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  1. #120
    Regular Member

    Posts: 15
    Quote Originally Posted by WarpFactor69  [View Original Post]
    This is false information. But I would be interested to read any hard proof that you have, that this is happening locally (OR / WA).

    Agree with your first paragraph explaining that escorts are opposed to amps.

    But don't believe the media/ L.E./ Hollywood hype concerning the women being forced. They chose to come here. When these places get busted, it is not a rescue, they are interfering with consenting adults.
    You see trafficking mentioned during busts, as was done during the L. O. Bust, but no trafficking charges were made. Just promoting prostitution and that will definitely stick due to how the idiot owners advertise.

    The shops I know of, many are just one woman operations. The owner holds the lease and gets the house fee. The woman keeps all the tips. The one woman who. Works at each of these shops has been there for years. Most aren't making big money but make enough to send home to family. They live in the shop because it's free.

    If there was just some amount of common sense used no one would complain. But the idiot AMP owners will put parlors every 100 yards, run explicit ads, and put a parlor in a neighborhood. Exactly what happened at Mei Mei in Vancouver. Those ladies don't do FS, but the owner ran the fake ad with explicit serial references. Of course the neighborhood ladies lost their minds on NextDoor.

    I have no sympathy for the shop owners. Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered. These idiots are their own worst enemies.

  2. #119
    Senior Member

    Posts: 254
    Quote Originally Posted by WarpFactor69  [View Original Post]
    Don't know what's going on but lately if I want to add additional comments I cannot scroll to the bottom of my last few words to add a new sentence, using the edit feature.

    I wanted to add, consider the reasons that higher priced escorts would want you to believe negative things about AMP girls, and try to discourage you from giving them your business.
    Fair point.

  3. #118

    Don't include me

    Quote Originally Posted by JayXakain  [View Original Post]
    We may encounter women who are willing and happy to do it, but at the same time there are many that are working there to pay off debts or just straight up being trafficked. So let's not pretend the issue doesn't exist.
    The only one pretending is you.

  4. #117
    Quote Originally Posted by JayXakain  [View Original Post]
    ...or just straight up being trafficked. So let's not pretend the issue doesn't exist.
    This is false information. But I would be interested to read any hard proof that you have, that this is happening locally (OR / WA).

    Agree with your first paragraph explaining that escorts are opposed to amps.

    But don't believe the media/ L.E./ Hollywood hype concerning the women being forced. They chose to come here. When these places get busted, it is not a rescue, they are interfering with consenting adults.

  5. #116
    Quote Originally Posted by OneOne9  [View Original Post]
    I have never met a provider at an AMP or AAMP that was not there on their own free will. They can come and go as they please, many have set up their own shops. They do have a boss just like the rest of us.

    Many of us have gone out with a provider for a drink or dinner, no one stopped them.

    I think TNA has too much influence on this board and I could care less what any provider has to say on that board.
    I mean, over there they say it for obvious reason. Is good for their business when AMPs close.

    However, let's not pretend that actual trafficking doesn't happen at these parlors. We may encounter women who are willing and happy to do it, but at the same time there are many that are working there to pay off debts or just straight up being trafficked. So let's not pretend the issue doesn't exist.

  6. #115

    Forced? I don't think so

    Quote Originally Posted by WarpFactor69  [View Original Post]
    Not forced to be there, they have a boss, but they are not working against their own will.

    You can do an internet search using words similar to:

    Are Asian massage workers trafficked fact check.
    I have never met a provider at an AMP or AAMP that was not there on their own free will. They can come and go as they please, many have set up their own shops. They do have a boss just like the rest of us.

    Many of us have gone out with a provider for a drink or dinner, no one stopped them.

    I think TNA has too much influence on this board and I could care less what any provider has to say on that board.

  7. #114


    Quote Originally Posted by WarpFactor69  [View Original Post]
    Don't know what's going on but lately if I want to add additional comments I cannot scroll to the bottom of my last few words to add a new sentence, using the edit feature.

