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  1. #408

    Current SB Status

    I've decided that with my four trips a month, I'm going to try and have a two girl rotation. Right now, that would be CSB8 (41 yr old. 5'6, nurse MILF) and CSB10 (25 yr old. 5'7) if I can get a repeat. I can keep SB9 (28 yr old. 5'2, in Navy) because she's close enough that I won't have to use any of my trips. She's already said she wants to meet again. I've got four others ready to meet (21, 25, 26, and 38 yrs old) and I'm going to try to use them as filler if the designated two can't meet or drop out of the rotation. I know that I'll only be able to keep them pending for so long til they lose interest but as long as it's working with the two, why push it.

    I'd like to point out that this was not the problem I was having 60 days ago. Then I couldn't get a meeting or get a girl to keep a meeting. I give total credit to my change in fortune to the tips that I have got from this thread. In particular the advice from Lit. I have also received advice by PM from members that was very helpful. I still don't post or send a picture, but to my knowledge, this has not been a deal breaker. The description I supply seems to keep that issue at bay. (I am going to look into the close fake pic) The kindlier, gentler, don't-push-the-string approach has worked wonders for me.

    One more thing: they're not cheaper, they may not be better, but that Sugar Baby pussy sure is sweeter!

  2. #407

    AM Tech Advice. Please add to if, you feel I missed something.

    First off, of many of the sites I've been on, it requires the most work and usually the most money per successful conquest. I've had more luck when I've traveled using AM, but not using the traveling man feature. It's important to have a full account.

    1. Make sure to have a pic on the main profile, even if it's not yours.

    2. Have real pics of you inside the keys section. Make sure to include a full body pic, clothe or nude, but do not show your goods and *Do not include a dic-pic. Even though everyone is there for sex, women like to the game to be such to where it's not so bloody obvious.

    3. Read the profile, if it exists. Make sure your email to them includes something from their profile. Also include your email address and your keys.

    4. Be funny and engaging in your first email. Women want a stress free and drama free experience. If you can make them laugh, then you are on you way to some "legs in the air" "funny sound making" hot hotel experiences.

    5. Make sure you have a legitimate profile. I took to time to create a profile in word. Save it and use if for all sites. Modifying of course where necessary.

    6. Unless she has seeking SD on her profile, show true interest in who she is as a person and her likes / dislikes. If she is seeking a SD. Then you don't have to work so hard on impressing her.

    7. Pay attention, take notes if you need to. But make sure if you get a second chance to speak, that you use your notes to drive the conversation or as part of your flirting.

    8. If she is married, always approach every meeting, conversation or phone call from the perspective of helping her keep her privacy.

    9. Make sure to get out the majic words in one way or another, I recommend while in a joke. Example "no my friend, I don't smoke and I don't drink, I'm your typical nice guy, but if you let me, I'll do my best to screw your brains out". (of note. I did not use curse words.)

    10. On AM you are outnumbered, always try to find a way to stand out.

    11. Be responsive, but not stalker type.

    12. Don't speak overt interest too soon. Give her a chance to tell a few stories and laugh some before you say things like."I like you, I think we'll get along well". Even if you don't mean it, it should be in response to her whimsical ramblings.

    13. Finally, all women have insecurities. Make sure to affirm, listen and reaffirm. Make sure to sneak in compliments consistently. Have a mixture of the bold and the subtle. (Subtle Exampe: "I understand that you can get overwhelmed with the amount of emails, but it has to be even more so overwhelming when they can clearly see how pretty you are".

    Another example: I was talking to a MILF of mine and we were trying to figure out the timing for the hotel stay. One of the scenarios required me to leave around 5am. I said "Do you really think I'm going to have the will power to get out of bed with you, with all that you have going on, at 5am in the morning. I'm not leaving until you are". Even she complimented me on that line.

    14. Ok the real last point. Don't forget to make sure she knows your long range (after 1st date) plans are to make her toes curl. Don't forget that the woman wants to have sex too, but she want to think it's her idea, she wants to believe it's going to be good and she wants to hear in subtle ways that you think she is more than fuck worthy.

  3. #406

    Introductions to others.

    We might have a SB interested in meeting some of our friends and not know it (more likely) or we might have friends we think would be interested in her. Each of us is reluctant to bring the subject up.

    I've never gone down this path myself and wouldn't. There's only one way for it to turn out but several ways it could backfire. With women things are unpredictable. The status quo could certainly change in the eyes of someone.

