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  1. #33

    SB5 Sequel and SB6, also SB4 follow up

    Surprise surprise. I opened my email yesterday to a sweet email from SB5 (the one who didn't want FS right now but who attempted to placate Mr Johnson orally). Now she has thought it over, she says, I really am a wonderful guy and she will accept all my terms and conditions and wants to "make love" if I will just agree to see her again. So I guess this means she is ready to be fucked. Maybe next week.

    SB6 showed up tonight. Nothing like her pic which was admittedly a little blurry. This girl is 38, spiky blond hair, and heavy. Not so much flabby though, just big butt, big thighs, big belly and big boobs. Also she is on crutches. Some knee problem. I was going to turn her away but she was an hour late and I had already turned away SB7 in a phone call and Mr Johnson wanted some pussy. So I let her stay. She turned out all the lights. OK, I can deal with that. I peeled off her clothes as her breathing got harder and faster by the minute. She turned out to be a great fuck. Why? Because she was totally passionate and into it. Still, I am a little weirded out: I don't fuck heavy girls. This is only about no 2 fat girl out of 65 or so total girls to date. She asked for nothing. In fact she thanked me. I gave her $$$ which delighted her. I won't see her again.

    I am worried about SB4. I am going to a lot of inconvenience in order to fuck her again on Wednesday. She is so fine. So tight. So pretty. So firm everywhere. So passionate. (She's not perfect. She's a lousy housekeeper.) I am worried I will start behaving irrationally because of her and this may affect my stability. The only thing I can think to do is to try to fuck another few girls during the same time period. I find this tends to reduce the infatuation factor.

    Thank you for the guidance and insights, USASG.

    Thank you Heaven for Mr Johnson.

    Thank you girls, for all your wonderful body parts.

    I hope I die with my dick in a 25 year old girl.

    Not right now though.
    Last edited by Literal2; 02-20-11 at 23:17. Reason: typo

  2. #32


    I got an email this AM from a girl I'd been chasing without success on the SB site asking to meet right away. I was pressed for time but I set it up for 12 noon. She wanted to meet at a Walmart first to check me out. She arrived half an hour late then wanted to buy cigarettes. More time wasted. Then we walked to her house where the utilities had been cut off which is why she contacted me I guess. The place was a mess. She has to shower next door and has a baby to care for. She wanted to talk about a regular relationship. I said we'd have to see. She is real skinny and small breasted but took off her clothes and got on the bed. More talking about how long a relationship woud I commit for. I said I don't know yet. She said no sex on first meeting but she'd give me a BJ, which she commenced. I pulled her up after a while and tried to home in on her pussy, but she said it was too soon, no DATY either. I said WTF and started to leave. She said she was sure I would like her over time and she would loosen up, but if I wanted FS today it would be 8x$. I walked out but left her some sugar to help pay her bills. I don't care much for real skinny girls anyway.

  3. #31

    Luck returns but.

    There hasn't been much interesting to report on the sb front in recent weeks. Lots of prospecting but no action. A string of broken dates: I got a room in Short Pump for one sb girl who didn't show and I quickly called a referral from a good old boy on this site but the girl who showed probably wasn't actually the one he referred plus was flabby in the extreme so I sent her away. That was a wasted evening, except for the ego-boost I got at a bar from a red haired 26 year old beauty who rejected several dudes half my age before accepting my offer of a drink. Probably thought I'd be harmless and good cover. Then there was the sb who agreed to a date but canceled because of her period. Then there were two 19 year olds who emailed me furiously for a week confirming and reconfirming our dates only to disappear just before they were to take place. Has anyone noticed teenagers can be unreliable? Then I worked a 22 year old Euro student / model and offered a monthly allowance for weekly meets. She said it was the lowest cheapest offer anyone ever made her on the site. OK, I said, how about the entire monthly allowance for one meet? This was acceptable and we set it up for tomorrow. Meanwhile, another sb emerged on a trip out of state, I'll call her SB4 or "Abby." She's a slim 25 year old, long haired brunette, flawless tight skin everywhere, perfect teeth, about 5"2," big breasted and small firm butt. A knockout, in other words. One of the top three prettiest girls I've ever dated. Very tight vagina. I licked and fingered her and she came in about three minutes, squirming to get away from me at the end as her clit got oversensitive. I love that. She cried out a little every time I thrust into her. It was just great. She tells me she gets so many emails on the sb site that she can't possibly read them all. I gave her 5x$. To me she was worth it, but that's just my opinion. I canceled tomorrow's date with the Euro.
    Last edited by Literal2; 02-14-11 at 06:47. Reason: fix typos

