Thread: Escort Reports
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12-07-24 18:17 #2430
Posts: 206Report: Sexy ass Cancer Baby 25
Peoria mongers maybe seeing this girl's ad from time to time under "Sexy ass Cancer Baby" or "Let Me Be Your Treat," she was nice by texting, staying at a hotel by NW Mall, offered a 160 hh, so went over, pleasantly surprised at how pretty, poised, and nice she was, a true change of pace and an unexpected change from my recent losing streak of terrible disappointing under-performing girls, she is from another city, so the positives: is very similar to the pics, see attached, a light-skinned black girl, freshly bathed, nice light perfume, in nice lingerie, ok with light sub, kissing. Closed lips, and massage – therapeutic as stated in the ad, negatives: nothing to say except some mongers will want to note that she is strictly covered and nothing bare and everything completely safe, so in sum, a great girl who delivers a nice no-rush time for a relative bargain, deserves the best possible treatment, glad I went, recommended, TuckerC.
12-07-24 05:57 #2429
Posts: 691Originally Posted by Percius917 [View Original Post]
12-06-24 14:16 #2428
Posts: 183Originally Posted by StreetMeat [View Original Post]
12-06-24 08:47 #2427
Posts: 206Other Peoria loons
Originally Posted by StreetMeat [View Original Post]
Links for Jimmyh9:
Brandi aka Paris brunette: see my previous post 10-18-23 17:17 #1655 advertising with Shay now and pics look like Candy London blonde.
Shay: see also previous post 01/02/24 by ThirdTime, and her FB page SheenaMeana.
12-05-24 15:59 #2426
Posts: 175Originally Posted by StreetMeat [View Original Post]
12-05-24 11:43 #2425
Posts: 136The 4 horesmen Shay / Brandi
Can't believe you didn't mention these 2. Shay used to be OK but a bit psycho now. Brandi used to look great, but the years have been rough on her. Both are unreliable. Just my. 02 cents.
12-01-24 18:03 #2424
Posts: 206Rose 26: links
12-01-24 18:01 #2423
Posts: 206Re: Monger risk with addicts
Originally Posted by Percius917 [View Original Post]
12-01-24 17:55 #2422
Posts: 206Report: Rose I Love to Get Effed Pussy Ready 26
Peoria mongers maybe have seen this girl's ads from time to time, seemed encouraging, offered Qv $120 Hhr $150 and Hour $300, asks you to bring your own cover, turns out she stays at Americas Best Value Inn East Peoria with her sister, visiting from Chicago area, works strip joints all around, says she is single with no kids but apparently in a committed relationship, and the ad's promise of "Clean this throat and pussy is a true water park The Best to Ever Do it" was not the most accurate description of what transpired, so her sister left to go on an errand and Rose let me in the side door, went up to her room, pics accurate, nice level-headed person but kinda flat personality, said "this is a business for me, I'm all about my money" and "don't like my tits touched and don't like to be touched down there" so that was the vibe, she set a timer for the time but ended up being no rush, poon is pretty and wet, boning was ok, might improve with repeat visits, prices are good, but in sum not that good an experience for me, no repeat, TuckerC.
12-01-24 16:04 #2421
Posts: 62309
Originally Posted by Percius917 [View Original Post]
12-01-24 15:50 #2420
Posts: 183The 4 Horseman
If you frequent any of the four horseman I cannot trust your judgement. For me, a drug addict is the worst person to see. They will do anything for their fix and that includes putting your safety, security, health, and reputation in harms way.
If you post reviews on these girls saying you like them and have a great time etc. I'm not ever going to trust a single review you ever post again. Stop thinking with your little head and use your brain.
Just my $. 02.
12-01-24 11:46 #2419
Posts: 176The 4 Horseman
Originally Posted by TuckerCarlsonn [View Original Post]
Never met Harlie.
The Ashley you have pictured is different than the Ashley / Sarah. Ashley / Sarah has a boob job and is pretty thin.
309 is a lot chunkier than her pictures show.
12-01-24 11:32 #2418
Posts: 62Reports
Thanks to Tucker for basically showing me how to do a review.
Thanks as always.
12-01-24 09:31 #2417
Posts: 206Re: Pics of four of the top vitamin girls
Originally Posted by StarFighter01 [View Original Post]
12-01-24 01:01 #2416
Posts: 176Information
Originally Posted by TuckerCarlsonn [View Original Post]