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  1. #249

    I saw this explanation of SBs versus Pros

    A pro would be a lot more direct and focused with a specific quid pro quo; she shows up, sex is had, cash is exchanged, and bam, you're done, and even if you're a regular, each time is still a one-off deal.

    A sugardaddy / baby is a looser arrangement more like an easy girlfriend paired with a generous boyfriend; you may have dates and do things together other than sex, but there's still the implicit understanding that she's being so "good" to you mostly because you're being so "good" to her and vice-versa.

    A pro is likely making her living that way with multiple clients, whereas a sugarbaby may have a real job or schooling or may be a "rent girl" who's put up in an apartment with all expenses paid but still exclusive to her sugardaddy.

    A "sugarship" seems about halfway between an actual relationship and outright prostitution, and some may veer more towards one side or the other, but not quite far enough to call it really just one or the other.

  2. #248
    Quote Originally Posted by Varoom  [View Original Post]
    "both cute and fit"

    And the funny thing is, I am neither. But they must view me as safe and an easy way to accomplish whatever their goal is. Perceived to be CA$H. But a key element that I think is part of it is, I am very nice to them (non-threatening) and also fun to be around. (based on the girls' feedback).

    I don't do any VIP room stuff, in fact maybe only twice have I even had a private dance. I simply talk to them, buy them the cheapest drink on the menu, maybe 15 or 18 bucks, and once I hit upon someone that is a decent conversationalist and someone that I would want to see outside of there, I merely work into the convo some questioning about partaking in "private parties". I assume that "they do it" but it doesn't hurt my feelings if they say NO, but it only takes one yes to get your weiner wet. Lets face it, these gals are already selling themselves and all I want is some private time with them. They have needs, both physical and financial, and I can meet one of them for sure, maybe both on a good day. The only issue that I would have with any of these encounters is on a few occassions I have had girls who request meetings a little too often, after the initial one or two encounters. Via text msgs. (Oh I want to see you. How about Friday morning, blah, blah). Trying to keep that contact to a minimum is really the biggest challenge. In fact I have had 3 requests this week to meet today. Rent must due this week, ya think?
    Three requests to meet this week? Not too shabby. Well done.

    Thank you for explaining how you do this. I learn something every day on this website.

  3. #247

    Cash discussion, closing the deal etc.

    I think sb14 makes 9 sbs who have opened their pussies for me since I started targeting sbs late last year. In at least half of these cases, there has been zero discussion of any specific amount of allowance. Yesterday was typical. At the end of the session I put her allowance in her jeans. She didn't even count it.

    I try to deflect specific discussions of cash by saying "I don't like to talk about this, I'm sure you'll be happy" or something like that. Again we return to the question of whether these girls think of themselves as escorts. Most of the ones I've run into don't. Just my experience for what it's worth.

  4. #246

    Both cute and fit

    Quote Originally Posted by Literal2  [View Original Post]
    I'm impressed by this. I love dancers but the four I've taken out have all cost me a huge amount of moola in the VIP before they agreed to meet at a hotel and three of them scared the hell out of me with their drive towards entanglements. One girl wanted a baby (and got one from another customer) , another wanted a father for her two kids and one was 19, gorgeous and hysterical with strong self-destructive urges. I think my approach to them was all wrong as it was borderline romantic. None was in Virginia. I'm not in the clubs much these days and I don't look for take-out when I am.

    It sounds like you have a winning strategy for finding and fucking girls who are both cute and fit.
    "both cute and fit"

    And the funny thing is, I am neither. But they must view me as safe and an easy way to accomplish whatever their goal is. Perceived to be CA$H. But a key element that I think is part of it is, I am very nice to them (non-threatening) and also fun to be around. (based on the girls' feedback).

    I don't do any VIP room stuff, in fact maybe only twice have I even had a private dance. I simply talk to them, buy them the cheapest drink on the menu, maybe 15 or 18 bucks, and once I hit upon someone that is a decent conversationalist and someone that I would want to see outside of there, I merely work into the convo some questioning about partaking in "private parties". I assume that "they do it" but it doesn't hurt my feelings if they say NO, but it only takes one yes to get your weiner wet. Lets face it, these gals are already selling themselves and all I want is some private time with them. They have needs, both physical and financial, and I can meet one of them for sure, maybe both on a good day. The only issue that I would have with any of these encounters is on a few occassions I have had girls who request meetings a little too often, after the initial one or two encounters. Via text msgs. (Oh I want to see you. How about Friday morning, blah, blah). Trying to keep that contact to a minimum is really the biggest challenge. In fact I have had 3 requests this week to meet today. Rent must due this week, ya think?

