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Thread: Escort Classified Ads - Member Discussions

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  1. #237

    I've been waiting for this day. HotChristine4u returns to Backpage.

    After a couple month hiatus Hot Christine is posting again. I saw her twice and had good sessions with her. However, she borrowed money from me and proceeded to get real pissy about paying it back. Sure, I know better than to "lend" money to a working girl. This isn't the first time, nor probably the last time I'll help someone in need. Frankly the cash means nothing to me and I probably would have gifted it if she had asked but we agreed it was to be prepayment for some future visits. After waiting two months and numerous unsuccessful attempts to see Christine- always at school, or working full time, or some other lame excuse it was clear no meetings were going to happen. So I suggested she pay back the loan as easier to which she agreed. Weeks pass by, she doesn't return my texts and phone calls. I finally reach her and she's acting the aggrieved party, that I don't need the money, and I pay for sex! As justification to stiff me on the loan. I have nada from her to date, well unless you count the nasty text exchange where she threatened to out me to my family, or to have one of her Neanderthal friends attempt to lobby me on her behalf.

    Now, please no flames nor admonitions about what an idiot I am. I'm OK with that.

    I'm quite sure that many of Christine's clients and admirers are reading this. If your relationship is still friendly, by all means see the young woman. Once you two are "comfortable" and in the physical act of love, you might just recall this post and realize you're with a person of questionable morals and will take advantage of you when it benefits her.

    Don't be surprised to see a post with her side of the story. That ought to be interesting. However, through all the passion and name calling that might follow, see if these salient facts are unassailable:

    1. Person A (borrower) asked person B (lender) for a loan, promising repayment in services acceptable to both parties.

    2. Borrower makes no voluntary attempt to repay and becomes hostile, threatening, and rationalizes reasons why she doesn't have to repay the loan.

    3. Now the borrow is a thief

    Call this a warning, a heads up, or a TSA orange alert. I certainly won't see her again but YMMV. But your dealing with a known thief and a person of questionable ethics.

  2. #236

    Sensual Body on Body Massage withTina. 21

    Anyone with any info? If so post or pm is fine. Looks good but have to wonder.


  3. #235
    Quote Originally Posted by Simdude2077  [View Original Post]
    Calling it TGTBT but lovely nonetheless. Anyone have any information on this ad?

    I tried doing a little research, probably failed seeing I'm completely new to this, but found out that the ad goes by two different names. However same pics. Any info would be much appreciated ty.
    Shoot, I didn't even make it as far as research. Took a look at her pic and her $60 donation? Hmmmmm, well did even bother trying to call or email. There is some BS tied up in there somewhere.

  4. #234

    Bree or Aveena

    Calling it TGTBT but lovely nonetheless. Anyone have any information on this ad?

    I tried doing a little research, probably failed seeing I'm completely new to this, but found out that the ad goes by two different names. However same pics. Any info would be much appreciated ty.

  5. #233

    SW's out at 85 & Augusta Road

    Made the Notel circuit at lunch two with pimps walking on augusta Road.

    Two more hanging around the see hotel tall skinny red head and a shorter better looking brunette.

    Both waved and motioned but I passed due to number of people hanging around

  6. #232

    Casey Cruze

    I hope to be more active on this board in the future and contribute often. I've lurked and now think it's time to add my experiences to the collective knowledge of the group. So for my initial contribution is this report of my meeting with Casey Cruze who has recently appeared on Eros. See

    Our meeting was set via email followed by the standard two call system on the appointed day and hour. Casey is prompt in replies and all was well as I approached her room in an upscale hotel in Greenville. Casey is everything she proclaims to be on her ad. She is a statuesque 5'-10" and 135 pds with stunning 36D's and a former model. Casey is new to the game and learning. All is covered and she's very safety conscious. It was a bit nervous at first but soon we had shed our clothes and enjoyed an evening of mutual pleasure.

    Casey is a wonderful addition to the local escort scene. She passes through Greenville frequently when she's touring.

    I'm thrilled I met her and will repeat every chance I get. Casey is definitely a keeper!

    Hope this is of aid to all considering a Date with Casey.

  7. #231
    Quote Originally Posted by Grayghost601  [View Original Post]
    Any info to share on the older Ginger, massage therapis.
    Saw her about a year ago. Think legal massage, and a good one at that, but with a smile. Your part is to lie there only, no wandering hands and she wears jeans and tshirt. Mid 40's. I went once. I'd prefer AMP.

  8. #230

    Never mind this one

    After further research I think this one is a "he", whoa shit! I found his / her phone# being used by other TS.

    And probably has more than me, LOL.

    Nope, not this boy!


  9. #229

  10. #228

    Chose another

    She is eye candy and could make a deadman rise but. 300 donation and wants you to send half to her via Western Union, which is a no no.



  11. #227
    Quote Originally Posted by SCnative  [View Original Post]
    Sorry Clem if there was any confusion, looks like I posted the wrong link. I have seen a girl Ginger post on BP a couple times recently. Not the older massage therapist, but a new, younger one. If anyone has any info I would appreaciate it.
    Any info to share on the older Ginger, massage therapist?

  12. #226

  13. #225

    Ginger not Lea

    Sorry Clem if there was any confusion, looks like I posted the wrong link. I have seen a girl Ginger post on BP a couple times recently. Not the older massage therapist, but a new, younger one. If anyone has any info I would appreaciate it.

  14. #224


    Quote Originally Posted by SCnative  [View Original Post]
    Anyone have any info of this one? I've seen her post a couple times but haven't seen any reviews. Looks TGTBT to me but I thought I'd ask.

    Look down 2 posts for a review.

  15. #223

    Ginger on BP

    Anyone have any info of this one? I've seen her post a couple times but haven't seen any reviews. Looks TGTBT to me but I thought I'd ask.


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