  4. #30

    Week 3 report

    Things continue apace, although I think I'm starting to wind down through the stack. It is a combination of pros, semi-pros, pros trying to act like non-pros, and the occasional real non-pro. Also wild fluctuations in what the girls want in the way of support, although most seem to have a pretty good idea of what the escort rate is and ask for something in that range. One big difference is that many of the girls, even the pro / semi-pros (e. G. Dancers) are using their real names and are not trying to hide who they are. This is helpful in doing background research (e. G. Discovering that one girl who was recently a dancer had a background as a competitive gymnast). We had a one-night stand, and she's requesting a return engagement, but she also wants 300 / date, which is over budget. I've had several meet-and-greets with girls who want in the 4. 500 range, and I decline (well, I'm planning a one-night stand with one 400 girl just because she's so spectacular I can't help myself. Probably end up disappointed, but I want to give it a try). Dinner meet with a 19-year-old yesterday and she's up for a return engagement with private time and was fine with my offer of 200 / date. Plan is to have an early dinner then retire to my place with a bottle of tequila (I'm fortunate to have a bachelor pad). The Russian wanted 300, so that was a no-go. Meeting with a 24-year-old artist tonight that I've had good e-mail with. There's a late 20's / early 30's perhaps semi-pro that I've been with a couple of times now at 200 / who's suggested that I come over some afternoon and she'll invite her friend the LMT over with her massage table for us to both get massages with some fun afterwards. That sounds promising. 3-way.

    I've not had any rip-offs, although one girl tried to pay me, saying that 1000 / month. 200 / meeting was fine but that she had some immediate financial problems that required $900 to get beyond. I wished her all the best. Even a non-pro is likely to be less interested in coming to hang out and screw if she's already gotten and spent the money. Maybe if I actually run a long-term thing with someone I'd be willing to help them out in advance, but it's just human nature for that not to work out well. That's the only girl who wasted any of my time, because we exchanged many more e-mails than I usually would before a meeting (she was very attractive) before she told me about her 'immediate needs'.

    I've also seen several ads from girls who want support but say they're not interested in getting involved with anything sexual. One of them was asking for $20K. $30K / month for 'conversation'. I've met some pretty good conversationalists in my day, but none of them were worth a quarter million a year. Sheesh.

    I'm down to about a week-and-a-half on my membership left and I think I'll not renew but keep plowing the fields I've seeded this month. I've got a couple of 19-year-olds on tap who are young but fun, and couple of mid-20s who are pretty but expensive, and a couple of 30+ girls who are also pretty and very easy to get along with and not too expensive, but do show a little age. Don't know if I've found one I want to stick with yet. Probably end up seeing a couple of them for a while.

  5. #29

    More Follow Up

    As for me, I wasted a lot of time with the third girl I met on the site (sb3). She sent me pussy pix and everything and said she couldn't wait to fuck etc etc. I met her once briefly in a neutral location. I gave her a little sugar ($). She reconfirmed her interest but soon developed complex personal problems and disappeared. I know, I'm an idiot. I think in this case she was seriously considering fucking me though (she gave me her address and everything) but just changed her mind. So I'm finished with sb3.

    As to sb2 (the squirter). I saw her several times but I began to grow less interested. It got harder for me to cum with her. Her squirting diminished too. Time passed. We exchanged affectionate notes but no more meetings. Then I got an email saying she needed more money to keep the relationship going. I said thank you and sayonara.

    On to sb4, which was another waste of time. I spent days emailing chit chat and proposals and cross proposals to a hot Euro babe "on vacation with her family" in the US. She insisted on knowing all details in advance including the financial details, which I don't like to talk about except in general terms. She declined to state her own requirements. Finally I took an idea from Thud and talked about 1k a month to help out with expenses, blah blah. She responded that nobody on the site had ever made her such a small cheap offer. So screw her.

