and that she should call me. Face pic was really cute. She answered me back and was anxious to meet right away. Said her electric was getting shut off and she needed $60. I asked what kind of fun I could have for 60 and she said anything I wanted. I scooted over to her apartment. Smelled cig smoke and her body was ok but not not nearly as nice as her face. She was really nervous. I banged her good and dropped 60 on the table. Then I gave her an extra 20 and she was so happy. I went back for a repeat.

    Redhead: This one is 22 yr old and works in retail. 9/9/9/9. This one looks just like Amy Adams but a 22 yr old version. She was incredibly fun and good in bed. Of course I drilled her like none of her similar aged BF ever had before. She said it was the best she'the ever had. Ok pump up my ego. She had an apartment. This one cost me a decent dinner 135 and a trip to her apartment for another 150. She said next time we can skip dinner. Trying to move her into full time SB status.

    Blond 2: This one is a 27 yr old single mom. Works in sales. The kind of sales you don't make much money. 7/8/8/8. She was good but not great. She has been texting and calling like crazy but right now I'm not feeling it. I may give her another try. I gave her 100.

    Latina: 20 yr old thin and mega hot. 9.5/9/8/8. She works 3 jobs. Scheduling with her was a pain in the ass. She had no free time and had gps bad. She was sure she was worth 300. I told her that she wasn't going to get that out there from anyone that was going to treat her nice. I told her 150 that's what I can do. She said no thanks. I said no problem I wish you well. A few days later she texted again haha. She said she I sounded nice and she was willing to go down to 250 for me, I stayed firm at 150.she said she couldn't do that. I said no problem, then the clincher, I asked how old are you again? 20 she replied. I said you've probably only dated guys your age so yeah I can only give you 150 but I will be the best sex you've ever had in your life. She said really. I said absolutely if you've only been with guys your age they have no idea what they are doing. She said ok. It was on like Donkey Kong. Went to her apartment brought a bottle of wine ad some chocolates. I would love to continue to meet with her but she is rarely available when I am.

    Brunette 3/ SB1: A 26 yr old single mom. I seen her 3 x now including last night. 8/7/9/9. She is attractive single mom. Works a customer service job. I've met with her a few times. I talk / text with her everyday. She is solid. Not the best I've been with but sweet, consistent, and reliable. She is willing to adjust her schedule for me. Her attitude is outstanding and her sex ability is very high too. It is all about worshipping my cock and draining my balls. She gives one of the best BJ I've had in my life. She has a tongue stud and is actually the first girl with one that I've actually been able to feel her using it. Unreal{TCS. Ellipses} I usually give her 125 but the cost is a little higher because I have given her a Western union of 100 once and a Christmas gift that cost me 50.

    AA: A 21 yr old spinner. 8/7/7/7. I met with her because she kept messaging me. I love women of color. She was a little disappointing. Just wanted the cash. Everything was rushed. I paid for lunch 35 and hotel 60. Plus I gave her 100.

    That concludes my holiday sampler.

  2. #5342


    Quote Originally Posted by Ltnric  [View Original Post]
    So my first attempt at entering the sugarbaby world has been very disappointing to say the least. There have been a lot of emails and texting with potentials but at the end of about 30 days I really only met with two women. The first one was this 22-year. Old lingerie model but she wanted $500. She seems like a nice girl but that's a lot of money but considering I don't have any other options I may have to pull the trigger on that one.

    The second girl I met for a meeting greet she is 23 a single mom and living at home. We were supposed to have our first day on Friday I texted her the night before to confirm and she did confirm. Long story short she stood me up. It's been two days and I still haven't heard from her but I did notice that she logged onto SA just yesterday. I don't know what it is with me meeting so many flakes.
    I'm going to start with an assumption. That assumption is that you are in the position to be a SD because of your achievements. If you inherited your $ and you've not done much with your life than I'm way off base. If you've been successful enough to be in the position to be a SD than you should have a high amount of self confidence. That is your #1 factor of what I call "game". It is extremely attractive and sexy to women PERIOD. It helps if you also have decent looks and a good personality. However, you could be unattractive, dorky, and have a crappy personality. Women will still respond positively if you are confident. We've all seen it. Haven't you looked at a guy with a hot younger babe and thought what the hell is she doing with him?

