Thread: Streetwalker Reports
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09-12-24 21:17 #18288
Posts: 11Chalmers Thursday evening
After getting sucked out on in a poker tourney to a two outter, figured I would try my luck at a suck out I'd enjoy. Hit Chalmers about 8 pm, ran across a rail thin but very cute walker over by the laundry. Said her name was Kate. She was obviously zooted but very coherent. 2 Jacksons, would definitely do that again; maybe more next time.
09-11-24 15:21 #18287
Posts: 126Stroll on the ave
I hit the Detroit strolls a few times a year, but rarely post, usually because I'm not very successful, however with the uptick in the Ave stroll, I hit the road last night for a little over an hour. I was out from around midnight to 1 am, and saw at minimum, 6-8 different girls.
I had to head down Wesson to see if I could find the fake titties, and I did find some, but not from Caine. I saw this older black chick, with a beautiful fake rack, zero teeth and she looked like she had more miles than most. She told me she wanted 100 for everything, I was having a little regret picking her up so I low balled the hell out of her and then asked if I could go raw just to sweeten the deal, and told her I'd keep saving money in my piggy bank so I could come back another time. Fortunately, she accepted my future savings plan and allowed me to drop her back off without incident.
I then headed back west down the ave and just missed out on a couple potentials. Of note, I also missed out on a brunette walking down Wesson with knee high boots. She was quickly snatched before I could loop around to see if she was worth picking up.
So on the west side by the well lit gas station, I spotted a small blonde spinner who I felt like was going to be my only option for a cum dump. Said her name was Kiki. For a standard donation of 40, she agreed to my demands. This however wasn't my only cost as I also agreed to let her smoke first, grab a water from the convenience store, find a dude with a pipe cause hers broke, etc. (don't judge me, I know most of you have been there). Also of note, I found a nice little patch of grass behind a garage a few blocks off of the ave where I could let her suck start the engine before I did a quick plow from behind, and this is where it become comical.
First she kept hearing voices. She said no less than 10 times as I pumped from behind, "did you hear that? Also we were well shielded from cars driving by, but she mentioned the police a few times as well. I was like, " babe just relax so I can finish the job".
Fast forward 1:27 seconds later. I finished the job, zipped pants back up, and we started walking back to my monger mobile, only to see the popo 1 block away investigating a car that had ran onto a lawn. Lights flashing, no sirens, I said "fuck, it's the police. " So she proceeds to run backwards, hid her pipe behind the garage and took off through someone's back yard. I casually strolled to the sidewalk and back to my car like I was legally banging prostitutes behind a garage. Got into my car, cranked it up and slowly drove away. HOWEVER, she left her damn purse in my car, so I stopped like a block away from the crime hoping she'd see me, come grab her purse, but no. She was gone.
I dropped her purse at the gas station where she bought the water and borrowed the crack pipe.
Of note: while I was waiting for her to buy her water at the gas station, I had an immediate buyers remorse as a tall brunette with a very decent titty rack was walking on the other side of the ave. She looked great, from a distance. And a Mexican chick with spandex and tummy showing, with nice titties was also walking to the gas station. She might have not been working, But she was definitely dressed like a hooker, on Michigan ave, at almost 1 am, so I wondered.
I'll probably write another shitty report in 6 months. Until then, don't get caught.
09-09-24 22:41 #18286
Posts: 69Originally Posted by Jbfe147 [View Original Post]
09-08-24 14:55 #18285
Posts: 50Chalmers, Ave, Are - 9/8
Had a craving for some fake tits this morning after reading about Caite on the Ave, but was striking out on finding an escort that fit the bill, so decided to hit the streets.
Passed through chalmers and Hayes first since it was closest, but no action go be had there. Still quite a few squad cars in the area (more than usual at least), so maybe something happened that way recently?
Next, hit michigan ave in hopes of finding Caite, but no such luck. Spent quite a bit just cruising relearning the area since it'd been a while for me that way, but saw 4-5 SWs out in just 10 mins. 3 WSWs were hanging out smoking together with their pimp about 1 block west of livernois, 1 older BSW tweaking by the grocery store a little further west, 1 BSW near the Little Cesar's, and finally 1 WSW who was filthy with Cousin IT hair just west of the ford dealer. I looped back around to find the first group, but theyd scattered already so continued East and picked up a skinny older late 40's WSW with a blonde ponytail near Wesson. I should have known from the start it'd be a lackluster time, but decided to power through. She was bug eyed and her lips puckered shut, barely mumbling legible words, and gave a CBJ worse than her speaking skills. It was so bad I asked her to stop after 3 mins, and just dropped her off. Tried finding one of the other SWs, but by then only the tweaker was still out, so left the area.
Decided to check out John Are as my final stop mostly to see if Bella was around. Nothing near Dakota inn and nothing on State Fair the first loop either, but spotted a petite SW down a side street. As I got closer, she noticed and started turning towards me before trippping and falling (thankfully into grass). That might have been a blessing because I didn't notice how caked in dirt and high she was until I stopped up close to check on her, and decided I didn't want to deal with that bs again. She had a pretty face though, so I'll be looking for her clean and sober-ish next time.
Anyways, after making sure she wasn't hurt, headed back towards state fair where I almost ran over Allie, 30 WSW with long, white / blond hair in a gray sweater, blue jeans and boot heels, by far the best looking SW I've seen in months besides BaeBae. Apologized for the close call, and took her to a nice quiet spot for a solid 8/10 bbj I desperately needed. Said she doesn't have a pimp or bf, and has a phone but it's busted. Gave her my burner # to reach me once it's fixed. Treat her well, she's definitely a top choice if you can find her.