  5. #245

    Profiles vs. Ads

    I don't know how all these sb sites work, I only know how the one I'm on works and also the one promoting extra-marital affairs that advertises everywhere these days.

    I don't think you'll get anywhere as a geezer trying to bed young honeys just posting your profile and sitting back, waiting for girls to contact you.

    I admit I never advertised much on CL in the old days or BP and I'm not skilled at that. If you are good at writing those kinds of ads then probably what I have say doesn't apply to you.

    Some sbs seem to troll nationally and internationally. I assume somebody gets to fuck them sometime but the out of geographic range unsolicited emails I've received all appear to me to be mass mailings. The girl either hopes to find a billionaire like the one who married Anna Nicole Smith if she just sends enough emails, or they are schemes to get you to send money with no real prospect of ever meeting the girl. Just my opinion based on a few email exchanges.

    The procedure that seems to work for me is this: 1. Search for girls within xx miles of your zip code. 2. Screen for characteristics that matter to you (like age, weight, race, marital status, etc.).3. Screen for recent online activity. All this can be accomplished in a few minutes. Now you have a set of xx girls to work with in the geographic area you want who claim to look like what you want and who have been online recently looking for somebody.

    Go through the set and find the girls you like best and contact them by email. Try to figure out what will appeal to them. It's ok to use a generic email but its best to add some words that show you have actually read the girl's profile. Send out a bunch of them at the same time so you don't put all your eggs in one basket.

    Don't be afraid to follow up if you get no response at first.

    Where your profile or "ad" comes in is that when the girls get your email they will look at it. It has to make them at least willing to communicate with you and not turn them off. How you do that is up to you but I've found shorter is better. Girls don't usually like direct talk about sex, body parts, etc. Inmo, at least not at first.

    Most girls will ask for a photo in their first response if they have any interest after looking at your profile. I tried to avoid this but I eventually uploaded a couple of pix that I altered to make unrecognizable but which clearly show my age and general body type. The pix are in a private gallery that can only be accessed with a password.

    When I give the girl a password I usually ask her a question that challenges her determination to enter into an sb / sd relationship. I find this makes her more likely to respond after looking at the photos.

  6. #244
    Quote Originally Posted by Varoom  [View Original Post]

    Another angle that I have cultivated similar to SB's, are dancers. Not the avg ones but those that seem to have their act somewhat together. Void of chemcials, or at least any hardcore habits, that like to hook-up for private parties outside of the establishment. I know this is not the same thing but it functions as such for me. A little more personal contact than a typical escort (also cheaper) and an ongoing fuck if I want it. The crop of a few that I have cultivated here are early to mid 30's and fine in the specimen and performance dept. Just another angle that seems to be much easier than the legwork of finding the gals like Lit and the gang are doing.
    I'm impressed by this. I love dancers but the four I've taken out have all cost me a huge amount of moola in the VIP before they agreed to meet at a hotel and three of them scared the hell out of me with their drive towards entanglements. One girl wanted a baby (and got one from another customer) , another wanted a father for her two kids and one was 19, gorgeous and hysterical with strong self-destructive urges. I think my approach to them was all wrong as it was borderline romantic. None was in Virginia. I'm not in the clubs much these days and I don't look for take-out when I am.

    It sounds like you have a winning strategy for finding and fucking girls who are both cute and fit.

  7. #243
    Quote Originally Posted by Golfcart  [View Original Post]
    . . . . , it is not "Escorts."

    Excuse me, but the present discussion of how to get the girl to the hotel and in bed earlier and how to avoid being outbid Is best achieved by seeing an internet escort in the first place. So why is this approach even being considered with a civie? It won't work except with a girl in serious distress. We shouldn't want a girl in distress because we are taking advantage and we will be resented. Nothing good will come from that.

