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  1. #393

    Hernando's Classification

    The classifications sound about right although there are variations. Personally, I've had the best luck with the MILF's who need the sugar for various reasons. My favs have had jobs, but either they don't make enough $ or they have unusual expenses they can't cover with their paycheck. They're generally not getting enough / any, are appreciative, separated or divorced, and ready to fuck your brains out. The danger is that they want to latch on to you and maybe want something more than what we met them for, so one must always be aware of that. Hasn't been an issue for me so far but one has to be careful.

  2. #392
    My mistake.

  3. #391

    Hernando's Report

    Good analysis, Hernando. Your report shows the wide variety of females that can be accessed as sugarbabes. I haven't tried other dating sites much, so I really don't know, but my belief is that the amateur females just looking for a NSA fuck are primarily looking for physical attraction. Now that I think of it, this is exactly what I was told on the AM site (the one that advertises "life is short, have an affair") by a woman who was trying to get my photo. At the time, I wasn't giving out my photo and I tried acquiring pussy through am For a while. I didn't have any luck. So I concluded that on the NSA sex sites, the girls are looking for hot guys. Which I'm not. On the sb sites, the girl is there for sugar and wants a photo to see if you are revolting. If you aren't she is likely to be willing to fuck you in expectation of the sugar if you play your cards right.

    In some people's view, this makes all the sbs hookers. The word used this way is really a moral judgment and not an occupational description. Fine with me, but in my case, I'm looking for the honeypots who do not consider themselves to be in the business of hooking. They are fresher, juicier and more into fucking for pleasure than girls who know that fucking is their daily work.

    As for your categories, I've only opened pussy from girsl in 1 and 3. Most have been a combination of 1 and 3. I did waste a lot of email time with a Eurobabe who wanted $1k for 90 minutes (so she was obviously category 2) because she was so damn hot but then sb4 (category 1) came along with her perfect ass and drained off enough semen so I could think straight and I dumped the Eurobabe.

    My current sb is a 23 year old student with a lot going for her. She seems to be like one of Golf's girls or maybe the one you are currently in lust with. Oddly enough, I don't think she's desperate for sugar and somehow I have no problem staying emotionally detached from her although I do love to try to get my face up her vagina while my dick is way down her throat.

  4. #390

    SB Sporting

    Hey guys, I am new to the area and have enjoyed your entertaining reports. Thanks for your extensive research and development.

    Historically I am a Monger of the E. Com variety but am leery of the risk of busts which are happening too often.

    Therefore I started exploring the SD site because of you all.

    I have seen about 10 SBs in the area from Richmond to Va Beach, and have had mixed experiences. All of which are listed here by you contributors.

    I too have met four (4) types of girls :

    1) The Desperate Poor. These chicas are a little step up from SWs. Desperate, either drug addicted or single mom poor with no support and unable to get child care and go to work. They have no money, no benefits, no support from anyone and earn what they can selling their one and only marketable asset. These few I've seen are monumentally poor planners and can not (will not) think beyond the next cash infusion. They have all hit me up for money in between visits and I. Being a nice guy and sucker. Gave them some with the promise that they will pay me back with services. And they have all (100%) robbed me when I advance them money by not putting out and disappearing. The interesting thing is they just disappear- they stop answering texts, calls, etc. Never to be heard from again. Often their profile disappears from SD also, to pop up under a new name. I know this because their pics are the same. I might be dumb but I'm not stupid. This has been said before by Lit or Cool I believe, but DO NOT GIVE THESE TYPES OF GIRLS ADVANCE PAYMENT. Or just consider it a gift and your cost / fuck is just higher. A teaser advance has failed for me too. I gave a girl 50 with the promise to discount the date. Well you all know what happened. I had three successes in this catagory. Success defined by a repeat fucking of more than 6 visits. But in the end they all screwed me and disappeared.

    2) Escorts. These girls are self explanatory and when I find out they are advertising. Particularly on BP, I leave them, because the risk is the same. What if a bust is set up and you happen to meet her during that time? Also they seem to have an inflated sense of worth. One girl offered me a deal (because I have a cute accent). Of only $700 / hour instead of her usual $1000. I LOL ed, I don't know what kind of rates you guys are paying but I try to stay around the BP hourly rate. Maybe a little more for a longer session if she is willing to hang out for the evening or spend the night. Several in this catagory were one timers. If I want an escort I will see her off of a reputable site. I used to like E. Com but.

