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Thread: Massage Parlor Reports

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  1. #4098
    Quote Originally Posted by MitchP4735  [View Original Post]
    I'm going to stop in at sun spa in Champlain tomorrow and check it out. Anyone here visit and have anything to report? Either way I'm due for any massage treatment. I'll try and leave a report when I finish.
    Only had the owner, she is cute but legit only. We had a while ago a fairly upfront conversation. (She was the only person as well.). Great firm massage, but never went back. I think there are at least 1-2 more ladies, but still haven't made it back. Look forward to results from you!

  2. #4097
    Quote Originally Posted by KrangleVerse  [View Original Post]
    Guessing none of those 4 gals were Mia based on your post. Any good lookers? Probably won't go back if Mia is truly gone, but curious.
    I mean, it's still pretty good. There's talent there, but Mia was another level. Young, fun, great body, great attitude and willing to go further than L1.

  3. #4096
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainHonest  [View Original Post]
    I went to Maple the other day, didn't see anyone but a Chinese gentlemenat the back door with an older gal. Jojo. I asked if Eva, Mia or Stacy is around, and she said no. The gal responded that the ladies changes names all the time so she is unaware. Once the massage finished, there were 4 gals sitting there, besides the masseuse that I received. Two gals recognized me and did the same thing, grabbed my arms to walk me out, and asked why I didn't choose them. I let her know that Jojo, said no one was available. Weird shit, but I bet its competition. Lately the gals been asking what I tip the others. It gets awkward.

    I'm going to just stick to the agencies.

    Guessing none of those 4 gals were Mia based on your post. Any good lookers? Probably won't go back if Mia is truly gone, but curious.

  4. #4095

    Similar experience

    I went to Maple the other day, didn't see anyone but a Chinese gentlemenat the back door with an older gal. Jojo. I asked if Eva, Mia or Stacy is around, and she said no. The gal responded that the ladies changes names all the time so she is unaware. Once the massage finished, there were 4 gals sitting there, besides the masseuse that I received. Two gals recognized me and did the same thing, grabbed my arms to walk me out, and asked why I didn't choose them. I let her know that Jojo, said no one was available. Weird shit, but I bet its competition. Lately the gals been asking what I tip the others. It gets awkward.

    I'm going to just stick to the agencies.


    Quote Originally Posted by Loran70  [View Original Post]
    I called and made an appointment with a provider at Maple, and when I arrived, Joanna, grabbed my arm and rushed me into the room. I said I was here to see XYZ, and Joanna said XYZ is on vacation, you see me. So I saw Joanna, and had fun. Upon leaving, I encounted XYZ and see asked me why I didn't see her? I told her that Joanna said she was on vacation. XYZ frowned and gave a nasty look at Joanna for poaching her customer. This has happened twice since May.

  5. #4094


    Quote Originally Posted by Fisher4899  [View Original Post]
    I've been a frequent visitor to Maple Leaf for the last few months, so last night I called and asked if Mia was working?

    There was a pause and the lady on the phone said she didn't work there anymore and they have other girls. Hmmm. Can anyone confirm this? I'm guessing she is still there, but just became too popular from everyone calling and asking for her maybe? Feel free to DM if you know anything.
    I've seen another lady late 40's. She mentioned we all drew enough attention for Mia and they had to let her go! We need to know why they don't advertise along and stay low!