    Rather, we should find a girl and meet her for coffee under circumstances where moving things to an unplanned dinner is possible. If things go well at coffee move it to dinner. Put something meaningful In her purse at dinner without saying a word, without looking at her. Let her make the next move and the clothes will come flying off in appreciation. That is an "arrangement." We allow her to give to someone who is not a taker. We become important rather than resented.

    This involves a little risk, of course, but the reward is much greater.

    Be careful, some of you will be playing with fire. Real escorts know the no call, no contact rules. Civies don't. You can't get away from a girl who knows how to find you.
    Golf, this is a very classy approach and when you have time to work it you will, I am sure, wind up with an extremely satisfying relationship. Thanks for explaining it.

  8. #242
    Quote Originally Posted by Coolhand2  [View Original Post]
    This has been my standard approach. I have taken it as a means to avoid misunderstanding. My thought was that if I wanted subsequent meetings that clarity was best. The problem is that it may be keeping me from having the first meeting. You are unknowingly competing in a auction without the opportunity to rebid. Someone comes along and offers more and you are toast. Hence the no-shows, which has been a problem for me. As with most things, how do you achieve the proper balance?
    I am thinking that if we lose girls by bidding too low and also lose girls by not naming any number maybe we should either A. Not name a number; or B. If we name a number it should be high enough to foreclose (most) competition. What do you think? A lot of girls will show up even if no number is named.

  9. #241


    SB14 was penetrated on schedule. A hard working delivery truck driver it turns out. Short, round above and below with a waist and nice long brown hair. Very unskilled and slow with her technique but happy to be well fucked. She accepted a mouth full of my sperm. I doubt I see her again, but I respect her. She and her kind keep the country running.

  10. #240

    Part of the title of this thread is "Arrangements"

    . . . . , it is not "Escorts."

    Quote Originally Posted by Coolhand2  [View Original Post]
    (edit delete) My thought was that if I wanted subsequent meetings that clarity was best. The problem is that it may be keeping me from having the first meeting. You are unknowingly competing in a auction without the opportunity to rebid. Someone comes along and offers more and you are toast. Hence the no-shows, which has been a problem for me. As with most things, how do you achieve the proper balance?
    Excuse me, but the present discussion of how to get the girl to the hotel and in bed earlier and how to avoid being outbid is best achieved by seeing an internet escort in the first place. So why is this approach even being considered with a civie? It won't work except with a girl in serious distress. We shouldn't want a girl in distress because we are taking advantage and we will be resented. Nothing good will come from that.

    Rather, we should find a girl and meet her for coffee under circumstances where moving things to an unplanned dinner is possible. If things go well at coffee move it to dinner. Put something meaningful in her purse at dinner without saying a word, without looking at her. Let her make the next move and the clothes will come flying off in appreciation. That is an "arrangement." We allow her to give to someone who is not a taker. We become important rather than resented.

    This involves a little risk, of course, but the reward is much greater.

    Be careful, some of you will be playing with fire. Real escorts know the no call, no contact rules. Civies don't. You can’t get away from a girl who knows how to find you.

  11. #239

    Sample Ad

    Here is a fairly generic and positive sample ad (not mine) :

    I'm a generous 99 year old male looking for a lady who likes to be well taken care of. Let's meet up for drinks or dinner to chat and determine our compatibility. Your time is as valuable as mine, so let's make the most of it. Hoping for a drama free mutually beneficial arrangement.

  12. #238

    Closing the deal

    Quote Originally Posted by Coolhand2  [View Original Post]
    This has been my standard approach. I have taken it as a means to avoid misunderstanding. My thought was that if I wanted subsequent meetings that clarity was best. The problem is that it may be keeping me from having the first meeting. You are unknowingly competing in a auction without the opportunity to rebid. Someone comes along and offers more and you are toast. Hence the no-shows, which has been a problem for me. As with most things, how do you achieve the proper balance?
    How to close, when to close, etc. Age old questions.

    Sure, we aren't talking about selling here, but in a sense you are selling your purse strings in exchange for a coveted service to the SB. It is damned hard to have the tempo and know how of when to close (make the proper offer in a manner that doesn't scare away the intended target) in an email. I would say that if this is working, for the most part these are what are known as "lay downs" in the business world; aka easy marks, like shooting fish in a barrel.

