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  1. #19580


    Quote Originally Posted by Beleg  [View Original Post]
    I will be in Knoxville Friday evening into Saturday. Looking to spend some time with the lovely lady. Looking for someone potentially petite or on the smaller side with bigger breasts and is full GFE and likes kissing a lot if you have anybody in your area that fits that bill, feel free to PM me. Thanks!
    If you find that here, please 🙏 lmk.

  2. #19579
    Senior Member

    Posts: 104


    I will be in Knoxville Friday evening into Saturday. Looking to spend some time with the lovely lady. Looking for someone potentially petite or on the smaller side with bigger breasts and is full GFE and likes kissing a lot if you have anybody in your area that fits that bill, feel free to PM me. Thanks!

  3. #19578
    Quote Originally Posted by BigJim865  [View Original Post]
    For me she checked all the boxes. Always down to do what was asked, rate was reasonable, never tried to rip me off and was built nice as well as cute.

    If we had more like her, just imagine what a monger heaven we would live in.

    Same here. I've had dreams with lots of women both pros and non, Dara was probably the best I ever had.

  4. #19577

    Amy lynn

    Quote Originally Posted by ShineDog  [View Original Post]
    Anyone have any info on this girl? The ad doesn't reference a name but maybe it's someone that's been around before.
    I think this is Amy Lynn she's been mentioned for cash and dash.

  5. #19576
    Quote Originally Posted by ShineDog  [View Original Post]
    Had a recent experience with this girl. Maybe she goes by Aries but I can't remember.

    I was having some issues reaching a few regular providers and SA contacts. Finally, I broke down and messaged this girl. She was quick to respond and close by so I gave up and went for a dream.

    This is the girl in the photos except something seems off. She's tiny as in short, not weight. I wouldn't saying she's obese but not tiny by any means. Her photos are either from when she weighted less or was younger I'm not really certain, could be both. She was really sweet I will say that and accommodating. She has the voice of someone that has chain smoked Marlboros for the last 50 years. There's definitely a live-in boyfriend or husband but he posed no issue and I didn't really run into him until I was on the way out.

    The good:

    She's got a decent head game.

    She's got some decent tits.

    The bad:

    She wouldn't get on top and ride. I always hate having to do all the work.

    The smell. Ok so I am extremely sensitive to odors and after we had been going at it for a little while that odor of stank hit me. Once I get a whiff I'm done. I just can't do it.

    I don't think I'd go back even in a pinch. Just didn't do it for me. The negatives far out weigh the positives on this one for me.
    Thanks for the heads up and the very detailed review.

  6. #19575
    Anyone have any info on this girl? The ad doesn't reference a name but maybe it's someone that's been around before.

  7. #19574


    Quote Originally Posted by Mtg085  [View Original Post]
    This is the one who sends out texts threatening to contact your family. See prior posts about her.

  8. #19573


    Quote Originally Posted by Mtg085  [View Original Post]
    Total scam.

  9. #19572

  10. #19571
    Had a recent experience with this girl. Maybe she goes by Aries but I can't remember.

    I was having some issues reaching a few regular providers and SA contacts. Finally, I broke down and messaged this girl. She was quick to respond and close by so I gave up and went for a dream.

    This is the girl in the photos except something seems off. She's tiny as in short, not weight. I wouldn't saying she's obese but not tiny by any means. Her photos are either from when she weighted less or was younger I'm not really certain, could be both. She was really sweet I will say that and accommodating. She has the voice of someone that has chain smoked Marlboros for the last 50 years. There's definitely a live-in boyfriend or husband but he posed no issue and I didn't really run into him until I was on the way out.

    The good:

    She's got a decent head game.

    She's got some decent tits.

    The bad:

    She wouldn't get on top and ride. I always hate having to do all the work.

    The smell. Ok so I am extremely sensitive to odors and after we had been going at it for a little while that odor of stank hit me. Once I get a whiff I'm done. I just can't do it.

    I don't think I'd go back even in a pinch. Just didn't do it for me. The negatives far out weigh the positives on this one for me.

  11. #19570


    Quote Originally Posted by Play29  [View Original Post]
    Is it the one that advertises on skip sometimes?

    Sorry, thought I had also copied the link. Yes, that is correct, always STG.

  12. #19569
    Quote Originally Posted by Play29  [View Original Post]
    Can anyone link me to Mercedes in Maryville that everyone raves about? Or send the number in DM if she isn't publicly listed?
    My one attempt to see Mercedes did not go well. I believe she forgot about the appointment. She tried to palm it off as having to go to the store. Quite frankly with the txt exchanges we had I questioned if she was high or on something.



  13. #19568
    Quote Originally Posted by Play29  [View Original Post]
    Is it the one that advertises on skip sometimes?
    Just search STG for "Mercedes". Dreamed with her a few times and always been a good time. No she's not a spinner, but I wouldn't classify as a BBW either.

  14. #19567


    Quote Originally Posted by Play29  [View Original Post]
    Can anyone link me to Mercedes in Maryville that everyone raves about? Or send the number in DM if she isn't publicly listed?
    Just to clarify, not everybody raves. This was a one and done for me. To each is own, but way to thick for me and to be honest, not sure the performance was that good. It's been almost 2 years since I saw her, so maybe she has had quite a bit of practice since then, LOL.

  15. #19566

    Same here

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDude865  [View Original Post]
    So I just checked my text app messages. I got a reply after declining the deposit. Screenshots attached. Enjoy.
    Tried the same thing with me. From 3 different numbers, it was even standing screenshots of an X I told her to go for it And tons of pictures of stuff off of soc.

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