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Thread: Legal Discussions / Raids / Busts

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  1. #189

    That works for me.

    The lack of concern is mutual, BS; as it has been from my standpoint from the beginning.

    As for the My1501 case itself (which is where this began, as I recall,) hearings have been continued in the case until 12/19 (for Perry and Liani) and 1/19/12 (for the other defendants.) It is significant that Liani's case is no longer on the same disposition docket as that of the remaining defendants (save Perry.) Watch for developments toward settlement of one or more cases around the time of the December court hearings.

  2. #188

    Solid Info

    Quote Originally Posted by StopTheBS  [View Original Post]
    I had a copy of the report from the stadium. I would guess it was a year or so ago. Nicki / Taylor / Sam was given a citation as well as The Troy. Nicki was fired for offering more than the regular menu then went to work with Jasmine. Troy was released of any wrongdoing due to the lease structure of his building. Undercovers are at these places all the time. As you all are aware FS is not offered at the stadium therefore there is less risk.

    I know exactly who Legal works for and who he is. He is not a concern of mine.
    Solid intel uncle bs. Most is right on point. Keep in mind however, current focus is cause for concern at any location.

    As for Legal, it was never stated that you should have concern for him. I was simply stating that he had never pushed anyone on me, or anyone else that I am aware of. Also stated that he had provided solid and verified intel to both myself and the board.

    Can't we all just get along? (all but maybe the Meat dood and his mrs. Jenna)


  3. #187


    I had a copy of the report from the stadium. I would guess it was a year or so ago. Nicki / Taylor / Sam was given a citation as well as The Troy. Nicki was fired for offering more than the regular menu then went to work with Jasmine. Troy was released of any wrongdoing due to the lease structure of his building. Undercovers are at these places all the time. As you all are aware FS is not offered at the stadium therefore there is less risk.

    I know exactly who Legal works for and who he is. He is not a concern of mine.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheSportScout  [View Original Post]
    No one is asking you to reveal your sources uncle bs. But you offer nothing with your post.

    When was le at the stadium? Who got fired? What was she fired for? If you are one of us, then share useful information. Sharing information and not backing it up with facts does no good for anyone.

    As far as Legal, he can fight his own battles. But I will say that he and I have had many conversations and he has NEVER suggested I see a particular provider. On the other hand, he has provided intel to me that has checked out and had been verified with my sources. But take it for what it is worth because I won't reveal my sources. I am sure you understand that.


  4. #186

    Not an advocate, BS.

    Quote Originally Posted by StopTheBS  [View Original Post]
    Again I'm not revealing my sources but I assure you they are better than yours. I agree with Legal on some things. Troy has tried to manipulate this board just like Meat / Jenna does. But I also know that Legal has a similar motive in trying to get business for certain escorts. Just as he said the hammer was falling in September but that didn't happen, hes still trying to put fear there. Why not just let it be McGee? Got that from a song.

    Le has been at the stadium and nothing came of it but the firing of one girl.
    You only know what you have been told, BS, and the accuracy of that information depends wholly upon the veracity of the person providing it. I am not debating with you; I simply disagree and have stated the basis for my disagreement. Differing opinions will remain a fact between us, BS.

    As to motives, it would be easy to dismiss warnings of risk by fabricating a motive for the messenger, BS. I am not working on behalf of any provider other than the client I noted previously for the reasons I noted previously. I can and will share my preferences regarding providers when asked to do so, and generally only do so privately (for obvious reasons.) You may want to remind yourself that I did not enter this board recommending any provider to anyone. I began by asking questions and continued by sharing the information I came across. You can Rube Goldberg this into a "motive to help certain escorts" if it pleases you, but you will not be surprised by my disagreement with you on yet another point.

    I am, of course, continuing to share information about which provider or group of providers pose risks to the mongers, BS. You can deny associations among many of these studios, but that is simply a difference of opinion. In sharing information, I have also received information from other mongers in exchange which has helped me dodge a few landmines recently and for that I am appreciative. If you choose to disbelieve my information or that of anyone else, that is your right. Ignoring information is not the same as the information being inaccurate, BS.