    There were maybe 3-4 other sb's I talked to without any serious prospects developing, so as Thud says, this can be a lot of work. Also, like OBX, I want them to host because the whole hotel thing adds a layer of cost and logistics I'd rather avoid.

    Pressing onward, I am now talking to two more sb's. A 27 year old who "just wants to have fun" and a 19 year old who needs a little assistance (I'm hoping).

    Whew. Oh well, it's a great game. Personallly, I prefer it to cruising for SW's or dialing for pro's. Not that there's anything wrong with that. They are my back up. No offense intended towards anyone else who has different views.

  6. #28

    Follow Up

    I've gotten into a boring mess of personal details with sb4 and still haven't laid a hand or anything else on her. I'm working a bunch of new girls on the site.

    I have to be discreet so it's hard to keep communications going back and forth quickly enough to build up a relationship to where getting together comes up naturally. I think I'm averaging about one response for every three attempts.

    Thud and OBX, how you fellas doing out there?

  7. #27

    Thanks Thud

    I was unable to log in for a few days or I would have responded sooner. Thud, thank you for the useful post re how you do it using the so-called amateur sb sites. I hope you get laid every night this week, man. I'm headed back to my squirter sb today but this will be the third time so it's beginning to feel like a relationship which is not really what I want. I mean I do want it when I want it but most of the time I don't. I need to get back to work and sort thru the available talent and see if I can find another nice new hot wet "amateur" pussy.

  8. #26

    Week 1 experience

    Quote Originally Posted by Literal2  [View Original Post]
    Thud, how do you handle the "how much can / will you spend per month" question in your profile on SA? Also, do you post photos of yourself? Finally, what is your opening line?
    Bottom line: it works. Requires substantial investment of time (and, of course, cash). Met 4, boned 2, new meets scheduled every night this week. All attractive, one spectacular 20 year old (met but not boned, but looks promising). Tiring. However, the membership only lasts a month, so have to make the most of it unless I decide to renew.

    As soon as my profile went up I got a handful of requests, before I'd paid so I couldn't respond. There are roughly 2500 listings in my 50 mile default radius. I've now scanned through about 1000, responded to about 150, and have gotten replies from about 15, maybe half of which are prospects. No overt scams (yet) and no increase in SPAM in my associated e-mail.

    To answer your questions, no I don't post my pic, but I send on request when someone has replied with a private e-mail address and I'm interested. I'm honest with my intentions: I'm not looking to 'keep' anyone (can't afford it) , just something weekly (well, I'm probably looking for at least two different weekly girls, but that's more than I can afford). I've only explicitly talked amounts with one girl, and the two I took home with me we didn't talk amounts, I just gave them an envelope with a 'gift' (200). One girl was very happy and txt'ed me saying 'thanks' and 'let's do it again'; the other one I haven't heard back from and haven't contacted again. That's my basic offer. 200 / date, which I call $1000 / month (on a 5 week month). I don't respond to girls asking more than 1. 3K; most are 'open for negotiation' which is what I put in my profile. I have about a 3 paragraph message that I send to the girls I respond to, giving a rough but accurate self-description, what I'm looking for (put nicely) , and what I'm offering (not explicit numbers, but that I'm offering a supplement, not full support).

    I'd say worth it. However, I'm doing a kind of 'run'. Got an extra few thousand at year's end, and I'm having some fun with it. Maybe I'll end up with a semi-regular thing (although I tend toward variety). It is a way to meet some good looking girls and have a much better time than with a pro (at least in my experience). Both the girls I've brought home have been full date / GFE experiences. Dinner / drinks, followed by around 3 hours of fun for 200 plus the restaurant tab. I'm having fun (but getting tired) , and it's getting tough to schedule things. I'm about to have to back out of a date I've got scheduled for Thursday (body builder) for a better looking prospect (Russian).

  9. #25

    SA Skills

    Thud, how do you handle the "how much can / will you spend per month" question in your profile on SA? Also, do you post photos of yourself? Finally, what is your opening line? (I've tried "loved your profile" and "want to have fun" and some others all equally lame. It's amazing I ever get laid. Just trying to learn before they haul me off to the cemetary.)