    I wanted to add, consider the reasons that higher priced escorts would want you to believe negative things about AMP girls, and try to discourage you from giving them your business.
    The TNA hookers just want to bad mouth their competitors. Same with BBFS. They act all up in arms over it, but more than half will let you cream pie them.

  8. #113
    Quote Originally Posted by TryHard  [View Original Post]
    I don't have any special knowledge, but know they live there and don't speak much English, so seems like a set up for that, compared to an escort in her home or apartment. Also, one time I was going to go in an AMP and before I did, a white guy in a truck drove up, went in, and came out a few minutes later with an asian woman pulling a roller bag. They got in and drove off. So what was that and where was she going. I just think its far riskier than a regular you know.
    Just like strippers, sometimes the girls go home with their customers at the end of their shift.

  9. #112
    Don't know what's going on but lately if I want to add additional comments I cannot scroll to the bottom of my last few words to add a new sentence, using the edit feature.

    I wanted to add, consider the reasons that higher priced escorts would want you to believe negative things about AMP girls, and try to discourage you from giving them your business.

  10. #111
    Quote Originally Posted by Jd058  [View Original Post]
    Ok, so.

    Are they actually trafficked? Some are, some aren't?

    Some seem like they are their own person, moving about from shop to shop, though I've gotten odd vibes in the past from others as far as "Oh, I can't leave", when I tried to setup something outside the shop (before I learned it never really works out).

    Some gals I've talked to about it (IE, TNA providers) insist its all trafficked / unwilling participants. Just curious if anyone has any thoughts / facts / secret knowledge to share.
    Not forced to be there, they have a boss, but they are not working against their own will.

    You can do an internet search using words similar to:

    Are Asian massage workers trafficked fact check.

  11. #110


    Quote Originally Posted by Jd058  [View Original Post]
    Ok, so.

    Are they actually trafficked? Some are, some aren't?

    Some seem like they are their own person, moving about from shop to shop, though I've gotten odd vibes in the past from others as far as "Oh, I can't leave", when I tried to setup something outside the shop (before I learned it never really works out).

    Some gals I've talked to about it (IE, TNA providers) insist its all trafficked / unwilling participants. Just curious if anyone has any thoughts / facts / secret knowledge to share.
    I don't have any special knowledge, but know they live there and don't speak much English, so seems like a set up for that, compared to an escort in her home or apartment. Also, one time I was going to go in an AMP and before I did, a white guy in a truck drove up, went in, and came out a few minutes later with an asian woman pulling a roller bag. They got in and drove off. So what was that and where was she going. I just think its far riskier than a regular you know.

  12. #109
    Senior Member

    Posts: 254
    Ok, so.

    Are they actually trafficked? Some are, some aren't?

    Some seem like they are their own person, moving about from shop to shop, though I've gotten odd vibes in the past from others as far as "Oh, I can't leave", when I tried to setup something outside the shop (before I learned it never really works out).

    Some gals I've talked to about it (IE, TNA providers) insist its all trafficked / unwilling participants. Just curious if anyone has any thoughts / facts / secret knowledge to share.

  13. #108

  14. #107

    Empty pockets

    Quote Originally Posted by Pdx503  [View Original Post]
    I've been tempted for a second when the little head was doing the thinking, but I scratch my head when I see providers requesting a photo I'd or work I'd for screening. I get that they need to protect themselves but uh yea I'm not doing that. I don't even meet up with my wallet or I'd on me.
    Exactly. I use a burner phone app to do my texting and I don't bring more than cash for the transaction and a car key with me. No wallet, no ring, no watch.

  15. #106
    Quote Originally Posted by RockyRococo  [View Original Post]
    There was a story about that on the evening news last night and even my wife (who knows nothing about the hobby) commented: Why would anyone engaging in illegal activity tell someone all their personal info.
    I've been tempted for a second when the little head was doing the thinking, but I scratch my head when I see providers requesting a photo I'd or work I'd for screening. I get that they need to protect themselves but uh yea I'm not doing that. I don't even meet up with my wallet or I'd on me.

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