    Do yourself a favor and review the history on the investigations that have taken place both in Jefferson County and other jurisdictions, BS. You will understand that what I have stated about the duration of these investigations prior to actual raids is accurate. The point is to share the information and leave it to the good judgment of the mongers in deciding if or how to use it. Again, I am giving you the warning when it counts: In advance. You can attach whatever motive makes you comfortable to this fact.

  5. #185

    Go on Uncle BS

    Quote Originally Posted by StopTheBS  [View Original Post]
    Again I'm not revealing my sources but I assure you they are better than yours. I agree with Legal on some things. Troy has tried to manipulate this board just like Meat / Jenna does. But I also know that Legal has a similar motive in trying to get business for certain escorts. Just as he said the hammer was falling in September but that didn't happen, hes still trying to put fear there. Why not just let it be McGee? Got that from a song.

    Le has been at the stadium and nothing came of it but the firing of one girl.
    No one is asking you to reveal your sources uncle bs. But you offer nothing with your post.

    When was le at the stadium? Who got fired? What was she fired for? If you are one of us, then share useful information. Sharing information and not backing it up with facts does no good for anyone.

    As far as Legal, he can fight his own battles. But I will say that he and I have had many conversations and he has NEVER suggested I see a particular provider. On the other hand, he has provided intel to me that has checked out and had been verified with my sources. But take it for what it is worth because I won't reveal my sources. I am sure you understand that.


  6. #184

    Jenna trying to pull a Troy

    Again I'm not revealing my sources but I assure you they are better than yours. I agree with Legal on some things. Troy has tried to manipulate this board just like Meat / Jenna does. But I also know that Legal has a similar motive in trying to get business for certain escorts. Just as he said the hammer was falling in September but that didn't happen, hes still trying to put fear there. Why not just let it be McGee? Got that from a song.

    Le has been at the stadium and nothing came of it but the firing of one girl.

    Quote Originally Posted by Meatloafer77  [View Original Post]
    Legal may be the smartest mind to post on this site ever! I have seen the train come in many times and it is never a good thing for Owners or Landlords unless you have that paper on a wall, in a frame or in our previous case, the file cabinet. Smart money will listen to Legal and get the hell off of the Radar. Stop disputing him and start listening. Too many "THINK" they know the nuts and bolts of this business. They are wrong!


  7. #183


    Quote Originally Posted by Legal Eagle  [View Original Post]
    If anyone is attempting to suggest he knows more than he does, BS, it is you. I have asked you rather specific questions which you have chosen to ignore, as is your right. That does not mean the questions are invalid.

    Here is my dilemma, BS. Perhaps you will deign to respond to these queries:

    1. You stated that you received your information directly from owners and the providers working for them. Do you agree that "Troy" has manipulated this board through multiple board handles and attacks on his fellow owners and their providers?

    2. You stated that Brittany provided you information about SS and the difficulties she faced. You now state she has lied to you about her background. Why do you insist that her information about SS is accurate notwithstanding what you have learn about her and about SS's public record history?

    3. You defended providers working for Troy, the stadium and My1501. Do you agree that these operations have increased the risk to all mongers in this area?

    What I have stated about The Troy is based on his conduct on this board. What I have stated about My1501 is an echo of statements made by seniors on this board long before my first appearance. What I have stated about the relationship between the two organizations and the increased risk attached to them is borne out by arrest and citation histories and other connections identified by other board members.

    When I tell you that the hammer is about to drop, I am telling you in advance what is coming. It is easy to sit back and comment on what has already occurred and say "I told you so." Only one senior board member (as I understand the history of this board) can categorically say "I told you so" with any credibility as regards My1501 and congratulate himself on saying this well in advance of what occurred with their operation (and what is no doubt about to occur again.) I am telling you in advance what I know to be a fact and have explained multiple times why I know this to be true, BS. You have a right to disagree, but this does not mean the information is inaccurate. People loved getting their gas at Exxon stations before the Valdez, loved getting food at McDonalds before learning that it promotes heart failure and loved My1501 until it was raided. The best professional boxers learn to avoid punches rather than taking them. Stick and move is an apt analogy.

