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  1. #5242

    Negotiation tactics

    Hi guys!

    Just wondering how you guys like to do your allowance negotiations.

    Do you find the prices pretty firm? What kind of things do you say to bring things down to your number?

    Do you prefer to give out monthly allowances or weekly?

  2. #5241

    Glutten for Punishment?

    Ok maybe I'm a glutton for punishment? At the same time, I feel I need to open my self up to criticism and change if I want to improve. So here goes... For me ideally I'll have a 2 SB line up that I have long term weekly meetings with.

    I still have my constant SB1. I've been with her for 8 months. She is solid and reliable. A solid 8/8/8/8. I meet with her once per week at 125. Then I give her a gift usually 1 x per month. Out of Pocket is normally avg $700/.

    So I'm on the hunt for a new SB2. I just lost my last one right before Thanksgiving. I joined SA about 7 months ago as a free member and didn't activate as I was a SD4 ME member. But I had about 35 winks and emails pile up since then. I paid for SA membership yesterday and sent a reply to all that were in the looks and age range I like. That was 23 of the 35. This is the letter I sent. What do you guys think? Too wimpy? Not straight forward enough? What would you do differently? Feel free to comment or PM...

    Hi blank.

    I hope you had a great Thanksgiving Holiday!! I wanted to thank you for reaching out to me. I will be putting back up some kind of profile pic. I took mine down because as I was browsing through, I noticed that a local girl that works in a store nearby had just activated a profile. It kind of freaked me out a little bit...haha.

    You are a very pretty girl (just my type). I'm sure you've been inundated with all kinds of attention. As you have weeded your way through these you probably got a little creeped out.

    I want to assure you I think you'll find I'm different from most. I have the experience and wisdom from not being in my 20's anymore. I've been relatively successful in my career. However, I'm much younger looking and acting than my age. I'm fun and have a good sense of humor. I'm attentive and passionate. I'm also easy going and a good listener. Most of all, I think you'll find I'm a good friend.

    I can be quite picky about who I choose to hang out with. I do have some experience at being a SD. I would like to meet you at some point and see if we like each other. Maybe we could meet for drinks or lunch (we'll figure that out)?? I do have a few pics I could send you. I would like to contact you by either call or text. Let me know which you prefer and please send me your cell number. I look forward to hearing from you. Take care my first name.

    It is worth noting that I've added a profile pic back in. The story about me taking down my profile pic is true. A girl that works at both a local pharmacy) check out counter) and a local taco joint just joined SA. She knows me well and sees me all the time. While she is very hot and I would love to bang her, that has disaster written all over it. I am married. Also, I've had 4 replies so far. 2 of them are amazingly hot 9.5 to 10 type stuff. I have a M&G scheduled for Monday with one. So far there have been 7 of the 23 that have read the letter.

  3. #5240
    Quote Originally Posted by MrUnderbridge  [View Original Post]
    I've been mongering for many years, and following the thread here I decided to get an account at SA. I just use it like a wishbook. Haven't sprung for a paid membership and just like to see what's available.

    Imagine my surprise earlier this week when a former student showed up on the sugarbaby list! She's 18 and pretty cute. She said in her ad that she heard about the site from a friend. Scrolling down the list a bit more. Another former student! This one is 19 and thin. From what I know about the 19 yo, she is really likely to put out. Even if I didn't know them, they'd be tempting. But the fact that they were students, and now are legal age and not my responsibility anymore adds some spice to the equation.

    So the question before the jury is this: Should I risk it? I use a fake-but-close picture, and not my real name (I'm horny, not stupid!) in my ad, so I could remain anonymous up until time for a meet. The risk is that word could get back to current students, which would be super bad. But then, they would have to explain their side of it, too. Even if I had never met them before, they would be tempting, but the extra thrill really makes me want to at least see where it could go.

    3 Say No.

    1 Yes.

    ...whatcha going to do bowler, step on the bowling lane or head back to the snack bar for another chilli dog?

  4. #5239

    Don't do it!

    Quote Originally Posted by MrUnderbridge  [View Original Post]
    I've been mongering for many years, and following the thread here I decided to get an account at SA. I just use it like a wishbook. Haven't sprung for a paid membership and just like to see what's available.

    Imagine my surprise earlier this week when a former student showed up on the sugarbaby list! She's 18 and pretty cute. She said in her ad that she heard about the site from a friend. Scrolling down the list a bit more. Another former student! This one is 19 and thin. From what I know about the 19 yo, she is really likely to put out. Even if I didn't know them, they'd be tempting. But the fact that they were students, and now are legal age and not my responsibility anymore adds some spice to the equation.

