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This blog is moderated by Literal2
  1. #1718

    Room for all

    Quote Originally Posted by Literal2  [View Original Post]
    I'm unlikely to stop saying things she doesn't like.
    To start with, the only thing you said that I didn't like was the obvious personal attack at me. While I'll openly admit I think your tactics are those of a cheap jerk and not of a true SD, its what you and others like and that's just fine with me. I may disagree when your tone comes across as "this is the only way" and will jump in and say as much, but I'm just trying to present the full range of this world.

    Your descriptive stories and vulgar comments don't bother me in the least. Given my stent as a sub, bi experiences, the time I've played in the swing world and everything else I've enjoyed sexually, I promise you can't possibly offend me. The only thing I've done here is try to help the guys who want to enjoy a longer-term situation get that. And, I'm perfectly fine with the fact that arrangement isn't for everyone. Maybe you should open up your narrow mind and realize there are a variety of opinions and experiences and they are all valid here.

    I would like to point out that the tone of the thread changed well before I got here. There were a number of guys involved with or seeking an ATF when I first read through the pages. And, I was actually very hesitant about posting but was encouraged to do so and have been thanked by many guys for the advice I've given. That's why so many guys jumped in to defend me. It wasn't because I'm a "girl" but rather because my advice has helped them get what they were looking for. I'm sure if you had attacked Scott or Nando for their "romantic" tones, you would have gotten the same response from the group.

    Again, you need to deal with the fact that the tone of the community has changed to be an all inclusive one and stop the personal attack at me. There doesn't need to be a "Mandy thread" just tolerance for what everyone has to share. Post and say what you want, I haven't shared this group with my SB friends. That was a promise I made when the guys invited me to post. So it's not like there are a ton of girls here reading this stuff. It's just me and if you'd gotten to know me instead of attacking me you'd realize that I probably am the only girl you'd ever want at a poker table 'cause my stories are just as bad as yours!

    I'll extend the olive branch to end this. What I don't want to see is that because of you and I going back and forth it turns guys away from reading and participating in the thread. That would be counterproductive from all sides. As long as the attacks stay gone, I think there is room for all opinions. If you don't agree then maybe you should go start another thread because you're clearly in the minority at this point.


  2. #1717

    Thread Change?

    Well, well. I must say I'm not surprised that when a girl comes into the room the boys start to argue about her.

    I'm on the road and don't really have time to deal with this right now but I'll give you a few comments to chew on.

    Yes, I saw the thread has changed from when I started it and I would rather see it resume its former course. I like "random fuck stories" if you will.

    To my mind, a lot of the new discussions have taken on a frilly, girly, romance-advisory tone more appropriate for a sugarbaby's blog than a mens' sex forum.

    As I've said before, I don't need or want to be king of the board or barn boss. I would however like to have a place to discuss random fuck stories about sugarbabes plus other fun and vulgar aspects of male-female relationships that arise in the non-pro or semi-pro context. I prefer not to have to deal with a female's comentary in these discussions, just like I prefer not to play poker or play basketball with females.

    So maybe somebody should go talk start a new thread if they are unhappy. I'm unlikely to stop saying things she doesn't like. Why not start "Mandy's Thread" and you fellas can all go have these love-lorn and sensitive discussions over there. I'm not trying to kick you off my thread. Keep chatting as much as you like.

  3. #1716

    Wow, just wow

    Somehow I just happened upon this section of the site. I am upset it took me this long to look deeper. Looks like this may be the way to go to get some good ones who haven't taken 1000 different cocks this year! This also seems a much safer way to get what we want with a lower (somewhat) risk of red bumps on the cock.

    I think I am going to go into this field rather than the old tried and true way. Can some charitable folks give a list of the best sites for this area? Are there any free ones for sds? I read a few pages and spent a good amount of time and haven't seen too many specifics besides being a good one. I feel like reading the 100 plus pages tonight as this seems an exciting new opportunity and lots of interesting stories. But alas, it's almost daylight out. Any kind fellows with success in this field willing to share some good tips or stories? Feel free to pm me. I'll be dreaming of the plans to start on here, and it probably won't be the dry kind!

