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  1. #117

    No Call Backs:

    It is easy for gents to get upset and anxious when they have great expectations and call one or more of these young ladies and don't get a response. Or a response long after the initial call was made.

    I'm not posting this thread in support of ladies not returning calls. But I recognize that there are several reasons (some valid and many not so valid) as to why they don't return calls in a timely manner. These are not my opinion. These are actual reasons I've gathered from reputable an unknown girls.

    1. The most obvious of all reasons is that the girl is currently with someone when another caller/callers are trying to reach her. Unlike some girls who answer calls during the session, most girls are considerate enough to turn off their phones or put them on vibrate until the appointment is over. Unfortunately, some forget to turn them back on or check messages right away.

    Then you may be calling a popular girl who has several appointments booked and does not get to answer her phone for some time. Yes, there are a few lucky ladies out there who are still quite busy and continue to have her fair share of calls. So, if you want to see her, you need to be patient and persistent. Or just move on.

    2. A lot of these girls have other commitments (school, kids, jobs, etc) that aren't known by us hobbyists. I'm aware of many providers who take classes or have part-time or even full-time jobs. You guys would be amazed at the jobs some of these ladies have that you have no clue they worked. The WILL NOT be able to respond to your call while they are in these situations. Some may call or text the caller back when they have a chance. Others may just hope the caller tries again later.

    Escorting is just part-time to many girls for extra cash. Not their primary interest. Just because they sell pu$$y on the side does not mean they don't have a REAL life.

    3. Sometimes the calls come at times when these girls are with their family, friends or significant others who have no clue what they do. Sometimes they may be able to provide a quick and discreet reponse to the caller; while other times the call may go unanswered or returned as soon as she has a private moment.

    Many of these girls are not open with their escorting with their families and personal acquaintnces and will not jeopordize being "found out".

    4. Several girls (at least most of the better reputable providers I'm aware of) don't answer callers for appointments 2, 3 and 4am in the morning. I know quite a few girls who tend to get swamped with calls (either at home or when they travel) during the late night hours or early hours in the morning. Even when their website clearly gives their working hours. And not to mention those guys who want to meet them within the next 10 to 15 minutes after making the call.

    Several girls will not respond to the late night/early morning callers. If the guy was to call earlier and made arrangements for such a time (because this is his only availability) then many ladies would more than likely be able to accommodate. Many of the well-known providers I'm aware of are concerned with their safety and rarely take late night/early am appointments without properly screening the gentleman.

    5. Many girls have noted on their website and/or ads that if they don't respond within in 2 hours or so, then the gentleman should call back or leave a message as to when would be a good time to call them back. Some girls do consider the fact that guys have jobs, families and other obligations and do not want girls calling them at inopportune times. So, the girls will either count on the guy calling her back or let her know when it is a good time for her to call him.

    6. ALOT of UTR and unknown girls have pre-paid phones and don't respond to text messages or voicemails because it duducts from their talk time. And when they run out of minutes, it may take a while for them to recharge; and by that time, they're getting other calls and don't have tgo worry about the previous missed calls.

    7. Some girls simply DO NOT check their voicemails. These girls get lots of calls and emails that build up in a day or several days. They may get to the emails but they don't even consider aswering their voicemails. WHY? I have no idea. All I ever got when I asked them was "I just don't". And my response to them is that they're probable missing out on a lot of opportunities.

    8. If a girl gets too many calls from the same or similar number in a certain amount of time, she may get spooked and not respond.

    The gentleman may have mentioned something taboo or inappropriate in his voicemail that spooked her and caused her not to return his call. The point is to be as simple yet clear as possible in any voicemail you leave. If you choose to leave one.

    9. If a gentleman is placed on one of the many "do not see" or "do not answer" lists that is discreetly shared among ladies on various sites, reference checks or in general conversations. Then certain gentlemen should not expect to receive a call back for one reason or another.

    10. Some are just plain inconsiderate!

    So, just a few things to consider if you are wondering why some of your calls may have not been returned.


  2. #116

    Not Just Her

    Like I have said before here, most have no idea how to make money. I have called all the gals on most boards wanting some business. I have received 2-3 call backs out of well over 10-15 calls. Please, I have called all 10-15 several times each with no response. I guess times are not all that different here or anywhere. It seems only the ultra high priced gals are into making money. Go figure.

    B. B.

  3. #115

    April Raine, total *****!

    Cannot even return my phone calls or texts in a timely manner! Said I could see her earlier today and now shes totally blowing me off. Not happy at all.

