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Thread: Massage Parlor Reports

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  1. #4023
    Quote Originally Posted by JammyNutron  [View Original Post]
    Looking to see what you all think.

    Which AMPs in TC area have the hottest L1 providers.

    By hot I mean attractive and playful.

    I too am wondering about this location as well.

    Pm would be greatly appreciated.


  2. #4022

    If you please.

    Quote Originally Posted by JammyNutron  [View Original Post]
    I'd take you're word for it but feel I must investigate. Not familiar with this location, could you DM me with the info?

    I too am wondering about this location as well.

    Pm would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

  3. #4021
    Regular Member

    Posts: 23
    Quote Originally Posted by McZrt  [View Original Post]
    Hey Fellas,

    As stated, longtime member looking for some intel on a place I can get lots of play with the boys and at least a L1? Spend most of my time in FL, so if I can provide any of you guys some hot spots there in trade for a place here? That would be great! I still have a place here and was hoping someone could help out.

    Thanks in advance.
    Tough crowd.

  4. #4020

    Sent you a DM

    Quote Originally Posted by JammyNutron  [View Original Post]
    I'd take you're word for it but feel I must investigate. Not familiar with this location, could you DM me with the info?

    Check your PM.

  5. #4019


    Quote Originally Posted by TheMongR  [View Original Post]
    Helen & Hanna are attractive. Michelle is not as attractive as others but provides an excellent service. I've seen all 3.
    I'd take you're word for it but feel I must investigate. Not familiar with this location, could you DM me with the info?


  6. #4018

    Double this

    Quote Originally Posted by AnythingCool  [View Original Post]
    Helen, Hanna and Michelle at Flower are attractive.
    Helen & Hanna are attractive. Michelle is not as attractive as others but provides an excellent service. I've seen all 3.

  7. #4017


    Quote Originally Posted by JammyNutron  [View Original Post]
    Looking to see what you all think.

    Which AMPs in TC area have the hottest L1 providers.

    By hot I mean attractive and playful.

    Helen, Hanna and Michelle at Flower are attractive.

  8. #4016

    RE: Hottest Girls

    Quote Originally Posted by JammyNutron  [View Original Post]
    Looking to see what you all think.

    Which AMPs in TC area have the hottest L1 providers.

    By hot I mean attractive and playful.

    Hottest girls. That is an interesting way to put it in this town as far as the massage parlor scene. I have seen quite a few ladies that I thought were attractive enough, but graded on an AMP curve. Playful, sure, experienced that. Lyla at Wellness in her prime was decently attractive and could certainly be playful but even at her best would not belong on a list that said hottest. The combo platter of the super bowl and then covid really knocked this town down a couple rungs. Used to be fairly easy to find a pretty decent looking lady that was playful enough, so the hunt itself was enjoyable. Now it's like we are passing each other notes under the desk in 5th grade math, hoping for whispers or even rumors of something half-ways decent. Sorry for the semi-rant, I am grateful for even the notes under the table. Good people trying to do good work here. Just wish it weren't like it currently is, especially on the west side.

  9. #4015

    Hottest girls

    Looking to see what you all think.

    Which AMPs in TC area have the hottest L1 providers.

    By hot I mean attractive and playful.


  10. #4014
    Regular Member

    Posts: 23

    Hi all, longtime member looking for at least L1.

    Hey Fellas,

    As stated, longtime member looking for some intel on a place I can get lots of play with the boys and at least a L1? Spend most of my time in FL, so if I can provide any of you guys some hot spots there in trade for a place here? That would be great! I still have a place here and was hoping someone could help out.

    Thanks in advance.

  11. #4013

    Visiting this week

    Hello All,

    Just wondering if there were any good AMP's in the White Bear Shorview area. One that has extras on the menu. Appreciate any suggestions.

  12. #4012

    CL Ad

    Legit place, cute masseuse, nice vibe 7/10 massage.

    Used to have her own spot apparently and was around uptown area. No hint extra, but cool chica.

  13. #4011
    Quote Originally Posted by Fisher4899  [View Original Post]
    First time getting Mia at ML. What a body in her. Great teasing, enthusiastic and a good finish. My new favorite.
    Where exactly is this maple leaf located? I've been hearing a lot about it. You can DM me. I've been looking for a good L1 AMP but its been so hard to find one around northern Mpls area. Seems like most of them are going legit. The only guaranteed one I know of is in Burnsville but its such a drive.

  14. #4010

    Polite Inquiry

    Quote Originally Posted by Wynnmoss  [View Original Post]
    New to this forum but not as new to the hobby. Know a couple solid L1 AMPs in my area that I'm happy with but have been interested in L2 AMPs if any are known. I'm aware indie providers seem to be the best for that in this area but if anyone is willing to share an AMP with L2 please PM me. My current fav L1 gives an excellent legit massage, great teasing, and solid finish but I've been seeing her for a bit now. In a perfect world I could get the same but with an L2. Any info is appreciated.

    Happy hobbying.

    You could always ask your current fav if she would be willing to open the menu.

    I think it doesn't hurt to ask. It goes without saying that if they say no you must respect their choice. Of course I only ask with people that I have repeated with and have some chemistry.

    I have asked several girls down through the years. I have received more nos than yes, but I have also had a few pleasant surprises.

  15. #4009

    AMP with L2

    New to this forum but not as new to the hobby. Know a couple solid L1 AMPs in my area that I'm happy with but have been interested in L2 AMPs if any are known. I'm aware indie providers seem to be the best for that in this area but if anyone is willing to share an AMP with L2 please PM me. My current fav L1 gives an excellent legit massage, great teasing, and solid finish but I've been seeing her for a bit now. In a perfect world I could get the same but with an L2. Any info is appreciated.

    Happy hobbying.


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