    So the question before the jury is this: Should I risk it? I use a fake-but-close picture, and not my real name (I'm horny, not stupid!) in my ad, so I could remain anonymous up until time for a meet. The risk is that word could get back to current students, which would be super bad. But then, they would have to explain their side of it, too. Even if I had never met them before, they would be tempting, but the extra thrill really makes me want to at least see where it could go.

    A good rule of thumb in my experience is if you have to ask it's probably not a good idea. Especially as a teacher you are vulnerable to the gossip in your community. Even if it is legal it is probably borderline unethical. Teachers date former students, fall in love, and marry them. But if it ends badly watch out! There are too many HCBs out there to take a risk on this one .

  5. #5238

    I agree

    Quote Originally Posted by Spitfire  [View Original Post]
    Keep your indiscretions 100 miles from the flagpole.

    Think about it, if it gets back to your current students and you end up losing your job because of it, as a teacher you will never teach again. It's not the same as a guy who is a salesman, he can always find another job. A teacher is a completely different story.

    Read through this forum, there are quite a few stories of getting exposed.
    It will certainly get back to your current students, and then to parents and the school. Nothing buy misery lies at the end of this path, in my opinion, and the internet has a long and cruel memory.

    Leave it where it is now, safely private in your imagination.


  6. #5237
    Quote Originally Posted by MrUnderbridge  [View Original Post]
    So the question before the jury is this: Should I risk it? I use a fake-but-close picture, and not my real name (I'm horny, not stupid!) in my ad, so I could remain anonymous up until time for a meet. The risk is that word could get back to current students, which would be super bad. But then, they would have to explain their side of it, too. Even if I had never met them before, they would be tempting, but the extra thrill really makes me want to at least see where it could go.

    Keep your indiscretions 100 miles from the flagpole.

    Think about it, if it gets back to your current students and you end up losing your job because of it, as a teacher you will never teach again. It's not the same as a guy who is a salesman, he can always find another job. A teacher is a completely different story.

    Read through this forum, there are quite a few stories of getting exposed.

  7. #5236
    Quote Originally Posted by MrUnderbridge  [View Original Post]
    I've been mongering for many years, and following the thread here I decided to get an account at SA. I just use it like a wishbook. Haven't sprung for a paid membership and just like to see what's available.

    Imagine my surprise earlier this week when a former student showed up on the sugarbaby list! She's 18 and pretty cute. She said in her ad that she heard about the site from a friend. Scrolling down the list a bit more. Another former student! This one is 19 and thin. From what I know about the 19 yo, she is really likely to put out. Even if I didn't know them, they'd be tempting. But the fact that they were students, and now are legal age and not my responsibility anymore adds some spice to the equation.

    So the question before the jury is this: Should I risk it? I use a fake-but-close picture, and not my real name (I'm horny, not stupid!) in my ad, so I could remain anonymous up until time for a meet. The risk is that word could get back to current students, which would be super bad. But then, they would have to explain their side of it, too. Even if I had never met them before, they would be tempting, but the extra thrill really makes me want to at least see where it could go.

    If you are not married, I say go for it!

    Also, thanks for the humbling words Bachatas! I'm sure you will do great.


  8. #5235

    The fun continues-part 2

    First off let me say my farewell to BigTigg...there are many seniors on here who have helped me shape myself into the SD that I am now. I enjoyed reading his exploits and was always very entertained.

    Since my last post my Sorority SB has turned into my ATF, she and I text on a daily basis and is very accommodating to pretty much anything I ask. She sends pictures when I'm bored at work and keeps me very well entertained when I'm with and without her. I have seen here about three times since my last post and everytime I am always very pleasantly surprised. The only thing she will not agree to is greekbut everything else is on the menu from BBBJ, CIM, and every single position that I can think of. If I was going to put a definition on what an "ATF" means she would be it.

    My second college SB is now known as my "Softball SB"-After spending a couple more dates with her and finding out more about her she confessed that she used to play softball for her high school and played for her college until she messed her knee up. That pretty much explains her height and her athletic build, since she has stopped working out I can tell she has gained a little bit of weight but is still a head turner. I was finally able to get her to meet me for a FC and had a ton of fun considering I was comparing her to my ATF LOL. Her menu isn't as open as my ATF but is still very open to experimentation, a BBBJ she is not a swallower but does take the "D" like a champ. Since school is letting out for Christmas break she informed me that she will me transferring schools due to her loss of the athletic scholarship.

