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Thread: Prices

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  1. #66

    Drug money post

    I'd like to say it's a very cynical way to look at it, but you actually may be onto something.

  2. #65


    We don't set the price, the SW sets the price. We may try to bargain and get a better deal but they have their mind set one a certain price and if they don't get that price or some where near that price then that gives them an excuse to offer less service and then we receive what I like to call a "poor-mans quickie", and if you are not a premature ejaculator then you will not get your money worth.

    "We are just afraid to piss off a women we will probably never see again"

    That's not true, if you know the streets and the rules of the streets then you will know that its not about fear but about reaching middle ground, different areas also define the prices set by the SW, most of the SW are out there for one reason, drug money. There may be a few that are out there to try to get important things that they need to get by in this weak economy but most of them are only there to get their drug fix. The price of the drugs varies from one area to the next and this is what the SW's use to set their prices, the idea is the less they have to "work" to get their fix the better. So what they do is they will set their prices higher than the cost of the drugs and this does 2 things: 1. If they get full price then they get what they want then some. 2. If they can't get the asking price then you will probably be trying to cut the price in half for your benefit but she will go back up a little just to make sure she has enough for her fix, this is that middle I mentioned earlier.

    You are probably wondering "well then why didn't they just tell me that price from the start?" remember, they want their fix and they don't want to have to be out there longer than they have to. This is not the 70s. 80s, or early 90s anymore, lots of things have changed since then and they can't stay out there as long as they used to.

    The reason is mainly law enforcement, the longer they are out there the more chances for them to get caught by uncle leo. And unlike back then, these SW are freelancers now and there are no pimps involved like it used to be so the women make their own decisions and set their own prices, they figure if they set the price higher then the drugs that they buy, then they have all bases covered. Now if you drop below their set minimum then that's when the shit starts to hit the fan.

    Its like this, say you see a SW and pick her up and she quote you 60$ then you say hell no and quote back 20$, then she counters with 40$ then you quote her 30$ and she accepts. So what just happened. Ok here is the trick, lets say that the drugs she buys cost about 30$, her mind is set at 30$ but she knows that there will be bargain shoppers out there that will haggle for a lower price, so she sets her price higher than 30$ so that if you haggle the price down to her set minimum she can then agree knowing that she will get her fix, and you leave thinking you bargained the best deal so you are happy and so is she so everybody wins. But if she set her price at 30$ from the start then she might have only gotten half of that price and that means she has to "work" another "shift" to make enough for her fix, remember she's not trying to stay out too long so she hopes that her first customer will be her last customer for the day, besides do you really want to receive a "poor-mans quickie"?

    Its easy to tell what her set minimum is, that's the price she stops at, and if she won't budge from that price then you will have a good idea of what she's paying for drugs.

    So we the mongers don't set the price, the drug dealers set the price, and the SWs make us think that we are getting a deal when that was the asking price all along.

  3. #64

    We Johns set the price

    If I haggle with the ladies a little I can usually get them to drop their price from 10-30 bucks. You are already there, you got the cash, she wants/needs the cash, you can walk and find another. We hold all the cards. We are just afraid to piss off a women we will probably never see again.

  4. #63


    I've found that pricing can really depend on your attitude and how you present. Also, treating the girls well helps a lot too.

    I had a regular that called me up once when I hadn't seen her for a while, she asked and I told her basically it was cause I didn't have the cash to throw around.

    She called me the next day and said she'd go way lower (like a 1/3 what she normally got). After that I never paid the full asking price, but I went back to her a lot. And why not, she was a great lay in a decent apartment in a nice area (nothing skeezy).

  5. #62

    Kristof committed a crime

    Purchasing a girl, however well intentioned is Trafficking, quite illegal in Cambodia.

    He is an idiot to write this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Horndog132

    Kristof: Striking the brothels' bottom line

    Last updated January 13, 2009 10:34 a.m. PT


    POIPET, Cambodia -- In trying to figure out how we can defeat sex trafficking, a starting point is to think like a brothel owner.

    My guide to that has been Sok Khorn, an amiable middle-aged woman who is a longtime brothel owner here in the wild Cambodian town of Poipet. I met her five years ago when she sold me a teenager, Srey Mom, for $203 and then blithely wrote me a receipt confirming that the girl was now my property. At another brothel nearby, I purchased another imprisoned teenager for $150.

    Astonished that in the 21st century I had bought two human beings, I took them back to their villages and worked with a local aid group to help them start small businesses. I've remained close to them over the years, but the results were mixed.

    The second girl did wonderfully, learning hairdressing and marrying a terrific man. But Srey Mom, it turned out, was addicted to methamphetamine and fled back to the brothel world to feed her craving.

    I just returned again to Khorn's brothel to interview her, and found something remarkable. It had gone broke and closed, like many of the brothels in Poipet. One lesson is that the business model is more vulnerable than it looks. There are ways we can make enslaving girls more risky and less profitable, so that traffickers give up in disgust.

