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  1. #5287
    Quote Originally Posted by HollywoodGuy  [View Original Post]
    I have been hitting CL hard. I do get some responses from legitimate non pros, pros and UTR's. But most of them have not been cute enough to follow through on, or they were too expensive. I missed out on a couple winners (true non pros) cuz I was too busy with other girls. So I am continuing to work it for now. Tons of spam replies, but they don't bother me, I just delete them.
    I went through a couple of weeks farming CL pretty heavily. Met with 2 women that were definitely UTR girls, neither as attractive as the pics they sent. One was pretty good in bed, but they were both one time deals, I think. Right when I was ready to quit I came across a 18 year old that actually sounds like she could be SB material, and the pics are of a cute spinner. She told me she had dumper a SD because he got crazy and cheap-they had some kind of submissive thing going on that apparently went too far for her. I am still texting with her trying to set up a M&G, we'll see what happens. Other than that I'm back to SA.

  2. #5286
    Quote Originally Posted by Revvo  [View Original Post]
    So has anyone had any experience with some of the other sites? I am in the process of trying Craigslist and I posted my ad on Women For Men and it got flagged every time. I did not put anything in there that was offensive or dirty. I did not put the words sugar daddy or sugar baby or even the intials. But it still got flagged. First it would tell me the ad was posted and give me a link. And I could see it on the link put never see it if I went in normal. And then about an hour later it would get flagged. Anyone have this problem?

    I am also looking into Ashley Madison, Social Sex, and Arrangement Finders. I will report back my experiences but anyone try any of these so far?

    If so how did it go? Details?


    I have been hitting CL hard. I do get some responses from legitimate non pros, pros and UTR's. But most of them have not been cute enough to follow through on, or they were too expensive. I missed out on a couple winners (true non pros) cuz I was too busy with other girls. So I am continuing to work it for now. Tons of spam replies, but they don't bother me, I just delete them.

  3. #5285

    My SD Life

    I guess it's about time I post about my life in the bowl thus far. Here's the Reader's Digest version of my past: I started in the escort world for about 25 years, about 3 yrs ago one of my ATFs left escorting and turned into my SB. That was great for a year until my wife found out. Within a month both my wife and the SB were gone. I've been in the open bowl for about 2 yrs now using both SA and SD4M as my main sources. I found this forum about 6 months into my quest and it has been a wealth of knowledge. Like most that have been at this for any length of time I've run the gamut from wonderful, sweet ladies, to UTR ladies, to crazy bitches, to outright scam artists. I've learned a lot, but am still gullible at times to the "damsel in distress". I'm working on that last one and think I have it out of my system, LOL.

    Here are a few of my "old ladies" they range in age from 26-30:

    FriendBaby, 26 – This is by far my longest. We've been seeing each other for around 18 months. We're actually more friends than SD / SB, I guess you'd call it FWB. We text or talk a few times a week, but rarely hook up anymore. When we do we have a great time though. She really doesn't expect sugar anymore, but I usually give her some anyway. She's a single mom with 2 kids and going to college.

    MSBaby, 29 – This is my strangest one. You really can't call her an SB even though we met off of SA. She's the resourceful one that used my email address to find my original posts on here (I stupidly used a derivative of my email as my name here, duh! Here's the thing. She's absolutely gorgeous! Her face is a 10 in anyone's book, with a 9 body. Smart as hell and one of the most sexual women I've ever met. Here's the problem, we only have sporadic periods of seeing each other, but text each other a few times a week. There's lots of baggage here. She's in an "open" marriage, with a kid, has a major eventually debilitating disease. MS and runs her own business. Add to that she's a total narcissist. But, I'm REALLY attracted to her somehow. Anyway, the price is right. Free. So I deal with all the rest for the occasional fireworks show.

    HippyBaby, 30 – There must be something in the water in New Orleans. I know Scotty was smitten with an SB from there and the same thing happened to me back in Feb. I was there on business and put out some requests and she responded. We met and there was immediate chemistry. She's a native of NO so knew some great hole-in-the-wall restaurants. We saw each other two times during my trip ending up back in my room for an evening of fun both times. I've gone back to NO to see her, she's been to ATL to see me and we've met once in Portland, OR and in San Diego on recent business trips. She spends half the year in Northern CA helping with the "harvest". She is a total van driving, sometimes van living, free-spirit hippie type. She's definitely a departure from my conservative nature, which is probably why I enjoy her so much. She occasionally asks for help with her cell or storage bill, but aside from that is happy with whatever sugar I give her.

