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This forum thread is moderated by Admin
  1. #64

    You just don't get it


    I agree that it is not that hard to find an escort. But, I don't think it is as easy to do so safely. Call me a "know it all" if you like, but I don't think you understand what we are trying to do. This list is not so much for the "seasoned veteran" like yourself. You already admitted that after [finally] reading the SW 22 Rules they were common sense stuff and you learned all of this on your own. Great! Good for you. How long did that take? How many times have you been ripped off over your 20 years of mongering? I hope for you that the answers are "After the first time I did it" and "Never," respectively. But, I kinda doubt it.

    Our endeavor is an attempt to help out the new Hobbyists to learn a little bit more quickly, have better experiences, and hopefully help them to not get ripped off or arrested. I also hope that maybe we can make a few points that the "seasoned veterans" might appreciate or at least use as a refresher. Hell, in your own post you used a phrase that Harpo says not to use (and he has more experience than you). Read the post that Stimulus re-posted. You shouldn't be using the phrase "pay money for sex". Just because no one helped you, doesn't mean that we can't help others. If you want to be selfish and say that everyone should "learn it for themselves." Fine. That is your decision and you are free to express that point of view.

    Furthermore, I have said many times already that it is not my intent to dictate how you should hobby or that this is MY list created solely by me. We have been asking everyone to contribute. We want the collective experience of this entire board in on this. As I have stated, I'm the one compiling the list, not creating it. And so everyone knows, we are going to post a draft of the "rules" for everyone to review, comment on, and make suggestions, and then a more final version will be posted.

    And, to clarify, I have been doing this for seven years, but I have only been diligently escort mongering for a little over two years. Two years, Seven years, or 20 years. Who cares? If I have even one suggestion to contribute, it might help someone. That's what we are here for after all. Don't blast me for having done this for a shorter amount of time than you. 20 years of experience doesn't make a genius either (obviously).

    Sorry if I am coming off as an ass or a know it all. I just want to help the new members and old members and to make this board better than it is right now. A lot of people have complained about the drama, and the crap, and the lack of information, etc. But, I don't see many of you stepping up to DO anything about it. That is all that I am trying to do.


    Quote Originally Posted by Dillsborodave  [View Original Post]
    I agree, its really not that hard to find an escort. Seems like some of the "know it alls" from the escort section want to prove they know it all. I have talked with one of the so called list makers and he told me he has only been doing this for a couple years. So what gives him the right to make a set of rules? Likewise just because someone has over 300 posts does not mean they know much either. But that is just my opinion.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dillsborodave  [View Original Post]
    I read the the 22 rules and they all seem like common sense stuff. But I am 46 and have been doing this for about 20 years and learned everything on my own. Guess if there are some retards out there that can't figure out how to pay money for sex the rules could help.

  2. #63

    The term YMMV was coined for you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cumslowly  [View Original Post]
    Give me a fucking break! How about this. You pick one you like, you call her, you go to her, you pay her, and you get laid. There they are, five fucking rules for seeing an escort. No drama. Just do it.
    To each his own. Personally I like to get a good value for my time. I am rarely disappointed and when I am it's because I was in a hurry and missed the information. In fact most of the time my expectations are exceeded because I choose carefully. If you've won the lottery and you have lots of time, unlimited funds and don't care about the situations you get into, well, then get into the adrenaline rush and do it whatever way you wish. In fact no one here really gives a crap unless you cause the rest of us a problem. Like John Rothless-whatever-his-name (the scumbag from Columbus that stalks the ladies). However, John has now picked on the wrong gal up North. His latest target is ex-military and she likes guns. I can't wait for him to show up at her door. He's such a prick.

    Rule # 129,567,432. Be nice to the ladies and they'll be nice to you.

  3. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by Cumslowly  [View Original Post]
    Give me a fucking break! How about this. You pick one you like, you call her, you go to her, you pay her, and you get laid. There they are, five fucking rules for seeing an escort. No drama. Just do it.
    Simple minds can develop only the most simple of solutions. Such rudimentary naivety is in some ways like piloting an aircraft. One pilot completes all the items on his checklist and files a flight plan. The other jumps in the plane and if it starts he is in the air. One is much quicker than the other, hell it is a lot more exciting also, as you can rest assured you will probably be seeing the earth up real close moving toward you in excess of one hundred miles an hour. Just my opinion, perhaps RTFF should be changed to RTFR.

  4. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by Cumslowly  [View Original Post]
    Give me a fucking break! How about this. You pick one you like, you call her, you go to her, you pay her, and you get laid. There they are, five fucking rules for seeing an escort. No drama. Just do it.
    Simple minds can develop only the most simple of solutions. Such rudimentary naivety is in some ways like piloting an aircraft. One pilot completes all the items on his checklist and files a flight plan. The other jumps in the plane and if it starts he is in the air. One is much quicker than the other, hell it is a lot more exciting also, as you can rest assured you will probably be seeing the earth up real close moving toward you in excess of one hundred miles an hour. Just my opinion, perhaps RTFF should be changed to RTFR.

  5. #60

    My input

    I have quite a few to ad, and most who know about me will vouch. Let's get the board back to what it is supposed to be, not some afternoon soap opera where everyone is trying to fuck everyone else. Well, wait a minute, that is what the board is about. Sorry I blew up, I will go back to my corner. By the way, shout out to my pals, stimulus, whodeyman, wingman, kyjellyguy, jrywild1. Miss talking to you guys.
    Last edited by Admin; 01-07-11 at 01:03.

  6. #59


    Quote Originally Posted by Nkykinkyguy  [View Original Post]
    No wonder your are a dribbler being a retard and all. LOL!
    I hope you get herpes muthatrucker. LOL. Much love you kinky bastard.