    For years, Khorn had been grumbling to me about the brothel -- the low margins, the seven-day schedule, difficult customers, grasping policemen and scorn from the community. There was also a personal toll, for her husband had sex with the girls, infuriating her, and the couple eventually divorced bitterly. Khorn was also troubled that her youngest daughter, now 13, was growing up surrounded by drunken, leering men.

    Then in the last year, the brothel business became even more challenging amid rising pressure from aid groups, journalists and the U.S. State Department's trafficking office. The office issued reports shaming Cambodian leaders and threatened sanctions if they did nothing.

    Many of the brothels are owned by the police, which complicates matters, but eventually authorities in Cambodia were pressured enough that they ordered a partial crackdown.

    "They didn't tell me to close down exactly," said another Poipet brothel owner whom I've also interviewed periodically. "But they said I should keep the front door closed."

    About half the brothels in Poipet seem to have gone out of business in the last couple of years. After Khorn's brothel closed, her daughter-in-law took four of the prostitutes to staff a new brothel, but it's doing poorly, and she is thinking of starting a rice shop instead. "A store would be more profitable," grumbled the daughter-in-law, Sav Channa.

    "The police come almost every day, asking for $5," she said. "Any time a policeman gets drunk, he comes and asks for money. ... Sometimes I just close up and pretend that this isn't a brothel. I say that we're all sisters."

    Channa, who does not seem to be imprisoning anyone against her will, readily acknowledged that some other brothels in Poipet torture girls, enslave them and occasionally beat them to death. She complained that their cruelty gives them a competitive advantage.

    But brutality has its own drawbacks as a business model, particularly during a crackdown, pimps say. Brothels that imprison and torture girls have to pay for 24-hour guards, and they lose business because they can't allow customers to take girls out to hotel rooms. Moreover, the Cambodian government has begun prosecuting the most abusive traffickers.

    "One brothel owner here was actually arrested," complained another owner in Poipet, indignantly. "After that, I was so scared, I closed the brothel for a while."

    To be sure, a new brothel district has opened up on the edge of Poipet -- in the guise of "karaoke lounges" employing teenage girls. One of the Mama-sans there offered that while she didn't have a young virgin girl in stock, she could get me one.

    Virgin sales are the profit center for many brothels in Asia (partly because they stitch girls up and resell them as virgins several times over), and thus these sales are their economic vulnerability as well. If we want to undermine sex trafficking, the best way is to pressure governments like Cambodia's to organize sting operations and arrest both buyers and sellers of virgin girls. Cambodia has shown it is willing to take at least some action, and that is one that would strike at the heart of the business model.

    Sexual slavery is like any other business: Raise the operating costs, create a risk of jail, and the human traffickers will quite sensibly shift to some other trade. If the Obama administration treats 21st-century slavery as a top priority, we can push many of the traffickers to quit in disgust and switch to stealing motorcycles instead.

    Nicholas D. Kristof is a columnist for the New York Times. Copyright 2009 New York Times News Service.

  6. #61

    Annaica's pictures

    Please enjoying viewing these pics.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails pho_show-1.jpg‎   pho_show-2.jpg‎   pho_show-3.jpg‎   pho_show.jpg‎  

  7. #60

    Sex workers feeling the pinch too

    Here is a link showing some price drop in Toronto Canada.

    Stay safe people

  8. #59

    Kristof: Striking the brothels' bottom line


    Kristof: Striking the brothels' bottom line

    Last updated January 13, 2009 10:34 a.m. PT


    POIPET, Cambodia -- In trying to figure out how we can defeat sex trafficking, a starting point is to think like a brothel owner.

    My guide to that has been Sok Khorn, an amiable middle-aged woman who is a longtime brothel owner here in the wild Cambodian town of Poipet. I met her five years ago when she sold me a teenager, Srey Mom, for $203 and then blithely wrote me a receipt confirming that the girl was now my property. At another brothel nearby, I purchased another imprisoned teenager for $150.

    Astonished that in the 21st century I had bought two human beings, I took them back to their villages and worked with a local aid group to help them start small businesses. I've remained close to them over the years, but the results were mixed.

    The second girl did wonderfully, learning hairdressing and marrying a terrific man. But Srey Mom, it turned out, was addicted to methamphetamine and fled back to the brothel world to feed her craving.

    I just returned again to Khorn's brothel to interview her, and found something remarkable. It had gone broke and closed, like many of the brothels in Poipet. One lesson is that the business model is more vulnerable than it looks. There are ways we can make enslaving girls more risky and less profitable, so that traffickers give up in disgust.

    For years, Khorn had been grumbling to me about the brothel -- the low margins, the seven-day schedule, difficult customers, grasping policemen and scorn from the community. There was also a personal toll, for her husband had sex with the girls, infuriating her, and the couple eventually divorced bitterly. Khorn was also troubled that her youngest daughter, now 13, was growing up surrounded by drunken, leering men.