    Recall that it is never a raid until it is a raid, BS. These operations are carefully planned and preparations are made long before they are executed. My1501 managed to collect at least 400 names prior to the raid of their operation. The intelligent person steps off the rail when they learn the train is approaching, BS. Only a fool waits until they see a badge before they realize that the police are paying attention. Saying that the information about the number being up on the stadium is wrong because no raid has occurred is akin to saying that war is not dangerous because you haven't been shot yet. Timothy Treadwell was correct about Alaskan Kodiak bears every time until the time he was wrong. Think about it.

    Believe it or not, accept it or reject it as you please. You appear on this board intermittently and repeatedly to offer up your association with ostensible "owners" and their providers in a misguided attempt to create the appearance that you are somehow connected with inside information. In the next breath you offer up that at least one of the "owners" misled you. What, if anything, does this indicate to you about the reliability of your supposed sources?

    The train is, in fact, coming. I will, in your case in particular, be the first to say "I told you so."
    Legal may be the smartest mind to post on this site ever! I have seen the train come in many times and it is never a good thing for Owners or Landlords unless you have that paper on a wall, in a frame or in our previous case, the file cabinet. Smart money will listen to Legal and get the hell off of the Radar. Stop disputing him and start listening. Too many "THINK" they know the nuts and bolts of this business. They are wrong!


  8. #182
    Quote Originally Posted by StopTheBS  [View Original Post]
    Legal is accusing me of being that slime he refers to as The Troy. You guys can believe him and I'm not giving my sources up on here, but the truth will come out and you will see that Legal is trying to show off and make people believe something he has no clue about.
    If anyone is attempting to suggest he knows more than he does, BS, it is you. I have asked you rather specific questions which you have chosen to ignore, as is your right. That does not mean the questions are invalid.

    Here is my dilemma, BS. Perhaps you will deign to respond to these queries:

    1. You stated that you received your information directly from owners and the providers working for them. Do you agree that "Troy" has manipulated this board through multiple board handles and attacks on his fellow owners and their providers?

    2. You stated that Brittany provided you information about SS and the difficulties she faced. You now state she has lied to you about her background. Why do you insist that her information about SS is accurate notwithstanding what you have learn about her and about SS's public record history?

    3. You defended providers working for Troy, the stadium and My1501. Do you agree that these operations have increased the risk to all mongers in this area?

    What I have stated about The Troy is based on his conduct on this board. What I have stated about My1501 is an echo of statements made by seniors on this board long before my first appearance. What I have stated about the relationship between the two organizations and the increased risk attached to them is borne out by arrest and citation histories and other connections identified by other board members.

    When I tell you that the hammer is about to drop, I am telling you in advance what is coming. It is easy to sit back and comment on what has already occurred and say "I told you so." Only one senior board member (as I understand the history of this board) can categorically say "I told you so" with any credibility as regards My1501 and congratulate himself on saying this well in advance of what occurred with their operation (and what is no doubt about to occur again.) I am telling you in advance what I know to be a fact and have explained multiple times why I know this to be true, BS. You have a right to disagree, but this does not mean the information is inaccurate. People loved getting their gas at Exxon stations before the Valdez, loved getting food at McDonalds before learning that it promotes heart failure and loved My1501 until it was raided. The best professional boxers learn to avoid punches rather than taking them. Stick and move is an apt analogy.

    Recall that it is never a raid until it is a raid, BS. These operations are carefully planned and preparations are made long before they are executed. My1501 managed to collect at least 400 names prior to the raid of their operation. The intelligent person steps off the rail when they learn the train is approaching, BS. Only a fool waits until they see a badge before they realize that the police are paying attention. Saying that the information about the number being up on the stadium is wrong because no raid has occurred is akin to saying that war is not dangerous because you haven't been shot yet. Timothy Treadwell was correct about Alaskan Kodiak bears every time until the time he was wrong. Think about it.