    These 3 really cost me very little, so last summer I began the search for my unicorn. A mature, hot 18-21 year old, that I could turn into a long-term baby. I'll report my success in that arena in a future post.

    Happy Hunting,

    Last edited by TravelinSD; 12-13-13 at 16:05. Reason: typos

  4. #5284


    I've also tried AF as well. Like SA and SB4 M, it depends on your area and which sites the ladies use. Here in Atlanta there's a fair number of ladies on it and I got a fair number of hits. Nothing lasting though.


    Quote Originally Posted by Revvo  [View Original Post]
    So has anyone had any experience with some of the other sites? I am in the process of trying Craigslist and I posted my ad on Women For Men and it got flagged every time. I did not put anything in there that was offensive or dirty. I did not put the words sugar daddy or sugar baby or even the intials. But it still got flagged. First it would tell me the ad was posted and give me a link. And I could see it on the link put never see it if I went in normal. And then about an hour later it would get flagged. Anyone have this problem?

    I am also looking into Ashley Madison, Social Sex, and Arrangement Finders. I will report back my experiences but anyone try any of these so far?

    If so how did it go? Details?



  5. #5283
    Senior Member

    Posts: 313

    Ashley Madison Success? Are you sure?

    Quote Originally Posted by VirginiaGuy  [View Original Post]
    Since you started talking about AM. I have been on the site for two years. In those two years I have had six hookups. Two out of town fucks, and four local girls. Found some freaky girls on AM. Don't give up on AM, just be consistent and patient. Lots of competition out there. I am working on a new AM girl met yesterday. Maybe I will be up to Seven soon.
    I have tried Ashley Madison and my luck has been the same as Fred's and Scott's. Terrible. Thanks for the input guys. And this is coming from two very experienced mongers. Feedback from Tigg was the same by the way. I am not going to tell you how many credits I spent but it was a lot and all I got to show for it was a lot of how should I put this politely. Stuck up 40 YO's with no photo and not personality. Now I am patient. I am willing to spend money. I am a Sugar Daddy that has spent plenty. Too much in fact. I have a good profile and I have some game.

    What did I get for it? A few very tepid responses. Two SB's that wanted to hookup for money. Both were too far away. By the way the SB's told me that my profile was perfect, and too good to be true. And their comments were unsolicited. And then there was one actual hookup that really wanted to meet. But she had no personality either and when she did send a photo. Well lets just say I wouldn't fuck her with your dick. LOL A 4 at the most.

    And I am not picky. I realize these are mostly married women and I accounted for the few extra pounds and years. But they act as if they are in the sweepstakes of a lifetime. Anyway I believe the ratio is way out of whack. Someone told me that its around 60% men to 40% women. If that is the case. Heaven help the man who has worked this system. Just for comparison the ratio on SD4 Me is around 90% women to 10% men.

    Now Virginia Guy you say that you have had success. That is awesome. Give us details. Let us in on your secrets. Don't have to show the profile. But we are here to learn from each other. I have shared countless anecdotes and lessons over the past year. You could write a book on what I have contributed here. Please fill us in.

    Be careful out there. And stay away from Ashley Madison unless you just want to spend money to get ignored.


  6. #5282


    I wrote an extensive post about AM a few months ago. My findings were: unless you're under 50, preferably under 40 and pretty attractive it's a tough road. It really is the ladies game there. They're picky because a. They can be. And b. If they're going to risk their marriage they want it to be with the perfect fantasy. I'm sure there are exceptions, but I just didn't find it cost effective to keep spending money on credits to search for them. Add to that, if you read the fine print, they admit to using fake profiles for "entertainment" value, plus keep charging you a monthly maintenance fee until you call to cancel it.

    Just my opinion.


    Quote Originally Posted by Revvo  [View Original Post]
    So has anyone had any experience with some of the other sites? I am in the process of trying Craigslist and I posted my ad on Women For Men and it got flagged every time. I did not put anything in there that was offensive or dirty. I did not put the words sugar daddy or sugar baby or even the intials. But it still got flagged. First it would tell me the ad was posted and give me a link. And I could see it on the link put never see it if I went in normal. And then about an hour later it would get flagged. Anyone have this problem?

    I am also looking into Ashley Madison, Social Sex, and Arrangement Finders. I will report back my experiences but anyone try any of these so far?

