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Thread: Massage Parlor Reports

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  1. #108
    Gave #1 Massage Spa a try thr other day. $60 for the house, though she asked for $80 at first even though the board by the door said $60, used way too much soap in the shower and too much oil during the massage, wanted $200 for FS. Not going to try them again.

  2. #107

    Aloha Spa

    Dreamed I donated $60 hr and started with a flirty table shower from 40's Ema w small b cups. After 30 minutes nice massage with otc touching flipped. Donation extra 140 roses for nice FS time with no rushing. May repeat.

  3. #106

    Nuru in Boise?

    If anyone knows a place I can get a real nuru massage please dm me or post here. Thanks!

  4. #105
    Seems like every place in Boise has bumped their prices up to where Palm Tree was at before, without offering girls who are close to the ages that Palm was either. It's too bad inflation has to strike like that.

  5. #104
    Quote Originally Posted by ForumFan  [View Original Post]
    Thanks for the report. Should have given her $160, that was the new norm in late 22 and 23 and. Inflation is a thing but it was 120/140 in 19/20/21. Had a few try pushing for 200, all 40+ meh Chinese, just doesn't seem worth it, at least you got some variety.
    Eh, after reading the review on rubmaps looks like this spa will be trying to stick with $200 for FS, they always try to charge more in general and at latina places even more. MP took $120 for a BJ but wouldn't take 140 for FS (which is on the low side now), probably could haggle for 180 or even 160 but when it's 20 bucks it's hard to bother.

  6. #103
    Quote Originally Posted by ElGuapo73  [View Original Post]
    Drove by Hou after work to find 3 cars in the parking lot. Wanting something new I found #1 spa down on broadway. New places are my weakness so I was excited. The girl who opened the door was the girl I had seen at Hou prior. Se took my 60 and asked if I wanted a table shower. I was excited because I only got sloppy top last time. A different girl came in the room, her name was Amanda. She is close to 6' tall with big tits and a nice big bubble buty. After the shower she told me if I wanted full service to pay now. I gave her 2 $ and laid down. She gave a oretty good massage as far as spas go. She gives CBJ, and cfs. Hate to admit but I couldn't last long railing her from behind with a handful of tits and her talking to me in Spanish. Going to be my go to for awhile.
    Thanks for the report. Should have given her $160, that was the new norm in late 22 and 23 and. Inflation is a thing but it was 120/140 in 19/20/21. Had a few try pushing for 200, all 40+ meh Chinese, just doesn't seem worth it, at least you got some variety.

  7. #102

    Latina Spa.

    Drove by Hou after work to find 3 cars in the parking lot. Wanting something new I found #1 spa down on broadway. New places are my weakness so I was excited. The girl who opened the door was the girl I had seen at Hou prior. Se took my 60 and asked if I wanted a table shower. I was excited because I only got sloppy top last time. A different girl came in the room, her name was Amanda. She is close to 6' tall with big tits and a nice big bubble buty. After the shower she told me if I wanted full service to pay now. I gave her 2 $ and laid down. She gave a oretty good massage as far as spas go. She gives CBJ, and cfs. Hate to admit but I couldn't last long railing her from behind with a handful of tits and her talking to me in Spanish. Going to be my go to for awhile.

  8. #101
    Quote Originally Posted by DeeBo0000  [View Original Post]
    Where do you normally park when visiting HOU? Couple times I wanted to stop by but there were LE cars parked by Albertsons. Not sure what they were there for. Is HOU the only place that has Latinas? What was her name? Is she thick?
    I park behind the building. They have a back entrance. Not sure what her name was. She is what I would consider think. No skinny but not fat either. Just a nice shaped ass. She had great nipples that were nice and puffy. Going to take 2 bills (I believe) to get full service though. (Plus the house 60).

  9. #100
    Quote Originally Posted by ElGuapo73  [View Original Post]
    Depends on what your into. Keep in mind, what's good today may not be good tomorrow. The girls change up fast. Hou had a hot Latina in there last month and it was a great time. Goochie at J spa will toss your salad until you explode. Palm tree used to be my go to for the younger hotter girls but my last two trips have been average at best. Haven't been to magic in awhile but hear it's under new ownership. Probably where I will go next. Moon on emerald had an older lady but did do BBBJCIM with no hesitation. Had a couple bad experiences at star spa so haven't been back for at least 6 months. Crazy when I stopped to think about it, been going to Asian saps here in Boise for over 20 years. Good luck!
    Where do you normally park when visiting HOU? Couple times I wanted to stop by but there were LE cars parked by Albertsons. Not sure what they were there for. Is HOU the only place that has Latinas? What was her name? Is she thick?

  10. #99
    Nice! Good to know, I'll avoid the DFK LOL!

    Quote Originally Posted by ElGuapo73  [View Original Post]
    Depends on what your into. Keep in mind, what's good today may not be good tomorrow. The girls change up fast. Hou had a hot Latina in there last month and it was a great time. Goochie at J spa will toss your salad until you explode. Palm tree used to be my go to for the younger hotter girls but my last two trips have been average at best. Haven't been to magic in awhile but hear it's under new ownership. Probably where I will go next. Moon on emerald had an older lady but did do BBBJCIM with no hesitation. Had a couple bad experiences at star spa so haven't been back for at least 6 months. Crazy when I stopped to think about it, been going to Asian saps here in Boise for over 20 years. Good luck!

  11. #98
    Quote Originally Posted by Marklar27  [View Original Post]
    Say, is she still there by chance? Hahaha.
    She was there last Wed. I think she stays there for long periods and only breaks when a new girl comes to town.

  12. #97
    Quote Originally Posted by ElGuapo73  [View Original Post]
    Goochie at J spa will toss your salad until you explode.
    Say, is she still there by chance? Hahaha.

  13. #96
    Quote Originally Posted by ElGuapo73  [View Original Post]
    I would advise to stay away unless your into overpriced, unattractive elderly type ladies. My attraction to new things suckered me into going. I will not be returning.
    Glad I skipped them then, their parking lot felt a bit too open for me when I went for a look. Thanks for the warning.

  14. #95
    Quote Originally Posted by KPowell  [View Original Post]
    Thanks for the warning about Chopsticks. What's the best place in this area in your opinion?
    Depends on what your into. Keep in mind, what's good today may not be good tomorrow. The girls change up fast. Hou had a hot Latina in there last month and it was a great time. Goochie at J spa will toss your salad until you explode. Palm tree used to be my go to for the younger hotter girls but my last two trips have been average at best. Haven't been to magic in awhile but hear it's under new ownership. Probably where I will go next. Moon on emerald had an older lady but did do BBBJCIM with no hesitation. Had a couple bad experiences at star spa so haven't been back for at least 6 months. Crazy when I stopped to think about it, been going to Asian saps here in Boise for over 20 years. Good luck!

  15. #94
    Thanks for the warning about Chopsticks. What's the best place in this area in your opinion?

    Quote Originally Posted by ElGuapo73  [View Original Post]
    I would advise to stay away unless your into overpriced, unattractive elderly type ladies. My attraction to new things suckered me into going. I will not be returning.

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