    Believe it or not, accept it or reject it as you please. You appear on this board intermittently and repeatedly to offer up your association with ostensible "owners" and their providers in a misguided attempt to create the appearance that you are somehow connected with inside information. In the next breath you offer up that at least one of the "owners" misled you. What, if anything, does this indicate to you about the reliability of your supposed sources?

    The train is, in fact, coming. I will, in your case in particular, be the first to say "I told you so."

  9. #181

    It is personal

    Legal is accusing me of being that slime he refers to as The Troy. You guys can believe him and I'm not giving my sources up on here, but the truth will come out and you will see that Legal is trying to show off and make people believe something he has no clue about.

    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Z  [View Original Post]
    That was some funny shit LOL. Whats up with Stopthebs? Its like this shit is personal. Dude. That was some WWE smackdown shit!

  10. #180
    Quote Originally Posted by Varoom  [View Original Post]
    Legal Eagle. Your last post was a freakin masterpiece. But, there has been no funnier line written on the board than this one. I just about lost it laughing at your retort to his assertion that you are not a lawyer. That was priceless.
    Always happy to spread sunshine and joy, Varoom (LOL.)

  11. #179

    A question of legalities since everyone here seems to be well versed

    The photo posts regarding the fellas taking pictures of women, presumably SWs and posting them here in this forum against their knowledge and certainly with no written consent. It would seem to me that this would violate some civil liberties, some right to privacy, some laws protecting basic human rights.

    Simply because a woman is out walking on the street and her picture is taken and posted on this website where it then claims ownership of that picture while at the same time offering no protection of said picture I. E. No "no right click and save" such as other responsible adult oriented websites, I personally do not think that's fair to the woman- be her SW or not. Surely there has to be something illegal about this.

    Granted, your opinions are welcome however my local ACLU and books in general I'm sure would give me better insight judging by mongrel law 101. HA!

    3. 14

  12. #178
    Quote Originally Posted by Varoom  [View Original Post]
    Legal Eagle. Your last post was a freakin masterpiece. But, there has been no funnier line written on the board than this one. I just about lost it laughing at your retort to his assertion that you are not a lawyer. That was priceless.
    That was some funny shit LOL. Whats up with Stopthebs? Its like this shit is personal. Dude. That was some WWE smackdown shit!

  13. #177
    Legal Eagle. Your last post was a freakin masterpiece. But, there has been no funnier line written on the board than this one. I just about lost it laughing at your retort to his assertion that you are not a lawyer. That was priceless.

    Quote Originally Posted by Legal Eagle  [View Original Post]
    I am, at the very least, smarter than you.

  14. #176

    The Last Resort of Scoundrels

    Quote Originally Posted by StopTheBS  [View Original Post]
    Ok. So I was wrong about the 2nd owner. You're wrong about everything else and you have not proved anything.
    At least not to you, BS. Nothing short of an outright admission by Ivan would convince you to tell the truth about your association.

    Again 1501 owned the rights to the SS name, not the business.
    Just as the Walton family own the name "Walmart" but not the business. Perhaps it is sheer coincidence to have two businesses providing the same service in the same city with the same name. Whatever works for you, SB.

    The Troy and Deleon are not and have not been in business together.
    Just as Brittney has never been a provider, I'm sure.

    Stadium was given a ticket over a year ago but no arrests.
    I said the pimp behind the place has been charged before, BS. You are forgetting that the stadium was not the first of his operations nor is it his only operation. Think carefully before you respond and my meaning should become clear to you.

    If you are a lawyer you are terrible at it.
    I am, at the very least, smarter than you.

    Finally I am NOT Troy. I have offered to prove it but you are too scared to admit that you are wrong.
    I simply do not believe you, BS. You can mistakenly assign whatever emotion makes you comfortable to this fact.

    Agree to meet and I'll give you my sources and prove I am not that jerk.
    Odd coincidence that both you and The Troy insist on a personal meeting. Why is this necessary, BS? Lay your cards on the table here and now. You certainly enjoy a game or two of poker by your own account.

