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  1. #26861
    Quote Originally Posted by Nick6789  [View Original Post]
    Met up with her about a year ago at a hotel in Troy. $$$ for everything covered hh. She's hot, but performance lacked enthusiasm. After I got home, I checked her instagram and she was with a girlfriend eating at Ocean Prime across the street from the hotel. Like, damn, I wish I had the money to eat there!
    Think of it another way. You spent 300 on a dinner date and got laid. You weren't hungry so you left dinner early.

  2. #26860
    Quote Originally Posted by StoneMaker  [View Original Post]
    What was the price? I heard she upsells. I've reached out numerous times and then she flaked. She gave me her addy but it seems she moved.
    Took a few tries to get a hold of her.

    100 BBBJ or CFS.

  3. #26859


    Quote Originally Posted by EdHemlock  [View Original Post]

    Not the worst area, but if you know the area, you know this isn't always the best place to be around (domestic mainly).

    Straight to business. Good price.

    My only issue is potential domestic issues (signs of physical altercation), I don't have the need to get involved in that, so I likely won't repeat.
    What was the price? I heard she upsells. I've reached out numerous times and then she flaked. She gave me her addy but it seems she moved.

  4. #26858

    Troy / Macomb-ish

    Not the worst area, but if you know the area, you know this isn't always the best place to be around (domestic mainly).

    Straight to business. Good price.

    My only issue is potential domestic issues (signs of physical altercation), I don't have the need to get involved in that, so I likely won't repeat.

  5. #26857
    Quote Originally Posted by Nick6789  [View Original Post]
    Met up with her about a year ago at a hotel in Troy. $$$ for everything covered hh. She's hot, but performance lacked enthusiasm. After I got home, I checked her instagram and she was with a girlfriend eating at Ocean Prime across the street from the hotel. Like, damn, I wish I had the money to eat there!
    You do have the money to eat there. You chose to spend it on a half hour on a chick. Papa Be.

  6. #26856
    Quote Originally Posted by HeeJunk  [View Original Post]
    You had the money to eat there.
    LOL. Yeah if you drop 300 for half an hour with a part time hooker, that's a couple meals at Prime. Don't worry, if she keeps working LS the guys there will get her hooked on something soon if she already isn't and her prices will drop.

  7. #26855
    Quote Originally Posted by Nick6789  [View Original Post]
    Met up with her about a year ago at a hotel in Troy. $$$ for everything covered hh. She's hot, but performance lacked enthusiasm. After I got home, I checked her instagram and she was with a girlfriend eating at Ocean Prime across the street from the hotel. Like, damn, I wish I had the money to eat there!
    You had the money to eat there.

  8. #26854
    Quote Originally Posted by FeedingTheFish  [View Original Post]

    Met up at LS 2 hours later than stated.

    Offered 3 nude dances for price of 4 regular, and didn't even deliver on that.

    Proceeded to offer 1 K for OTC.

    Real pics and very hot, but I can't afford that kind of GPS.
    Met up with her about a year ago at a hotel in Troy. $$$ for everything covered hh. She's hot, but performance lacked enthusiasm. After I got home, I checked her instagram and she was with a girlfriend eating at Ocean Prime across the street from the hotel. Like, damn, I wish I had the money to eat there!

  9. #26853

    I Concur

    Quote Originally Posted by Monger93  [View Original Post]
    Every girl is different but evenings on Saturday or Friday they line guys up nonstop.

    You definitely don't want to be the last guy of the day. You are lucky if they shower in the am. That's a whole lot of nasty and possibly cum trusting on them.

    My preference is 10 or 11 on a weekday, right before the days rent is due or they might be trying to score a quick hit to get off dope sick. Also they are more likely to shower then.
    I'm an older guy and retired (some days just tired). I much prefer to hobby early in the day as dawn has chased many of the "monsters" into their lairs where they are still sleeping off the night before so you are less likely to be hassled. Also, the girl is more rested and "fresh" having had some sleep and a morning shower. Unless you are shopping the bargain basement (then all bets are off) ALWAYS insist on a morning shower. If she insists she doesn't have time, either skip her or offer to shower with her or watch her shower. I've done that a couple of times and it was fun.

    Mostly I try to schedule a meeting the day before and then call the gal an hour or so before to make sure she's awake and preparing for our visit.

    I had never considered the rent-due and dope-sick angles but they are interesting to contemplate.

  10. #26852

    Where tf did she go

    EASILY THE BADDEST TO EVER CROSS THE SITE. She was so fucking thick. Her sex was ehh but she seemed like she was more fit to take bigger dicks. Regardless of that I NEED to find her. Did she go UTR??

  11. #26851
    Quote Originally Posted by NeilYoung999  [View Original Post]
    So she made you go to the club to get her OTC rate? These b's be tripping! I would have skipped the club and said let me know when you're available for a short stay.
    Maybe I typed that out wrong. $100 for 3 dances, which should have got me 4 by club prices. But she promised a better dance, which her cold fish ass did NOT deliver.

    OTC was offered at 1 grand.

  12. #26850
    Quote Originally Posted by FeedingTheFish  [View Original Post]

    Met up at LS 2 hours later than stated.

    Offered 3 nude dances for price of 4 regular, and didn't even deliver on that.

    Proceeded to offer 1 K for OTC.

    Real pics and very hot, but I can't afford that kind of GPS.
    Everyone has their own type, but in my opinion at least half the dancers at LS are equally as hot as she is, and many hotter! And a high percentage of them deliver way more than you recieved in the VIP!

  13. #26849


    Quote Originally Posted by FeedingTheFish  [View Original Post]

    Met up at LS 2 hours later than stated.

    Offered 3 nude dances for price of 4 regular, and didn't even deliver on that.

    Proceeded to offer 1 K for OTC.

    Real pics and very hot, but I can't afford that kind of GPS.
    So she made you go to the club to get her OTC rate? These b's be tripping! I would have skipped the club and said let me know when you're available for a short stay.

  14. #26848

    TER Reviews

    If reading TER reviews of someone, make sure you click on the name of who left the review to see how many reviews they have left If anyone is looking for TER reviews and needs help message me, but be patient in case inbox is flooded I'm willing to send them In search of a UTR for myself who is clean and down to earth if anyone have someone.

  15. #26847

    Met up at LS 2 hours later than stated.

    Offered 3 nude dances for price of 4 regular, and didn't even deliver on that.

    Proceeded to offer 1 K for OTC.

    Real pics and very hot, but I can't afford that kind of GPS.

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