  6. #4093
    Quote Originally Posted by Vomer  [View Original Post]
    New user; been trying to register for quite some time, wouldn't work. This forum has been an interesting discovery for me -- even though the comments are weirdly cryptic at times, I was able to find Rose Massage a few months ago and have visited a few times. Nice thing about that place is that the L1 is a given; there seems to be no question about it. The trade off, in my opinion, is that the massages themselves are just mediocr . . . SNIP
    As a fellow west-sider, thank you for the efforts and info. Hopefully other readers will use the info wisely and not stampede to a certain place and say dumb things or act like idiots as referenced below about Massage Healthy. I didn't read the posts by the two senior posters who recently got banned for discouraging sharing of info, but I would bet money it wasn't to avoid cops reading stuff. What has harmed the scene in this town, especially on the west side mostly hasn't been LE, it has been fellow mongers acting like idiots and scaring the AMP ladies to go legit or move shop. Lyla and Mimi had to close Wellness in EP and move down to Burnsville because some asshole started screaming at one of the ladies when he didn't get an HE, screaming enough that another business in the building called the cops. I would have liked to have wrung that guy's neck because his dumb ass meant I went from a 10 minute drive to a 35 minute drive to see Lyla. Please just be chill, people.

  7. #4092

    ML Mia?

    I've been a frequent visitor to Maple Leaf for the last few months, so last night I called and asked if Mia was working?

    There was a pause and the lady on the phone said she didn't work there anymore and they have other girls. Hmmm. Can anyone confirm this? I'm guessing she is still there, but just became too popular from everyone calling and asking for her maybe? Feel free to DM if you know anything.

  8. #4091
    Quote Originally Posted by MitchP4735  [View Original Post]
    I'm going to stop in at sun spa in Champlain tomorrow and check it out. Anyone here visit and have anything to report? Either way I'm due for any massage treatment. I'll try and leave a report when I finish.
    How'd your "treatment" go? I've been there a few times. The owner is attractive and gives a good massage, but no luck.

  9. #4090

    A visit to the Maple.

    I called and made an appointment with a provider at Maple, and when I arrived, Joanna, grabbed my arm and rushed me into the room. I said I was here to see XYZ, and Joanna said XYZ is on vacation, you see me. So I saw Joanna, and had fun. Upon leaving, I encounted XYZ and see asked me why I didn't see her? I told her that Joanna said she was on vacation. XYZ frowned and gave a nasty look at Joanna for poaching her customer. This has happened twice since May.

  10. #4089
    Quote Originally Posted by WalkMyDog  [View Original Post]
    Anyone know of this place?
    Relax Oasis.

  11. #4088

    Far West Metro Report

    New user; been trying to register for quite some time, wouldn't work. This forum has been an interesting discovery for me -- even though the comments are weirdly cryptic at times, I was able to find Rose Massage a few months ago and have visited a few times. Nice thing about that place is that the L1 is a given; there seems to be no question about it. The trade off, in my opinion, is that the massages themselves are just mediocre. Oh, and the prices are hard to justify.

    Anyway, that part of the metro is my stomping ground, and as I haven't seen much (if any?) reports from this area, I wanted to return the favor and share my experiences here.

    I first started searching at Tonka Massage (Shorewood). First two times it was nothing. No teasing, no hints of more. Massages were decent. But with that and the fact that it always seemed just a bit chilly in there, I stopped going. Not too long ago (a month?) I went back, really just looking for a decent massage. Got a new person (I had seen 2 others before). She did quite a bit of teasing and I was pretty sure it was going to end well. Well, it actually just ended kinda strange. She clearly knew what she was doing and what was going on, but it was a strict DIY. Kinda felt cheated. Anyway, take home here is that perhaps this place wasn't quite as straight-laced as I originally thought.

    I tried Mystic Massage one time (Shakopee). Decent massage, but nothing more. Only went once, so perhaps there is more, just too far for me.

    Twice I have been to Red Sky Massage in Chaska. Really good massage, good prices and she uses hot stones as well. I think it's just one lady (I seem to recall she said she had relocated from Edina). Thin, 30's (but very average appearance. Kind of an interesting experience. Light teasing and then she does far more of a face-up massage than most. She has to know she teasing at this point and even (both times) got up on the table between my legs. Draped from waist down, but still. It was a DIY the last time I went, but definitely I get the sense that this can go further with her (L1). Will most likely keep trying here.