    If so how did it go? Details?


    Last edited by TravelinSD; 12-13-13 at 15:36. Reason: typos

  7. #5281

    Good for you!

    Quote Originally Posted by FredMoore  [View Original Post]

    Bikram Yoga: Am doing it and it is hard as the dickens but I can see the benefits. My SO and I do it together so I have to be careful not to ogle the 20 yr old hotties with no clothes on. Sigh!! I do look intensely to study the poses.-academic interest only of course.

    Other sites: Revvo, I have worked AM pretty hard and have had 0 success. A lot of hot milfs there unhappily married but I can't seem to get them to buy my line. CL got one Nando 1 off there who was a decent fuck for a 19 yr old but flaked when I tried to repeat. Fling I got one super sexual MILF from there but she was too chubby for my taste.

    ATF #4 is back in town and we are back in the weekly saddle. She loves fucking and time with her is just a joy. BC baby is a weekly or biweekly hookup and she is young and tight. So I am squeaking in 1 to 1 1/2 visits / week.
    Hey Fred,

    I'm glad you have discovered the wonder that is bikram. As you say, it is hard, but undeniably beneficial. Plus there are all those super-toned hotties. I applaud your willingness to study the babies in your class, purely to improve your own practice, of course! My Saturday class has a handful of 20 somethings, but mostly it is a group of the hottest MILFS I have ever seen. Taught, limber and sweaty. Hooray!

    As for other sites, Rev, I tried AM a year or so ago, and got absolutely nowhere either. The only people to contact me wanted me to go to another site to "verify that I was for real", and of course be charged for the priveledge. I think Big Tigg may have had some luck with AM, but I think he could conjure something fuckable out of a bag of rocks, so that doesn't really count for the rest of us. My favorite is SA, followed by SD4 Me. I tried CL a while back, but again, no luck, only fakes and flakes, and a tranny who wanted to blindfold me and give me a BJ. Uh, no thanks.

    Joy to you all.


  8. #5280

    Join the conversation

    Since you started talking about AM. I have been on the site for two years. In those two years I have had six hookups. Two out of town fucks, and four local girls. Found some freaky girls on AM. Don't give up on AM, just be consistent and patient. Lots of competition out there. I am working on a new AM girl met yesterday. Maybe I will be up to Seven soon.

  9. #5279

    Random thoughts

    Hollywood: You roommate is darling! Congrats for having such a satisfying relationship. It makes me miss my Asian ATF #3 I love Asians!

    Scotty: you are a stitch and I always enjoy your musings! I'm glad you are getting laid some anyway. As one parolee to another life in the suspect booth is trying to say the least.

    Bikram Yoga: Am doing it and it is hard as the dickens but I can see the benefits. My SO and I do it together so I have to be careful not to ogle the 20 yr old hotties with no clothes on. Sigh!! I do look intensely to study the poses.-academic interest only of course.

    Other sites: Revvo, I have worked AM pretty hard and have had 0 success. A lot of hot milfs there unhappily married but I can't seem to get them to buy my line. CL got one Nando 1 off there who was a decent fuck for a 19 yr old but flaked when I tried to repeat. Fling I got one super sexual MILF from there but she was too chubby for my taste.

    ATF #4 is back in town and we are back in the weekly saddle. She loves fucking and time with her is just a joy. BC baby is a weekly or biweekly hookup and she is young and tight. So I am squeaking in 1 to 1 1/2 visits / week.

  10. #5278
    Senior Member

    Posts: 313

    Other Sites

    So has anyone had any experience with some of the other sites? I am in the process of trying Craigslist and I posted my ad on Women For Men and it got flagged every time. I did not put anything in there that was offensive or dirty. I did not put the words sugar daddy or sugar baby or even the intials. But it still got flagged. First it would tell me the ad was posted and give me a link. And I could see it on the link put never see it if I went in normal. And then about an hour later it would get flagged. Anyone have this problem?

    I am also looking into Ashley Madison, Social Sex, and Arrangement Finders. I will report back my experiences but anyone try any of these so far?

    If so how did it go? Details?



  11. #5277


    For the last month or so I have been getting back to the girls that turned me down to see if I can negotiate with them. I have some very strong arguments for my side. So far none of them has pulled through. With all 3 of my regular girls (and some past SB's as well) I basically hit it off with them right from the get go.