  4. #1715

    A new sub group

    I am going to bring to the floor a proposition to make a new sub group " the cheapest way to get sex pretending to care / be a sugar daddy or bag them and tag them cheaply"

    I have had sugar babies who just wanted the experience, they wanted an exposure to. How can I have sex for longer than the 6 seconds, I am used to of the college boys. Does that make me cheap. Not in my eyes, I paid in "educating her to to make it last like the energizer bunny"

    So lets stop bitching, if you feel you can prove your manhood, by sharing how cheap you can get away, go ahead.

    If I wanted cheap I always flew in an east european for a week or month, on a coach ticket.

    Just my 2 Euro cents

  5. #1714


    Quote Originally Posted by Chiguy606  [View Original Post]
    I am now a full fledged member of the SD community, and it wound up being fulfilling in every way even (surprisingly) on a non-sexual level.
    It sounds like you are going to have a fantastic holiday weekend ande can't wait to hear all about it! Go enjoy your new fun world of being an SD!


  6. #1713

    Why hate?

    Quote Originally Posted by Literal2  [View Original Post]
    This is what I mean by the female point of view. I love women, but imagine listening to this all night.

    Mandy, I don't mean to be cruel. I'll bet you are fantastic in every way and obviously very smart. You are for sure going to be a big success in life. But Sweetie, this is a forum for men who want to have sex with women. We aren't into shoes that much. You and your girlfriends are welcome to read all our comments and go ahead and post if you want to, but you are from Venus and we are from Mars.

    I don't know what's up with the haters! Maybe they have pussy envy? You got it and they don't. Just because they are a plank owner does not mean they have a right to determine who becomes a member of the crew. Nor do they get to evaluate the value of the crew members contribution.

    Girl, you be rollin large up in dis bytch. I for one have been inspired by your story. It represents a look into what is socially possible. It represents an expansion of the narrow social views so many posess. Not everyone wants to roll caveman style. Ignore the knukle dragers in the fourm. Some of us don't mind cleaning up and becoming more civilized.

    Money is a blunt instument. If that's all they got, then they gots to roll with it. But some us got game! It is another form of currency. Social interaction is a part of ALL human interactions. Having knowledge and insight into the female psyche is important. It helps me get an all access pass into her orifices and that constitutes valuable information. So, if being thoughtful increases my chances of high quality semen release, by all means tell me about the shoes!

    It's intel that allows the Cmdr to properly target my WPAD. Lt. Cmdr Mandy you are one of my best intelligence officers. I welcome and appreciate your reports.

    The haters better recognize when the Big Brain girl is In the house. Cause if you step to her wrong you going to get the intellectual WWF beat down of your life. I am going to be on my feet, ringside, cheering her on. Holla!

    SubCmdr out

  7. #1712
    Quote Originally Posted by SbabyBlog  [View Original Post]
    I think there's plenty of space on here to share experiences and talk about the sugar world that we enjoy. You and I are clearly on opposite ends of the spectrum so we will disagree on experiences, tactics, and information being shared. That's just how it's going to be. I'm not going anywhere, nor will my writing change. I've received a number of encouraging PMs since your post so clearly some of the guys like my writing. Deal with it.


    Literal, you are indeed correct that the other 1/2 of this arrangement indeed operates on a conscious plane that is far removed from what the male recognizes as "reality". However vise versa is also true.

    I welcome Mandy's insights into the opposite sex and other side of this equation. As I have long since given up hope of understanding it on my own. Any help is always welcomed.

    Changing topics for a bit but I HAVE NEWS! I cannot elaborate on it because.

    A) I do not have much time right now, and.

    B) The weekend has just begun and is HARDLY over yet.

    I will just leave you with a tidbit that something came up yesterday COMPLETELY out of left field and I am very very happy about it. I am now a full fledged member of the SD community, and it wound up being fulfilling in every way even (surprisingly) on a non-sexual level. What a rush. I will compose a play by play at a later day.

    Stay safe everyone, and be nice.