    Up to most recently, my go-to place has been Chan Massage (Chanhassen). It's one lady, 40's (average appearance. One promising clue was that she would be wearing jeans when I walked in and would then change into shorts when she came into the room. Very friendly. First time (or two?) she definitely teased, but refused an L1 and it was DIY. The few times after that, it was L1 and pretty decent at that (she really seemed turned on herself for one of these! Shoved my hand under her shorts). Oddly, the last time I was in (and have not been in since), she teased less, draped more (which is to say, she hardly did at all before), and the L1 was done only begrudgingly. I'm sure I'll go to her again. Decent massage at any rate, and I'm curious to figure out what the norm is going to be with her.

    Can't decide if my next visit will be at Chan (more or less a sure thing) versus trying to discover if more exists at Red Sky. Other than that I just reported, not sure if there is anything else out here in the far west metro. Anyone else have experiences out here?

    I've thought about paying a visit to the Burnsville area where there appears to be a somewhat dense cluster of AMPs (near Hwy 13 and Cliff Rd) that have some positive reports here. Anyone have a favorite of those?

  12. #4087
    Quote Originally Posted by GreenRider  [View Original Post]
    Update on Massage Healthy, I'm not sure the lady is enjoying her sudden celebrity status.

    She has a surprisingly good firm pressure massage, I plan on going back just for that reason. She is a little odd, but very nice overall.

    To anyone else planning on stopping in; do not expect to get FS on the first visit, if ever. She had a whole speech that one of her new customers told her he heard she did FS online. Please do not tell a provider that people are talking about them online, let alone what services they supposedly offer.
    Disappointing someone would be so foolish as to mention anything about online talk to a provider who does not advertise. Be smarter, people. This is not rocket science. Don't be pushy, don't act entitled, the AMP ladies don't owe you anything beyond a decent massage. If you want more to be on the table, learn to be subtle. In this town I would never even go for FS on a first visit. Put some time in and earn it, build a little rapport with the lady. Sheesh. Other towns have AMPs that are pretty openly FS all the time and barely even bother with the pretense of massage, but we don't have that here, so act accordingly.

    I swung by Massage Healthy earlier in the week and can echo what Green Rider says about the massage part, it was way better than average for an AMP, possibly the best I have had. Better than 80% of the massages I have gotten at Massage Envy, tbh. On the flip she went to drape with a question on her face, I just smiled and said we don't need that. At the end she saw what needed attention, asked if I was a cop, when I said no she said, "then I take care of you". Whatever others have eventually gotten to with this lady didn't remove the need for me to read the room, she was clearly a little hesitant, so no pushing from me, let her make the move. I got a nice finish and tipped above average because the massage was just so good. I might be back just for the massage, but I personally don't think I find her attractive enough to want to go past HE with her even if there is more. Others who have been there more, is it just the one lady, KC (or casey or whatever) or is there a second lady? That was not clear to me, it is a big enough space for two providers.

  13. #4086
    Update on Massage Healthy, I'm not sure the lady is enjoying her sudden celebrity status.

    She has a surprisingly good firm pressure massage, I plan on going back just for that reason. She is a little odd, but very nice overall.

    To anyone else planning on stopping in; do not expect to get FS on the first visit, if ever. She had a whole speech that one of her new customers told her he heard she did FS online. Please do not tell a provider that people are talking about them online, let alone what services they supposedly offer.

  14. #4085
    Quote Originally Posted by GreenRider  [View Original Post]
    Looks like Eastern Massage has closed down. I stopped in once and it was a combination of mediocre massage and DIY only so it's not a great loss.

    Has anyone been to Rose Lake Massage in WBL?
    I haven't gotten a HE in WBL since 2014.

    I think they're all legit there now, despite a few having "that look".

  15. #4084
    Looks like Eastern Massage has closed down. I stopped in once and it was a combination of mediocre massage and DIY only so it's not a great loss.

    Has anyone been to Rose Lake Massage in WBL?

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