Anyone ever have experience with some women who stay at lodging around frontage rd? Curious if these are any good and what is typically on the menu. I would imagine Uncle isn't visiting at the same time.
I saw her before. This photo is pretty representative of the face. I probably wouldn't repeat unless she was offering bare, since all I got was head and didn't get to see if that other guy was right about the tightness.
I can confirm she is very tight and worth the visit to experience that tightness. She takes it pretty well and doesn't complain even though its a very tight fit. She is nice and sounds educated when talking. She was missing some teeth due to an ex boyfriend she claims who knocked them out. Almost to me looks like a former drug addict who cleaned her life up and got away from them but of course I could be wrong on that. Just sounded that way. I had no complaints when I saw her as I really enjoyed her pussy and she was very friendly and nice.
I saw her before. This photo is pretty representative of the face. I probably wouldn't repeat unless she was offering bare, since all I got was head and didn't get to see if that other guy was right about the tightness.
There was a hobby related arrest of a trans looking dude on 6 Feb. Notes on FB say another female was picked up also, but no mugshot that I can find. Either charges were dropped or may not be able to publish for other reasons, considering age of the guy.
She's new but posting actively and will blow up if she hasnt' already imo. Good effort and excellent head, probably top 5 in the area. Showered, makeup in a robe, no rush and seems to chat like a normal person. She has mentioned that screens based on vibes and the ability to text complete conversations, so do what you want with that. Reminds me a little of stifler's mom but professional and cordial like Lacey but more open menu. I would repeat. Pics accurate. and dear god don't tell her about this site
She's new but posting actively and will blow up if she hasnt' already imo. Good effort and excellent head, probably top 5 in the area. Showered, makeup in a robe, no rush and seems to chat like a normal person. She has mentioned that screens based on vibes and the ability to text complete conversations, so do what you want with that. Reminds me a little of stifler's mom but professional and cordial like Lacey but more open menu. I would repeat. Pics accurate. and dear god don't tell her about this site
Even beyond deposits, no funds should ever be given if services are not immediately available. I had been seeing a regular for four years. I was meeting her in her home 10 minutes away, being close and no sketchy hotels I thought I had it made. I also thought we had established trust, meeting in her house, meeting some of her family and other stuff, which was mistake number one. Got a random text that she was late on her rent and needed an advance or be evicted. She had never asked for money before. I offered to meet, but she had family visiting that week from out of town. I met her somewhere gave her the cash and never heard from her again.
I probably saw her enough to pay her rent every month. Why would you burn a regular client for a quick couple hundred bucks when they will deliver thousands if you just keep doing a good job? The only thing I figure is I got too close and she caught feelings, some of her family I met outed me to the others, or she got a boyfriend. Either way, the lesson learned is even the best ladies will rinse your ass at the drop of a hat and not blink an eye.
Coincidentally, her sister reached out a couple months later, said she planned it and laughed when she got back with my cash. The sister then asked if I would see her instead. I declined as I don't need that drama, or a repeat as birds of a feather flock together. They were both crossing 30 and outside my preferred age range anyhow.
Yeah I had a similar experience recently with a regular, she said she was sharing a room with someone and needed the funds when we met so she can get her own room. I hesitated and said that I would never do this since there are girls who just will just block and she seemed shocked and said she "wants to keep her regulars". I joked about how I can't go to the cops or whatever. And lo and behold, she goes to the front to pay for her room, says they don't have any rooms available (which I actually validated on and then told me she would meet me at the chain right next door. Of course I go and park and wait 20 min, text, silence. And right, soulless and shameless. Now she advertised as carplay only and that's code for homeless LOL.
Even beyond deposits, no funds should ever be given if services are not immediately available. I had been seeing a regular for four years. I was meeting her in her home 10 minutes away, being close and no sketchy hotels I thought I had it made. I also thought we had established trust, meeting in her house, meeting some of her family and other stuff, which was mistake number one. Got a random text that she was late on her rent and needed an advance or be evicted. She had never asked for money before. I offered to meet, but she had family visiting that week from out of town. I met her somewhere gave her the cash and never heard from her again.
I probably saw her enough to pay her rent every month. Why would you burn a regular client for a quick couple hundred bucks when they will deliver thousands if you just keep doing a good job? The only thing I figure is I got too close and she caught feelings, some of her family I met outed me to the others, or she got a boyfriend. Either way, the lesson learned is even the best ladies will rinse your ass at the drop of a hat and not blink an eye.
Coincidentally, her sister reached out a couple months later, said she planned it and laughed when she got back with my cash. The sister then asked if I would see her instead. I declined as I don't need that drama, or a repeat as birds of a feather flock together. They were both crossing 30 and outside my preferred age range anyhow.
I believe they think that they can always just find another regular. I was seeing someone very regularly before getting burned in a similar fashion two times. I naively started trusting again after a long period of positive encounters. Afterwards I calculated she lost a guaranteed almost $15 k annually just from my visits. That was the last time I ever trusted any working girl with advances. No matter how much they say or do to try to make me believe I’m special or their favorite, at the end of the day I know I’m an expendable client, and nothing more.
I know it's been said on here quite a bit but maybe needs reiterating from time to time for the new guys. Never, ever, ever send a deposit. There are seniors on here that have had on going meets with certain providers and that one time they got weak and thought they wouldn't get scammed by a provider they "know". In the end the demons prevailed. Just don't do it.
Even beyond deposits, no funds should ever be given if services are not immediately available. I had been seeing a regular for four years. I was meeting her in her home 10 minutes away, being close and no sketchy hotels I thought I had it made. I also thought we had established trust, meeting in her house, meeting some of her family and other stuff, which was mistake number one. Got a random text that she was late on her rent and needed an advance or be evicted. She had never asked for money before. I offered to meet, but she had family visiting that week from out of town. I met her somewhere gave her the cash and never heard from her again.
I probably saw her enough to pay her rent every month. Why would you burn a regular client for a quick couple hundred bucks when they will deliver thousands if you just keep doing a good job? The only thing I figure is I got too close and she caught feelings, some of her family I met outed me to the others, or she got a boyfriend. Either way, the lesson learned is even the best ladies will rinse your ass at the drop of a hat and not blink an eye.
Coincidentally, her sister reached out a couple months later, said she planned it and laughed when she got back with my cash. The sister then asked if I would see her instead. I declined as I don't need that drama, or a repeat as birds of a feather flock together. They were both crossing 30 and outside my preferred age range anyhow.
Tried her since others verified she was legit. Tried to set something up with her and sent her a gift in advance (like a dumbass) and she hits with a excuse of having an emergency come up and that she would bring available in an hour. Hour went by and complete ghost so I say avoid Anna Storm.
I know it's been said on here quite a bit but maybe needs reiterating from time to time for the new guys. Never, ever, ever send a deposit. There are seniors on here that have had on going meets with certain providers and that one time they got weak and thought they wouldn't get scammed by a provider they "know". In the end the demons prevailed. Just don't do it.
Tried her since others verified she was legit. Tried to set something up with her and sent her a gift in advance (like a dumbass) and she hits with a excuse of having an emergency come up and that she would bring available in an hour. Hour went by and complete ghost so I say avoid Anna Storm.
But she's expensive, and a qv she would only do doggy and she was very limited. Personally for that money, there are many providers just as hot who do more and charge less and I just can't justify it. No pussy is worth that kind of money and any one that tells you different is losing money. It's not hard to fight GPS inflation- just don't pay. 99% of the time it's not as good as you imagined and that's on a good day. Maybe if they're very well reviewed or actually do porn, but even then I still hold it's not worth it. YMMV.