  8. #1711

    Find Someone Else to Bully

    Quote Originally Posted by Literal2  [View Original Post]
    but imagine listening to this all night.
    Literal, I've contemplated about responding to this or not but I decided sure I'll cave and take the school yard bully up on his fight. Here's the thing, while yes I wrote that memories took me shoe shopping I did so just to share an example of the presents my SD provides for me. Which is something that MANY of the guys here have asked me about. I'm glad that you were able to see the comment for what it was on the surface. Next time, read a little deeper.

    The point was simply that in addition to my allowance and unprompted by my asking he volunteered to take me shopping for shoes. While I'm certain this act is appalling in your mind. I mean why would an SD volunteer to spend more than he had to in order to bed me. In my sugar world, this is normal behavior for an SD. The way I write and the information I share (the SB perspective) was immensely welcomed on this board until your return.

    Now, you are right on one thing, I am smart. I've had the opportunity to study online communities at length. If I apply theory here it explains that this community has evolved to a much broader world than you originally intended. It has really become more about being a sugar daddy than it is about guys having sex.

    From the sociological observer point of view it seems you've come back to the board, noticed this transition and want to lash out at me in order to reclaim your throne as ruler. Unfortunately, you picked someone who is just a little to assertive to roll over and say. "oh, your right I'll shut up now." You should come to terms with the fact that what is typical of online communities has happened here. Its norms for behavior have shifted. Your opinion of this world is no longer the primary dominating theme and others are enjoying something completely different than what you want to promulgate as the "sugar lifestyle". While your opinion is still valid and you have vital information to share, your perspective is not the experience that many of the men here are enjoying and seeking to pursue.

    It seems that Nando, Scott, myself, and many others have spoiled your board filled with random fuck stories but you should accept that we are helping other readers find that long term arrangement they're looking for. Again, I know the thought of that is just appalling to you.

    I think there's plenty of space on here to share experiences and talk about the sugar world that we enjoy. You and I are clearly on opposite ends of the spectrum so we will disagree on experiences, tactics, and information being shared. That's just how it's going to be. I'm not going anywhere, nor will my writing change. I've received a number of encouraging PMs since your post so clearly some of the guys like my writing. Deal with it.


  9. #1710

    Where's this coming from?

    Quote Originally Posted by Literal2  [View Original Post]
    This is what I mean by the female point of view. I love women, but imagine listening to this all night.

    Mandy, I don't mean to be cruel. I'll bet you are fantastic in every way and obviously very smart. You are for sure going to be a big success in life. But Sweetie, this is a forum for men who want to have sex with women. We aren't into shoes that much. You and your girlfriends are welcome to read all our comments and go ahead and post if you want to, but you are from Venus and we are from Mars.
    Lit, I think you're out of line with this. It seems like an unprovoked, and unwarranted, cheap shot. Things have changed on this thread since you started it, and I think for the better. Many of the brothers feel that Mandy is a valuable, and valued, contributor, both on the forum and back-channel. You are entitled to your opinion, of course, but this just seems mean-spirited and bullying.


  10. #1709


    Gustav Holst could not have said it better. My smile for the weekend!

    Quote Originally Posted by Literal2  [View Original Post]
    This is what I mean by the female point of view. I love women, but imagine listening to this all night.

    Mandy, I don't mean to be cruel. I'll bet you are fantastic in every way and obviously very smart. You are for sure going to be a big success in life. But Sweetie, this is a forum for men who want to have sex with women. We aren't into shoes that much. You and your girlfriends are welcome to read all our comments and go ahead and post if you want to, but you are from Venus and we are from Mars.

  11. #1708
    Quote Originally Posted by SbabyBlog  [View Original Post]
    Literal - I don't think the need for Money makes someone a Nando 1. Using myself as an example, I'm the furthest thing from it but being in an expensive graduate program has certainly created said need for me.**** Oh! And for an update on a nice surprise last night. Memories took me shoe shopping! His dance lesson was very early in the afternoon **** he goes, "I want to take you shopping and I'm thinking it should be for shoes." *** since moving here I haven't bought any new heels **** I picked out two beige pair perfect for summer*** this was a gift on top of my regular allowance**** Memories has always given me the full allowance up front. **** Time to head to spin class,
    This is what I mean by the female point of view. I love women, but imagine listening to this all night.

