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Thread: Massage Parlor Reports

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  1. #33311

    Northwestern Thai AMPs

    Been out of the area for several months and wondering if any of the Thai AMPs along Northwestern worth visiting. There wasn't much when last I visited in the spring. TIA.

  2. #33310

    JC Deep Tissue

    Quote Originally Posted by Streethunter  [View Original Post]
    So what is left open around Shelby, sterling hts, Madison hts, Roseville areas? So many have shut down I can't keep track. It's been a while, is one recommended. Not looking for more than a great massage and basic tug.
    JC's in Eastpointe gives a great massage and takes care your favorite organ.

    My $.02.

  3. #33309


    So what is left open around Shelby, sterling hts, Madison hts, Roseville areas? So many have shut down I can't keep track. It's been a while, is one recommended. Not looking for more than a great massage and basic tug.

  4. #33308
    Quote Originally Posted by Jimjohn10  [View Original Post]
    Polish Goblin.

  5. #33307

    Polish goblin

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimjohn10  [View Original Post]
    Every so often she comes up. Ad is one of the most deceiving ones I've seen. Don't even think maybe reviews are wrong or possibly exaggerated, like I did. Horrible massage, no real playing had to hand sanitize right away without ability to touch her. HJ was rushed. She's ugly, I try to be as nice as possible but these pictures can't be her. Just run.

  6. #33306

    Pretty lady

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimjohn10  [View Original Post]
    I walked out.

  7. #33305
    Quote Originally Posted by Jimjohn10  [View Original Post]
    Not worth it stay away.

  8. #33304

    Brandy Dior

    Has anyone had a massage or body slide from this spinner? Tia.


  9. #33303

    Looking for Info

    Any one have a report on this one?

  10. #33302

    I though she was good for the money

    Quote Originally Posted by Driftwood25  [View Original Post]
    And she has a boyfriend / manager / handler so is nothing like what she used to be and her rates are pretty high for what she offers.

    She was better before when she was sweet and humble and had little yet real boobs, all in my opinion of course.
    I've seen her twice now and was satisficed with both appointments. Good massage and covered BJ and HJ was had. She also let me play with her till she came.

    Thought she was worth the price. Currently visiting Thailand on a vacation.

  11. #33301

    Baddest blonde

    I believe that I've seen this provider reviewed before but can't seem find a report. Does anyone have any info?

  12. #33300


    And she has a boyfriend / manager / handler so is nothing like what she used to be and her rates are pretty high for what she offers.

    She was better before when she was sweet and humble and had little yet real boobs, all in my opinion of course.

  13. #33299

    Aromatherapy Nuru Queen

    Haven't seen this ad before. Has anyone seen her?

    Thank you.

  14. #33298

    Gone Independent

    Quote Originally Posted by AsianLust  [View Original Post]
    Iwill be visiting for the holidays and was vwry dissapointed when icalled Sian Touch to set up an appointment with Pow I was told sge no longer works there. Its been a few years since I was there and loved hee amazing massage and special attention. Any info on her would ve greatly appreciated please dm me and ill try to find a way to return the curtisy if you are ever in las vegas.

  15. #33297
    Quote Originally Posted by HookerLover  [View Original Post]
    Maria is still doing extras. Saw her within the last week. Usually only BJ. She was knocked up for a while a few months back when she stopped seeing people, but she lost the baby. I'm a semi regular of hers, but just not into her that much anymore. She kind of rushes you thru the BJ now. Are you almost there? Worst question you can ask someone in my opinion. Yea I was until you stopped to see if I was almost finished. LOL.

    And the house reeks of cat piss now. It was pretty bad before, but now when you walk in it just hits you. The massage room just smells of candles, but the rest of the house is actually terrible.
    Dang. That's disheartening. $250 for a massage and BJ just doesn't seem worth it, especially since I'm a distance away. If one or two other holes became available again, I'd make the drive.

    As far as the BJ thing and concentration thing, yeah, not good at all.

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