  4. #405

    The Hernando SB categories

    Greetings everyone. I stumbled upon this thread by searching for a potential Russian rip off that was mentioned here (I think the girl is actually real). Anyway, I'm new here, but not new to the SD / SB scene. I have been on and off the SDforme dot com site for 4 years now. I don't bother to search for SBs in strip clubs, AMPs or Craigslist (now Backpage) areas, because these girls are truly either pro, lesbian, addicts, maniacs or plain unapproachable. Too much time for too little gain. These are great for the quick fuck, but nothing more. Having said that, Rhode Island is paradise for AMP or sc fucks.

    Brief opinion on the thread title: amateurs or not? Someone posted the perfect definition and mentioned that the girls sway more or less to either side, which I find very true. I found and have been with numerous pro girls who use these sites to find new regulars (which they prefer over daily new ones) and immediately offer to meet at a fuck chamber with immediate start of "spoiling" (read: well defined donation) but I also found a 22 yo girl who just got on the site by recommendation and we dated exclusively for 6 months (well, almost exclusive on my part, ahem). I broke it off because her immaturity got on my nerves and she lived 150 miles away, killing spontaneity, otherwise this could have been a true LTR.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hernando  [View Original Post]
    I have thoughts about three mentalities of girls re:SB motivation and would be interested in knowing your opinion as well :

    1) Young girls 18-30. Tend to be less personal about sex. The "hook up " mentality we read about that did not exist when I went to college (Damn it!) They are less likely to get emotionally invested and just enjoy fucking on a lark and out of curiosity. More like men. With as many as they can, and therefore are less likely to stick with one partner. ;

    2) middle youth #1-39. Tend to be survival oriented. Usually have kids, and usually fall into my cat. 1 and / or 3.

    And will line up as many SDs as possible for the income; and

    3) MILFs 40 plus. Who frequently want a partner to play with. Usually one at a time-and not always into the money.

    This is sort of a modification of my experience SBs to date.
    I found Hernando's post interesting, but have somewhat different experience. In New England, where I roam, I find the desperate woman in all age ranges, starting from 18 to 45, women who can't get their life together because they either really hit one hard time after another or, more commonly, never learned how to get it together or, also common, are plain uneducated.

    I agree that the 18-25 range hooks up much more impersonally, but also gives it up much easier. Desperation seems to change from purely financial needs in the really young range to financial plus emotional desperation, because women between 25 and 35 start to realize that they are on a loosing track. The 35-50+ range finally is something I always wondered about, why they even start out on a site like that, until someone told me that they search for real dates and LTRs, but want someone successful, experienced, worldly, well off and without baggage. Makes sense. But that is the age range that I taste the least often. I am in my early 50s and I crave young pussy. 18 is just fine with me. My preferred range is 18-25, but I do venture out up to 40 from time to time, if the girl looks really good or, just as good, has big natural tits. There is no such thing as too big, there is only too small. .

    I have 2-5 girls in contact at any given time when I'm active and get at least one date per week out of it, and up to daily if I push it (which I find rather exhausting). I enjoy the non-pro SB chase to some extend (it's a bigger feeling of success) and don't mind starting with a platonic date, take her out for dinner and chit chat. I am not good looking at all, balding, too much belly, but I am genuinely nice, smile a lot and make the girl the center of attention, listen rather than talk and I keep my word, which is a powerful persuasion. I am also upfront and honest ("whereas I understand that we won't hop into bed right away, I would be dishonest if I didn't admit that I do want a physical relationship". Gets me laid every time). If girls don't respond to my approaches, they find me too unattractive (or they are true gold diggers looking for $3g+ a month). I found that this approach puts them at ease and they almost always find me very nice, tell me that I'm way different than the average guy on that site. I'd say that my overall score is about 80% getting laid within the first 2 dates, if I don't break it off after #1. No serious money spent at that point in most cases. Sometimes I take them shopping but I never pay upfront for a lay unless the girl is really worth it (but never in cash, always through shopping or such).

    I'll close my introduction with my latest SB, a 19 year old black girl who is 7 months pregnant (yumm! When she texted me to ask if her pregnancy would be a problem, I could hardly contain myself and managed to get a calm "not at all my dear" out). A couple more weeks and I will savor some dairy and I'm really looking forward to streams of that once she popped. Good looking girl, the firmest tits I've had in a while, tight, patient, good and deep oral skills and once she's done, she'll have her banging body back, which she showed on the site. Stays overnight with me for the equivalent of a pro donation. We text almost each day, she surprises me with sexy pictures and I wake her up with a "good morning, Sunshine!". A very promising start, looking forward to Saturday. <smile

    Stay safe, be nice. You'll find me more often here.