    Betcha the process of our forefathers writing the Declaration of Independence was very similar to the one you guys are trying to initiate.

  7. #58

    Re: Rules? WTF?

    Cumslowly, I'll give you a break, then. How 'bout this.

    You pick one you like, you call her, you go to her, you pay her, you get arrested for solicitation, you get to spend the night in Uncle Si's hotel, and you get laid by the biggest bull queer in the pen. Because you didn't follow the rules.

    Be my guest,"just do it" LOL!

    Thinking like this is why newbies get ripped off for thousands of dollars before learning the ropes.

    Professor JRW1

    Quote Originally Posted by Cumslowly  [View Original Post]
    Give me a fucking break! How about this. You pick one you like, you call her, you go to her, you pay her, and you get laid. There they are, five fucking rules for seeing an escort. No drama. Just do it.

  8. #57

    Harpo and Stimulus!

    Just wanted to take a moment to give my sincere thanks to Harpo for his great work on rules / tips for Escort Mongering and to Stimulus for taking the time to go back and find this information for us so that we can update it and post it where it is readily available to all new and old Escort Hobbyist to use if they feel the need.

    It is extremely nice to see members of such high regard taking the time to help everyone here in our community.

    Many Thanks,


  9. #56

    I Agree

    Very well said Jay,

    That is why Jry, myself and others are wanting to provide another tool for Hobbyist, new and old, to have at their disposal. All information is useful. It is up to each individual to use or not use it to their own accord.


    Quote Originally Posted by Jay Malibu  [View Original Post]
    You can never know enough about all this. All information is valuable, even the most outlandish. People reveal their personalities in their words and I get good information as to who I can trust by the way they convey information. Anyone new to this needs to be patient. Lack of knowledge and ignoring information create your biggest risks in all this.

  10. #55

    Everything has value

    You can never know enough about all this. All information is valuable, even the most outlandish. People reveal their personalities in their words and I get good information as to who I can trust by the way they convey information. Anyone new to this needs to be patient. Lack of knowledge and ignoring information create your biggest risks in all this.

  11. #54


    Just a clarification for some of the readers that either don't bother to read the post or can't quite comprend what is written in them.

    There are no list makers. The request was sent out to everyone on the board to contribute to the formation of two needed list, guide, rules, whatever name you wish to attach to them.

    So whether you have been in the hobby for 20 months or 20 years your opinion matters and your input is not only welcome but needed because no one is going to do it for us we need to contribute, unfortunately that even includes those that childishly use name calling to try and belittle what they don't understand. They too are members.

    These lists are not an attempt to change or circumvent the way you currently Hobby. They are to help new members avoid the need to recreate the wheel over and over again and to provide a point of reference for everyone to use if they so choose.

    So everyone, please send Jry Wild1 your serious input, he is just going to compile the information in a list format and then post it for everyone's reviews, comments and critical comments.

    It's the communities list not any one persons.



  12. #53

    I agree

    Quote Originally Posted by Cumslowly  [View Original Post]
    Give me a fucking break! How about this. You pick one you like, you call her, you go to her, you pay her, and you get laid. There they are, five fucking rules for seeing an escort. No drama. Just do it.
    I agree, its really not that hard to find an escort. Seems like some of the "know it alls" from the escort section want to prove they know it all. I have talked with one of the so called list makers and he told me he has only been doing this for a couple years. So what gives him the right to make a set of rules? Likewise just because someone has over 300 posts does not mean they know much either. But that is just my opinion.

  13. #52


    No wonder your are a dribbler being a retard and all. LOL!

    You know I am just kidding Nati.

    Absolutely well spoken Nati and a little humor to boot. Just another reason as to why you are a respected and admired member of this community. Jry, I and the rest of the contributors to the compilation of these list would welcome any and all input you would like to put forth.

    We are just trying to help those without the experience of seasoned members such as you eliminate the need to recreate the wheel.

    Good Luck and Be Safe,


    Quote Originally Posted by Getnati  [View Original Post]
    First off, calling them "rules" gives off a certain connotation when in actuality they are mere "tips". When I first started mongering, I wasn't a member of the forum and had no rules or tips to follow. Years later after finding this board, and reading the 22 rules, it occurred to me that the things I had learned in the streets were indeed the exact things mentioned in the rules. Now there are slight variances in everyone's habits and procedures as well. They are a good set of tips for avoiding LE and potentially dangerous situations for beginners and novices. As time goes on and technology and LE grows close to Big Brother status, the rules could eventually need some tweaking.

    I'm sure Escort rules could easily be created, although a lot of thought would have to be put into it. You see, for a SW sting, LE women do not get into your car for a ride without someone closely following. You could possibly apply that same theory to Escorts as well. If you meet at a neutral spot without previously mentioning money and go to an undisclosed area for the fun in one car without being followed, then you might be able to come out clean as a whistle. There are probably other ways of doing this, but I HAVE used that method in the past. I'll have to say that the thought of meeting an Escort is a lot scarier than picking up a SW. With a SW, it sounds like just friendly chit-chat and meeting someone. Might even ask her to do some "nude modeling" which is totally legal BTW.

    Oh and here is my impersonation of the Escort Reports Thread for shits and giggles:


    Senior Member.

    Reports 1267.

    Join Date: Yesterday.

    Subject: UNBELIEVABLE #$@$%

    Anybody know of any good pizza deals today? I'm starving.

  14. #51

    Rules? Wtf?

    Give me a fucking break! How about this. You pick one you like, you call her, you go to her, you pay her, and you get laid. There they are, five fucking rules for seeing an escort. No drama. Just do it.

  15. #50


    That didn't take long! LOL!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dillsborodave  [View Original Post]
    Some how I just knew you would be the one to stand up for retards.

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