    Mandy, I don't mean to be cruel. I'll bet you are fantastic in every way and obviously very smart. You are for sure going to be a big success in life. But Sweetie, this is a forum for men who want to have sex with women. We aren't into shoes that much. You and your girlfriends are welcome to read all our comments and go ahead and post if you want to, but you are from Venus and we are from Mars.

  12. #1707
    Nando, I take it you are unmarried and paying for dates with girls you find on SA. If that's what you are doing, Why not? I see no problem with that. I remember when you came into the thread and explained you had been fucking literally hundreds of women and clearly weren't satisfied. It sounds like you have found happiness dating sugarbabies more or less as you would date any girl.

    Mandy, you have a female's view of these matters which is to be expected. I hope your relationships keep working for you. Personally, I don't believe the relationships you describe are the norm for sbs or that many girls are happy for long being one of several women that their boyfriend is dating or married to. But: I could be wrong, there are thousands upon thousands of men and women looking for each other on the sites and they are all unique.

    As far as attached older men looking for NSA sex with young women goes, the emergence of online sb-sd websites has been a godsend. There's no need to get all tangled up with a girl just because you want to fuck her, and you don't have to deal with the escort services and streetwalkers. Plus you can fuck as many young women as you want. There's a fair number of men on here looking for this kind of opportunity for sex and to share their experiences in how to go about it.

  13. #1706

    More overnights

    As you all have probably gathered from my posts, almost all of my encounters with my SB for over a year have been overnights (ONs) I know most married guys cannot manage that degree of freedom.

    I evolved from an escort / PTP 1 hour at a time lifestyle to a true SD relationship and I love it! The key component is that you have an attraction for your SB beyond climaxing. Those of you who are seeing Nando 1s or borderlines will not want to ON, for fear that your liver might be missing the next AM. I crave the feeling of an IRL relationship and longer term visits are the way to do it. Until you change your mindset and / or get a SB who you actually are fond of you will stay in that escort mentality. Our friend Guy has been brilliantly successful in lining up lower cost SBs. And many want an relationship for less money and lower volume than the going rate. Nothing is wrong with that, we each have our own way to go.

    Literal wisely said " If you get attached to her emotionally, it will undermine your marriage." And therein lies the risk of an IRL- like arrangement. It's easy to feel like it is the real thing.

    Everybody have a great weekend! I have 2 straight days and nights with my SB WooHoo! Nando

  14. #1705
    Quote Originally Posted by Literal2  [View Original Post]
    I realize many innocent young things believe this is the kind of relationship they will get as an SB but GW's point that after 2-3 fucks most of us move on is indeed reality.
    Maybe I just play in a different part of the Sugar world, but this isn't the case with myself or with a number of the SBs I talk to. We've all had a number of longer-term experiences. I don't mean to always contradict you Literal, I just want to ensure that a fair picture of the world is created.

    Yes, it does border on the "real girl friend" scenario and in fact that's how The Doctor (who isn't married) refers to me. But, as long as everyone can keep their brains in check and the lines drawn where necessary then you can enjoy an additional caring relationship that enhances your world.

    Just something to think about,


  15. #1704


    Quote Originally Posted by Literal2  [View Original Post]
    I think most of us expect most sessions to be more like the one you had with your sb2, a few hours at most.
    Hum, I actually hate the just a few hours thing. That combined with the P2P and it really did just come too close to being an escort for me. I was spoiled in the beginning though with my first SD who would would visit my area for 2-3 nights at a time. I would stay with him the entire time he was in town and it was amazingly fantastic.

    With Memories it was very clear that an overnight was expected since he stays downtown a couple of times each week. I spend one night a week with him and on other nights his different playthings visit. I do know I'm the only one he sees on a weekly basis.

    Then, with The Doctor, I travel to another state to visit him so I am there at least one if not two nights. Speaking of which I just got my plane ticket to go visit next weekend and I'm very excited!

    Again, I think this is one of those things that requires you to know your goal from this world. If it's a random couple of times hook-up, just a few hours works. If you want something more. Eventually an overnight is in your future and it's something you'll very much be looking forward to by the time it comes.


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