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Thread: Massage Parlor Reports

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  1. #4173
    Quote Originally Posted by BurtForPres  [View Original Post]
    If the group that ran those joints resurfaced, you bet your ass we'd be talking about it non stop. AFAIK tho, our local AAMP's (kdiva or 007) is where all those organizational efforts have gone.

    As a fellow table shower enjoyer, I share your pain. The only joints that have table showers are Vita Day Spa, Columbia Heights Massage, and Panda Massage. Of those 3, avoid Panda. The other 2 are lackluster. Roll the dice on leaving happy, but the table showers themselves are boring.

    And for everyone else, if there are any other table showers around, legit or not, please let me know.
    You can get a regular shower at Ban Sabai. Had some hot steam soapy showers with some fun ladies beats the few remaining table showers that are left. Diamond massage off of 36 might still have one. Used to get L1 service from a good looking girl who with sexy legs. Vita Day spa has table shower but the lady who took care of me left.

  2. #4172
    Quote Originally Posted by HanSolo01  [View Original Post]
    Anyone know if this bunch has resurfaced? The table shower was the best.
    If the group that ran those joints resurfaced, you bet your ass we'd be talking about it non stop. AFAIK tho, our local AAMP's (kdiva or 007) is where all those organizational efforts have gone.

    As a fellow table shower enjoyer, I share your pain. The only joints that have table showers are Vita Day Spa, Columbia Heights Massage, and Panda Massage. Of those 3, avoid Panda. The other 2 are lackluster. Roll the dice on leaving happy, but the table showers themselves are boring.

    And for everyone else, if there are any other table showers around, legit or not, please let me know.

  3. #4171

    Eden Asian Massage

    Was in Prior Lake so I thought I would try a new place. Ok massage at best but covered with a sheet most of the time. No hints or close brushes. Add this place to the no go list.

  4. #4170

    Moon massage

    Quote Originally Posted by Nonallits  [View Original Post]
    Went to M Moon in SLP. Got Amy. She was very flirty, and more sensual than a normal massage (lots of light touch). I never directly propositioned her, but I did make it clear that I was ready for L1 and she just laughed and said I was handsome.
    Have visited this place twice. First visit, saw Amy, and had the same exact session as Nonallits described. No action. Tried a follow up visit. Saw Alisa, no hints, no brushes, only a legit massage.

    0 for 2!

  5. #4169
    Quote Originally Posted by HanSolo01  [View Original Post]
    Anyone know if this bunch has resurfaced? The table shower was the best.
    Ban Sabai has showers. If you got game the ladies would shower with you. Lately the talent is meh but back in the day there were some lookers and pleasers.

  6. #4168
    Quote Originally Posted by BurtForPres  [View Original Post]
    Not sure what Summer Spa you're referring to. AFAIK, the Summer Spa we're discussing only has a google page.

    Personally though, I can back up the other intel coming in about the joint. Owned and managed by the same people that run Maple. The setup, the massage prices, the credit card surcharges, and even the nifty little snack bar and candy bowl are all the same.

    I had a very nice visit to Summer Spa and saw Casey (I think that's her name? Didn't ask, but I know for sure I saw her at Maple at some point.).

    No shower unfortunately. One upside is that when I visited, they had the front door locked with a doorbell. Makes it so they get less walk-ins and clueless Johns sontering in interrupting your session. Call ahead folks.
    She changes her name but she's the same person from Maple that gives L2 action. Myself and Capt can confirm. With locked doors means more action. Herb spa had the same setup but unfortunately they got raided.

  7. #4167
    Quote Originally Posted by WoozerBuck  [View Original Post]
    I guess you don't know if you don't go, it still looks like a full service legit spa with nails etc from the website.
    Not sure what Summer Spa you're referring to. AFAIK, the Summer Spa we're discussing only has a google page.

    Personally though, I can back up the other intel coming in about the joint. Owned and managed by the same people that run Maple. The setup, the massage prices, the credit card surcharges, and even the nifty little snack bar and candy bowl are all the same.

    I had a very nice visit to Summer Spa and saw Casey (I think that's her name? Didn't ask, but I know for sure I saw her at Maple at some point.).

    No shower unfortunately. One upside is that when I visited, they had the front door locked with a doorbell. Makes it so they get less walk-ins and clueless Johns sontering in interrupting your session. Call ahead folks.

  8. #4166

    Method /5 senses

    Anyone know if this bunch has resurfaced? The table shower was the best.

  9. #4165
    Quote Originally Posted by BurtForPres  [View Original Post]
    Took a visit to Oriental Kungfu in Larpenteur. Newly face lifted strip mall plaza. Walked in and saw some contractors working on a shelf or something. Should have taken that as a sign to pass, but I was determined to get the intel for ya'll. The place is really bright, standard strip mall AMP layout. Hall with closing doors. There were 2 ladies, both 40 ish standard. Nothing exciting, but not bad either. Very standard builds.

    I opted for an hour on a "futon" which us basically just a wider massage table. I got the older of the two. Massage was fine, nothing fancy. The fuckin door was open an inch the whole time, and I would hear the contractors working. Really annoying.