    Now in the bowl it then comes come down to contacts. Contacts become prospects and prospects become SB's. That means it's a numbers game. Make lots of contacts. Send introductory letters out to a large number of girls that fit what you like in their profile. Make sure you send a letter that has a little substance to it. Don't just wink. That shows no effort and women appreciate that you've taken the time to write them something of substance and taken some effort. This will separate you from the bunch of other idiots that will just send her a wink or write her a one liner. You don't have to write an individual letter for each gal. Just write a decent one and copy and paste it as needed. Send that letter to 40 to 50 girls. Then monitor who reads what you've sent and how many reply. The ones that reply game on. Now start texting them. Tell them you think they are very attractive and ask would they let you treat them to lunch / coffee / drinks / dinner / whatever? Get to the M&G and be confident. You will get at least 4-5 in the FC within 2 weeks. Oh and by the way, I've never given more than 150 to any girl. Good Luck.

  3. #5341

    First post here

    I've been reading and learning a lot from you guys here. This week, I'm going for a meet and greet with a young (20's) single mom. One can only do so much reading and learning before you just have to take the plunge. I will report and try to be a contributor if all goes well. Thanks and Happy New Year to all.


  4. #5340

    End of the yer update

    My first year in the bowl ends with a whimper.

    Just when I thought I was having some success things came screeching to a halt. My HYB with a lean yoga body was living with a relative who ended up committing suicide before the holidays. She was shaken by the event and decided to move back closer to family. Not sure if we'll get to meet a final time, but definitely the hottest girl I've had to pleasure of bedding. Things were getting more to my liking so it's bummer to have to start back at square 1 again.

    My Hungarian HYB who was also training to be a professional kickboxer broke her wrist in practice so she's out of commission for a few weeks.

    I've restarted my search for replacements on SA and should be having some M&G's in the new year. It seems however that many of the prospects have high hopes for big allowances so we'll see if there's room to negotiate. Had 1 nibble from SDFM, but all other sites here seem fruitless.

    Happy New Year all. Thanks for all the advice, stories, education from everyone.

  5. #5339

    That is why I love this forum

    Hey guys thank you all for the great advice and the words of encouragement. I will go ahead and stick it out and hopefully 2014 will be a better year. Happy new year to you all and best of luck.

  6. #5338
    Quote Originally Posted by Ltnric  [View Original Post]
    So my first attempt at entering the sugarbaby world has been very disappointing to say the least. There have been a lot of emails and texting with potentials but at the end of about 30 days I really only met with two women. The first one was this 22-year. Old lingerie model but she wanted $500. She seems like a nice girl but that's a lot of money but considering I don't have any other options I may have to pull the trigger on that one.

    The second girl I met for a meeting greet she is 23 a single mom and living at home. We were supposed to have our first day on Friday I texted her the night before to confirm and she did confirm. Long story short she stood me up. It's been two days and I still haven't heard from her but I did notice that she logged onto SA just yesterday. I don't know what it is with me meeting so many flakes.
    Hang in there. The SB world is truly one where when it rain it pours; and when it is dry, it is a desert. I have seen seniors on this board go from 0 to 125 in about 6 seconds then back to 0 in one day. You will do just fine, just roll with the slow times.

  7. #5337

    I Love

    Girls with Daddy Issues. Thank you Jesus.

  8. #5336
    Quote Originally Posted by Wnde8  [View Original Post]
    As we head into 2014 I want to check up with everyone! Has the quality and quantity of sugar babies in your area gone up or down this year?
    Living in a city where the cost of living is continually rising no matter what has greatly increased the quality in my area. Also the steady flow of people moving here adds to that as well. I think that would be the same for any destination place. L.A., N.Y., Las Vegas, etc.

  9. #5335
    Senior Member

    Posts: 313

    Feel Ya On The Flakes

    Quote Originally Posted by Ltnric  [View Original Post]
    So my first attempt at entering the sugarbaby world has been very disappointing to say the least. There have been a lot of emails and texting with potentials but at the end of about 30 days I really only met with two women. The first one was this 22-year. Old lingerie model but she wanted $500. She seems like a nice girl but that's a lot of money but considering I don't have any other options I may have to pull the trigger on that one.

    The second girl I met for a meeting greet she is 23 a single mom and living at home. We were supposed to have our first day on Friday I texted her the night before to confirm and she did confirm. Long story short she stood me up. It's been two days and I still haven't heard from her but I did notice that she logged onto SA just yesterday. I don't know what it is with me meeting so many flakes.
    Been there brother. Flakes is a part of this game. It is frustrating. And all I can tell you is to do your best to pre qualify. But remember the younger they are the more they flake. Just imagine for a second that you have your choice of all of these women sending you emails and trying to impress you and promising money to you. What would you do? Keep a couple strung along for while and tried a few out. Then if they your main one did not work. You would go to one of your backups?

