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Thread: Massage Parlor Reports

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  1. #78
    Quote Originally Posted by ModemMadness  [View Original Post]
    What is a CIP?
    Cum in pussy.

  2. #77


    Quote Originally Posted by AzTroll  [View Original Post]
    I've had BBFS a few times, but they all very clear that CIP was not on the menu. Most of the time was for a extra 100, but have gotten it a few times for free. All were very clear to be be quiet and not to tell.

    Really, the best bet is to pack an extra Benji, to shop around to different places and ask. Sometimes you'll get a no, but sometimes you'll find a girl that's down.
    What is a CIP?

  3. #76
    Quote Originally Posted by Marklar27  [View Original Post]
    Anyone ever have any luck with the AMPs and getting CIP / raw?
    I've had BBFS a few times, but they all very clear that CIP was not on the menu. Most of the time was for a extra 100, but have gotten it a few times for free. All were very clear to be be quiet and not to tell.

    Really, the best bet is to pack an extra Benji, to shop around to different places and ask. Sometimes you'll get a no, but sometimes you'll find a girl that's down.

  4. #75
    Quote Originally Posted by DeeBo0000  [View Original Post]
    Do I need to make an appointment or can I walk in? What's the best time to go?
    Just walk in as long as the tiny parking lot behind the fence isn't full. I like mornings personally because typically they've got a bit more energy.

  5. #74


    Are there any AAMP here around Boise area? I see mostly AMP available.

  6. #73
    Anyone ever have any luck with the AMPs and getting CIP / raw?

  7. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by IdahoNastyPerv  [View Original Post]
    Yeah, Palm not Pine, sorry for the confusion. That's what I get for posting while tired and horny.
    Do I need to make an appointment or can I walk in? What's the best time to go?

  8. #71
    Quote Originally Posted by DeeBo0000  [View Original Post]
    Is it Pine Tree or Palm Tree? I can't find pine tree around Boise.
    Yeah, Palm not Pine, sorry for the confusion. That's what I get for posting while tired and horny.

  9. #70

    Palm Tree

    Quote Originally Posted by DeeBo0000  [View Original Post]
    Is it Pine Tree or Palm Tree? I can't find pine tree around Boise.
    Palm Tree.

  10. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by IdahoNastyPerv  [View Original Post]
    Personally I'd second Pine Tree as where to go. $70 for the door and $140-$160 for the full service tip. Never had a line up, not sure if they're a thing places do in our area, but I've heard of people asking for a change in masseuse and getting the change.
    Is it Pine Tree or Palm Tree? I can't find pine tree around Boise.

  11. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by DeeBo0000  [View Original Post]
    Do you recommend magic spa or any other ones around Boise that has younger masseuse? I'm in my mid 30's so I'd like to have my masseuse around my age or younger. Just a personal preference. Is it a common practice to ask for a lineup or a different masseuse?
    Personally I'd second Pine Tree as where to go. $70 for the door and $140-$160 for the full service tip. Never had a line up, not sure if they're a thing places do in our area, but I've heard of people asking for a change in masseuse and getting the change.

  12. #67

    Younger girls

    Quote Originally Posted by DeeBo0000  [View Original Post]
    Do you recommend magic spa or any other ones around Boise that has younger masseuse? I'm in my mid 30's so I'd like to have my masseuse around my age or younger. Just a personal preference. Is it a common practice to ask for a lineup or a different masseuse?
    Pine Tree would be my recommendation for younger ladies.

  13. #66
    Quote Originally Posted by IdahoNastyPerv  [View Original Post]
    Not him but have been to Magic in the last couple months.

    Last I went to Magic they were still on the standard prices for the area. $60 for the door and a shower (always get the shower) and $120-140 for full service, with +/20 as some wiggle room on the tip depending on if the person you get decides they like you well enough or dislike you in my experience. If they do have a younger girl in I'd suggest taking an extra $20 just in case, they tend to want more.
    Do you recommend magic spa or any other ones around Boise that has younger masseuse? I'm in my mid 30's so I'd like to have my masseuse around my age or younger. Just a personal preference. Is it a common practice to ask for a lineup or a different masseuse?

  14. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by DeeBo0000  [View Original Post]
    What's the house fee and tip? I still haven't pop my cherry yet for this hobby. Will you dm me for details? Or can I pm you for details? TIA.
    Not him but have been to Magic in the last couple months.

    Last I went to Magic they were still on the standard prices for the area. $60 for the door and a shower (always get the shower) and $120-140 for full service, with +/20 as some wiggle room on the tip depending on if the person you get decides they like you well enough or dislike you in my experience. If they do have a younger girl in I'd suggest taking an extra $20 just in case, they tend to want more.

  15. #64
    Quote Originally Posted by Marklar27  [View Original Post]
    Magic Spa has a pretty young Korean with bolt ons now. Magic Spa has always been a sure thing for me.
    What's the house fee and tip? I still haven't pop my cherry yet for this hobby. Will you dm me for details? Or can I pm you for details? TIA.

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