    Then in the last year, the brothel business became even more challenging amid rising pressure from aid groups, journalists and the U.S. State Department's trafficking office. The office issued reports shaming Cambodian leaders and threatened sanctions if they did nothing.

    Many of the brothels are owned by the police, which complicates matters, but eventually authorities in Cambodia were pressured enough that they ordered a partial crackdown.

    "They didn't tell me to close down exactly," said another Poipet brothel owner whom I've also interviewed periodically. "But they said I should keep the front door closed."

    About half the brothels in Poipet seem to have gone out of business in the last couple of years. After Khorn's brothel closed, her daughter-in-law took four of the prostitutes to staff a new brothel, but it's doing poorly, and she is thinking of starting a rice shop instead. "A store would be more profitable," grumbled the daughter-in-law, Sav Channa.

    "The police come almost every day, asking for $5," she said. "Any time a policeman gets drunk, he comes and asks for money. ... Sometimes I just close up and pretend that this isn't a brothel. I say that we're all sisters."

    Channa, who does not seem to be imprisoning anyone against her will, readily acknowledged that some other brothels in Poipet torture girls, enslave them and occasionally beat them to death. She complained that their cruelty gives them a competitive advantage.

    But brutality has its own drawbacks as a business model, particularly during a crackdown, pimps say. Brothels that imprison and torture girls have to pay for 24-hour guards, and they lose business because they can't allow customers to take girls out to hotel rooms. Moreover, the Cambodian government has begun prosecuting the most abusive traffickers.

    "One brothel owner here was actually arrested," complained another owner in Poipet, indignantly. "After that, I was so scared, I closed the brothel for a while."

    To be sure, a new brothel district has opened up on the edge of Poipet -- in the guise of "karaoke lounges" employing teenage girls. One of the Mama-sans there offered that while she didn't have a young virgin girl in stock, she could get me one.

    Virgin sales are the profit center for many brothels in Asia (partly because they stitch girls up and resell them as virgins several times over), and thus these sales are their economic vulnerability as well. If we want to undermine sex trafficking, the best way is to pressure governments like Cambodia's to organize sting operations and arrest both buyers and sellers of virgin girls. Cambodia has shown it is willing to take at least some action, and that is one that would strike at the heart of the business model.

    Sexual slavery is like any other business: Raise the operating costs, create a risk of jail, and the human traffickers will quite sensibly shift to some other trade. If the Obama administration treats 21st-century slavery as a top priority, we can push many of the traffickers to quit in disgust and switch to stealing motorcycles instead.

    Nicholas D. Kristof is a columnist for the New York Times. Copyright 2009 New York Times News Service.

  9. #58

    I think prices are dropping in detroit

    It seems there are lots of times when there are few customers at the strip club, and the girls are all begging. I don't like to ask for discounts, but its getting to be more and more normal.

  10. #57

    heres a good answer

    This was on the front page of yahoo news

    Quote Originally Posted by Orlando J
    How do you think the economy is affecting prices?

  11. #56

    Is the American Economy Collapsing?

    How do you think the economy is affecting prices?

  12. #55

    faq and stuff

    You might want to take the time to read the FAQ that Jackson set up for the site and us Mongers to read and know what you should and shouldnt do. It gives you some ideas and where to start plus it lets you know what your rights are from the get go.

    Heres the link - you can find it by clicking the Forums link up top.

    Happy Hunting..

    Quote Originally Posted by Okaynow 2001
    Is it illegal just to pick one up?

    Most of the time when they get in the car, I will talk about everything else except sex. A cop wont ride in a car with a stranger. A pro wont say anything until she get out of the area.

    If a cop sees me pick up a pro, and later stops us (assuming no drugs, weapons, etc in the car) what can he do?

  13. #54

    Economy and Gas Prices

    Is the sliding economy and rising gas prices having an impact upon your mongering?

    Read on one board that a local place raised 1hr price $10...just for the entry fee. Wow.

  14. #53

    What can he do?

    Quote Originally Posted by Okaynow 2001
    Is it illegal just to pick one up?

    Most of the time when they get in the car, I will talk about everything else except sex. A cop wont ride in a car with a stranger. A pro wont say anything until she get out of the area.

    If a cop sees me pick up a pro, and later stops us (assuming no drugs, weapons, etc in the car) what can he do?
    You may want to check out the West Virginia Boards. I understand you are not from there, and they are not neccessarily an indication of B-more laws, but I have read that the cops in Charleston are getting way more liberal with what they can pick you up for, for example, if they see you pick up a "known SW" they can charge you. AGain, this does not mean things are the same in Maryland, but you may want to look into it more.

  15. #52

    Picking up a Prostitute

    Is it illegal just to pick one up?

    Most of the time when they get in the car, I will talk about everything else except sex. A cop wont ride in a car with a stranger. A pro wont say anything until she get out of the area.

    If a cop sees me pick up a pro, and later stops us (assuming no drugs, weapons, etc in the car) what can he do?

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