    At this point I would have to say, that in my case anyway, it's either a home run or a strike out. Every girl I have struck out with, when I got another at bat, I struck out again. Just an observation.

  12. #5276
    Quote Originally Posted by AllSeasonLv  [View Original Post]

    It's not that the names are funny in and of themselves. It's your comments about them that have me LMFAO.

    Okay Pmilysa. I like the "okay" part, but what exactly am I getting with "pmilysa"? I usually need to be home by 5:30, so it better not involve ropes.

    That one had me laughing so hard my office manager was staring at me!!

    Keep it up. Here's one reader who's never bored by your observations.

    Thanks, ASL,

    And as I have said before, they are all true. If I could only be so creative ...

    Happy holidays to all.


  13. #5275


    Quote Originally Posted by HollywoodGuy  [View Original Post]
    She is such a doll. Celebrating our one year anniversary this month.
    Now that is something worth coming home to! You are a lucky dude, Hollywood. May the sun continue to shine for us all.


  14. #5274


    Quote Originally Posted by FScott  [View Original Post]
    My brothers,

    I have been greatly entertained (Hollywood), saddened (Tigg), and encouraged (all the newbies) by what has been written in the journal these past few months. It seems as if the club has never been healthier, despite the loss of some of its most senior and knowledgeable members.

    Nothing is constant but change, I guess.

    With that in mind, I wanted to check in and check off a number of boxes on my list.

    First of all, thank you to all who chimed in regarding the situation with my sweet little baby who was the target of malicious internet postings on a site that is dedicated to the public humiliation and degradation of unsuspecting people who may or may not have made poor life choices. So many biblical lessons come to mind, the foremost of which is the one about "he who is without sin should cast the first stone." Not to get all preachy, but it is the definition of hypocrisy for those who create these postings to delight in another's suffering. Enough. My friends who are trying to help, I really appreciate it. We shall see what happens.

    Secondly, while I have, in truth, been on a short leash, it was not so short as to prevent me from seeing my re-united ATF for brunch last Friday, preceded by the most intense, athletic and ... what ?, crazed-to-get-me-inside-her fuck I have ever had. We didn't make it past the foyer in her apartment, and I'm not even sure the door was shut. She had just cut her hair short and dyed it red, so for those of you who keep track of my weaknesses, (and I hope that's none of you, otherwise that would be creepy), I was merely a plaything in her hands. So far, one car date, and one rug date, and no sugar beyond drinks and meals. Life is good on parole.

    In Sad News, by ATF#2 may not be coming home for Christmas from her job in NYC, at least as she tells me. While we text several times a week, and it's all love and kisses, I fear she may be moving on, and I am steeling my resolve to do the same. While it will be hard, and I"m certain with a short blow on her whistle she would have me at her side in an instant, I fear that "onward" is the best course for me. I will never forget her perfect, perfect body.

    In Yoga News, my hot teacher baby has not been spotted, at least by me, in the past month or so, and I am beginning to wonder if she is still teaching there. Of course I could inquire, but I fear that would tip my hand. I could also book a private lesson through her website, but again, that might alert NORAD that an unauthorized flight plan was being filed, thereby disrupting detente at HQ just before the holidays. I had enough of Christmas Hostilities growing up to want to knowingly inflict them upon myself. In an odd but extremely enticing turn of events, both my ATF and my Maligned Baby have expressed a strong desire to take bikram classes with me. Of course I told them both yes, since the thought of seeing them covered in sweat, skimpy clothes clinging to them like paint, is just something that I can't pass up. I don't know how many more years I have in the Bowl, and I need to log in some memories for when I am drooling in a rocker on the front porch of the Old Folks Home. Hopefully Scottie will be paying attention as well. So he can back me up if memory should fail me.

    Lastly, I know I am the only one who finds these funny, but I really do, so here are the last for 2013 of the craziest contact names from whom I have received emails from. Haters, keep it to yourselves.

    Hpokiv Scokyvy. What?

    Sa Diq. I'm assuming her last name is pronounced like "dick", in which case it could be a good thing for her, or not, depending on what "Sa" means.

    Desiree Goggins. This is so totally the emodiment of the Hot Librarian, at least in name, that I may just respond. Add that to the fact that her subject line was "Don't rape my mind, just fuck me", and I'm kind of over the moon LOL.

    Sheba bitethee. Bite thee? No thanks!

    Okay Pmilysa. I like the "okay" part, but what exactly am I getting with "pmilysa"? I usually need to be home by 5:30, so it better not involve ropes.