    Probably a lot of their offers they are getting are bullshit and they know its bullshit. But they are still looking for the best offer and the highest paying person. And whatever shiny object is in front of them. Even your 500 dollar lingere model may not be there when you try her back.

    Its a tough gig. You are fighting their own inconsistency, as well as their need for more and better all of the time, their uncertainty about doing p4 p, and the other fucked up want to be SD's out there that ruin it for all of the rest of us. Its an uphill battle at best.

    And lately like I have observed below. It is getting tougher not easier. I honestly believe if I was single and even at my age I would do better in the conventional dating world. See some of my old posts on that subject.

    Good luck. And keep writing. It will help you get sharper. It is not just about writing emails and trying to throw money around. It is about learning about the game, and more importantly about yourself.


  10. #5334
    Quote Originally Posted by Ltnric  [View Original Post]
    So my first attempt at entering the sugarbaby world has been very disappointing to say the least. There have been a lot of emails and texting with potentials but at the end of about 30 days I really only met with two women. The first one was this 22-year. Old lingerie model but she wanted $500. She seems like a nice girl but that's a lot of money but considering I don't have any other options I may have to pull the trigger on that one.

    The second girl I met for a meeting greet she is 23 a single mom and living at home. We were supposed to have our first day on Friday I texted her the night before to confirm and she did confirm. Long story short she stood me up. It's been two days and I still haven't heard from her but I did notice that she logged onto SA just yesterday. I don't know what it is with me meeting so many flakes.
    Some of the best advice I have found on this forum is to make voice call when contacting to confirm a meeting. I have never been stood up when I have done this.

  11. #5333

    Very disappointing

    So my first attempt at entering the sugarbaby world has been very disappointing to say the least. There have been a lot of emails and texting with potentials but at the end of about 30 days I really only met with two women. The first one was this 22-year. Old lingerie model but she wanted $500. She seems like a nice girl but that's a lot of money but considering I don't have any other options I may have to pull the trigger on that one.

    The second girl I met for a meeting greet she is 23 a single mom and living at home. We were supposed to have our first day on Friday I texted her the night before to confirm and she did confirm. Long story short she stood me up. It's been two days and I still haven't heard from her but I did notice that she logged onto SA just yesterday. I don't know what it is with me meeting so many flakes.

  12. #5332
    Senior Member

    Posts: 313

    Good Question

    Quote Originally Posted by Wnde8  [View Original Post]
    As we head into 2014 I want to check up with everyone! Has the quality and quantity of sugar babies in your area gone up or down this year?
    In my area. It has gone down in both respects. But I suspect there is an ebb and glow to these kind of things. But I am not seeing from just my browsing anything of real quality and certainly not quantity. Interesting trend?

    Who knows. There seems to be plenty of horny and good looking women on these hookup sites.

  13. #5331
    Senior Member

    Posts: 313

    Nice Civvy Date Today

    So to continue from before I am in the process of trying see if I can get one or two real people to date as an affair. AM was a bust so I gave up on that worthless site. But there was some traction. Two from Arrangement Finders and one from SDforme and one from SocialSex. All of these contacted me first all four have not ever done anything like this before and do not express any real monetary expectations and all three are on a very slow roll. So lets take a look shall we?

    Italian MILF POT: So this is the most promising one. She 37 YO Italian very very sexy. She is educated, came from a wealthy family, her second husband she is divorced from was wealthy. She has two kids and she looks pretty damn good for her age. She is about 5'3" very large nice breasts, a little thick but not fat at all, she is in good shape exercises every day. I give her a 8/8/10/? . Has a good professional job. She is very responsible and always communicates well and is respectful but not a kiss ass. And shows up on time or early. Long flowing sexy dark hair and she dresses very sexy. Showing cleavage and tight little skirts. Regardless of what ever happens she is a quality woman. And I believe that makes the chances for a quality engagement good. She is very touchy, and complimentary and seems to really be into me. But when it comes to physical escalation it is different. She is much more conservative. After our first very good date. She would not kiss me on the lips and I always try to do this to establish sexual escalation in the first date. This told me she is going to have to be slowly worked into this. She is a class woman and will not be treated otherwise. There has been absolutely no indication she is into any money other than date expenses. We had our second date today and it went awesome. Really good conversation and many times I have had to work these women and try to seduce them. This is not the issue here. It is just easy and fun. So I tried to close her even knowing I was not going to get her to the FC on the 2nd date. And she blushed but refused. But she indicated she really likes me and she is ready to fuck me but needs to "get there" and that takes time with her. She even spelled out how to get there. Simply get together for another date. Spend time together doing a fun activity and get closer through this activity. Not a problem. Planning something for next week. We did get a nice kiss after the date. But she was shy does not like public displays of affection. She tells me that she has only dated two men since her divorce a couple of years ago. And she said it took them months to get in her panties. So she says I am on the fastrack. She is in this for the long haul and does not look for a marriage, and is on the same page about a close and lustful affair. Oh and she assured me that once we did get to the FC I would be very happy because she treats her man like a king. Now I must say I have many women brag about this and even tell me this but very few have really done this. They may be good fucks, they may give awesome blowjobs, or be a lot of fun. But few ever really deliver on this. I must say the last Italian baby my 21 YO paegent baby did seem to be in this vein. But she vanished on me.