    If not, shut your mouth and stick to trying to convince the providers with not enough brains to figure out that you are stupid.
    I do not take orders from you, BS. As for your insulting the intelligence of the other board members, I will leave it to them to decide what information to accept and which to reject. Perhaps you should do the same.

    So,"C" when you are willing to meet let me know. Until then "C" you can continue your lies to the folks on this board that are dumb enough to believe you. I'm out.
    Again with the meeting, BS. I would rather spend my time with an attractive provider than an overbearing idiot. Whether it be in person, on the telephone, in an airplane or here on this board, you would still be wrong in your assertions.

    I always find it interesting and amusing that those who realize they have lied themselves into a corner resort to insulting the intelligence of those who come to realize they are lied to. In the end, my friend, my information will still be accurate and you will remain a crack monkey. There's a parting shot for you.

    Now go home, sit in the corner with your pointy hat and pout like the spoiled, irritable bastard child you are.

  15. #175

    Legal is a Liar. Period.

    Ok. So I was wrong about the 2nd owner. You're wrong about everything else and you have not proved anything. Again 1501 owned the rights to the SS name, not the business. The Troy and Deleon are not and have not been in business together. Stadium was given a ticket over a year ago but no arrests. If you are a lawyer you are terrible at it.

    Finally I am NOT Troy. I have offered to prove it but you are too scared to admit that you are wrong. Agree to meet and I'll give you my sources and prove I am not that jerk. If not, shut your mouth and stick to trying to convince the providers with not enough brains to figure out that you are stupid. So,"C" when you are willing to meet let me know. Until then "C" you can continue your lies to the folks on this board that are dumb enough to believe you. I'm out.

    Quote Originally Posted by Legal Eagle  [View Original Post]
    Your record for accuracy is not great, BS. You defended "The Troy" only to learn that he has manipulated the board via self-promotion through multiple board handles. You argued the "lack of connection" between he and Deleon only to have evidence of "provider swaps" and shared private information (about My1501's legal contracts and criminal case information) revealed to you. You suggested that My1501 and SS were completely separate entities only to learn that both companies shared joint incorporation dates, principal office address and incorporator identities. You lament the absence of arrests at the stadium while failing to understand or appreciate the length of time that investigations last prior to raids or acknowledging that the same pimp behind the stadium has been busted before (read: you avoided even attempting to answer the question about the length of the My1501 pre-raid investigation.)

    Add to this your latest non-revelation revelation about Brittney (the front-girl for SS that did in fact work previously as a provider and who you now claim "lied to you" for reasons that are as yet unclear) and your statistics drop further yet. As much as I would like to rely on the balance of your information, I think I will stand on my previous statements.

    I do have a question or two of my own if you will allow, BS:

    * Why would Brittney lie to you about being a provider if your entire purpose in visiting SS was to receive their services?

    * If she did lie to you (and I have my doubts about this,) why do you persist in believing anything else she allegedly told you?

    * Why would owners (read: Troy, Ivan and front-girl Brittney) provide you, as a prospective competitor, specific location, safety, personnel and expense information about founding and operating body rub services while attacking (Troy, for certain) other owners and providers surreptitiously here on this board?

    And finally.

    * If your stated goal is to protect the providers being "unfairly hurt" by our colloquy, why would you come here to defend owners whose reckless activities have so clearly placed both providers and mongers in this area in jeopardy through increased law enforcement activity?

    You do realize that their conduct is continuing, correct? Not only through their latest venture, but through the flag-waving regarding a particular provider known to be under law enforcement scrutiny. I would hazard a guess to suggest that favors are quietly being provided certain board seniors in order to boost this provider, unaccompanied by any information regarding the temperature under this provider's feet. There are no coincidences, BS. You are The Troy. You know it, I know it and now everyone knows it. You are here trying to save your business just as you have always done. I did not concern myself with you until you began feeding people bullshit and calling it caviar. I still have no concern for you or your activities other than to make the record clear. Keep your $5k. I have the feeling you will need it more than I.

    If you still insistent on invoking the ostrich defense, you are certainly entitled. I will offer that the predators remain nevertheless. Time will tell which among us is correct. It always does.

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