  5. #404

    CSB10 (New) & CSB8 Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by Literal2  [View Original Post]
    Cool is fucking so many babies he barely has time to post anymore.
    Lit, I'm still here. Just trying to catch up with you.

    With that in mind; yesterday I met for the first time with CSB10. 25 yrs old. 5'7, shoulder length hair, nice body and great tits. We communicated extensively on SD site, starting texting and then went to private email. She moved here from out-of state to help out family, couldn't find work and was now strapped for cash. The amount of sugar never came up in any of our conversations, only she wanted to be sure that there would be sugar. She sent additional pictures by email, all fully clothed, that accented her best features. I did not provide a picture, only my usual description. The text messages got pretty steamy and at times down right raunchy In a word, she seemed TGTBT. She's been ready to meet for over a week but yesterday was the first time I could schedule a trip. She agreed to meet me at the fucking chamber. When I answered the door the girl in the pictures was standing in front of me. Big relief. She was a little apprehensive so we sat down on the couch to talk. (For 1st meetings, I try to get a FC that has a couch as well as a bed.) After a while she relaxed and after a little make out session she was more then ready to get it on. Very aggressive once she got going and, as she had told me, she loved oral. There were times when my dick disappeared down her throat for several minutes at a stretch, that I wondered if I was ever going to see it again. She loved DATY, and could contort that sweet young body into any position I could think of. Her pussy was nice and tight and pumped out enough fluids to rival the Mississippi at flood stage. Just the right amount of "dirty talk" to keep me excited and trying to break her in half. These 20 somethings are something else. After about 3+ hours, I had to head back and as she was getting dressed I slipped the envelope into her purse. She never looked at it but thanked me as she left. She is a keeper.

    Met CSB8 (41 yr old nurse, MILF) for the second time today. She was clearly there to fuck and suck and be eaten. She was so much more relaxed then the first time and was totally, totally into it. A very nice ride which built very nicely on the first. There's something to be said for the MILF when they relax and get into it. Another positive there were no requests for sugar in between our meetings. There were a couple of comments about how hard she was having it but no requests. A definite keeper as well.

  6. #403
    Quote Originally Posted by Magic Rat  [View Original Post]

    Keep in mind this "session" lasted about 8 hours LOL. The first 2 were pretty easy, but I had to work at the last one. With my determination and her talented mouth, success was achieved. BTW I'm not 60 yet but pretty damn close!
    You should set up an education seminar with your sb leading and we all bring our atf sugarbabes.

  7. #402



    Keep in mind this "session" lasted about 8 hours LOL. The first 2 were pretty easy, but I had to work at the last one. With my determination and her talented mouth, success was achieved. BTW I'm not 60 yet but pretty damn close!

    Quote Originally Posted by Literal2  [View Original Post]
    Holy Shit, three pops! I haven't been able to do this for several decades. Can anyone here past 60 shoot three loads into a girl in one session?

  8. #401

    CWL Classification

    Quote Originally Posted by Cantwinlosin  [View Original Post]
    Many years ago I read one of those "How to pick up girls" books. Most of the book was bullshit, but one part of it has always stuck with me, and it kind of correlates to Spitfire's "scale line". The book documented that sexually there are 4 types of women: the Honest Digger. The woman who just loves sex for sex's sake, without any need to assign emotional baggage to the act; the Sexual Barterer. The woman who primarily sees sex as something to trade to get her physical, emotional and / or financial needs met; the Hung Up About It. The woman who has significant moral, emotional or psychological issues associated with sex, to the point that it significantly inhibits or prevents her from enjoying or even having it or it affects those other emotional / psych issues; and the Physically Incapable. The women with injury, deformity or condition that makes sex physically impossible or too painful to perform. There is some overlap in groups. A Barterer may have specific hang-ups against specific sex acts or styles, etc. But in general the Barterers make up the largest group, followed by the Hung-Ups in a disturbingly large second place, third are the Incapables, and by far the smallest group is the Diggers. The book was written in the 80's, but I see no reason to think that classification system or the percentages have changed materially in the 30 years since.

    Long long ago in a galaxy far far away, I was young, single, decent looking, and worked steadily as a performing musician in a fairly large metro area for a few years; it was a time when I never went home alone if I didn't want to. Out of the hundreds of women I've bedded in my life, I can say that I've known exactly 2 that were true Diggers. The rest were Barterers and / or Hung-Ups. It's an iron-clad fact that any woman you meet where sex is the primary determinate from the start will be a Barterer, but it's important to remember that she probably has Hang-Ups too. The trick is to determine as early as possible what her needs and hang-ups are, so you can cater to the former and avoid the latter.
    CWL knows whereof he speaks, fellow sb mongers, Here's an earlier post to show you what I mean.

