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Thread: Escort Classified Ads - Member Discussions

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  1. #402

    Any advice

    I'm coming to Greenville in a couple weeks. Anyone know her?

  2. #401
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1163
    I believe that posts like that are made by individuals who are NOT the girl in the photos and have swiped pics from social media.

    Quote Originally Posted by WillieD  [View Original Post]
    Of course, there is always the Car Seat with a kid in the background, face shot. Which really tells you all you need to know about the ditz making the post in the first place. SMH.

  3. #400

    Nameless Ads & Car Seats

    Quote Originally Posted by Zauriel  [View Original Post]
    I agree with you. One of my biggest peeves are ads like this:

    My issue? What's her name? There are lots of ads now without names. Look, if you can't be bothered to make up a name, even Lexi (because there are four-fucking-teen Lexis around here) I'm not calling.
    Of course, there is always the Car Seat with a kid in the background, face shot. Which really tells you all you need to know about the ditz making the post in the first place. SMH.

  4. #399
    Hello, Jerry!

    Quote Originally Posted by SimpSince1991  [View Original Post]
    Uncle LEO. As in " Smitty and hoppy"(copper) or uncle LEO as in " hellllloooo jerrrryyyyy".

  5. #398
    Quote Originally Posted by MongerDude  [View Original Post]
    Doesn't bother me at all if done artfully.

    She's retired now but was a top 5 for me.
    Man she is hot so hell yes would not care. LOL

  6. #397
    Quote Originally Posted by Zauriel  [View Original Post]
    I agree with you. One of my biggest peeves are ads like this:

    My issue? What's her name? There are lots of ads now without names. Look, if you can't be bothered to make up a name, even Lexi (because there are four-fucking-teen Lexis around here) I'm not calling.
    Plus this girl is a scam. She will tell you what hotel to go and then wants you to deposit to get room number. I never drove to the hotel but made her think I did.

  7. #396
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1163
    I agree with you. One of my biggest peeves are ads like this:

    My issue? What's her name? There are lots of ads now without names. Look, if you can't be bothered to make up a name, even Lexi (because there are four-fucking-teen Lexis around here) I'm not calling.

    Quote Originally Posted by LoveTheBeaver  [View Original Post]

    I'm old school and I do not care for women with tattoos, especially ones like in the photo. A small, simple one on an ankle or wrist or on the back of a shoulder, sure, but when they get numerous or in places that can't be hidden or have some guy's name on her breast it's like seeing bumper stickers on a Ferrari. But, hey, that's just me.


  8. #395

    Uncle LEO eyebrows

    Uncle LEO. As in " Smitty and hoppy"(copper) or uncle LEO as in " hellllloooo jerrrryyyyy".

  9. #394
    And don't get me started with all the Uncle LEO eyebrows.

  10. #393

    Facial Hardware

    Quote Originally Posted by LovesMuffins  [View Original Post]
    I'll be glad when all the facial piercings fad is over with. Nose rings are bad enough, but now lip rings are becoming prominent?

    Take this girl for example. She's really pretty, but those lip rings just ruin it for me.

    I'm with you! I see that metal stuck in somebody's nose and I think about the snot that must accumulate on it when it gets cold outside and the lip piercings don't do it for me, either. And while I know some guys really do like this, pierced nipples, pierced clitoral hoods and those ugly-ass hoops that expand ear lobes don't do a thing for me except make me just shake my head.


  11. #392

    Women with Tattoos

    Quote Originally Posted by Zauriel  [View Original Post]
    I'm interested in how many guys are into this. This is a pic on a current ad. Whateven in the fuck am I looking at when this girl is in front of me (presuming she is real and not a scammer using someone else's pics)? It's difficult enough to maintain an erection with the potential of robbery, arrest, fake pics, old pics, shitty service, BO, etc without a bunch of random images and words in front of me. Like, am I supposed to use her torso to contact the spirit of my grandmother or, if I touch her the wrong combination of ways will a fucken demon appear?.

    Maybe I'm old. Maybe I'm ADHD. Maybe pure skin is my thing. I mean, I've banged hundreds of hot girls with tattoos and enjoyed the hell out of it. But this is super distracting to me. Like - I know there are supposed to be tits somewhere around the butterlies. Anyway. Looking forward to your opinions.

    I'm old school and I do not care for women with tattoos, especially ones like in the photo. A small, simple one on an ankle or wrist or on the back of a shoulder, sure, but when they get numerous or in places that can't be hidden or have some guy's name on her breast it's like seeing bumper stickers on a Ferrari. But, hey, that's just me.


  12. #391
    Quote Originally Posted by TomyJonson1955  [View Original Post]
    I saw her in destin and fort walton.
    She looks like lil' Kim.

  13. #390
    Quote Originally Posted by Zauriel  [View Original Post]
    I'm interested in how many guys are into this. This is a pic on a current ad. Whateven in the fuck am I looking at when this girl is in front of me (presuming she is real and not a scammer using someone else's pics)? It's difficult enough to maintain an erection with the potential of robbery, arrest, fake pics, old pics, shitty service, BO, etc without a bunch of random images and words in front of me. Like, am I supposed to use her torso to contact the spirit of my grandmother or, if I touch her the wrong combination of ways will a fucken demon appear?.

    Maybe I'm old. Maybe I'm ADHD. Maybe pure skin is my thing. I mean, I've banged hundreds of hot girls with tattoos and enjoyed the hell out of it. But this is super distracting to me. Like - I know there are supposed to be tits somewhere around the butterlies. Anyway. Looking forward to your opinions.
    I love the look of a Tatted up woman. I have several myself and I'd be upset if a provider didn't see me because of mine.

  14. #389
    Quote Originally Posted by MongerDude  [View Original Post]
    Doesn't bother me at all if done artfully.

    She's retired now but was a top 5 for me.
    I saw her in destin and fort walton.

  15. #388
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1163
    Thank you! You have enjoyed the post in the spirit in which it was written.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tigerx2  [View Original Post]
    I don't mean any harm, but this is funny as hell. LMAO. You have a way with words.

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