    CostaRican College Baby: This one is from Arrangement Finders also. At first we hit it off right away and she was really an intellectual type and we had awesome conversations together. Then she backed away because I was married. I graciously bowed out but left the door open. Keeping a little in touch knowing she is a quality woman and a few weeks in the bowl should be enough to change her mind. And it sure did. She came back friendly and ready to give it a try. She is a 21 YO Latina baby with 5'7" nice figure, big bright smile, and great with conversation. I give her a 8/8/9/? . Now she is very young and honest and sincere. And she is very into also taking things slow. She also looks at this as a dating experience. Great communicator and snapchats with me and we have good phone conversations. She is so cute and young. I know we will be into this for a few dates before I ever get a shot at the pussy. And there is a good chance that it may never happen and if it does she may not be that good of a fuck. But it is a pursuit I am willing to slow roll into it and take the chance. She is so sweet and so fun and intelligent. Money has never been discussed and she is expecting something. But I am not going to pay a lot. It appears I can meet at her place and that helps a lot. But still trying to downsize so will not spend too much. Should be able to to a M&G next week.

    PuertoRican Shy Baby: This is even more of a long shot. Very quite but cute and not seemingly into the money either. She has a real job and is living with her parents until she gets an apartment. She is retail manager. And works a lot of hours. Good sign. And is trying to get away from loser friends and wants a place without roomates. So she is trying to better herself. Thats the reason she says she was on SDforme. To find someone with substance and is mature. Very shy so far. So so communicator. We are set to meet on Saturday at a park. Should be interesting. Her voice and attitude is very very cute. Wears glasses and looks pretty cute. I give her a 7/8/8/? . Once again I am not going to expect too much. She seems interested. But not in a great rush. Thats ok. I have been through some bad rejections lately. My girl next door baby has descended into Nando 1 territory and then went black. Of course after getting her allowance. And I am not interested in trying to pursue her any more. And my Venezuelan baby is moving away in about a week.

    Doctor Baby: Once again this is not a SB at all. She is a young physician, and is hot really fucking hot. I give her a 10/10/7/? . Met her on SocialSex, and she invited me to a date. But so far it has just been emailing through the site back and forth. I am not holding my breath. But I will say there are a lot of women on this site looking to get fucked. I am not having so much luck with my solicitations so far. But if I get this one it will by a grand slam. She tells me she is ready to meet. Just needs the time and will call when she has some. She seems to be warming up to me so another slow roll. She is thirty YO Latina with a body to die for. We shall see. I have at least 5 women per day that look at my profile. But very few ever respond to me. This site is overtly sexual. So there must be a better approach than what I am doing. Just playing around with it and only been on for a week. But it could be a gold mine for that ever elusive hookup online without having to pay all of this money for a commodity as common as pussy.

    I still have my last baby. My Colombian Student Nurse baby. And she is always there for me. Very busy so we strictly meetup to fuck. Get a couple of nutts and go back to work. She usually gets three or four nutts.

    That is it for now.

    Be careful out there.


  14. #5330

    Break the ice.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dolato  [View Original Post]
    I'm not sure how things are in your neck of the woods, but that seems like an awful lot for a SB.

    I guess the benefit of SoCal is that there's always another around the corner. Literally and figuratively.

    I've been told how the "previous sd" gave (insert ridiculous amount here), but stuck at $.5 at most and knew to move on. Now if you've got money to burn like J Martinez says, then that's different and you can atleast take one trip to the FC as a trophy fuck.

    Like BT says, "dating" her first would put her at ease rather than hitting her with the business transaction first. If she's already accepting the lunch money, then it seems like you've primed her up already. Taking her out and being affectionate up front should let her know what you're looking for and would do well to keep you out of the friendzone. So I second BT's advice.
    Thanks guys for the advice.

  15. #5329
    As we head into 2014 I want to check up with everyone! Has the quality and quantity of sugar babies in your area gone up or down this year?

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