    "Hundreds of women." I said damn me once before and I'll say it again. Damn me.

    CWL appears to be leading the charge into the ranks of older sbs. I'm glad to hear there's so much potential out there. I just haven't tried them yet.

    I once visited a strip club with 60 year old strippers. The deal was they did a bump and grind right on top of your drink, crotches one foot from your face. It was the worst experience I ever had in an sc. Well, wait a minute. There was one young chubby girl there. Early twenties and desperate. After I told the grannies to beat it, I beckoned her over. The grannies stared at her threateningly, but she took me in a back room with a folding chair (yes this place was a DUMP) and pulled my hand into her bikini so I could finger fuck her. This was nice enough, but then she wanted support payments and etc. Etc. Etc. I never went back.

  9. #400

    Older really can be better

    Quote Originally Posted by Literal2  [View Original Post]
    I haven't run across anyone like this. The one 39 year old (thats what she said anyway) sb I've fucked was really slick and open in the pussy when her panties came off it is true and desperately wanted me to be the one guy for her, but she was very sugar focused and it took me a long time to get her to be reasonable about it. She was highly skilled though. Damn.
    Been busy lately so I haven't contributed much, but thought I'd confirm this, at least to an extent.

    The last two SBs I've met were a mid-40's escort and a 50-yr-old nurse. The escort is probably THE best fuck I've ever experienced, consistently. Petite, super tight everywhere, skills for days, and an "honest digger" (see my previous post on classifications of women as sex partners.) But she's all about the sugar, and she's gone out of town a lot.

    The 50-yr-old is purely in it for the sex. She's not looking for commitments or "dating", and other than my covering her gas when she drives across town to see me, she doesn't expect sugar tho' she does appreciate the occasional gift of lingerie or wine. She's got a bangin' body for her age and the fact that she's had multiple kids - obviously not the tight, toned body of a much younger girl, but there's a lot to be said for a body that's been well lived in, as she certainly knows how to use it, and a wonderful attitude makes up for a lot. Given a Megan Fox-style body occupied by a snotty, self-possessed attitude, or some sag in the tits and ass but real, honest appreciation for the fucking I give her, I'll take the latter every time. And on top of it she has a brain and can carry on an adult conversation.

    The other 40- and 50-somethings I've met tend to match this 50-yr-old. Not all - just exchanged emails last night with a 43-yr-old blonde in VB, found on the SD4Me site, who's pretty attractive but made it clear that she's hurting financially and is all about the sugar - but a little careful reading of profiles and emails will let you weed those out.
    Last edited by CantWinLosin; 06-23-11 at 15:41. Reason: Fix the stupid changes made by the fucked-up board software

  10. #399

    Nando's budget

    Therein lies the problem.Lit hit the nail on the head.

    I budget $1-2 000 / month to play depending on the quality of babies available to me, so if I oversupply one girl the volume goes down. I require about 2-3 dates / week, so I have to be careful with each one. And I like to have $ left over to buy gifts and treats on top of the envelope at the end of the night.

  11. #398

    Why Nando's MILF Bolted

    Quote Originally Posted by Hernando  [View Original Post]
    My MILF was upper 30's.prob more like early 40's, beautiful face, chubby body.I'd say she is a 9 face. 5 body. 9 personality. 9 performance. If she lost her baby weight she'd be a 9 across the board. We spent two night together and she was a horndog.and I fucked her brains out. But.after our last night together.she bolted, saying that she was reevaluating her situation (marriage, kids, etc) However, she is still on there anonymously and says she likes young who knows? If you are under 40 and run across her she might give you a run.
    I have only had one sb drop me and she said it was because she needed more sugar. I tend to be generous and get less bang for the buck but it keeps them available when I want them. My other girls all ask for more cum. One exception I thought was my little redneck truck driver who showed up in the fucking chamber exhausted from her two jobs and famished from not eating during her long drive to spread her pussy for me. I ejaculated in her mouth, and when she didn't contact me again I thought she didn't like it. But recently she's been back in touch, still working hard at her jobs, still hoping for another orgasm from her original sd. I believe all my sbs but one are still available to me if and when I want them. Even the wham bam girl pesters me all the time for another fuck, though she can't be that into it. It's not that I'm a hot young dude, that's for sure. I'm not revolting I guess. I do know how the females of our species like to have their bodies treated and what makes them climax, but last, not least, I'm generous with the sugar.