    3) The Sportster. These usually are the young girls. Some in school, but many working salon jobs, waitressing, stripping. Who need some extra spending money to make ends meet or buy the frills. I met two in this group. One was a stripper and she was a crossover between cat 1 and 3. SHe was hot, fucked my brains out, but then vamoosed without an adios. Nada! My feelings were hurt! . Guess she found a more generous donor. The second is ongoing and she is draining my bank account because I am seriously in lust with her. She is off the site and exclusive for now.

    And 4) The MILF. This group are generally 30-50 yr olds who want / need a lover and are not concerned about the money. The first one answered my question.". What do you expect from our time together?" by answering. Nothing but a good lay. I was stunned! Three of these women have attended my fucking chambers (thanks lit or cool. Whoever coined that phrase) , and all were wild fuckers, not real experienced, but GRATEFUL LOL. It is true! These older girls don't get the attention from their partners, and the younger guys are not interested either. Unfortunately, all three were moms, a little chubby. Which I don't like, and I just wasnt into them. Free or not. So they each lasted from 1 to 3 dates and I let them go. I will no longer pursue this group I was curious but I like the young hard body hotties myself.

    So, there you have it! I look forward to reading more about the exploits of all you fuckers on here, and learning about the game.

    As a final note. I promise my future entries won't be quite so long- I have found that escorts are cheaper and easier. But. There is an attraction and thrill to the chase that this sport brings to the table.

  5. #389

    Cool's Babes

    More great reports by Cool. Obviously he is becoming very skilfull at our hobby. Practice makes perfect and he's getting lots of pratice.

    As for me, my pace has slowed as I've been enjoying the heck out of repeatedly fucking SB18.

  6. #388

    What a Week. CSB8 and CSB9

    Well I've had a Lit kind of week. Two new SB's to report on.

    CSB8 is my 41 yr old nurse MILF.

    We had been texting and emailing for a couple of weeks but I had been unable to schedule anything which would have allowed me to see her. She had a off day Monday so I proposed she drive here to spend the afternoon with me. I offered to take care of her child care and transportation expenses. There had not been any discussion of sugar at anytime. Much to my surprise, she agreed. She did voice concern the morning of that I would get her here and leave her hanging. Assured her that I only wanted to be with her. I procured a fucking chamber and a bottle of champagne and proceeded to wait for her arrival. She arrived right on time and we proceeded to talk and drink the bottle. She was exactly like her pictures; attractive with a lean body and really nice breasts. What was obvious as we proceeded was that she was more then ready. By the time the panties came off I could have wrung them out and filled a glass with her fluids. I believe that wanting a good NSA fuck was as high on her agenda as the sugar. Proceeded to have a fun afternoon of hot wet steamy sex. I slipped a envelope in her purse as we said our goodbyes. I'm sure her drive back was not as comfortable as her drive down. She later told me that she felt I had been genereous and she appreciated it very much.

    Next day met CSB9, my 27 yr old Navy girl. She's far enough away not to be local but close enough that I don't have to use one of my meeting excuses to get a pass from the warden. Again no discussion of sugar before the meeting. She arrived at the FC and was not interested in a lot of preamble. She was short with a tight body. Not a beauty, but presentable. Very aggressive sexually. It was like she wanted to make sure that when we were done I had nothing left. She was successful; I had nothing left. Slipped the envelope with the sugar into her purse; said good-bye and crawled back to my car. All in all, the best SB week I've had.

  7. #387

    CSB7 Update

    I've been unable to contact CSB7 since our meeting. She no longer answers email's and has not been on the SB site since the day we went to the fucking chamber. Before that she had been very active there. The only phone number I had for her was at the house where she lived with her friend and the friend's mother. I called and the mother answered the phone (first time that happened) and asked me not to call back.

    My theory is that she is suffering from "buyers remorse,". Since she has not been on the SB site I'm assuming that she is not looking for other SD's. I believe this condition has been brought about based on two things or a combination of both. One is coming to grips with the idea that she had sex for money. (I'm a HO). The second is that the mother knew she had no money, goes out with a man and comes back with cash. (You're a HO). She then gives CSB7 a fair amount of grief which causes the realization that she just had sex for money and causes her to reject the whole scene. Either way, it's a shame.

  8. #386


    Are you all truly paying for this site and if so is it worth it.

  9. #385

    Pros vs SBs

    Quote Originally Posted by Coolhand2  [View Original Post]
    The SB comes from how much her need is. How much she needs to connect from how much money she has to how much she needs to pay her bills. Yes, she knows she's using her pussy to get it but she's not ready to put a price tag on it. In her mind, she's not a pro but a women who needs help and in return for getting that help shows her gratitude by opening her legs.
    Yeah I think this is probably right. Those who insist on treating sbs as pros miss out on a lot of hot steaming vaginas because they don't understand the dynamic. They all wind up fucking the same girls. All the better for us.