    Finally, my brothers, I want to say how much I enjoy our little club, and while I realize I don't have much worth posting these days, I trust that my previous contributions permit me a spot at the table, and hope I will have exploits and wisdom to relate in the coming year.

    Don't forget to write.


    It's not that the names are funny in and of themselves. It's your comments about them that have me LMFAO.

    Okay Pmilysa. I like the "okay" part, but what exactly am I getting with "pmilysa"? I usually need to be home by 5:30, so it better not involve ropes.

    That one had me laughing so hard my office manager was staring at me!!

    Keep it up. Here's one reader who's never bored by your observations.


  15. #5273

    Random notes on a short leash

    My brothers,

    I have been greatly entertained (Hollywood), saddened (Tigg), and encouraged (all the newbies) by what has been written in the journal these past few months. It seems as if the club has never been healthier, despite the loss of some of its most senior and knowledgeable members.

    Nothing is constant but change, I guess.

    With that in mind, I wanted to check in and check off a number of boxes on my list.

    First of all, thank you to all who chimed in regarding the situation with my sweet little baby who was the target of malicious internet postings on a site that is dedicated to the public humiliation and degradation of unsuspecting people who may or may not have made poor life choices. So many biblical lessons come to mind, the foremost of which is the one about "he who is without sin should cast the first stone." Not to get all preachy, but it is the definition of hypocrisy for those who create these postings to delight in another's suffering. Enough. My friends who are trying to help, I really appreciate it. We shall see what happens.

    Secondly, while I have, in truth, been on a short leash, it was not so short as to prevent me from seeing my re-united ATF for brunch last Friday, preceded by the most intense, athletic and ... what ?, crazed-to-get-me-inside-her fuck I have ever had. We didn't make it past the foyer in her apartment, and I'm not even sure the door was shut. She had just cut her hair short and dyed it red, so for those of you who keep track of my weaknesses, (and I hope that's none of you, otherwise that would be creepy), I was merely a plaything in her hands. So far, one car date, and one rug date, and no sugar beyond drinks and meals. Life is good on parole.

    In Sad News, by ATF#2 may not be coming home for Christmas from her job in NYC, at least as she tells me. While we text several times a week, and it's all love and kisses, I fear she may be moving on, and I am steeling my resolve to do the same. While it will be hard, and I"m certain with a short blow on her whistle she would have me at her side in an instant, I fear that "onward" is the best course for me. I will never forget her perfect, perfect body.

    In Yoga News, my hot teacher baby has not been spotted, at least by me, in the past month or so, and I am beginning to wonder if she is still teaching there. Of course I could inquire, but I fear that would tip my hand. I could also book a private lesson through her website, but again, that might alert NORAD that an unauthorized flight plan was being filed, thereby disrupting detente at HQ just before the holidays. I had enough of Christmas Hostilities growing up to knowingly inflict them upon myself. In an odd but extremely enticing turn of events, both my ATF and my Maligned Baby have expressed a strong desire to take bikram classes with me. Of course I told them both yes, since the thought of seeing them each covered in sweat, skimpy clothes clinging to them like paint, is something that I can't pass up. I don't know how many more years I have in the Bowl, and I need to lock in some memories for when I am drooling in a rocker on the front porch of the Old Folks Home. Hopefully Scottie will be paying attention as well, so he can back me up if memory should fail.

    Lastly, I know I am the only one who finds these funny, but I really do, so here are the last for 2013 of the craziest contact names from whom I have received emails. Haters, keep it to yourselves.

    Hpokiv Scokyvy - what?

    Sa Diq - I'm assuming her last name is pronounced like "dick", in which case it could be a good thing for me, or not, depending on what "Sa" means.

    Desiree Goggins - this name is so totally the emodiment of The Hot Librarian that I may just respond. Add that to the fact that her subject line was "Don't rape my mind, just fuck me", and I'm kind of over the moon LOL.

    Sheba bitethee - Bite thee? No thanks! Bite thyself, I pray.

    Okay Pmilysa - I like the "okay" part, but what exactly am I getting into with "pmilysa"? I usually need to be home by 5:30, so it better not involve ropes.

    Finally, my brothers, I want to say how much I enjoy our little club, and while I realize I don't have much worth posting these days, I trust that my previous contributions permit me a spot at the table, and hope I will have exploits and wisdom to relate in the coming year.

    Don't forget to write,


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