    Nando's had a lot of success and I'm grateful he's described his sbs and the aftermath. From what he says I am concluding that an sb won't stay with a sd just for sex, no matter how good it is. You have to pour an adequate amount of sugar on her to keep her coming back for more cum.

    Anyway, that's my view.

  12. #397
    Quote Originally Posted by Hernando  [View Original Post]
    I have thoughts about three mentalities of girls re:SB motivation and would be interested in knowing your opinion as well :

    1) Young girls 18-30. Tend to be less personal about sex. The "hook up " mentality we read about that did not exist when I went to college (Damn it!) They are less likely to get emotionally invested and just enjoy fucking on a lark and out of curiosity. More like men. With as many as they can, and therefore are less likely to stick with one partner. ;
    This is often true in my experience with the under 25 girls, unless they already have children. Over 25, I find they are already getting a little desperate about settling down (what is it with women for chrissake?) and their emotional baggage is already starting to build up.

    2) middle youth #1-39 . Tend to be survival oriented.usually have kids, and usually fall into my cat. 1 and / or 3. And will line up as many SDs as possible for the income;
    I assume you mean 31-39. I find these are mainly your cat 1 (desperate for support). While several of mine have been actively looking and have horror stories about really fucked up bad dudes masquerading as sds and giving the rest of us a bad name, they have all wanted just one sd at a time. Whether they line up more than one at the same time I can't say. I just know what they tell me. The younger ones have the most opportunity of course and I'm assuming they have more than one sd than me, especially since I always tell them I'm not going to support them. They usually don't bring the subject of other sds up and I don't ask.


    3) MILFs 40 plus. Who frequently want a partner to play with. Usually one at a time-and not always into the money.

    This is sort of a modification of my experience SBs to date.
    I haven't run across anyone like this. The one 39 year old (thats what she said anyway) sb I've fucked was really slick and open in the pussy when her panties came off it is true and desperately wanted me to be the one guy for her, but she was very sugar focused and it took me a long time to get her to be reasonable about it. She was highly skilled though. Damn.

  13. #396
    Quote Originally Posted by Magic Rat  [View Original Post]
    I think Hernando has it down pat.

    I met up with my current favorite sb recently for an extended session. With a lot of coaxing, sexiness, and talent she was able to coax pop #3 out of me as I collapsed into a sweaty heap on the bed. At this point, I've decided to make her the sole recipient of my sd talents and gifts as I'm not much of a multitasker like you guys are. Of course that could change with one text / email as we all know.
    Holy Shit, three pops! I haven't been able to do this for several decades. Can anyone here past 60 shoot three loads into a girl in one session?

  14. #395

    A few more amateur sb pix

    Lets get some more actual sb pix online. I prefer to conceal details that could identify the girl or location (for privacy purposes), so unfortunately that often means beaver and butt shots. Fortunately, I like beaver and butt shots. BTW, it can be tricky getting a utr to allow you to take these. If some others participate and are interested we can discuss how to convince a sb to allow you to spread her legs and take a photo.

    Here's a couple more that haven't been uploaded before. They were taken a while ago on a trip out of state.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC06674.JPG
Views:	1327
Size:	16.6 KB
ID:	134796

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Name:	DSC06680.JPG
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Size:	14.2 KB
ID:	134797

    Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC06682.JPG
Views:	1629
Size:	10.8 KB
ID:	134798

  15. #394


    Dot com- I had one MILF success, but has generally been a bust. Most of the girls seem to be young. 18. 24 yr old.and very few will even answer my query.even with a good pic posted. Some of the pics are TGTBT and are probably shills $$ does not seem to be the predominant motivation although I'm sure they wouldn't turn down a gift. I think I am too old for this crowd.

    My MILF was upper 30's.prob more like early 40's, beautiful face, chubby body.I'd say she is a 9 face. 5 body. 9 personality. 9 performance. If she lost her baby weight she'd be a 9 across the board. We spent two night together and she was a horndog.and I fucked her brains out. But.after our last night together.she bolted, saying that she was reevaluating her situation (marriage, kids, etc) However, she is still on there anonymously and says she likes young who knows? If you are under 40 and run across her she might give you a run.

    There is another crossover on Fling who is also on SD, and I can't get her to bite. We have talked back and forth but she is on both sites constantly and says she is a nympho and is a MILF type.looks pretty hot.

    One girl answered me hotly when I offered her some help and said she is not about sex.really? On a site named Fling? WTF do they think a fling is?

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