  10. #24

    UTR girls and SA site

    Quote Originally Posted by Snake27  [View Original Post]
    I also prefer Under The Radar UTR girls
    Hi. Not from this neck of the woods but the thread came up the same day I paid my close to. 5$ for a month on the SA site. I've been doing UTR for a few years (in addition to the street. I tend to avoid the public pros. Rarely worth the admission price in my book) , mostly by posting on CL Casual Encounters. The filters on CL now catch most of the 'mutually beneficial arrangement' type posts, and the replies are now pretty much entirely spam (as opposed to the former 99. 9% spam). There is a broad range of UTR talent, from dumpy old pros to gals who've done professional modeling. I've had semi-regular things with some spectacularly beautiful women with dinner dates followed by 100% GFE and given them 200 a meeting for their time with which they were happy. Rare, but there. I've currently got an ongoing thing with a 22-year-old former member of her college swim team for 100 / visit, so there's some good things to be had out there.

    I decided to try 1 month paid after I saw 4 of the girls I'd been with from CL responses on the SA site, which let me know that at least some of the girls there are real (including the swimmer). We'll see how it goes. Of course we're all looking for the 19-year-old model material who humps like a wild monkey all night then quietly leaves in the morning with $100 and is happy. She doesn't exist.

    I never pay an allowance in advance. As noted, once she's got the cash in hand she's got what she wants and will go looking for another well to provide.

  11. #23

    Establishing contact

    For what it is worth I've sent maybe 15-20 different girls emails and only have a "continuing relationship" with 3. Two of them were online at the same time and I sent emails asking if they wanted to meet. Both initiated chat during which we exchanged cell #'s and one I met and fucked the next day with no preliminaries and the other after a week during which I met her in public for a get acquainted session first. The third has been more difficult as we exchange emails frequently as I work to break out of the wolfpack of pussyhounds on her scent. We shifted to regular email instead of that on the site which helped. Pretty girls are bombarded on the site. Finally she met with me and she's hot hot hot but didn't have time to be alone. So I'll try again in a few weeks. I've given her some sugar but no more until penetration occurs. If it occurs. She is a ferocious cock teaser. Will try some others soon. Inmo you have to be direct enough in the initial contact so that she gets a little thrill but not so direct that she thinks you are weird.

  12. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Literal2  [View Original Post]
    Google seeking arrangements. Let us know what happens.
    I did as you suggested. Too rich for my blood. I did pay the SB site. No responses yet to emails.

  13. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Coolhand2  [View Original Post]
    Your right about the cash only. My concern was about leaving a trail. What is the"arrangement" site you're refering to? I don't mind having an arrangement, if we can agree on an amount, but not in writing.
    Google seeking arrangements. Let us know what happens.

  14. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Literal2  [View Original Post]
    Coolhand, inmo this is a cash business. There are a hundred reasons why. None of them are to comply with tax regulations. On the "other site", the "arrangements" site (of which I am not a member) , it seems to me they try to get you to sign up in advance for some kind of monthly commitment. Maybe that will work better with some girls. You still should be able to figure out how to pay in cash though. Otherwise you leave a trail and I'm not talking about pecker tracks.
    Your right about the cash only. My concern was about leaving a trail. What is the"arrangement" site you're refering to? I don't mind having an arrangement, if we can agree on an amount, but not in writing.

  15. #19

    Payments, SB3 (Lit2 gets flim-flammed)

    Many thanks to OBX for sharing some of his technique. I am following along, trying to figure this so-called amateur scene out.

    Coolhand, inmo this is a cash business. There are a hundred reasons why. None of them are to comply with tax regulations. On the "other site", the "arrangements" site (of which I am not a member) , it seems to me they try to get you to sign up in advance for some kind of monthly commitment. Maybe that will work better with some girls. You still should be able to figure out how to pay in cash though. Otherwise you leave a trail and I'm not talking about pecker tracks.

    So I zeroed in on SB3, she of the emails saying how she wanted me to fuck her so bad etc. Summary: when I tried to meet her she said she was nervous and didn't quite have the time. So I'm kicking this one down the road for a while. I'll revisit later, still would like to taste that sweet pussy. I gave her some sugar in advance, maybe she'll just pocket it and drop me. We'll see.

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