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  1. #116

    Review - Pepsi @ 1341

    I had a session yesterday, and it was probably the worst session I've ever had anywhere. She rushed the shower, rushed the massage, ignored my requests to slow down until I was fully ready - if you know what I mean - and kept trying to get me through the gate before I was even standing up. For the first time in my life, I faked it just to get it over with.

    It was a disappointment, a waste of time, and a waste of money. I find it almost impossible to believe this is the same place which has provided such good experiences before, and the same Pepsi I've seen positive reviews of elsewhere. My experience was horrendously bad.

  2. #115


    Walking by Walnut ~11 am and saw a police van parked right outside the alley. Didn't want to look into the alley.

  3. #114

    Enough already

    Quote Originally Posted by Dude0078
    I would like to check AMP out how do I find the ones your talking about? I'm kinda still new to this whole thing. Any help would be appricated.


    You're getting to be a royal pain in the ass. You've already been told, in no uncertain terms, that you need to:

    1) Read the forum for information
    2) Contribute to the forum
    3) Don't ask so many questions until you establish a rep here.

    We were all new once. There are mysteries and unanswered questions here.
    But you're acting like either a cop or a 12 year-old kid, and nobody's going to hold your hand. So you're wasting your time and effort by asking questions that could be answered by doing a little research. Study the Search function here, drive up and down K avenue a bit, make an observation or a report without asking naive questions. Grow up. Then you might get a response with some meat in it. Until then, you're going to get flamed.

  4. #113


    I would like to check AMP out how do I find the ones your talking about? I'm kinda still new to this whole thing. Any help would be appricated.


  5. #112
    CH1 had many names. All had Callowhill in the name. CH2 was also named as it's predecessor with a nice long name with Callowhill in it. Mongers gave it a short names such as CH2, daHill and daRidge. Callowhill Relaxation Center was way too much to type. There was a CH0, but that was a long long time ago. The commonality, the mamasan of CH0 opened CH1. "Directory Assistance" help went by by with CH2.

  6. #111

    I just got this update

    From a source of mine, Debbie is out on bail or no longer in custody. My source is GiGi who worked at CH2 for awhile but she also told me they or some of there crew is moving shop to Houston. I will get more of the scoop next week as to where all the hot girls are in Philly and will post.

  7. #110


    Quote Originally Posted by ThePerson
    Not very nice ccutter, he might take you seriously.

    Didnt CH2 mean Callowhill 2??

    Yes, CH2 is Callowhill 2 which the name orignated from it's first location on Callowhill Street, it was closed down and reopen on Ridge Ave and was given the name CH2 short for Callowhill 2. Currently CH2 is closed. I hope some day it reopen again, I had some of my ATFs at both there locations.


  8. #109

    Well, what do you know

    Quote Originally Posted by Trillian
    I'm just wondering how most of you guys access these locations. I'm comfortable walking anywhere below Vine but there are a few places further up that I definitely won't walk to at night. Then again, I'd hesitate parking in those neighborhoods, too. And even some of the places in Center City proper are kind of out of the way and see very little foot traffic, if at all, so walking by really stands out (in terms of neighbors/LE). Am I worrying too much?

    Unrelated: I was walking with two guy friends one night near convention center when a totally drunken guy walked by and started praising the great massage place we were passing. My friends and I later commented on how that seemed like a really bad advertising scheme, but if he's not hired he wouldn't get serviced in that kind of conditions. So we couldn't figure out what the hell that guy's up to. Anyone's had that experience!?
    Fuzzy the Bear doesn't like walking the very streets he and his bro's are supposed to be keepin' safe for the rest of us so we won't need our own guns for self-protection, just like the head crook - oops, I mean the mayor - says.

  9. #108
    Regular Member

    Posts: 17

    Helping visitors and newbies

    I know I'm gonna make a lot of enemies with this post but here I go.

    I will be in Philly this weekend and would like to find a nice AMP. I will be staying at the Marriott Downtown. Now as one who has never been to Philly and has no idea where this hotel is in relationship to other locales, how do you suppose I know which AMP is actually nearby.

    I read the forum back several months. With abbreviations and slangs it's difficult to follow. Also, all of us know how quickly things in the AMP world can change.

    I also noted that Bx Loco Gringo a senior member with 80 posts was ignored when he requested info in July. He then had a bad experience when visiting your city. I thought the purpose of the forum was to prevent that from happening.

    It takes a member from a local forum 5 minutes to respond to help out a visitor to your city. It can take hours to read the forum for a visitor and you still have no idea where things are or if what was posted back in 2005 is still accurate.

    I am not posting to get any help, but I wanted to vent and to start a dialogue that would encourage this forum and others to be more open with info. Otherwise what's the point of having the forum.


  10. #107
    Not very nice ccutter, he might take you seriously.

    Didnt CH2 mean Callowhill 2??

  11. #106
    I'm just wondering how most of you guys access these locations. I'm comfortable walking anywhere below Vine but there are a few places further up that I definitely won't walk to at night. Then again, I'd hesitate parking in those neighborhoods, too. And even some of the places in Center City proper are kind of out of the way and see very little foot traffic, if at all, so walking by really stands out (in terms of neighbors/LE). Am I worrying too much?

    Unrelated: I was walking with two guy friends one night near convention center when a totally drunken guy walked by and started praising the great massage place we were passing. My friends and I later commented on how that seemed like a really bad advertising scheme, but if he's not hired he wouldn't get serviced in that kind of conditions. So we couldn't figure out what the hell that guy's up to. Anyone's had that experience!?

  12. #105
    Quote Originally Posted by Cookie Cutter
    Welcome to the forum here in the Philadelphia, Brendan. There's always someone here to help new people avoid reading through all those back posts. It's my turn this week.


    Good luck, Brendan. You needn't read back for any further information. I'd rather you spend your time enjoying the good life at 8th and Indiana in the Philadelphia.

    you forgot to add that Philly has that special car service whereby, if you have trouble finding CH2, just look for cars with flashing blue lights and go up and tell the driver you're looking to get your rocks off

    he'll help you

  13. #104
    Quote Originally Posted by Cookie Cutter
    Welcome to the forum here in the Philadelphia, Brendan. There's always someone here to help new people avoid reading through all those back posts. It's my turn this week.

    In the Philadelphia, the full name is Crack Ho 2. It's been debated extensively here whether Ho means "h*use" or "wh*re". The 2 is to distinguish it from Crack Ho 1, which is in the Baltimore. And the original Crack Ho (without a number!) used to be in the New York.

    Anyway, it's located at the corner of 8th and Indiana. Park your car at the corner. The house number has been removed, so you have to ask. The MamaSan has her doormen on the corner to regulate traffic into the house. Tell any of the gentlemen on the corner: "I have the money". Use those exact words or you won't get into CH2. At the same time show them your $50, which is the entry fee. (Cash only!)

    Good luck, Brendan. You needn't read back for any further information. I'd rather you spend your time enjoying the good life at 8th and Indiana in the Philadelphia.
    Your makin it too easy on the new guys CJ...LOL

  14. #103


    Quote Originally Posted by Baretta Ri
    Anyone know of someplace that offers Thai style slippyslide?

    I have not had the slide since CH2 closed but if you are looking for Thai? I would recommend Angel at Brandywine. I had a good session with her last week. She gave me a great Thai back message (girl walks on your back). I would guess that Angel is in her late 20s, 5’7”, natural 34B-26-34 with a cute face. Service was nice (CBJ, RCG, CG, Doggie & Mish) and her English was pretty good. I will be back for her message, which I enjoyed very much.


  15. #102


    In the Philadelphia, what is the full name of CH2 and where is it located?


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