  10. #384
    Quote Originally Posted by Magic Rat  [View Original Post]

    I don't really worry about them getting the tag number. If they're going to do that, they probably have a friend in LE or something. As we said, the only way to avoid all risk is to not play at all. I do what I can to minimize after a couple of bad experiences.

    Currently I have 2 sbs I'm seeing and working on 2 others. I'm an old guy so I can't juggle too many. Seems 2-3 at a time is about right. Plus it sure helps to already have something when you do meet up with a new potential fuck partner. I'm meeting up with one tomorrow and although her pics look great, I can take her or leave her as I have the other 2 to fall back on. It's nice to be able to be selective.
    Sounds like the sensible way to avoid disappointment.

    In my case, Little Miss give me Some More Money After you've Fucked me seems to have accepted my refusal. We shall see.

  11. #383
    Quote Originally Posted by Coolhand2  [View Original Post]
    I have three others that seem ready that I'm trying to get to the fucking chamber. On the top of my list is the 41 yr old nurse MILF. I want to see if an older one can be more stable. It appears that a NSA fucking is just as important to her as the sugar. She's never mentioned sugar. She's ready but with her job and my limited availibility the scheduling is proving difficult.

    Is the 27yr old who didn't want a purely sexual relationship ready? This is the last message she sent me;"I have a strong craving for you. Anything you want to do to me is alright with me." NO mention ever of sugar. Go figure.
    Stability can be good. Makes sense to me. As for the 27 year old, I would say she is holding herself wide open for you.

  12. #382
    Quote Originally Posted by Obx Fun  [View Original Post]
    I have been reading all this. Got to laugh a little. I'd be willing to bet most of us are all doing the same ones. As far as I go. After seeing them a few times I'm DONE. Moving on to next. Lit knows me. I helped him get started. I have used these sites for approx 5 yrs now and I'm guessing I have met and done about 25 off of them. Keep in mind if they are paid for puss. Those are hookers to. Just my 2 cents
    Laughter is the best medicine, o wise one. You are right, you were doing these girls before most of us, certainly before me. Thanks for getting me started. And, just my view, occasionally even wise ones may not count all the hookers in the sea 100 percent correctly. But who knows? Rock on, brother.

  13. #381

    There is no time!

    Quote Originally Posted by Literal2  [View Original Post]
    Damn, Cool. You are on a roll. Come on, you can take half an hour out of your schedule to fuck this little sugarbaby.
    I have three others that seem ready that I'm trying to get to the fucking chamber. On the top of my list is the 41 yr old nurse MILF. I want to see if an older one can be more stable. It appears that a NSA fucking is just as important to her as the sugar. She's never mentioned sugar. She's ready but with her job and my limited availibility the scheduling is proving difficult.

    Is the 27yr old who didn't want a purely sexual relationship ready? This is the last message she sent me;"I have a strong craving for you. Anything you want to do to me is alright with me." NO mention ever of sugar. Go figure.

  14. #380

    Why They Ask for More

    Quote Originally Posted by Literal2  [View Original Post]
    The girl who just asked me for more sugar was one of those who had not even mentioned sugar before opening her pussy. So what gives with all these after the fuck coming back for more sugarbabes? I wonder if it's a symptom of the same reason they don't ask in advance. They don't see themselves as pros. Therefore they don't ask in advance. Once they have spread their legs for you, maybe they then try to prove to themselves they are not pros but true girlfriends / mistresses / sugarbabies by coming back and asking for more. I don't know.
    Lit, I believe that SBs start from a different place mentally then the pro. The pro puts a value on her pussy and that's what she asks for. Ultimately the market will determine what she gets but it's about her pussy.

    The SB comes from how much her need is. How much she needs to connect from how much money she has to how much she needs to pay her bills. Yes, she knows she's using her pussy to get it but she's not ready to put a price tag on it. In her mind, she's not a pro but a women who needs help and in return for getting that help shows her gratitude by opening her legs.

    The pro doesn't ask for more if she gets what she asks. The SB ask for more because she's still trying to pay her bills and you are someone who has demonstrated the ability to help her do it. That's what I think.

  15. #379


    I have been reading all this. Got to laugh a little. I'd be willing to bet most of us are all doing the same ones. As far as I go. After seeing them a few times I'm DONE. Moving on to next. Lit knows me. I helped him get started. I have used these sites for approx 5 yrs now and I'm guessing I have met and done about 25 off of them. Keep in mind if they are paid for puss. Those are hookers to. Just my 2 cents

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