    Now on to my POTS...I have had several contact me wanting to meet but they have all fallen through or either flaked out within a couple days of talking. I did manage to keep one on the hook for about two week until me agreed on a M&G. She lives about 3 hrs from me and we decided to meet on a "neutral court" haha. I arranged a hotel room and she arrived on time. She wasn't as cute or as willing to my commands as the ATF or my softball SB but I had driving out so far I decided to give her a try. I asked her to wear what my current girls always wear on the first date which is high heels and a skirt. She showed up in jeans and a tank top, she said it was way to cold to wear a skirt and tried to play it off. I kept asking her to change into it but she seemed to get annoyed at my request so finally I said fuck it and lets go. Once in the car I kept asking questions hoping she would play along but continued to hit a brick wall. We went out to eat and visited a couple of clubs..she kept bragging about her alcohol tolerance and I was very reluctant to buy what she requested since she looked like she weighed about 115 lbs. After about 3 hrs of eating and clubbing I decided to cut her off and try her out in the FC which she agreed to, on the way back she was wasted and could barely keep her eyes open hahaha once we arrived at the hotel I made the mistake of NOT buying condoms and had to walk across the street to do so. Once I got back to the hotel room I found her passed the fuck out. I tried to wake her with no success...I packed my shit up and left her gas money and left. The next day she texted apologizing profusely. I have not responded since then.


    LOOKS: 7.

    ATTITUDE: 3.

    SKILLS: 0.


  9. #5234
    Quote Originally Posted by FScott  [View Original Post]

    A treasured baby of mine has been the victim, apparently, of a malicious internet post, and I would like to help her resolve it if I could. In truth, I don't know if the allegations are true or not, but the poster(s) were extremely mean and vitriolic. She has hired a lawyer, but I would appreciate any advice or wisdom anyone could provide. PM me if you would like, but at the moment I am contemplating Hot Revenge. She does not deserve this, even if it is true.

    Chaneling Charles Bronson,

    PM me the post. I work on the internet.

  10. #5233
    Quote Originally Posted by FScott  [View Original Post]

    A treasured baby of mine has been the victim, apparently, of a malicious internet post, and I would like to help her resolve it if I could. In truth, I don't know if the allegations are true or not, but the poster(s) were extremely mean and vitriolic. She has hired a lawyer, but I would appreciate any advice or wisdom anyone could provide. PM me if you would like, but at the moment I am contemplating Hot Revenge. She does not deserve this, even if it is true.

    Chaneling Charles Bronson,

    My kingdom for a hacker!! Truthfully, I have no confidence a lawyer could do anything. But hire a hacker. I feel sorry for the poor devil... Only wish they advertised.

  11. #5232

    Some help, please


    A treasured baby of mine has been the victim, apparently, of a malicious internet post, and I would like to help her resolve it if I could. In truth, I don't know if the allegations are true or not, but the poster(s) were extremely mean and vitriolic. She has hired a lawyer, but I would appreciate any advice or wisdom anyone could provide. PM me if you would like, but at the moment I am contemplating Hot Revenge. She does not deserve this, even if it is true.

    Chaneling Charles Bronson,


  12. #5231

    Bit of a dilemma here!

    I've been mongering for many years, and following the thread here I decided to get an account at SA. I just use it like a wishbook. Haven't sprung for a paid membership and just like to see what's available.

    Imagine my surprise earlier this week when a former student showed up on the sugarbaby list! She's 18 and pretty cute. She said in her ad that she heard about the site from a friend. Scrolling down the list a bit more. Another former student! This one is 19 and thin. From what I know about the 19 yo, she is really likely to put out. Even if I didn't know them, they'd be tempting. But the fact that they were students, and now are legal age and not my responsibility anymore adds some spice to the equation.

    So the question before the jury is this: Should I risk it? I use a fake-but-close picture, and not my real name (I'm horny, not stupid!) in my ad, so I could remain anonymous up until time for a meet. The risk is that word could get back to current students, which would be super bad. But then, they would have to explain their side of it, too. Even if I had never met them before, they would be tempting, but the extra thrill really makes me want to at least see where it could go.


  13. #5230
    Haven't checked in lately because there hasn't been much news. I was out of town for a week over the holiday, tried my hand at finding a travel SB with no luck.

    On the home front I continue to see my little wasp princess once or twice a week, usually for 4-6 hours each visit. She is a sweetheart who is communicative, cuddly, and seems genuinely concerned about me being happy. She has a regular boyfriend that I think she is conflicted about; I think I provide her a much needed escape. The sex is good, not great, but I enjoy the hours we spend together whether in the FC, out at dinner, or watching a movie. I'll be keeping her around as long as she likes, at 500 month, she's a bargain.