09-07-24 23:58 #18284
Posts: 617Caite
Originally Posted by Awefasd [View Original Post]
09-07-24 00:28 #18283
Posts: 69Michigan Ave. Katie
Just off of Ave / wesson I saw Katie. I avoided the scoop / slowing down on the Ave because of higher police presence (11 pm tonight) . I was just about to hightail it out of the area because I saw a few Detroit cruisers down a side street but I looped around to come back on Wesson where I saw katie walking away from the Ave. Offered her a ride and doing cop check saw she had some real nice fake tits.
Good head, nice tits, BBBJCIM. Quick screen grab. She said she's been around for about 3 months. Lives on Wesson maybe 2-3 blocks north on Wesson. Tried to get number but her phone died and she didn't know it.
09-06-24 06:37 #18282
Posts: 88Be careful on Schoolcraft. Sept 5
Riding down Schoolcraft yesterday shortly after 7 saw undercover with two pulled over on the last block before the gas stations at Wyoming. Saw the infamous WSW Kash who floats between the streets and posting on LC walking from the scene. It's the first of month so be careful in these streets.
09-05-24 19:59 #18281
Posts: 50Chalmers 9/5
FYI, cops are all over chalmers right now. Not a sting, but 5-6 fully loaded squad cars were separately going up and down every side street. If they were about 2 mins sooner they would have caught Bree (lots of tattoos) giving me some subpar head. Recommend staying off the streets tonight fellas.
09-04-24 17:39 #18280
Posts: 6Undercovers and decoys John are 9/4/24
Hey guys south of John are by the gas station on 6 mile (Mcnhicolos) has 3 decoys and undercover and regular DPD vehicles hiding on multiple streets be careful. 2 white girls and one black girl. They all look to good to be true and one of the white girls is way too fine & she's wearing gray legging / gym booty shirts. If she was real I'd be there every day; I have some videos / photos of what I saw and will leave a more detailed report sometime tonight. Stay safe.
09-01-24 13:20 #18279
Posts: 617Precious on the Ave
What a blast from the past, ran into her a few nights ago. Knew she looked familiar, as soon as she started talking I remembered her! She has a speech impediment. Short blonde hair. Says she's been on a 8 year vacation! Deepthroat action is still the same. 3 was the damage. My only issue is that she doesn't catch (for now) no digits unfortunately!
08-30-24 05:52 #18278
Posts: 139It's additive
Originally Posted by Modagg [View Original Post]
08-29-24 16:13 #18277
Posts: 777Michigan Ave -- Tues Night -- 11 pm
A lot of action and a lot of younger looking (early to mid 20's) out and about. Some with guys (not good if you want to get picked up) and mostly on the west half of the stroll. Some even blocks west of Lonyo. Saw Amber out again (she gave me a different name last time. She wears a short black wig, 30's and probably has one of the nicer bodies out there. Tan and toned.
08-28-24 19:30 #18276
Posts: 50Chalmers 8/26 & 8/28
Hit up Chalmers Monday around 3 am coming to / from a work call. Quite a few BSWs out scattered (8-9) around the laundromat and the rest near Linnhurst. The older WSW that gets high and dances in traffic was out too, who almost danced right in front of F250. Besides her most were barely upright or just gross, though there was one at Saratoga, mid 20's skinny, decent Bs with preppy college girl vibes that caught my eye. Ended up getting BaeBae though as I looped back for the preppy girl. Think she's been reviewed before, but WSW, blonde hair, about 5'8 with big As or small Bs and firm full ass. Got a CBJ / BBJ for 30 followed by an attempt at cowgirl, but cut short because not enough space to ride in the ride. Definite repeat, and if anyone's got details on the preppy BSW, would love to hear more.
Today, was less successful though. 3-4 girls out along the full stretch around 5 pm. Took a small pitstop though and they all dispersed with some light rain. Did sit out front of the linnhurst appt briefly waiting to turn and noticed the entrance was boarded up now. People were still in and out Monday morning so must have been another crackdown since then.
08-27-24 15:17 #18275
Posts: 41Thanks for the link
Originally Posted by Edubbs [View Original Post]
I don't know if stings use the same broadcast website but the link was definitely helpful, thnaxx!
08-27-24 15:09 #18274
Posts: 41Triangle report / applause
Last Saturday I visited the Triangle and the experience was totally different. The previous complaint manifested bounty.
I did the stroll, but I'm sure everyone has a different route. As I was headed toward GR I noticed a fun-sized, dark skinned cupcake walking in the same direction. She was drinking from a cup and looked like a citizen so I kept it going. This time the bar on the GR corner was hopping, cars everywhere. And nobody was around so I made the right and again people were sitting on the planter in front of the dog rescue. So I made a short loop hoping to run into the cupcake. This time behind the dog rescue. There was a jackpot.
A couple of dark skins / light skins. A lot of activity and this reminded me of the sting I mentioned seeing so I drove around that block then along the side of the dog rescue. Chicks were getting into cars and getting dropped off in the parking lot. Not sure how long this will last. There were guys in the parking lot too and not sure of the deal. The area sorta looked like a party with people sitting against the building.
After going round the block again the cupcake arrived so I popped the door and she got right in. $20.00. She was drunk and had a slight attitude, didn't want me roaming. Didn't matter she got the job done. I mentioned the disorganization of the area and she said she doesn't go by them.