    Ultimately, nothing on the flip and HE shot down completely. I wasn't being aggressive or anything. Just my usual routine during massage, and pointing down on the flip. Scalp massage and I gtfo.

    Maybe it was because it was opening day for them. Maybe they were not serving with contractors working in the hall. I dunno. Honestly, gave off your standard legit AMP vibes.

    Save yourself the hassle, skip it. Too squeaky clean to be fun.

    As a makeup treat for myself (and to satiate my blue balls), I hopped over to Maple for a 30 minute with Vivi right after. Very good. Great technique. Happy with the result, and she is very cute. 40's as well, but petite. I honestly wonder why I keep exploring when the game is so good at the good joints.
    I asked for 60 minutes but after the first few minutes I knew it was a mistake. With the noise I used it as an excuse to get out early and got my cash back. Tipped her $5 for the 20 minute back rub.

  10. #4164

    OK good intel

    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainHonest  [View Original Post]
    Don't judge a book by it's cover. My resources are excellent. Go try it, then let me know. If I reported here that I went, and it was great would you go?

    LOL, I told you, thank me later.

    I guess you don't know if you don't go, it still looks like a full service legit spa with nails etc from the website.

  11. #4163
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainHonest  [View Original Post]
    Don't judge a book by it's cover. My resources are excellent. Go try it, then let me know. If I reported here that I went, and it was great would you go?

    LOL, I told you, thank me later..
    I trust you Capt! I know you've had L2 before with her at the other place you enjoy.

  12. #4162


    Took a visit to Oriental Kungfu in Larpenteur. Newly face lifted strip mall plaza. Walked in and saw some contractors working on a shelf or something. Should have taken that as a sign to pass, but I was determined to get the intel for ya'll. The place is really bright, standard strip mall AMP layout. Hall with closing doors. There were 2 ladies, both 40 ish standard. Nothing exciting, but not bad either. Very standard builds.

    I opted for an hour on a "futon" which us basically just a wider massage table. I got the older of the two. Massage was fine, nothing fancy. The fuckin door was open an inch the whole time, and I would hear the contractors working. Really annoying.

    Ultimately, nothing on the flip and HE shot down completely. I wasn't being aggressive or anything. Just my usual routine during massage, and pointing down on the flip. Scalp massage and I gtfo.

    Maybe it was because it was opening day for them. Maybe they were not serving with contractors working in the hall. I dunno. Honestly, gave off your standard legit AMP vibes.

    Save yourself the hassle, skip it. Too squeaky clean to be fun.

    As a makeup treat for myself (and to satiate my blue balls), I hopped over to Maple for a 30 minute with Vivi right after. Very good. Great technique. Happy with the result, and she is very cute. 40's as well, but petite. I honestly wonder why I keep exploring when the game is so good at the good joints.

  13. #4161
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainHonest  [View Original Post]
    Don't judge a book by it's cover. My resources are excellent. Go try it, then let me know. If I reported here that I went, and it was great would you go?

    LOL, I told you, thank me later.

    If you report it as solid, it's solid in my book. That's all I need to hear. You have been very reliable in the past.

    With that said, I still can't find it.

    EDIT: Nevermind, found it!! I'll check it out, thanks!!!

  14. #4160
    Quote Originally Posted by LastsLonger  [View Original Post]
    Thank you! Looks like nice Futons, typical service I imagine?
    I would never dissuade anyone from a release, but I would not ever be back. Long and short of it. Worst massage and ball play before the flip ever had. It was just not pleasurable. Got tired of it after the first 15 minutes, so I flipped after paying for the hr. She wanted 200 Marios for a linguistic release, I said nope. 100 Marios for an Origami Release. Nope! Got down to a little more than Fitty Cent, and nothing but a hard elbow to ribs, while block of area leaning on me, I adjust her, raised and ben leg to help out with the pain I was getting. She took my heal lowered, the leg back down, more pressure on ribs. I then bent back leg and say please that hurts LOL. Then the moaning and hand switching from fatigue after 10 minutes was unreal. Junior was not close to getting to mast, just a little bendy from the lack of talent and pain. Then through shear focus, clenched eyes, lower torso flexing, and my own gyrating I forced one out. Literally, I walked out with jello legs from a leg day at the gym! Little guy needed more oil at tend but didn't get, so I had to deal with the friction once a semi happened as didn't want to lose it. So I walked out with some lower pain like two sticks rubbed together to start fire! Welcome to Alex!

    On my worst say, and I am not much of a complainer I would not be back. Even. If it was raging and a hard look at it would cause it to blow like a volcano. I would stay in the parking lot! .

  15. #4159

    Go TOFTT

    Don't judge a book by it's cover. My resources are excellent. Go try it, then let me know. If I reported here that I went, and it was great would you go?

    LOL, I told you, thank me later.


    Quote Originally Posted by WoozerBuck  [View Original Post]
    The only place with that name is in Cottage Grove and that looks legit as a library, where might this place exist?



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