    I've been seeing girls for a long time and most are good at getting back to you within an hour or so.

  4. #114
    Quote Originally Posted by Nicc 70
    Guys, I noticed that Aurora Isis advertises in Asheville and Greenville for tantra services. I have not been able to find any reviews for any tantra services. Does anyone have any info on this one?

    ell worth the time if you take it. She will teach you a thing or two.

  5. #113

    Aurora, what an add, what about Victoria?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nicc 70
    Guys, I noticed that Aurora Isis advertises in Asheville and Greenville for tantra services. I have not been able to find any reviews for any tantra services. Does anyone have any info on this one?

    Sorry Nicc, haven't seen her (Aurora) but I almost "came" when I read her add.

    What about Victoria Taylor. Any dreams out there for this little vixxen?

    I for one had a nice dream about AlexE in Greenville couple weeks ago. Good kisser and pleasurable experiance. Well worth it!

  6. #112

    Hot Spots

    I recently moved back to the area and was wondering where the good AMPs are.

    Feel free to let me know in pvt if you desire.

    Thanks guys

  7. #111
    Quote Originally Posted by Dmantoo
    So wonder if anybody seen this hot young lady? Ads on backpage but screening is quite extensive on website. Would love details. Thanks
    I had a dream about her 3 months ago. She wanted a reference from a provider she knows when i called her. No further screening after that and a very sweet girl. Highly recommended. Be nice to her.


  8. #110
    Quote Originally Posted by Dmantoo
    So wonder if anybody seen this hot young lady? Ads on backpage but screening is quite extensive on website. Would love details. Thanks
    Not sure what kinda problem you're having and how you interpret her screening to be "extensive".

    Quite a few guys on this board have met her and not had a problem. I've spoken to her a few times and did not have a problem with her screening. Our travel schedules has been the cause of us not actually meeting yet.

    She has good reviews on a number of the other review boards. I'm looking forward to actually meeting her.

  9. #109

    Aurora Isis

    Guys, I noticed that Aurora Isis advertises in Asheville and Greenville for tantra services. I have not been able to find any reviews for any tantra services. Does anyone have any info on this one?


  10. #108

    Jasmine Jewels

    So wonder if anybody seen this hot young lady? Ads on backpage but screening is quite extensive on website. Would love details. Thanks

  11. #107

    Brandie Cane

    I have seen Brandie's ads on CL, BP, and CV for some time. I finally decided to check her out today. I had a very good time with her and highly recomend. She is a thick girl that had a baby 4 months ago, but everything is nice and firm with no stretch marks and definately not flabby. Her pics on the above sites are accurate. She is running a special $100/hr. this weekend. I don't know how long the special will be on, so check her out. All you have to do is call 864-553-4737.

  12. #106

    Sweet Sarah

    Does anyone have a review of Sarah from here?

    Posted on Escort Classifieds here in Greenville.

  13. #105

    Finally, got a taste of Honey (Jade)

    Dispite all the drama that was going "around" this young lady, I still wanted a tast of honey this weekend and finally took the "dip". And what a tasty dip of sweet nectar it was. Sooooooo glad I made the call.

    Scheduling time with her was very easy. My only regret was the fact that it took me so long to finally get the nerve to hook up with her.

    She is quite a doll. Cute face, sexy eyes, soft and creamy skin, and a body to die for. And she's a really "cool" young lady to spend time with. Pleasant conversation, great looks with personality and performance to match.

    It my pleasure give pleasure just as much as receive pleasure this lovely little lady. And oh how tasty this Honeybee was.

    She's a sexy, non-rushed, accommodating GFE. And she has my recommendation to those who enjoy the same.

  14. #104
    Quote Originally Posted by Lov2play
    As we say. I had this dream today. She is visiting from Charlotte and goes by "Charlottegirl". The most awesome BBBJ bar none that I ever dreamed of. Hell I had to ask her to stop. Then we traveled to G****e (my first time) holy mother and she loooves what she does. I kid you not. She is a OMG if there ever was one!

    Check her out and be nice!
    Oh man. I was a hair away from seeing her but I had to leave town today.

  15. #103

    A must see

    As we say. I had this dream today. She is visiting from Charlotte and goes by "Charlottegirl". The most awesome BBBJ bar none that I ever dreamed of. Hell I had to ask her to stop. Then we traveled to G****e (my first time) holy mother and she loooves what she does. I kid you not. She is a OMG if there ever was one!

    Check her out and be nice!

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