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  1. #7601

    They're back

    Not sure if link out but in Midtown.

  2. #7600


    Quote Originally Posted by Erich373  [View Original Post]
    Anyone seen this one before? Looks interesting. I may TOFTT if not.
    Wanted me to show up first and discuss all details in person. I'd rather know what I'm getting before I potentially waste a drive.

  3. #7599
    Quote Originally Posted by Kervorka  [View Original Post]
    I received a text this morning from Pink alerting me to the presence of a new woman in town. I decided I couldn't wait until the 14th for the others to return, so I ventured out to 95 area. I knocked on the door and as I entered I was greeted by a really attractive woman. Her name is Angela and she is pretty damn cute. I took care of the business aspect and went to wash my hands. When I turned around, I was welcomed into the living area by a naked Angela. Her body is pretty awesome. I am not good at guessing but I am confident that they are d cups and they are all natural. A really great pair. On to the activities. I stayed for the hour and we did a BBBJ, daty twice, mish, scissors, rcg and acg. Angela is fun, attractive and her English is pretty good. I really enjoyed my time with her and I wholeheartedly recommend. Her body is not super tight but I really like the shape. She has small curves that accentuates her hips and, did I mention she has a great rack. Standard pricing for the hotel groups. She is 28 years old. Oh I almost forgot. She has a cue face. Hit me up if you havre any questions. Have fun a be safe!!
    Kissing allowed with her? I got the text too but didn't make it down today.

  4. #7598

    Sink the Pink Go See Angela

    I received a text this morning from Pink alerting me to the presence of a new woman in town. I decided I couldn't wait until the 14th for the others to return, so I ventured out to 95 area. I knocked on the door and as I entered I was greeted by a really attractive woman. Her name is Angela and she is pretty damn cute. I took care of the business aspect and went to wash my hands. When I turned around, I was welcomed into the living area by a naked Angela. Her body is pretty awesome. I am not good at guessing but I am confident that they are d cups and they are all natural. A really great pair. On to the activities. I stayed for the hour and we did a BBBJ, daty twice, mish, scissors, rcg and acg. Angela is fun, attractive and her English is pretty good. I really enjoyed my time with her and I wholeheartedly recommend. Her body is not super tight but I really like the shape. She has small curves that accentuates her hips and, did I mention she has a great rack. Standard pricing for the hotel groups. She is 28 years old. Oh I almost forgot. She has a cue face. Hit me up if you havre any questions. Have fun a be safe!!

  5. #7597

    Sorry. Forgot the link

    Quote Originally Posted by JimBobCooter  [View Original Post]
    I'm always up for non-Asian massage that turns into more. Is this one legit or a hard pass? Why'all know the area way better than I do. Used to have a few ladies in Macon / WR that did this (10+ years ago), but they've disappeared.

  6. #7596

    Worth it?

    I'm always up for non-Asian massage that turns into more. Is this one legit or a hard pass? Why'all know the area way better than I do. Used to have a few ladies in Macon / WR that did this (10+ years ago), but they've disappeared.

  7. #7595
    I received a message this morning from Kana. They will be returning the 14th with a new girl named Kisa. She will be in midtown to start. It's good that PL and Kana are going to continue to be options. The current situation was looking a little bleak. I imagine it's a logistical nightmare trying to coordinate everything. Have fun and be safe!

  8. #7594


    Got a text from PL last night and went to the interstate and 20 four exit for a visit. Younger looking woman I'd say around 22 or so and a very tight little body. Worh the visit, easy in and out. Not sure why them and Kana hasn't been as available but PL seems to be back for now.

  9. #7593

    Any info?

    Anyone seen this one before? Looks interesting. I may TOFTT if not.

  10. #7592

    Brooke 204/95

    Can't load link Brooke 204/95 21 years old. I seen her a couple years ago wasn't too bad. Tried to see her today comms was ok get to hotel get room number she slings door open takes off to bedroom lays on bed jumps on her phone. Asks if I got a condom I didn't hear her she says it again really nasty. I said no she throws one on the bed and says how you want it I said from the back. She says let me know when you get it on LOL. I fucked around for a few minutes and just left. Too bad she doesn't look bad better then pics IMHO. Attitude -10. I wouldn't repeat or recommend.

  11. #7591

    Honey Valentine

    Seen this one posting for a while now, so I was finally able to pull the trigger. Text. Was 150 qv and 250 hhr. Opted for qv. She gave the address to a nice place by the airport. I text when I got to the parking lot and she called and gave me the floor. Once off the elevator, I had to call again for the room number. She had the door opened and gawt damn I was delighted in what I saw! She had on some black lingerie under a black silk robe. I put the donation down and she asked me to wash my hands. Got comfortable and she revealed some nice ass titties with pierced nipples. She looks exactly like her pics, gorgeous skin tone, beautiful face, had some makeup on. Once we were both ready, she put the cover on and went to town on me. Nice BJ. Not too fast and not too slow. Deep throated a few times. After about 5 minutes or so, she asked me to get behind her. That ass is the perfect shape and size. She let out a few moans, and shortly after I blew my load in the cover. Very business like but I get the feeling because it was our first meeting. She tried some small talk as I got dressed, but I think she will be a bit more comfortable and less business like in the future. Says she's from Florida. I'd definitely repeat. Stay safe gents.

  12. #7590
    They are legit. But its the same group that's at the "not fishbowl" location on 80. I would avoid. Although I keep finding myself going back to them. They want top dollar for ladies waaaaaay past their prime.

    Quote Originally Posted by ThisFireBurns  [View Original Post]

    I've tried PL, Kona. But see no ads ATM for them. Avoid or legit thanks in advance.

  13. #7589

  14. #7588

    This ad legit?

    I've tried PL, Kona. But see no ads ATM for them. Avoid or legit thanks in advance.

  15. #7587


    Anyone know of a provider that is into the BDSM scene. Feel free to PM me. Thank you.

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