    So since most aren't getting the fish in the barrel types, wouldn't it make more sense to arrange a meeting, for a drink or dinner. Ala courting style, and see what common ground you have with the young lady? This just makes sense to me, but then you may not wish to invest the time of $ in meeting. That could be understood but it seems that one could be missing relatively easy or at least interested targets, (since they have expressed initial interest in being a SB) , by attempting to ink the deal via email. I would think that most potential SB's would be more receptive to a meet and greet, then rub some knees, which allows them to think of this as more than a gash for cash. But then I am just using some business logic here, having little experience in the SB cultivation business, but having lots of exp in the cultivation of getting laid process. Just some ideas for thought here.

  13. #237

    Cash Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Literal2  [View Original Post]
    One thing I worry about with my new strategy of trying to get agreement to meet at a hotel as quickly as possible after first contact. If there is no money promised, what is the incentive for the girl not to stand me up when a concrete offer comes along? I think I will get away cheaper if I don't use a specific amount as a hook, but there will probably be more no-shows.
    This has been my standard approach. I have taken it as a means to avoid misunderstanding. My thought was that if I wanted subsequent meetings that clarity was best. The problem is that it may be keeping me from having the first meeting. You are unknowingly competing in a auction without the opportunity to rebid. Someone comes along and offers more and you are toast. Hence the no-shows, which has been a problem for me. As with most things, how do you achieve the proper balance?

  14. #236

    How its going

    SB14 has now reconfirmed this afternoon's hotel room meet two more times. Still no discussion of dinero. I sure hope she has long legs to wrap around my hips, a sweet mouth to suck on my tongue while we're fucking and a deep vagina so cumming inside her will be pleasurable for me. But I don't know. I've never seen her before. Maybe she'll look like a dog.

    SB13 has confirmed tomorrow's meet and greet. Chances are revised upwards to 65 percent that I'll fuck her within the next week or two (but not tomorrow). Only one sb has walked away after meeting me, old, bald and fat as I am. That was SB3.

    I'm jamming SB16 a little bit, reminding her of how much the hotel room costs to pressure her from the bar where she wants to meet on Saturday up to the room where I can unwrap her and finger her pussy for a while before deciding how I want to fuck her. But this may fall through. I can't be sure she'll even show up.

    And as for sb3, there have been additional emails from her today, after a long period in which I didn't hear anything from her. She says she'll come to my hotel next weekend if I get to her area. I'm thinking about it. She is so unreliable, but she has nice ta tas and a big round butt. I'll bet she cums hard. I may try to find out.

    Yes, this is a lot of work I know. But I don't mind it too much.

  15. #235

    Profile 101

    Quote Originally Posted by Literal2  [View Original Post]
    Ha ha. No thanks.

    All I will say is that my profile is short, sweet and positive. Give it a shot, see what happens Vroom.

    Just to be clear, I am not asking you to "out" your own personal profile here. Just possibly compose a sample. But I understand any reluctance to do so.

    Actually with the one that I wrote, it seems to be drawing plenty of hits even though many are for age ranges outside of the one that I posted. (54. Which is younger than actual age based on your advice) , and most are "GU"; Geographiclly Undesirable. Outside of an area that I would consider traveling for a SB. Which frankly isn't too far for me, as I wouldn't go more than a 100 mi radius for me. I figure if I can't get laid properly within 100 mile radius then I can't get laid. Which hasn't been an issue to date, just not with SB's.

    Another angle that I have cultivated similar to SB's, are dancers. Not the avg ones but those that seem to have their act somewhat together. Void of chemcials, or at least any hardcore habits, that like to hook-up for private parties outside of the establishment. I know this is not the same thing but it functions as such for me. A little more personal contact than a typical escort (also cheaper) and an ongoing fuck if I want it. The crop of a few that I have cultivated here are early to mid 30's and fine in the specimen and performance dept. Just another angle that seems to be much easier than the legwork of finding the gals like Lit and the gang are doing.

    One more thing Lit. Even though you deny this, you are surely the gold standard here amongst those of us that post in this thread. No harm no foul that you have SB's not following thru to meetting, (or meating) , it is the fact that you others that are readily plugged into the matrix to replace the dead wood. That my friend. Is impressive. Anyone who has 16 or 17 SB's is the "TRUE SD" in my book. Cheers to Lit2. Varoom.

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