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Thread: Streetwalker Reports

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  1. #2696


    Quote Originally Posted by Trav78  [View Original Post]
    Some of you may remember her from a couple years ago? Wasn't really looking, just heading down Lewis and saw her walking. Back then, she was seriously premium for the Flint streets. She's quite a bit rougher looking, but still has a nice body if you can ignore the needle infection scars. Personally, I only did oral covered, but it was good. Always sad to see how far they have fallen.
    I ran into Natalie near the liquor store near leith and Franklin a couple weeks ago, I used to see her regularly about 3 years ago and lost touch, it's so sad to see how fast they fall from life on the streets. Just did a quick BJ, I wasn't interested in mech else as she was covered in scars, bruises, sores ect.

  2. #2695


    Some of you may remember her from a couple years ago? Wasn't really looking, just heading down Lewis and saw her walking. Back then, she was seriously premium for the Flint streets. She's quite a bit rougher looking, but still has a nice body if you can ignore the needle infection scars. Personally, I only did oral covered, but it was good. Always sad to see how far they have fallen.

  3. #2694


    Ran into Carmen this morning very good BBBJ little thing from east side if any one else has seen her give your rating I give her a 6 on looks performance a solid 9.

  4. #2693

    SW on dort

    Went dot dirt this afternoon and weekend only thing 2 BSW both had red hair. So I left went and seen Tessa she's soldiers but a goodie lives on north end. Not bad to look at tiny little ass. But does have a little gut she loves the meat. So you young guys check her out not to bad house is a shit hole but it's safe.

  5. #2692


    Quote Originally Posted by Alan1212  [View Original Post]
    I don't think he meant there were walkers at the mall, I saw it was sarcasm to the OP because of his lack of input on all of his posts. I might be wrong.
    You are correct. Complete sarcasm. But the malls do have walkers for those interested in senior citizens LOL.

  6. #2691


    Quote Originally Posted by DirtyOne313  [View Original Post]
    Like in the parking lot or in the actual mall? How the heck do you spot them in the mall LOL!?
    I don't think he meant there were walkers at the mall, I saw it was sarcasm to the OP because of his lack of input on all of his posts. I might be wrong.

  7. #2690
    Watch for them sitting on the benches putting makeup on.

  8. #2689

    They are in the mall malls are the best

    The hard part is to know what to look for. Its not hard be polite smile say hi. Start a conversation. Like I just got a bonus and looking for ways to spend it. I know very few girls that do not want extra cash.

  9. #2688
    Quote Originally Posted by DoubleDribble  [View Original Post]
    Try the Genesee Valley Mall. There are lots of walkers there. Please report back with your findings. You gain credibility that way.
    Like in the parking lot or in the actual mall? How the heck do you spot them in the mall LOL!?

  10. #2687

    Places for Walkers

    Quote Originally Posted by AffJoe69  [View Original Post]
    Where are the places that are best for finding the walkers?
    Try the Genesee Valley Mall. There are lots of walkers there. Please report back with your findings. You gain credibility that way.

  11. #2686

    SW crystal

    Stopped by Franklin the other night and picked up Crystal, was my 2nd time with her, her looks aren't bad for her age / profession however her pussy reeks, bbj was mediocre. She wanted a $1. For her time and I kindof laughed at her I told her. 5 and then she countered with. 6.

  12. #2685


    Quote Originally Posted by AffJoe69  [View Original Post]
    I am new to the area, so I don't have any experiences or any other input at this point. No reason to be rude.
    I'm not trying to pile on but my first 20 posts or so I offered information and asked for none. Before I became a senior I was trusted due to the quality of my posts Make an effort it will pay off soon.

  13. #2684
    Quote Originally Posted by AffJoe69  [View Original Post]
    I am new to the area, so I don't have any experiences or any other input at this point. No reason to be rude.
    Now that is a funny. This is a public forum, you could be uncle LEO. Who knows. You have 3 posts all are questions. It would be hard to believe someone would give you any legit info until you have proven yourself. You better get a thicker skin too if you are offended that easily.

  14. #2683

    Good luck

    Quote Originally Posted by JbThor  [View Original Post]
    You have 3 posts. All are questions. GOOD LUCK.
    I am new to the area, so I don't have any experiences or any other input at this point. No reason to be rude.

  15. #2682
    Quote Originally Posted by JoeSchmoe1991  [View Original Post]
    Cruised Franklin and Dort Hwy for a bit today. Seen nothing but the boys in blue.
    BS I live in the area and drive Franklin all hours, LEO is almost not non existent and so are the SWs.

    Don't waste your time.


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