    Cuban spice was radio silent for a while and then texted to set up a get together. She mentioned she would need some sugar this visit (there was none on our first visit to the FC) and I said of course. She said that she would like $$ per visit and I told her I was sorry, but $ was my budget. She said she understood, and then I didn't hear from her for a few days. I assumed she was lost, and then she began texting me again, just to say Hello,. I responded quickly to all her texts, asking about things going on in her life but not mentioning getting together or sugar again. Ultimately she let me know she would like to see me, so we set it up. Upon arrival she was very sweet, and we had a great afternoon session, then a late lunch. I gave her $, she seemed fine, and we agreed to get together again this weekend. I think she is probably more booty call girl than regular, but I plan to hit it a few times more in the next week or so and see where it goes.

    My regular booty call girl (she's really UTR) had been mad at me a while back but we patched up right before she went out of town. She's a sweet girl but maybe not the sharpest in the world. While I say she is UTR, she always spends several hours with me or stays over, we have a few glasses of wine, and she let's me do pretty much anything I can think of. We had been texting for a while after our little spat and finally I had her over right before I went out of town. A former president is reputed to have said he wasn't done with a woman until he had had her three ways; that night I checked the last box for my booty call. She's been texting me again this week, I will need to service her again soon to maintain diplomatic relations.

    I have 3-4 of pot's that I've been texting, but haven't been on a M&G lately. I hope to set up a couple this week. I'm particularly hopeful about a 25 yo divorced latina who I would rate 9/9/8/ She really sounds like a true first timer, although she has the dreaded "friend who does this and encouraged me to give it a try". Stay tuned.

    For the holidays I'm thinking spa gift certificates for the wasp for sure, maybe for the cubana as well. What do some of you guys do for Christmas?

    While things were a little slower this month, life is still very good.

  14. #5229
    Quote Originally Posted by Showtime2020  [View Original Post]
    I realized today that I need to pace myself I'm hunting down too many prospects instead of cultivating the seeds I've already sewn. Yesterday I got a reply from a true 10 in my book, a 24 yr old nursing student with an amazing body, at least in pictures. We negotiated by text $ per week and I would come to her place twice a week. The beauty of the situation is that she lives 5 blocks away from my job so it's super convenient. I was trying to confirm the M&G and she stopped texting oh well, just lost her I thought. Fast forward to today and I'm texting with this 18 yr old prospect we negotiate terms and Set up the M&G for the following day, she then asks me to pick her up from a local HIGH SCHOOL. At that point I'm having flashbacks of To Catch a Predator and I'm like no way. Then I get another text from the 10 and she wants to meet, I accedently send the message meant for the 18 yr old to the 24 yr old. The message wasn't bad it just said that she is too young and that I can't do it. I also sent one to the 10 saying the message wasn't supposed to go to her but I haven't heard from her since.

    If we still have the meet and great then she understands the program. If not oh well, I have far too many babes in the bowl right now. Just goes to show that taking my time would of saved me from some potential embarrassment.
    I had also learned the hard way to double check who I am texting what to BEFORE I press send. Your cutting loose the 18 y / o is understandable. I hope you hear back from the 24 y / o. Sounds like a great find. If not, be patient. There are more where she came from. Like you said, cutlivate the seeds that are planted instead of planting more. Sometimes we get so much going on that we don't pay proper attention to the true prospects.

    Good luck.

  15. #5228

    Trying to do too much!

    I realized today that I need to pace myself I'm hunting down too many prospects instead of cultivating the seeds I've already sewn. Yesterday I got a reply from a true 10 in my book, a 24 yr old nursing student with an amazing body, at least in pictures. We negotiated by text $ per week and I would come to her place twice a week. The beauty of the situation is that she lives 5 blocks away from my job so it's super convenient. I was trying to confirm the M&G and she stopped texting oh well, just lost her I thought. Fast forward to today and I'm texting with this 18 yr old prospect we negotiate terms and Set up the M&G for the following day, she then asks me to pick her up from a local HIGH SCHOOL. At that point I'm having flashbacks of To Catch a Predator and I'm like no way. Then I get another text from the 10 and she wants to meet, I accedently send the message meant for the 18 yr old to the 24 yr old. The message wasn't bad it just said that she is too young and that I can't do it. I also sent one to the 10 saying the message wasn't supposed to go to her but I haven't heard from her since.

    If we still have the meet and great then she understands the program. If not oh well, I have far too many babes in the bowl right now. Just goes to show that taking my time would of saved me from some potential embarrassment.

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